Moving and Travel



Moving to Nova Scotia from within Canada

If you are a Canadian or "Permanent Resident" moving permanently to Nova Scotia from another part of Canada, coverage will generally begin on the first day of the third month following the date you established residency here. For example, if you established residency in Nova Scotia on September 27th, MSI would provide coverage on December 1st. Contact your previous province to ensure your coverage is maintained until your Nova Scotia coverage begins.

If you are married/common-law and your spouse did not move at the same time, but will be joining you within 12 months of your arrival date, MSI coverage for both would begin the first day of the third calendar month following the arrival of your spouse in the province.

Moving to Nova Scotia from outside Canada

If you are a returning Canadian Citizen or a returning "Permanent Resident" moving permanently to Nova Scotia from outside Canada, MSI will provide first day coverage. People moving to Nova Scotia from outside the country, who hold a Work Permit, are eligible to apply for MSI upon their arrival in Nova Scotia, provided they will be remaining in Nova Scotia for at least one full year and have signed a declaration. The worker cannot be absent from Nova Scotia for more than 31 days, except in the course of employment. Coverage will begin on the date of arrival in Nova Scotia or the date the Work Permit was issued, whichever is the later date. For continuous coverage, a copy of the renewed Work Permit must be submitted and a new declaration form must be signed each year.

People coming to Nova Scotia from outside the country who hold a Study Permit can apply for coverage the first day of the thirteenth month following the date of arrival in Nova Scotia as a student; providing they have not been outside the province for more than 31 consecutive days except in the course of their studies (for example a person arriving in Nova Scotia in July 2004 cannot apply until August 2005). For continuous coverage, a copy of each Study Permit must be submitted to MSI and a declaration must be signed each year. Persons on Study Permit are Eligible for insurance services in Nova Scotia Only. Services rendered while outside the province would be the responsibilities of the individuals.

Children under the age of 19 are granted coverage on the same basis as their parents once the applicant has gained entitlement.

Effective July 1, 2006 those persons on work permits will be covered for short term absences while temporarily absent from Nova Scotia.

Moving and Travel

If you are a Canadian or permanent resident leaving Nova Scotia to establish permanent residence elsewhere in Canada, your MSI coverage is valid until the last day of the second month following your date of arrival in the new province. For example, if you arrive in the new province on September 27th , your MSI coverage ends November 30th. In a family situation, if one spouse moves before the other, coverage is extended until the later spouse arrives in the new province. That date will determine the termination date for all family members. The maximum extension is twelve months. You should contact the Registration Department with your new address and the date you will be leaving the province. In addition, you should register for benefits in your new province of residence immediately upon arrival.

If you leave Nova Scotia to establish permanent residence outside of Canada your MSI coverage is valid until the day you leave Canada.

Leaving Nova Scotia Temporarily

Once deemed a resident for MSI coverage and ordinarily present (physically present in Nova Scotia for 183 days in every calendar year), you may retain coverage while temporarily absent for up to one year, provided you intend to return permanently to Nova Scotia.

Your MSI Coverage may be continued if you do not meet the physically present requirement, if you are:

  • attending an educational institution on a full time basis and provide documentation from the institution on a yearly basis
  • a mobile worker - your employment requires you to travel frequently outside Nova Scotia (i.e. Truck drivers, musician etc.) and you do not establish residency elsewhere
  • engage in employment/volunteer work outside Canada which does not exceed 24 months and your permanent and primary home is in Nova Scotia (necessary documentation required).


Travel outside of Canada

If you are traveling outside Canada for a short period of time MSI will provide coverage for emergency medical services only.

1. Out-of-country in-patient hospitalization as the result of an accident or sudden illness while temporarily absent from Canada , is covered in Canadian funds. The current rate for emergency in-patient services is $525cdn. Per day plus 50% of ancillary fees incurred while an in-patient. Physician Services, as the result of an accident or sudden illness during a temporary absence from Canada are covered in Canadian funds at Nova Scotia rates.

2. The following services are not payable under the MSI program.

  • Facility and Hospital Out-Patient charges
  • X-Ray, diagnostic tests and laboratory charges from Out-Patient, Emergency or Private Facility
  • Pharmacare and Childrens Dental Programs
  • Routine Vision Analysis

The balance of an account after payment by the Department may be quite large! It is strongly recommended that any resident traveling out of province purchase a Travel Health Plan for the period of absences to cover these balances and other insured services.

Ambulance Services rendered outside Nova Scotia are not subsidized and are therefore the patients responsibility.

All claims must be received by the department /MSI for payment within six months of the date of the discharge from the hospital to be eligible for payment. No claims received after the lapse of six months will be considered.

All physician claims should be sent to P.O. Box 500 , Halifax NS B3J 3S1 . Any questions, please contact MSI at (902) 496-7008 or toll free within Nova Scotia at 1-900-563-8880.


If a Nova Scotia resident is referred outside Canada for treatment, the referring Nova Scotia specialist must receive prior approval from the department of Health. If the resident receives prior approval from the Department, all medically necessary Services whether provided on a in-patient or out-patient basis will be insured at 100%.

The Department of Health/MSI does not cover any travel or ancillary fees associated with services received outside the Province.

The Children's Dental Program and the Seniors' Pharmacare Program are not insured outside of the province. If you plan to leave Nova Scotia or Canada, for an extended period, please contact MSI before you leave, so we can clarify your eligibility status and the extent of coverage (902) 496-7008 or 1-800-563-8880 (toll free within Nova Scotia).

Travel to other Canadian provinces

If you have moved to Nova Scotia from outside Canada, you will not be eligible for a temporary absence until you have resided in Nova Scotia:

  • for 90 days before you would be entitled to an absence up to six months, or
  • for 183 days before you would be entitled to an extended absence.

If you will be temporarily absent from the province for more than three months (short term absences under 30 days are not monitored), you should contact the MSI Registration Department at (902) 496-7008 or 1-800-563-8880 (toll free within Nova Scotia) advising:

  • the date you intend to leave Nova Scotia
  • the reason for your absence
  • your intended return date

However, if your eligibility is in question, the Department of Health/MSI have the authority to review total absences from Nova Scotia and request a residency declaration to be completed.

If you are traveling within Canada, all provinces have signed an Interprovincial Reciprocal Billing Agreement (except Québec for physician services). If you show your current provincial Health Card to the provider for medically necessary insured services, the claims will be paid by the host province. They will be reimbursed by your home province. If you are required to pay the attending physician please submit your itemized receipt to MSI for consideration.

Travel Insurance

It is strongly recommended that you purchase travel insurance when you travel outside of the province or country.

If you require medical care while traveling, you will be responsible for non-insured services. You will also be responsible to pay the difference between the charge for the insured service and the amount that MSI pays for the service (Nova scotia rates).