Teacher's kits > Canadian Social Trends >

100 Years of Canadian Society

Teacher's Kit

This Teacher's Kit includes seven articles from Canadian Social Trends magazine that chronicle the dramatic changes in Canadian society during the 20th century. The accompanying lesson plan offers ideas on how to use these articles in the classroom.

This series of articles originally appeared separately in four issues of Canadian Social Trends in the year 2000.

Teachers may photocopy any part of this kit for educational use in the classroom.

Table of contents

Lesson plan: 100 years of Canadian society

One hundred years of families
by Anne Milan
Canadian Social Trends, Spring, 2000 (PDF)
This article looks at Canadian families during the 20th century, and identifies some of the social, legal and economic conditions that affected them.

One hundred years of labour force
by Susan Crompton and Michael Vickers
Canadian Social Trends, Summer, 2000 (PDF)
This article provides a brief overview of the major developments in the evolution of the labour force during the 20th century.

One hundred years of immigration in Canada
by Monica Boyd and Michael Vickers
Canadian Social Trends, Fall, 2000 (PDF)
This article looks at the changes in immigration to Canada during the 20th century.

One hundred years of…
Canadian Social Trends, Winter, 2000 (PDF)

Education — This article looks at the changes and development of education in Canada during the 20th century.
by Warren Clark

Income and expenditures — This article looks at Canadians' incomes and expeditures in the 20th century.
by Cara Williams

Health — This article looks briefly at changes in health in the 20th century, with special focus on the concerns of Canadians in childhood, mid-life and old age.
by Susan Crompton

Urban development — This article traces the development of Canada from a rural to an urban society in the 20th century.
by Frances Kremarik

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