Manitoba Government News Release:
Information Services, Room 29, Legislative Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 0V8 Telephone: (204) 
945-3746 Fax: (204) 945-3988

April 27, 2006



BRANDON—At Rural Forum here today, Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives Minister Rosann Wowchuk announced that 168 community-improvement projects will receive $312,251 in provincial funds for the 2006 Hometown Manitoba program. The projects are expected to leverage more than $2 million in additional community investments.

"Manitobans are the best judges to identify projects in their home communities that will make their main streets more attractive to residents and tourists, add visual appeal to important buildings and reclaim vacant or under-used green space," said Wowchuk. "Hometown Manitoba helps to provide the financial incentive for individuals and organizations in rural and northern communities to partner with us and get the job done."

The Hometown Manitoba program provides annual funding in two categories: Meeting Places and Main Streets Enhancements, to help communities promote the unique identities and themes that define the vibrancy of their community life.

Hometown Main Streets assists non-profit organizations, co-operatives and businesses to complete enhancements and upgrades to their buildings and the surrounding green spaces. Eligible Meeting Places projects focus on exterior public meeting places, main street enhancements, green-space development and community signage.

In 2004, the first year of the program, 175 projects valued at more than $300,000 were approved. The communities and businesses involved contributed an additional $827,000. In 2005, 190 projects valued at over $350,000 were approved, leveraging about $2.5 million in additional funding for structural and beautification improvements throughout the province.

"Each community has its own unique value to our provincial mosaic," said Wowchuk. "It is important that we help our rural and northern communities enhance and preserve the history and amenities that make their neighbourhoods attractive and enrich the lives of the citizens."

Information about the Hometown Manitoba program and how to apply for funding is available by calling 1-800-567-7334 or on the Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives website at:

The list of projects for 2006 can be found at

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