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Canadian Grain Commission,

Info Source

Sources of Federal
Employee Information

Canadian Grain Commission
Chapter 32

Table of Contents

Particular Personal Information Banks

Standard Personal Information Banks

Particular Personal Information Banks

Employee Personnel Record – Satellite files
Description: This bank provides a summary record of an individual's employment with government institutions. It is maintained for the purpose of facilitating personnel administration. Information about an individual may be used in decisions relating to the areas of: staffing, attendance and leave, pay and benefits, training and development, occupational health and safety, official languages, discipline, and level of security, where information in one area may affect a decision in another area. In the above cases, the information in this bank summarizes and refers to more detailed information in other banks. This information may be used, provided such use is consistent with the main uses of the information, to ensure that personnel actions within government institutions are coordinated in the interests of both the individual and the employer. The Employee Personnel Record relating to an employee is under the control of his/her current employing institution and contains information concerning personal characteristics, including age and sex; Social Insurance Number; Personal Record Identifier; home address; citizenship; education, including transcripts, certificates and diplomas; non-government employment history; career resumes and references; geographical and organization location; appointments transfers, promotions and demotions; periods of employment, including probationary periods, layoffs and tenure; classification, including position numbers, groups levels, titles and salaries; superannuation and insurance, including names of beneficiaries. Also included where applicable is information concerning military service, including periods and areas of service; collective bargaining exclusion, including designation status and bargaining agent identification; professional achievements, including publications, patents and awards; passports and firearm permits related to employment; and termination of employment, including certificates and reasons for termination. The Employee Personnel Record contains summary records of decisions relating to staffing; attendance and leave; pay and benefits; training and development; decisions concerning compensation and fitness for work; official languages, discipline; and level of security clearance. The major series of information concerning these topics is, however, found in the various other Standard Banks. The Employee Personnel Record may not include the personal information actually used to make decisions in the areas noted above.
Class of Individuals: Employees of the institution.
Purpose: To provide documentation and authorization of appointments, transfers, promotions, demotions, termination of employment and superannuation.
Consistent Uses: To authenticate decisions on staffing, attendance and leave; pay and benefits; training and development; occupational health and safety; official languages; discipline; and level of security clearance, as well as to verify employment references. Information is also provided to Public Works and Government Services Canada to facilitate payment of salaries; to various provincial health insurance plans; to group insurers, where applicable; to unions for dues check-off purposes and to Human Resources Development Canada for pension purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Retained by the current employing institution for the duration of employment plus one year, and then transferred to the control of National Archives. The information is destroyed when the individual reaches the age of 80, or two years after the death of the individual, provided two years have elapsed since the last administrative action concerning the information. For records relating to disciplinary action, the time limit for disposal is that specified in applicable collective agreements or three years following the date of disciplinary action, provided no further disciplinary action has been recorded in the meantime. In cases where a disciplinary action has been rescinded, onus is on the institution to ensure that the documentation of the action concerned is immediately destroyed. Records of individuals, if judged by the National Archivist of Canada to be of historical interest or archival value, are retained permanently by the National Archives of Canada.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: CGC PRN 918
TBS Registration: 005121
Bank Number: CGC PPE 805

Training Database
Description: This bank contains personal data including course applications and evaluations; Personal Record Identifier; employment equity target group status; examination results and certificates; records of fee payments; and correspondence related to participation of employees in training and development activities sponsored by the government and operated by private organizations. It should be noted that participation and achievement records are attached to the Employee Personnel Record and that information on an employee's needs for individual development related to performance is contained in the Performance Reviews and Employee Appraisals Bank.
Class of Individuals: Employees of the institutions.
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to provide documentation for the administration of training and development programs, including those related to employment equity, within government institutions.
Consistent Uses: To approve and register the participation of employees in training and development activities and to certify the achievements of employees. To link voluntary self-identification data to information contained in other banks for the purpose of implementing and evaluating government policies relating to employment equity programs.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are destroyed two years after completion of the particular training and development undertaken by an employee.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: CGC PRN 927
TBS Registration: 005122
Bank Number: CGC PPE 810

Standard Personal Information Banks

Please see the INTRODUCTION to this publication for the definition of Standards Banks and a description of their contents.

Pay and Benefits

Government of Canada
Last updated: 2006-02-13
Date reviewed: 2006-02-13