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Établissements d'enseignement inscrits à E-STAT >

Terre-Neuve et le Labrador

77 établissements inscrits [le nom d'usager est entre crochets]

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Ascension Collegiate [ACestats] Bay Roberts
Post Office Box 370

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Beaconsfield Jr. High School [beaconsf] St. John's
391 Topsail Road
Bishops College [Bishops] St. John's
Pennywell Road
Bonne Bay Academy [district3] Woody Point
Post Office Box 70
Booth Memorial High School [boothm] St. John's
145 Freshwater Road

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C. C. Loughlin Elementary [district3] Corner Brook
Citadel Drive
Cape St. Francis Elementary [Pouchcove] Pouch Cove
Postal Office Box 220
Carbonear Collegiate [ccestat] Carbonear
95 Valley Rd
College of the North Atlantic [CNAESTAT] Grand Falls-Windsor
5 Cromer Avenue, P.O. Box 413
Conrad Fitzgerald Academy [klangdon] English Hr. West
Post Office Box 70
Corona College [gthompson] Grand Falls-Windsor
60 Hardy Avenue
Cow Head Complex [district3] Cow Head
Postal Office Box 10
Crescent Collegiate [cresstat] South Dildo
General Delivery

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Deer Lake Elementary [district3] Deer Lake
45 Bennett Avenue, Post Office Box 3629
Dept. of Education and Training [spenney] St. John's
10 Maxse Street
Discovery Collegiate [discovery] Bonavista
Confederation Drive, Post Office Box 549
Dorset Collegiate [dorsetc] Pilley's Island
Post Office Box 10

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Elwood High [district3] Deer Lake
22 Farm Road
Elwood Primary [district3] Deer Lake
22A Farm Road
Exploits Valley High [evhsch] Grand Falls-Windsor
19 Greenwood Avenue

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Fogo Island Central Academy [fogoisland] Fogo
General Delivery

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G. C. Rowe Junior High School [district3] Corner Brook
St. John’s Avenue
Gander Collegiate [gcollegiate] Gander
3 Gander Bay Road
Gonzaga High School [gonzagaremote] St. John's
16 Smithville Crescent

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Hampden Academy [district3] Hampden
Post Office Box 100
Herdman Collegiate [district3] Corner Brook
Post Office Box 338
Heritage Collegiate [HeritageCollegiate] Lethbridge
PO Box 40
Holy Cross All-Grade [district3] Daniel’s Harbour
Post Office Box 130
Holy Cross Central High [HolyCross123] St. Alban's
Post Office Box 90
Holy Heart High School [holyheart] St. John's
55 Bonaventure Avenue
Holy Spirit High School [falcons] Conception Bay South
2694 Topsail Rd.
Holy Trinity High School [Shirley] Torbay
23 Lynch's Lane
Howley Elementary [district3] Howley
Post Office Box 9
Humber Elementary [district3] Corner Brook
District Office - Western School District

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J. J. Curling Elementary [district3] Corner Brook West
Woodbine Avenue
J.M.Olds Collegiate [jmolds] Twillingate
P.O.Box 461
Jakeman All-Grade [district3] Trout River
Post Office Box 70

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Lakecrest St. John’s Independent School [statcais] St. John's
58 Patrick Street
Lakewood Academy [lakewood] Glenwood
Post Office Box 10
Laval High [eastern] Placentia
P.O. Box 310
Lewisporte Collegiate [lewisportecollegia] Lewisporte
Box 250

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Main River Academy [district3] Pollard’s Point
Eastern side of the Great Northern Peninsula
Marystown Central High School [eastern] Marystown
P.O. Box 549
Memorial University of Newfoundland [dlimun] St. John's
Queen Elisabeth II Library
Menihek High School [MHS2002] Labrador City
613 Lakeside Drive
Mobile [Mobile123] Mobile
Post Office Box 60
Mount Pearl Senior High [mtpearl] Mt. Pearl
50 Ruth Avenue
Musgravetown High [Musgravetown] Musgravetown
Post Office Box 33

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Northshore Elementary [district3] Corner Brook
Rural Route #2, Post Office Box 3539

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Pasadena Academy [district3] Pasadena
Poat Office Box 130
Pasadena Elementary [district3] Pasadena
Post Office Box 40
Presentation Junior High [district3] Corner Brook
21 Mt. Bernard Avenue
Prince of Wales Collegiate [prwalesc] St. John's
3 Paton Street

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Regina High [district3] Corner Brook
11 Mt. Bernard Avenue
Rocky Harbour Elementary [district3] Rocky Harbour
Roncalli Central High School [roncalli] Port Saunders
212 Main Street

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Sacred Heart Elementary [district3] Corner Brook West
Curling Street
Smallwood Academy [smallwood] Gambo
Victoria St.
St. Andrew's Elementary School [winston] St. John's
171 University Avenue
St. Bonaventure's College [stbons] St. John's
Bonaventure Avenue
St. Francis Elementary [district3] Parsons Pond
St. George's High School [stgeornf] New Harbour
Post Office Box 70
St. Gerard’s Elementary [district3] Corner Brook
Montgomerie Street
St. James All-Grade [district3] Lark Harbour
Post Office Box 100
St. James Regional High Port aux Basques
P.O. Box 910
St. Joseph's All-Grade [stjosephsallgrade] Terrenceville
Post Office Box 70
St. Paul's Junior High School [STPAULS] St. John's
340 Newfoundland Drive
St. Peter’s Academy [district3] Benoit's Cove
Southern shore of the Bay of Islands
St. Peter's Jr. High [educator] Mount Pearl
Munden Dr.
St. Stephen's All Grade School [ststephens] Rencontre East
PO Box 59
Stephenville High [district3] Stephenville
P.O. Box 5100
Stephenville Middle School [awhiteway] Stephenville
40 Queen Street

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Templeton Collegiate [district3] Corner Brook
Rural Route #2, Post Office Box 4066

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Virginia Park Elementary School [vpeschool] St. John's
14 Middleton Street
Virtual Teacher Centre [vtc123] St. John's
3 Kenmount Road

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Western School District [district3] Corner Brook
10 Wellington Street

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Xavier Junior High [district3] Deer Lake
22 Wight’s Road

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Date de modification : 2006-11-17 Avis importants