

Please read these Daily articles as an introduction for a classroom discussion.

Human activity and the environment: Transportation, 2006
Transportation activities generated more than one-quarter of Canada's greenhouse gas emissions in 2004 and accounted for 28% of their growth from 1990 to 2004. At the same time, emissions of some smog-forming pollutants have been on the decline.

Study: How workers perceive their daily commute to work, 2005
For most workers, commuting is at best a necessary evil, at worst a daily nightmare, right? Not necessarily, according to a new study.

For in-depth research: read the entire articles Transportation in Canada and Like commuting? Workers’ perceptions of their daily commute.

Participate in the Census at School project, and compare your results to summary results for 2005/06. Note: Schools participated voluntarily and were not part of a representative sample of the school population.
How do you usually get to school?
How long does it usually take you to travel to school?

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