About definitions, data sources and methods

The purpose of the site is to provide information that will assist you in interpreting Statistics Canada's published data. The information (also known as metadata) on this site is provided to ensure an understanding of the basic concepts that define the data including variables and classifications; of the underlying methodology of our surveys; and of key aspects of the data quality. It also provides direct access to questionnaires.

This information provides a better understanding of the strengths and limitations of the data, and of how they can be effectively used and analyzed. The information may be of particular importance when making comparisons with data across surveys or sources of information, and in drawing conclusions regarding change over time, differences between geographic areas and differences among sub-groups of the target populations of surveys.

Our objective is to:

  • explain how data were collected, processed, and published;

  • show the classifications systems used to organize and publish statistical data;

  • give links to products and services available from statistical data; and

  • inform users about plans of future work in developing new statistical standards, and to provide a forum for providing feedback.

What are metadata?

Metadata provide information on all data published by Statistics Canada in order to inform users of the features that affect their quality or fitness for use. The information includes the definitions of the variables and description of their classification schemes, the description of the methodology used in collecting, processing and analysing the data, and information on the accuracy of the data.

Survey information

There are two ways to access the survey information. One is through the alphabetical list of Survey information. The other is by subject. The list by subject groups Statistics Canada's surveys according to 27 themes, so that similar surveys appear together.

Information about the surveys is organized under the following categories:

  • Description of the survey;

  • Information about the most recent data release;

  • Methods used to ensure data quality and confidentiality, including images of any questionnaires used to collect data; and

  • Images of reports that pertain to the survey, such as reporting guides and methodology papers.


Standard Classifications used by Statistics Canada are available in HTML format. The home pages also provide hyperlinks to International Classifications.


Many concepts and variables and statistical units are used everyday in collecting data through surveys and other data products. Not all surveys have implemented these standard definitions, and some caution is required when applying these definitions to terms found in the survey data.

Information on data quality

These are the documents on the policies and guidelines that Statistics Canada follows to ensure high quality data are produced.

Contact Standards Division

To request further information on Definitions, data sources and methods, please e-mail standards@statcan.ca or infostats@statcan.ca, or phone (Canada and United States only) the Toll-free general enquiries line: 1 800 263-1136 (business hours).

Navigation and search

Note: This page contains several navigation menus. To enhance accessibility, most of these menus and the site search box are grouped in this section.

To find out more about accessibility features on our site, read our accessibility page.

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  7. Date modified