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Canadian Security Intelligence Service,

Info Source

Sources of Federal
Employee Information

Canadian Security Intelligence Service
Chapter 44

Table of Contents

Particular Personal Information Banks

Standard Personal Information Banks

Particular Personal Information Banks

Classification Redress
Description: This banks contains CSIS positions classification redress requests, acknowledgment letters, Redress Committee reports, decision notification memoranda and any other recorded personal information pertaining to the resolution of the request. Individuals must identify the position number and the approximate date of the redress request to locate and retrieve the information of interest.
Class of Individuals: CSIS employees.
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to facilitate access to personal information obtained or prepared in the course of resolving a redress request.
Consistent Uses: Information in this bank may be used in the resolution of any subsequent grievance or appeal relative to the CSIS position classification. Information in this bank may also be used for research, planning, audit and statistical purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are destroyed five years after the most recent administrative activity in relation to an individual case.
RDA Number: 2003/007, 2001/026
Related PR#: SIS DDS 050
TBS Registration: 003631
Bank Number: SIS PPE 830

Conduct and Discipline
Description: This bank contains notices of disciplinary action and correspondence about employee misconduct in respect to terms and conditions of employment; testimony by witnesses; legal opinions; investigations of possible breaches of conduct and analysis reports of these investigations. It is important to note that notices of disciplinary action are attached to the Employee Performance File.
Class of Individuals: Employees of CSIS, other than persons attached or seconded to the Service.
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to maintain information used in disciplinary actions in CSIS and to determine the need for and nature of disciplinary actions.
Consistent Uses: To support decisions on pay and benefits; attendance and leave; internal security; transfer, demotion and termination of employment. This information may also be used for research, audit, planning, evaluation and statistical purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Reviewed for disposal two years following the date of the disciplinary action, provided no further disciplinary action has been recorded in the meantime. In cases where a disciplinary action has been rescinded, or a breach of conduct allegation is determined to be unfounded, the documentation of the action concerned may be immediately destroyed following a written request from the employee concerned.
RDA Number: 2003/007, 2001/026
Related PR#: SIS DDS 050
TBS Registration: 002144
Bank Number: SIS PPE 817

Conflict of Interest
Description: This bank contains (1) documents indicating that an employee has read and understood CSIS Conflict of Interest (COI) policy and agrees to respect such policy as a condition of employment and indicating whether or not an employee has assets or interests incompatible, or potentially incompatible, with the performance of their duties; (2) confidential reports of assets or interests incompatible, or potentially incompatible, with the performance of their duties; (3) investigation reports and correspondence about real, potential or apparent conflicts of interest emanating from an incompatibility, or a potential incompatibility, between an employee's personal affairs and the performance of their duties.
Class of Individuals: Employees of CSIS.
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to maintain information (1) as to whether an employee has read and understood CSIS COI policy and agreed to observe it as a condition of employment; (2) about real, potential or apparent conflict of interest situations for CSIS employees; (3) to record real, potential or apparent conflicts of interest; (4) to record any post-employment compliance action required of the employee.
Consistent Uses: To resolve situations of real, potential or apparent conflict of interest and to support decisions on transfers and discipline if conflicts of interest exist and are not resolved. To enable designated officials to determine whether a former employee, to whom post-employment compliance measures apply, is in compliance. Information in this bank may also be used for audit purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Retained by CSIS for the duration of employment plus two years after which the records are reviewed for disposal.
RDA Number: 2003/007, 2001/026
Related PR#: SIS DDS 050
TBS Registration: 003299
Bank Number: SIS PPE 826

CSIS Personnel Services
Description: This bank contains personnel characteristics, including age and gender, personnel record identifier; home address; citizenship; education, including transcripts, certificates and diplomas; official languages, including records of course enrolment, attendance, applications and qualifications, language requirements of positions and bilingual bonus; non-government employment history; career resumes and references; geographical and organizational location; appointments, transfers; performance reviews and employee appraisals, including the level of employee's work performance in terms of skills, abilities, accomplishments, interests, and any management level assessments, both internal and external; promotions and demotions; periods of employment, including probationary periods, layoffs and tenure; classification including position numbers, groups, levels, titles and salaries; superannuation and insurance, including names of beneficiaries. Also included, where applicable, is information concerning military service, including periods and areas of service; collective bargaining exclusion, including designation status and bargaining agent identification; professional achievements, publications, patents and awards; passports and firearm permits related to employment; and termination of employment, including certificates and reasons for termination. In addition, this bank contains information on the examination, recommendations and any corrective measures taken by CSIS as a result of complaints made under the Official Languages Act. Individuals must state their involvement in the official languages complaint process to search and retrieve the records of interest. If interested, individuals must provide the approximate date of their management level assessment to retrieve this record from storage. This bank also contains a summary of records of decisions relating to staffing; attendance and leave, including the record of leave and attendance and physician certificates associated with sick leave; medical information for evaluation of benefit entitlements or for management decisions such as transfers or dismissals for medical reasons; succession planning, training and development; decisions concerning compensation and fitness for work; discipline; and level of security clearance. The major series of information concerning these topics is, however, found in the various other particular banks.
Class of Individuals: CSIS employees and some job applicants (i.e. regarding official languages matters).
Purpose: To facilitate the CSIS administrative and operational human resources program.
Consistent Uses: Information in this bank may be used to ensure that human resourcing actions within CSIS are coordinated and authenticated in the interests of both the employee and CSIS, including decisions on staffing, succession planning, health reviews, employee assistance, employment equity and multiculturalism, pay and benefits, training and development, occupational health and safety, official languages, discipline, level of security clearance and pension purposes. Information in this bank may also be used to verify employment references, and to draft letters of appreciation and letters of condolence when applicable. Information in this bank may be disclosed to Human Resources Development Canada, The Public Service Commission, public service bargaining agents, Statistics Canada, insurers of public service group insurance plans, the Public Service Staff Relations Board and other federal departments or agencies on a strict need-to-know basis. This system may be used as a source of information for linking with the following systems: Incumbent System, Leave Reporting System, Extra Duty Reporting System, Official Languages Reporting System, Mobility File, Entitlements and Deductions System, Leave Without Pay System, Training and Development Information System, Career Management System, Position Information Collection System and the EDP Statistical Systems bank (PSC PCE 761) held by the Public Service Commission or Treasury Board Secretariat. Information in this bank may be used as a source of information or for linking with other information sources for the purposes of fulfilling CSIS's legislated mandate. All linkages for the purposes of administering human resources and compensation activities are in compliance with the provisions of the Privacy Act. This information may also be used for research, audit, planning, evaluation and statistical purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: The CSIS employee personnel records are retained by CSIS at least until the individual reaches 90 years of age and 2 years have elapsed since the last administrative action or death occurred. When the record has been designated as having archival or historical value, the record shall be transferred to the control of the Library and Archives Canada; and when the record has not been so designated, it shall be destroyed. The official languages record is retained by CSIS for five years after the last documentation then destroyed. Information concerning official languages course enrolment, attendance, applications and qualifications are destroyed two years after the date of the last correspondence. Records relating to performance reviews and employee appraisals are retained five years after termination of employment then reviewed for disposal.
RDA Number: 95/005, 2003/007, 2001/026.
Related PR#: SIS DDS 050
TBS Registration: 003784
Bank Number: SIS PPE 808

Employee Assistance
Description: This bank contains information treated in a confidential fashion that is relative to participation in an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) including records obtained or prepared under contract; notice of voluntary referral; records of reference to, or reports and correspondence from health professionals.
Class of Individuals: Current and former employees, their partners and immediate family members.
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to record information necessary to the administration of the Employee Assistance Program.
Consistent Uses: To support administrative decisions regarding employee assistance measures. This information may also be used for research, audit, planning, evaluation and statistical purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Retained a minimum of two years after the last administrative action then reviewed for disposal.
RDA Number: 2003/007, 2001/026
Related PR#: SIS DDS 050
TBS Registration: 002147
Bank Number: SIS PPE 820

Employee Security (formerly Security Clearances)
Description: This bank contains completed personal histories; summaries of Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), previously RCMP Security Service investigations; fingerprint cards; criminal histories; social insurance number, security briefings and correspondence related to the security clearances of employees, polygraph testing, including the results of polygraph examinations. Notation of level of clearance may be attached to the Employee Personnel Record. This bank also contains information on holiday travel where personnel security may be a concern, EDP audits and correspondence related to the employee.
Class of Individuals: Employees of CSIS and applicants for employment, as well as contract and company personnel working under federal government contracts, or others who have received clearances due to CSIS sponsorship.
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to record information pertinent to the determination of the appropriate level of security clearance for employees, and others described above as "Individuals", in respect to terms and conditions of employment as it relates to the personnel management of employees; to determine the level of security clearance and to provide information for the administration of government security measures.
Consistent Uses: To support decisions on transfers, promotions, discipline, and continuation/termination of employment, the issuance of identification and building pass cards and to assist CSIS employees to identify other employees as persons authorized to be on CSIS premises. Information in this bank may also be used to ensure the terms and conditions of employment are adhered to as it relates to the personnel management of employees. This bank may be used as a source of information or for linking with other information sources for the purposes of fulfilling CSIS's legislated mandate. All linkages are in compliance with the provisions of the Privacy Act. This information may also be used for research, planning, audit, evaluation and statistical purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Information in this bank is retained until the individual is no longer employed by CSIS, then the information is destroyed after seven years. Information on unsuccessful applicants as well as contract employees is maintained for a minimum of ten years, then destroyed.
RDA Number: 95/005, 2001/026
Related PR#: SIS DDS 050
TBS Registration: 002142
Bank Number: SIS PPE 815

Employees' Association
Description: This bank contains information on employees who have requested assistance from the CSIS Employees' Association, and includes documents or data relating to the resolution of complaints, grievances and/or disciplinary actions.
Class of Individuals: All non-unionized employees, including term employees after six cumulative months of employment, except employees in the management cadre where the retention period exceeds the date the employee entered the management cadre.
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to maintain records relating to the representation of employees in the resolution of their complaints or grievances, including those concerning the application of Human Resource policies, and assistance provided to employees facing potential disciplinary action.
Consistent Uses: Only for administration within the Employees' Association.
Retention and Disposal Standards: As a requirement of the Privacy Regulations, information is retained a minimum of two years after all avenues of appeal have been exhausted. The documentation may be immediately destroyed following a written request from the employee concerned.
RDA Number: 2003/007, 2001/026
Related PR#: SIS DDS 050
TBS Registration: 003970
Bank Number: SIS PPE 831

Employment Equity and Multiculturalism Programs
Description: The bank contains personal information on employees and employment equity initiatives which is collected by means of questionnaires and/or interviews or compiled from employees' files or automated data systems. Respondents are asked to voluntarily identify themselves, whether they are an aboriginal person, and whether they have a disability or are a member of a visible minority group.
Class of Individuals: Employees of the Service.
Purpose: This bank provides documentation for the implementation of the employment equity policy in CSIS. Data is collected to provide a comprehensive picture of employees by designated group status (e.g. women, aboriginal people, persons with disabilities and members of visible minority groups). This information is used to compile a personnel profile of employees and to compare the situation of designated group members with non-designated group members within the Service and with their counterparts in the Canadian labor market. All linkages for the purpose of administering the employment equity program are in compliance with the provisions of the Employment Equity Act and the Privacy Act.
Consistent Uses: The department may collect data for statistical purposes, for purposes relating to individuals, or for both. The information gathered will be used for the Service's employment equity program to identify and eliminate systemic discrimination in employment and to introduce temporary special measures to ensure that designated groups are equitably represented in the Service. Information in this bank may also be used for audit purposes, and for policy and planning purposes related to employment equity.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Individual employment equity records are retained for a minimum of two years, then reviewed for disposal.
RDA Number: 2003/007, 2001/026.
Related PR#: SIS DDS 050
TBS Registration: 002133
Bank Number: SIS PPE 824

Grievances and Adjudications
Description: This bank contains presentations by employees and bargaining unit representatives; receipt notices and replies by management; testimony by witnesses; legal opinions; investigation and analysis reports; and correspondence about grievances and adjudications.
Class of Individuals: Employees of CSIS.
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to record information used in the grievance and adjudication process through all levels up to and including the Public Service Staff Relations Board.
Consistent Uses: Information contained in this bank is used exclusively to accommodate and, where possible, resolve grievances, up to the point of referral to the Public Service Staff Relations Board. This information may also be used for research, audit, planning, evaluation and statistical purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records related to grievances and adjudications are retained for three years after a final resolution of the matter has occurred, then reviewed for disposal.
RDA Number: 2003/007, 2001/026.
Related PR#: SIS DDS 050
TBS Registration: 002143
Bank Number: SIS PPE 816

Harassment and Discrimination in the Workplace
Description: This bank contains letters of complaint regarding incidents of harassment and/or discrimination; records of interviews both with complainants and alleged harassers; records of interviews with witnesses to incidents; summations of management investigations and analyses of events and records of decisions taken about particular incidents. Such information must be retained as a separate record and not placed on the complainant's Employee Personnel Record. When a disciplinary action results from an investigation, information may be transferred to the Conduct and Discipline bank. (SIS PPE 817).
Class of Individuals: Employees of CSIS.
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to record information necessary for dealing with complaints of harassment and/or discrimination in the workplace, to make decisions in specific instances on whether or not harassment and/or discrimination is occurring, and when this is the case to determine the appropriate action, including disciplinary action, to be taken to end a harassment and/or discrimination situation.
Consistent Uses: To support decisions resulting from the investigation and analysis of complaint.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are reviewed for disposal two years after the most recent administrative activity in relation to an individual case.
RDA Number: 2003/007, 2001/026.
Related PR#: SIS DDS 050
TBS Registration: 003298
Bank Number: SIS PPE 825

Health Services
Description: This bank contains psychological assessments, health reviews and medical records not considered to be occupational health-related. Please note that disclosure of psychological and medical tests are achieved through your personal examination of the test(s) in the presence of a designated practitioner. Instructions on how to contact the designated practitioner will be issued during the access request process, unless you specify that you do not want access to one or either of the tests.
Class of Individuals: CSIS employees.
Purpose: To determine an employee's capabilities to perform their duties on a regular and consistent basis, relative to their health; to make recommendations regarding staffing or posting where their health is a determining factor; entitlement to sick leave; eligibility for insurance coverage, and to assess a candidate's personality attributes and skills against those identified for particular functions.
Consistent Uses: Information in this bank may be used in redress or grievance processes, staffing, and administration of the pay and benefits programs. Information may be used by medical practitioners for continuity of treatment, or by physicians and psychologists appointed as a Health Review Chairperson. Information in this bank may be used to determine eligibility for a disability pension by the Canada Pension Commission. Information may also be used for audit, planning, evaluation and statistical analysis. All linkages for the purposes of administering the human resources and pay and benefits programs are in compliance with the provisions of the Privacy Act.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained at least until the individual reaches the age of 90, and two years have elapsed since the last administrative action. Where the record has been designated as having archival or historical value, the record shall be transferred to the control of the Library and Archives Canada; and where the record has not been so designated, it shall be destroyed.
RDA Number: 2003/007, 95/005, 2001/026.
Related PR#: SIS DDS 050
TBS Registration: 003300
Bank Number: SIS PPE 827

Honours / Incentive Awards
Description: This bank contains information on employees who have been nominated for awards under the CSIS Employee Recognition Awards Plan and individuals who have participated in CSIS scholarship awards. Such information may include curricula vitae, narratives in support of meritorious contributions related to their duties, or suggestions for improvement of public service or CSIS operations, and completed recommendation reports concerning either the Merit Award or the Suggestion Award. This bank also contains personal information on the Humanitarian Award, the Long Service Award and the Sir William Stephenson Award.
Class of Individuals: CSIS employees who were either nominated for, and/or participated in the CSIS honours and incentive awards programs, CSIS Employee Recognition Awards, and individuals who have applied for the Sir William Stephenson Award.
Purpose: To identify individuals for awards under the CSIS honours/incentive awards program; Employee Recognition Awards Plan; or for receiving the Sir William Stephenson award.
Consistent Uses: The information in this bank is used to establish precedents for awards and to provide an audit trail for the disbursements of funds. This information may be used as a source of information or for linking with all other government institutions participating in the CSIS Employee Recognition Awards Plan for the purpose of determining whether the individuals suggestion or application for an award is unique and/or is deserving of an award. The Department of Public Works and Government Services issues cheques and uses the SIN for income tax purposes. This information may also be used for research, audit, planning, evaluation and statistical purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: CSIS Employee Recognition Awards records are retained for 12 years and then reviewed for transfer to National Archives. However, rejected suggestions and nominations are retained for two years. The files are transferred to the Library and Archives Canada if employee suggestions lead to significant policy changes.
RDA Number: 2003/007, 2001/026.
Related PR#: SIS DDS 050
TBS Registration: 002152
Bank Number: SIS PPE 822

Occupational Health and Safety
Description: This bank contains work-related injury files and health reports which are retained by CSIS in Health Services. Information on Health and Safety Committees is available. Records, including claims for compensation; related correspondence and records of monies paid are held by Human Resources Development Canada (Government Employees Compensation Records bank number HRDC PCE 701) or in the provincial agency handling work-related injuries. Records concerning the occurrence, investigation and settlement of vehicle accidents are retained in bank SIS PPE 814.
Class of Individuals: Employees of CSIS.
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to provide documentation for the administration of occupational health and safety programs in CSIS, including accident prevention, health protection and authorization of leave and benefits associated with work-related injury or illness. Health and safety details and cases of accidents/injuries for accident prevention and health protection purposes are also recorded to support the effective administration of the CSIS health and safety program.
Consistent Uses: To support decisions relating to workers' compensation (including provincial workers' Compensation Board) and injury-on-duty leave; pay and benefits; to act as a means of preventing injuries and illnesses and subsequent disabilities arising out of, or aggravated by, conditions of work; to establish that individuals subject to certain identified occupational risks are able to continue working without detriment to their health or safety or to that of others; and to establish the conditions under which certain individuals with identified illnesses or disabilities are able to continue to work under controlled conditions. This information may also be used for research, audit, planning, evaluation and statistical purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: An individual's medical records are retained by CSIS at least until the individual reaches 90 years of age and two years have elapsed since the last administrative action or death occurred.
RDA Number: 2003/007, 2001/026
Related PR#: SIS DDS 050
TBS Registration: 02140
Bank Number: SIS PPE 813

Pay and Benefits
Description: This bank contains certificates for pay, allowances and deductions, which set out pay and benefit information for each employee, and include the social insurance number as well as correspondence related to the administration of pay and benefits. The bank may also include orders for garnishment, attachment, and diversion of funds (N.B. Earnings and superannuation records are attached to the Employee Personnel Record).
Class of Individuals: Employees of CSIS
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to provide documentation for the administration of pay and benefits within government institutions and to approve disbursement of salaries and allowances and retention of deductions. The social insurance number is used for purposes of identification and to ensure consistency in administration of pay and benefits. Provision of the SIN is mandatory for this bank, subject to exemption of some individuals under special circumstances.
Consistent Uses: To enable audit and reconciliation of payroll accounts (e.g. employee remuneration and entitlements), to support the recovery of overpayments and debts owed to the Crown and, where applicable, to enable execution of orders of garnishment, attachment, or diversion of funds in accordance with the Garnishment, Attachment, or Pension Diversion Act. Information is also provided to Department of Public Works and Government Services to facilitate payment of salaries to various provincial health insurance plans, to group insurers where applicable, and to unions for dues check-off purposes. Information in this bank may also be used for budget purposes. This information may also be used for research, audit, planning, evaluation and statistical purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records reflecting rates of pay, statements of hours worked and other routine pay documents are reviewed for disposal two years after expiry of the fiscal year for general pay, deduction documentation and correspondence, except in instances where there is a need to settle overpayments, to collect debts owed the Crown or to enforce orders of garnishment, attachment or diversion of funds, in which case records are retained until the overpayment is settled, the debt collected or the garnishment, attachment or diversion order is no longer in force. All other personnel pay records are retained until the individual reaches 90 years of age and two years have elapsed since the last administrative action or death has occurred.
RDA Number: 2003/007, 95/005, 2001/026
Related PR#: SIS DDS 050
TBS Registration: 002130
Bank Number: SIS PPE 823

Description: This bank contains staffing requests; position descriptions; salary ranges; selection profiles; competition posters; transfer requests; layoff lists; human resources inventory print-outs; candidates' applications; lists of candidates; rating board assessments, including evaluation reports and evaluation notes from staffing boards; examination papers and test results, including results of psychological testing; eligibility lists; offers of employment; notices to candidates; notices of right of appeal and appeal documents; and correspondence concerning staffing by various processes, including competitions and human resources inventory searches. An employee who wants access to information about herself/himself from a competition file must provide the competition number to locate and retrieve the information of interest. Records in the bank contain a variety of personal information which may include age, sex, education levels and/or work experience. (N.B. Notations of staffing decisions may also appear in the Employee Personnel Record.)
Class of Individuals: Employees of CSIS.
Purpose: The bank provides a record of the information used in staffing positions in CSIS.
Consistent Uses: To select candidates, staff positions and process appeals for appointments and promotions. Access procedures: competition number, where applicable, should be quoted. Information may be provided to the Employment Equity Program Bank, the Public Service Commission, Statistics Canada and other federal departments or agencies. This system may be used as a source of information or for linking with the following systems: Incumbent System, Entitlements and Deductions System, Extra Duty Reporting System, Official Languages Information System, Mobility File, Leave Without Pay System, Position Information Collection System and the EDP Statistical Systems bank (PSC PCE 761) held by the Public Service Commission. All linkages for the purpose of administering human resources and compensation plans are in compliance with the provisions of the Privacy Act. This information may also be used for research, audit, planning, evaluation and statistical purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for a minimum of two years after the eligible list for a staffing action expires, or two years after any other administrative action, then reviewed for disposal.
RDA Number: 2003/007, 2001/026
Related PR#: SIS DDS 050
TBS Registration: 002136
Bank Number: SIS PPE 809

Training and Development
Description: This bank contains personal data including course applications and evaluations; personal record identifier; examination results and certificates; records of fee payments; and correspondence related to the participation of employees in training and development activities, sponsored by the government as well as operated by private organizations. This bank contains the social insurance number of employees who participated in the Education Subsidization Program. It also includes information on employees who have participated in Public Service Commission (PSC) courses. The information is collected under the authority of the Public Service Staff Relations Act and the Public Service Employment Act. It should be noted that participation and achievement records are attached to the Employee Personnel Record and that information on an employee's needs for individual development related to performance is contained in the Personnel Services Bank.
Class of Individuals: Employees of CSIS.
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to provide documentation for the administration of training and development programs within CSIS.
Consistent Uses: To approve and register the participation of employees in training and development activities and to certify the achievements of employees. Documentation respecting the administration of the employee's pay is also contained in the Pay and Benefits Bank. Information may be provided to the Employment Equity Program Bank, the Public Service Commission, public service bargaining agents, Statistics Canada and other federal departments or agencies. This system may be used as a source of information or for linking with the following systems: Incumbent System, Entitlements and Deductions System, Leave Reporting System, Extra Duty Reporting System, Official Languages Information System, Intelligence Officer Career Progression Program, Leave Without Pay System and the Position Information Collection System. All linkages for the purpose of administering human resources and compensation plans are in compliance with the provisions of the Privacy Act. This information may also be used for research, audit, planning, evaluation and statistical purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: General records on individual courses are kept for two years. Lists of individual employee's courses are retained until the employee reaches 90 years of age. Records on specialized training are retained for ten years and then transferred to be the Library and Archives of Canada.
RDA Number: 2003/007, 2001/026
Related PR#: SIS DDS 050
TBS Registration: 002138
Bank Number: SIS PPE 811

Travel and Relocation
Description: This bank contains authorizations, advances, claims, receipts, travel arrangements and itineraries, and correspondence concerning travel, relocation or postings of employees.
Class of Individuals: Employees of CSIS.
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to maintain information regarding travel, relocation and postings of CSIS employees. This PIB must refer to records especially those of relocation which probably have non-employee personal reference, i.e. spouses and children of relocated members. If so, you must consider either re-writing and re-registering this PIB or registering the new standard PIB
Consistent Uses: To administer the travel and relocation functions with respect to their approval, as well as posting authorizations, advances and claims. This information may also be used for research, audit, planning, evaluation and statistical purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are destroyed six years following the fiscal year in which the travel or relocation claim was settled.
RDA Number: 2003/007, 2001/026.
Related PR#: SIS DDS 050
TBS Registration: 002146
Bank Number: SIS PPE 819

Unlawful Conduct Investigations
Description: This bank contains allegations, investigational reports, interviews, reports to the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada and related correspondence collected, pursuant to subsection 20(2) of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) Act, of activities by CSIS employees who may have acted unlawfully in the performance of the duties and functions of the CSIS under the CSIS Act.
Class of Individuals: Individuals involved in investigations conducted under subsection 20(2) of the CSIS Act.
Purpose: To determine the validity of allegations of unlawful conduct by CSIS employees and to take appropriate corrective measures if required.
Consistent Uses: Information in this bank may be disclosed to the Attorney General of Canada, the relevant law enforcement agency when necessary, and to the Security Intelligence Review Committee or Inspector General for review or to meet reporting requirements. Information in this bank may be used in disciplinary and conduct processes under the CSIS Act. This information may also be used for the management of CSIS, research, audit, planning, evaluation and statistical purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: All files are transferred to the Library and Archives Canada after 12 years, taking care to delete the individuals' names.
RDA Number: 2003/007, 2001/026
Related PR#: SIS DDS 040
TBS Registration: 002761
Bank Number: SIS PPE 832

Vehicle, Ship, Boat and Aircraft Accidents
Description: This bank contains reports on accidents; claims of damages; legal decisions; settlement transactions and correspondence concerning accidents involving government-owned/leased vehicles, ships, boats and aircraft as well as privately-owned vehicles, ships, boats and aircraft used on official business. This bank also contains claims for and any ex-gratia payments made to individuals. Records concerning occupational health and safety, as well as authorization of leave and benefits associated with work-related injury or illness are retained in bank SIS PPE 813. The vehicle code number should be provided to facilitate retrieval from the information storage system.
Class of Individuals: Individuals involved in vehicle, ship, boat or aircraft accidents involving employees of CSIS and individuals involved in claims for ex-gratia payments.
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to maintain information regarding vehicle, ship, boat and aircraft accidents involving employees of CSIS.
Consistent Uses: To determine liability for such accidents and to approve damage settlements. Information may be placed on the employee personnel record. This information may also be used for research, audit, planning, evaluation and statistical purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Two years after the accident if there are no claims or litigation. In the event of a claim, records are disposed of six years after settlement. Should the matter result in litigation, records are disposed of ten years after the process is completed.
RDA Number: 2003/007, 2001/026
Related PR#: SIS DDS 050
TBS Registration: 002141
Bank Number: SIS PPE 814

Standard Personal Information Banks

Please see the INTRODUCTION to this publication for the definition of Standard Banks and a description of their contents.


Government of Canada
Last updated: 2006-02-13
Date reviewed: 2006-02-13