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Public Service Commission of Canada,

Info Source

Sources of Federal
Employee Information

Public Service Commission of Canada
Chapter 126

Table of Contents

Central Personal Information Banks

Particular Personal Information Banks

Standard Personal Information Banks

Central Personal Information Banks

Analytical Environment (formerly EDP Statistical Systems)
Description: This bank regroups computer systems which are maintained by the PSC and which may contain basic personal information such as social insurance numbers (historical records only), personal record identifiers (PRI), the client service number (CSN), a PSC generated identifier, work history, employment status, language proficiency, reasons for separation, education level, major field of study, personal perspectives on how Public Service values drive particular staffing actions and specific information related to a competition process. The analytical environment includes information obtained from the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada (PSHRMAC) incumbent, mobility and employment equity data systems, information extracted from the PSC's Program of Special Surveys, as well as appointments or statistics received from other departments for the period prior to April 1999 and subsequently estimates of departmental staffing activity are created from the PSHRMAC incumbent and mobility files. Specific Census data and Health and Activity Limitation Survey data from Statistics Canada are also included in the analytical environment.
Class of Individuals: All individuals who have been appointed to positions in the Public Service or who have left the Public Service.
Purpose: This analytical environment was created to record information on appointments in the Public Service (prior to April 1999), separations, and the distribution of public servants by department and by location, and to provide information on the health of the staffing system of the Public Service. From 1999 to 2003, staffing activities are estimated based on the Treasury Board incumbent and mobility data systems. As of 2003, staffing activities are estimated based on the Job-Based Analytical Information System (JAIS). The analytical environment is updated on a regular basis.
Consistent Uses: The information is used for the preparation of statistical reports, human resources planning and analysis, the monitoring of the staffing system, the production of the PSC's Annual Report, PSC research and for other reports to PSHRMAC'S on the utilization of human resources and on the status of programs. This information is used for the planning and management of investigations, for auditing, and for studies on staffing practices. This information will not form, in any case, the basis for decision making for administrative decisions regarding individuals. This information is also used in order to track employee mobility and to determine the number of students who become regular employees of the public service and for other statistical purposes. Source data from PSHRMAC's incumbent and mobility systems is used to provide some additional tombstone information for PSC employee inventories. Information from the incumbent/mobility systems of PSHRMAC is also used to update the Job-Based Analytical Information System. For statistical purposes, information is also linked with data of the target groups of the Employment Equity System of PSHRMAC (SCT PCE 706). The information from the Census and Health and Activity Limitation Survey is used to update the employment equity data. No disclosure of personal information is made by this linkage that would permit the identification of the person with whom the information is associated.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Appointment Information Management System: The computerized data is kept in an optical archive for an indefinite period. Separations: The computerized information is retained until it has been superseded and then it is deleted, except for year-end information which is kept in an optical archive indefinitely. Workforce Adjustment Reporting System: Records are retained indefinitely in an optical archive. Quarterly Statistical File (subsumed into the analytical environment 1995-96): Information on individuals is retained indefinitely in an optical archive. Student Employment Program: Records are retained for five (5) years, and then kept in an optical archive indefinitely. Job-Based Analytical Information System: Information on individuals is kept for a period of 20 years after it is collected and then is retained in an optical archive indefinitely.
RDA Number: 85/016, 94/00, 90/012, 92/016
Related PR#: PSC SPB 032 and PSC SPR 180
TBS Registration: 002299
Bank Number: PSC PCE 707

Appeal Hearings
Description: This bank may contain an appeal document including basic personal data, an eligibility list, evidence adduced at the hearing, including performance review and appraisal forms when used in the selection process, an appeal board decision and an appeal file control record. It may also contain tape recordings of the proceedings. Persons completing a Personal Information Request Form are required to quote the Recourse Branch file reference number given on the Appeal Board decision report submitted to the appellant.
Class of Individuals: Public servants having filed an appeal or public servants involved in the appeal.
Purpose: This bank exists by reason of section 21 of the Public Service Employment Act and sections 19 to 28 of the Public Service Employment Regulations to record and provide information on appeals.
Consistent Uses: The files are used to provide information gathered in the course of an appeal hearing so that a decision may be rendered by the Appeal Board chairperson.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Decisions are retained on CD-ROM for twenty (20) years from the date of the decision; files and tape recordings are kept for two years and then destroyed. For files referred to the Federal Court of Canada under section 18 of the Federal Court Act, the decisions are retained for five (5) years then destroyed.
RDA Number: 2001/025
Related PR#: PSC AIB 005
TBS Registration: 001445
Bank Number: PSC PCE 708

Assessment Centre for Executive Appointment (AC for EXA)
Description: This bank may contain memoranda and letters; biographical information and assessment results.
Class of Individuals: Public servants who have been assessed by the Assessment Centre for Executive Appointment (AC for EXA).
Purpose: This bank exists in accordance with section 10 and subsection 16(1) of the Public Service Employment Act to record and provide information relating to the assessment of applicants for executive positions or departmental development programs.
Consistent Uses: This bank is used to record and provide all information relating to the assessment of applicants for executive positions or departmental development programs so that meritorious selections may be made. It is also used to provide assessment information to individuals requesting feedback and to gather normative and research data on candidates who have gone through the Assessment Centre for research and development purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Hard copy files are kept for five (5) years and then destroyed. Computer related files are retained indefinitely.
RDA Number: 2001/025
Related PR#: PSC SPB 065 and SPB 034
TBS Registration: 004463
Bank Number: PSC PCE 711

Career Consultation and Development, Diversity Management: Senior Levels (formerly Executive Programs Employment Equity)
Description: This bank may contain basic personal information, curricula vitae, general career information and plans, appraisal information and reference checks.
Class of Individuals: Employment equity designated group members at the EX equivalent, the EX minus one and minus two levels which includes women, visible minorities, Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, who have received career consultation and development services.
Purpose: This bank exists to maintain an historical record of designated group members seeking career consultation services in order to fulfill their chosen career plans.
Consistent Uses: The bank is used to maintain records of meetings with clients and to identify and contact designated group clients eligible to compete for specific EX competitions and for referral of clients to developmental assignments in other departments
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for two (2) years after being declared inactive, and then destroyed.
RDA Number: 2001/025
Related PR#: PSC SPB 065
TBS Registration: 001466
Bank Number: PSC PCE 721

Deployment Recourse
Description: This bank contains a complaint document including basic personal data, evidence gathered during the investigation, letters and memoranda, an investigator's report and recommendations to the deputy head, the Commission's decision, if any, and a complaint statistics information sheet.
Class of Individuals: Public servants who have filed complaints with the Recourse Branch related to the application of subsection 34.4 of the Public Service Employment Act.
Purpose: This bank exists in accordance with subsection 34.4 of the Public Service Employment Act and section 29 of the Public Service Regulations to provide information to enable the investigator to assess facts and where warranted make a recommendation to deputy heads regarding corrective action with respect to an employee's deployment.
Consistent Uses: This bank is also used to provide information for PSC reports to Parliament.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for five (5) years and then destroyed.
RDA Number: 2001/025
Related PR#: PSC AIB 005
TBS Registration: 003270
Bank Number: PSC PCE 736

Executive Counselling Services Assessment Results (formerly called Diagnostic and Career Counselling Service Assessment Results)
Description: This bank may contain biographical information, service-related notes and assessment results.
Class of Individuals: Public Servants in the Executive category, in EX equivalent positions and EX minus 1 level positions who have requested services, as well as public servants who have accessed Career Transition Counselling Services.
Purpose: This bank exists to provide public servants who access Executive Counselling Services with information to enhance their self-understanding and to provide an opportunity to receive confidential counselling.
Consistent Uses: This information is used to provide advice to the client and, with the client's written request, information on the client can be provided to individuals of the client's choosing. Limited information may also be used for statistical purposes aimed at assuring the quality of service.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Hard copy records are retained for ten (10) years after being declared inactive and then destroyed.
RDA Number: 2001/025
Related PR#: PSC SPB 050 and PSC SPB 034
TBS Registration: 002912
Bank Number: PSC PCE 744

Leave of Absence to Seek Election
Description: This bank may contain requests for leave of absence, the appropriate deputy minister's opinion, the recommendations to the Commission by the Director General, Delegation Directorate, the Commission's decision to approve or deny the leave to seek nomination as a candidate and to be a candidate for election, notices for publication in the Canada Gazette, Part I, and in some cases, newspaper clippings.
Class of Individuals: Public servants who have requested leave of absence to seek nomination as a candidate, and to be a candidate for election.
Purpose: This bank exists in accordance with sections 32, 33 and 34 of the Public Service Employment Act to record information so that the PSC can assess whether or not to grant leave of absence to employees to seek nomination for election.
Consistent Uses: This bank is used to provide information for PSC authorization and for PSC reports to Parliament.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for seven (7) years after request was made, and then destroyed.
RDA Number: 2001/025
Related PR#: PSC DGM 022
TBS Registration: 001448
Bank Number: PSC PCE 763

Mediation, Investigation and Coaching in the Prevention and Resolution of Harassment in the Workplace
Description: This bank may contain basic personal data, excerpts of personnel files, interview notes, complaints or allegations, memoranda and letters, performance evaluations, memoranda of agreement and investigation reports. At completion of the service requested by the department, the complete file is forwarded to the department and a copy is kept by the PSC.
Class of Individuals: Public servants involved in investigation, mediation or coaching services provided by the Recourse Branch pursuant to the Treasury Board's Policy on the Prevention and Resolution of Harassment in the Workplace.
Purpose: This bank exists by reason of the Order-in-Council P.C. 2001-955 to act as an expert resource body to gather information during investigation, mediation and coaching upon request by the department.
Consistent Uses: The information is used so that the workplace conflict/complaint may be examined and conclusions and recommendations be reached, if required. It is also used for statistical purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Paper records are retained active during the investigation, mediation or coaching process,
five (5) years inactive from date service completed, then destroyed. Computerized records are retained on-line for five (5) years, and then deleted.
RDA Number: 2001/025
Related PR#: PSC AIB 010
TBS Registration: 005181
Bank Number: PSC PCE 768

Other Inquiries
Description: This bank may contain basic personal data, excerpts of personnel files and\or competition files, interview notes, allegations or complaints, memoranda and letters, tests, performance evaluations, press clippings, memoranda of agreement, investigation reports. It may also contain information dealing with the recommendation made to the Commission based on the facts gathered during the inquiry.
Class of Individuals: Public servants or non public servants directly affected by the inquiry.
Purpose: This bank exists following the conduct of an investigation under sub-section 6(2), (3) and section 42 of the Public Service Employment Act.
Consistent Uses: The information is used so that allegations and staffing irregularities may be examined and recommendations made. It may also be used for statistical purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Paper records are retained active during the investigation and recommendation phase, five (5) years inactive and then destroyed. Computerized records are retained on-line for five (5) years, and then deleted.
RDA Number: 2001/025
Related PR#: PSC AIB 005
TBS Registration: 005180
Bank Number: PSC PCE 776

Official Languages Exclusion Approval Order
Description: This bank may contain basic personal data, medical certificates, supporting documentation, departmental requests and Commission decisions in some cases.
Class of Individuals: Public servants who have requested an official languages exclusion or extension.
Purpose: This bank exists in accordance with section 20 (and in certain cases section 10) of the Public Service Employment Act to record information relating to the review of cases of employees requesting an exclusion from the obligation to meet the second language requirements of their position or an extension to their exemption time or an override to a negative prognosis for appointment purposes.
Consistent Uses: This bank is used to allow the PSC to grant or refuse exclusions, extensions or overrides under the Official Languages Exclusion Approval Order.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for twenty (20) years and then destroyed, except for those with historical value which are kept indefinitely.
RDA Number: 2001/025
Related PR#: PSC SPB 050
TBS Registration: 001460
Bank Number: PSC PCE 774

Persons Appointed under an Exclusion Approval Order
Description: This bank may contain the recommendation of the Commission and of the appropriate Cabinet minister to the Governor-in-Council, basic personal data, the exclusion order and the regulations.
Class of Individuals: Persons appointed to the Public Service who are excluded from certain provisions of the Public Service Employment Act by virtue of section 41.
Purpose: This bank exists in accordance with sections 37, 41 and 47 of the Public Service Employment Act to record and report to Parliament the names of employees in certain occupational groups or the names of persons appointed to the Public Service who are excluded from certain provisions of the Act by virtue of section 41.
Consistent Uses: This bank is used to record and report to Parliament annually the names of employees in certain occupational groups or the names of persons appointed under an Exclusion Approval Order.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for five (5) years after termination of the exclusion, and then sent to Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number: 2001/025
Related PR#: PSC CMB 022
TBS Registration: 001447
Bank Number: PSC PCE 780

Policy Research and Development Program (PRDP)
Description: This bank may contain curricula vitae, applications, transcripts of marks, interview notes, assessment centre notes, notations of referrals, notes to file, and faxes for all applications to the Program. It may also contain administrative documents related to security, travel, training, departmental assignment agreements/descriptions, reclassification notes, performance evaluations, job descriptions, and other printed material for the participants of the Program.
Class of Individuals: Public servants and non-public servants applying to the PRDP or past and present participants of the PRDP.
Purpose: This bank exists under the authority of sections 5, 10, 11 and 16 of the Public Service Employment Act to provide an inventory of persons seeking positions with the PRDP and to maintain historical records of all persons who have participated in the PRDP.
Consistent Uses: This bank is used to retain applications to the PRDP, for the general management of the assignments, and for statistical purposes. It interfaces with Inventory Management and Employee History systems to track the career progression of participants (for statistical purposes and studies)
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records of applicants are retained for two (2) years after the application is submitted and then are destroyed. Hard copy records for participants are retained for five (5) years after the participant ceases to be in the Program. Machine readable records are retained twenty-five (25) years and then destroyed.
RDA Number: 2001/025
Related PR#: PSC SPB 030 and 031
TBS Registration: 005301
Bank Number: PSC PCE 777

Second Language Evaluation (SLE) Examiners
Description: This bank may contain information related to the registration/certification and monitoring of SLE test administrators, scorers
and Oral Interaction assessors: registration forms for the Certification Program; test use agreements; letters of certification; trainers/monitors comments and recommendations; and other administrative data collected in connection with accreditation/registration.
Class of Individuals: Public servants who
have been participants in the Oral Interaction Certification Program or who have been authorized to administer and score the SLE tests.
Purpose: This bank exists in accordance with subsection 5(a) and sections 16 and 20 of the Public Service Employment Act to record all information relating to the registration/certification of SLE examiners.
Consistent Uses: The bank is used to record information related to the qualifications, training and certification/registration of SLE examiners and prospective SLE examiners. It is also used to provide information to monitor SLE examiners and to take corrective action if warranted.
Retention and Disposal Standards: All records are retained for ten (10) years after the employee ceases to perform examiner's duties. Records pertaining to persons who have not performed examiner's duties are also retained for ten (10) years. Records are then destroyed.
RDA Number: 2001/025
Related PR#: PSC SPB 030
TBS Registration: 001458
Bank Number: PSC PCE 796

Special Measures Program Participants (Ceased in 1998)
Description: This bank may contain information concerning the on-the-job training assignments of participants in the Special Measures Program, including the Access Program, the Visible Minority Employment Program, the National Indigenous Development Program, Northern Careers Program and the Non-Traditional Occupations Program for Women (e.g. trainee identification, training status, letters of agreement, training plans, release of medical/psychiatric authorization forms, position descriptions, training evaluations, letters of offer, reports on staffing transactions as well as post-training employment details, including follow-up dates and results). The hardcopy files or official files are retained by the PSC regional offices. Copies of the files may also be retained in the records of participating departments.
Class of Individuals: Individuals participating
in the Special Measures Program, including the Access Program for Disabled Persons, the Visible Minority Employment Program, the National Indigenous Development Program, the Northern Careers Program and the Non-Traditional Occupations Program for Women.
Purpose: The bank exists in accordance with Treasury Board authority 789462 to record information on participants in the Special Measures Program.
Consistent Uses: The bank is used to monitor
the progress of participants and to measure the effectiveness of each initiative/program, as well as for statistical and management information reports prepared for the PSC, TBS, federal government departments and employment equity committees.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for five (5) years after the participant has completed the assignment, after which they are destroyed. Machine readable records are retained for twenty five (25) years and then destroyed.
RDA Number: 2001/025
Related PR#: PSC SPB 030 and PSC SPB 040
TBS Registration: 002297
Bank Number: PSC PCE 798

Staffing Consultant Certification
Description: This bank may contain individual
files which include recommendations from departments for Staffing Certification such as letters of recommendation from Heads of human resources, information on previous personnel studies and work experience, staffing knowledge examination results, outline of training, related on-the-job staffing activities and assignments, and assessments of such activities and assignments. Part of the above information is also recorded in a computerized inventory.
Class of Individuals: Public Service staffing consultants.
Purpose: This bank exists to record and
provide information on the certification of staffing consultants as it relates to the exercise of staffing authority delegated pursuant to sub-section 6(1) of the Public Service Employment Act.
Consistent Uses: This bank is used to provide information in support of the certification of staffing consultants. It is also used to prepare various reports and statistical analyses and for more general administrative purposes such as the planning of training and development programs in staffing and for the preparation of reports related to those programs.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records
are retained for two (2) years after the date of certification. The computerized record is maintained indefinitely as a record of who is certified.
RDA Number: 2001/025
Related PR#: PSC SPB 050
TBS Registration: 001464
Bank Number: PSC PCE 800

Statutory and Regulatory Priorities
Description: This bank may contain basic personal data: statutory or regulatory data together with results of referrals made to departments. The priority types include: leave of absence, minister's staffs, layoff, surplus, reinstatement, relocation of spouse, employees who become disabled, and certain members of the Canadian Forces and the RCMP. Information exists in hardcopy and computerized form.
Class of Individuals: Public servants and other persons who have a statutory or regulatory priority for appointment.
Purpose: This bank exists in accordance with sections 29, 30 and 39 of the Public Service Employment Act and sections 35 to 40 of the Public Service Employment Regulations to provide information relating to individuals with statutory or regulatory priority for appointment. It exists in accordance with various PSC policies to provide information relating to individuals with a priority
for appointment.
Consistent Uses: This bank is used to identify individuals with a statutory or regulatory priority for appointment purposes and to engage in job searching activities on their behalf. Ad hoc reports are regularly provided to Treasury Board, departments, unions and PSC management for monitoring and statistical purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Hard copy records are retained for five (5) years from the date the individual's priority status is terminated, after which the records are destroyed. Some information in the computer files is kept indefinitely.
RDA Number: 2001/025
Related PR#: PSC SPB 034
TBS Registration: 001452
Bank Number: PSC PCE 801

Particular Personal Information Banks

Accounts Payable and Receivable
Description: This bank may contain information on travel expenses, supplier payments, contracts information, purchase orders, payments to other government departments, merit awards, suggestion awards, membership payments, and salary payments including regular and supplementary pay. It also contains information relating to receivable collected from training provided, publications, overpayments and recoveries between departments for salaries and other services.
Class of Individuals: Departmental employees who have been involved in the accounting and processing of financial transactions for the PSC.
Purpose: For audit purposes, the information is required to support all types of payments and receivables processed by the PSC.
Consistent Uses: This information is used for
the preparation of financial reports such as departmental financial statements, public accounts, parliamentary enquiries, Access to Information requests, monthly and quarterly forecast analyses and other types of requests by central agencies.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for six (6) years and then destroyed.
RDA Number: 99/004
Related PR#: PSC CMB 914
TBS Registration: 002413
Bank Number: PSC PPE 815

Flexibility EX and Special Assignment Pay Plan Positions
Description: This bank may contain agreements between the employees and/or the organizations involved, administrative correspondence, a Report on Staffing Transaction, approval forms, and curricula vitae as required.
Class of Individuals: Public servants employed by the PSC in overfill situations at the EX level, and employees of other groups who are employed under the Special Assignment Pay Plan (SAPP).
Purpose: This bank exists to record and control the EX overfill and SAPP situations at the PSC.
Consistent Uses: This bank is used to administer and maintain data on EX overfill and SAPP situations at the PSC. It is also used to report general data to PSC management and Treasury Board as required.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for a period of six (6) years, and then destroyed.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: PSC 925
TBS Registration: 001486
Bank Number: PSC PPE 801

Standard Personal Information Banks

Please see the INTRODUCTION to this publication for the definition of Standard Banks and a description of their contents.

Attendance and Leave


Employee Assistance Program

Employee Personnel Record

Employment Equity Program



Identification and Building-Pass Cards

Official Languages


Pay and Benefits

Performance Reviews and Employee Appraisals

Recognition Policy


Training and Development

Value and Ethics Code for the Public Service

Government of Canada
Last updated: 2006-02-13
Date reviewed: 2006-02-13