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Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation,

Info Source

Sources of Federal
Employee Information

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Chapter 16

Table of Contents

Particular Personal Information Banks

Standard Personal Information Banks

The annual update for this institution was not received for inclusion in the 2005-2006 version of this Info Source publication. The following is from the 2004-2005 version of Info Source.

Particular Personal Information Banks

CMHC Pension Plan
Description: The bank contains proofs of prior service; pension election forms; pension observations and correspondence concerning pensions. Records are accessible by providing employee number and full name.
Class of Individuals: CMHC employees and pensioners.
Purpose: The purpose of this file is to determine the CMHC pension benefits for its contributing employees. This information may be used for statistical research purposes and for planning, implementing and evaluating CMHC policies, relating to pensions and CMHC benefits.
Consistent Uses: Pursuant to the Income Tax Act, documentation supporting pension entitlements, including the social insurance number is provided to the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions and to Canada Revenue Agency for bank RCT PPU 005 Individual Income Tax Return. Information is also provided from time to time to federal departments or agencies in cases of employee transfers or to employers with whom CMHC has reciprocal transfer agreements.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for seven years after the member and dependents are deceased, and the records are then forwarded to a commercial off-site storage facility.
RDA Number: 96/027
Related PR#: CMH HRS 924
TBS Registration: 003134
Bank Number: CMH PPE 845

Conflict of Interest
Description: This bank contains voluntary disclosures by employees concerning potential conflict of interest situations, investigation reports and correspondence about potential and actual employee conflicts between the private interests or holdings of employees and their official duties.
Class of Individuals: CMHC employees.
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to maintain information about potential and actual conflict of interest situations for employees of a government institution, to record potential conflicts of interest and to resolve actual conflicts of interest.
Consistent Uses: To support decisions on transfers, discipline and termination of employment.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Seven years after potential conflict of interest no longer exists or actual conflict of interest has been resolved, at which time the records are destroyed.
RDA Number: 96/027
Related PR#: CMH HRS 926
TBS Registration: 000097
Bank Number: CMH PPE 808

Electronic Network Monitoring Logs
Description: This bank contains information about electronic use which is compiled when there is suspected misuse of the CMHC electronic networks, as defined by CMHC policies on the use of electronic networks and Internet usage Guidelines for CMHC employees. Examples of information that may be in the bank include network logs that may link an employee's workstation to an IP address, listings of sites visited and information on any transactions conducted including date, time, duration and nature of the visit or transaction. It may also include information on the use of authorization codes assigned to particular individuals, including successful or unsuccessful use of the codes, date, time and frequency.
Class of Individuals: Employees of CMHC.
Purpose: The information contained in the bank is compiled to support the investigation of suspected or alleged misuse of CMHC electronic networks.
Consistent Uses: The information may be used to substantiate any disciplinary action taken where violation of CMHC policies on the use of electronic networks and internet usage Guidelines for CMHC employees is determined.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for three years following the last use of the information at which time the records are destroyed.
RDA Number: 96/027
Related PR#: CMH CSS 903
TBS Registration: 005072
Bank Number: CMH PPE 847

Employee Assistance Program
Description: This bank contains information pertaining to a voluntary confidential counselling service offered to CMHC employees, retirees and their spouses and dependents. Employees, their dependents and retirees requiring counselling contact the consultant directly. The services of the consultant have been retained by CMHC for the purpose of providing an Employee Assistance Program to the above- mentioned group. Records relating to counselling sessions are maintained with the consultant and not kept at CMHC. This is to ensure confidentiality of the program.
Class of Individuals: CMHC employees, retirees and their spouses and dependents.
Purpose: The bank allows the consultant to ensure continuity of service.
Consistent Uses: The consultant undertakes a systematic evaluation of the EAP and provides statistical reports to CMHC in a format that ensures the confidentiality of the individuals who have used the service.
Retention and Disposal Standards: The information is kept by the consultant until contract termination. Upon termination, and in order to protect the confidentiality of the process, a mutually agreed upon third party reviews the information and makes recommendations as to its disposal. Prior to transferring files to a new service provider, written consent from the client is required.
RDA Number: 96/027
Related PR#: CMH HRS 922
TBS Registration: 003135
Bank Number: CMH PPE 850

Employee Medical Files (1977 to 31/12/97)
Description: This bank maintains the medical record of employees and general medical information about family members.
Class of Individuals: CMHC employees and family members.
Purpose: This bank contains records of all Health Centre consultations including emergency treatments, return to work visits, counselling and referral examinations.
Consistent Uses: To provide employees access to their medical records through the Access to Information and Privacy Office.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Since 1977, the records are retained until the individual reaches the age of 70 or two years after the death of the individual provided two years have elapsed since the last administrative action concerning the information.
RDA Number: 96/027
Related PR#: CMH HRS 922
TBS Registration: 001937
Bank Number: CMH PPE 802

Employee Personal Record
Description: This bank contains a record of an individual's employment with CMHC. It is maintained for the purpose of facilitating personnel administration. Information about an individual may be used in decisions relating to the areas of: staffing, attendance and leave; terms and conditions of employment; pay and benefits, training and development, occupational health and safety, official languages. The Employee Personnel Record relating to an employee is under the control of CMHC and contains information concerning personal characteristics, including age and sex; social insurance number; home address; citizenship; education; including transcripts, certificates and diplomas; previous employment history; career résumés and references; geographical and organization location; appointments, transfers, promotions and demotions; periods of employment, including probationary periods, layoffs and tenure; employee performance and appraisals; classification, including position numbers, groups, levels, titles and salaries; insurance, including names of beneficiaries. Also included where applicable is information concerning military service, including periods and areas of service; collective bargaining designation status and bargaining agent identification; professional achievements, including publications, patents and awards; termination of employment, including certificates and reasons for termination. The Employee Personnel Record contains records of decisions relating to staffing; attendance and leave; terms and conditions of employment; pay and benefits; training and development; decisions concerning compensation and fitness for work; official languages; and level of security clearance.
Class of Individuals: CMHC employees.
Purpose: To authenticate decisions on staffing, attendance and leave; pay and benefits; training and development; occupational health and safety; official languages; and level of security clearance, as well as to verify employment references. Information is also provided to various provincial health insurance plans; to group insurers, where applicable; to unions for dues check-off purposes.
Consistent Uses: To provide documentation and authorization of appointments, transfers, promotions, demotions, pension plan and termination of employment. Information is also provided from time to time to federal departments or agencies in cases of employee transfers and with employers with whom CMHC has reciprocal transfer agreements (pension).
Retention and Disposal Standards: Retained by CMHC for the duration of employment plus one year, and then transferred to a commercial off-site storage facility. The information is destroyed when the individual reaches the age of 80, or two years after the death of the individual, provided two years have elapsed since the last administrative action concerning the information. Employee Performance Evaluations are retained for five years
RDA Number: 96/027
Related PR#: CMH HRS 925
TBS Registration: 002991
Bank Number: CMH PPE 815

Diversity Management and Employment Equity Program
Description: This bank contains information on designated group members . Respondents are asked to identify, by means of a questionnaire, whether they are a member of the Aboriginal peoples, a person with disability, or a member of a visible minority group.
Class of Individuals: Employees of the Corporation.
Purpose: This bank provides documentation to assist the integration of diversity principles within CMHC's business processes, while implementing the Employment Equity Act. Data are collected to: measure the Corporation's progress in attracting and retaining a diverse workforce that is representative of the Canadian labour force (specifically women, Aboriginal peoples, visible minorities and people with disabilities), capture relevant information on the needs of CMHC employees to ensure the continuous development, revision and implementation of equitable policies, practices and systems to benefit all employees. This includes information that will be used to compare the situation of designated group members with non-designated group members within CMHC; provide a process to identify the accommodation needs of employees, and identify the cultural competencies, such as language capabilities, residing within the Corporation to meet the needs of its diverse national and international clients. The employee number may be used to link information in this bank with that in another bank containing employee information (e.g. the Human Resources Management System) in order to obtain statistical information, where the securing of such information would be consistent with the uses for which the personal information was collected.
Consistent Uses: The information gathered will be used for institutional purposes in the Corporation's Diversity Management and Employment Equity Program to identify and eliminate systemic discrimination in employment and to introduce temporary special measures to ensure designated group participation and equitable representation. It is used to prepare CMHC's Annual Reports to Human Resources and Skills Development Canada and the CMHC internal Diversity and Employment Equity and other monitoring report. It may also be used for policy and planning purposes related to human resources.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are destroyed two years after the employee leaves the Corporation.
RDA Number: 96/027
Related PR#: CMH HRS 921
TBS Registration: 002198
Bank Number: CMH PPE 809

Description: This bank contains presentations by unionized employees and bargaining unit representatives; receipt notices and replies by management; testimony by witnesses; legal opinions; investigation and analysis reports; and correspondence about grievances.
Class of Individuals: Unionized CMHC employees.
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to record information used in all levels of the grievance process.
Consistent Uses: The purpose of this bank is to record information used in the grievance process. Information contained in this bank is used exclusively to accommodate and, where possible, resolve grievances through all levels in the grievance process.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Five years following date of resolution, the records are destroyed.
RDA Number: 96/027
Related PR#: CMH HRS 926
TBS Registration: 002992
Bank Number: CMH PPE 820

Harassment (including discrimination and sexual harassment)
Description: This bank contains letters of complaint regarding incidents of harassment; records of interviews both with complainants and alleged harassers; records of interviews with witnesses; summations of investigations and analyses of events, as well as records of decisions taken regarding particular incidents. Such information must be retained as a separate file and not placed on the manpower files of parties involved. The results of an investigation which result in the application of disciplinary action will be transferred to the Discipline Bank.
Class of Individuals: CMHC employees.
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to record information necessary for dealing with harassment complaints in the workplace and to make decisions in specific instances, more specifically on whether harassment is occurring, and when this is the case, to determine the appropriate action to take.
Consistent Uses: To support decisions on transfer and discipline of employees.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are destroyed five years after the most recent administrative activity in relation to an individual case.
RDA Number: 96/027
Related PR#: CMH HRS 926
TBS Registration: 002994
Bank Number: CMH PPE 830

Identification and Building-Pass Cards
Description: This bank could contain photographs, identification forms and correspondence related to the issuance of identification and building-pass cards.
Class of Individuals: Employees of the Corporation and contractors/consultants.
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to maintain information relating to the issuance of identification and building-pass cards.
Consistent Uses: To issue identification and building-pass cards.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are destroyed three years after an individual has left the Corporation.
RDA Number: 96/027
Related PR#: CMH CSS 903
TBS Registration: 002199
Bank Number: CMH PPE 810

Internal Appeals and Employee Complaint Files
Description: This bank records and provides information on internal appeals and employee complaints to outside agencies such as the Canadian Human Rights Commission, Human Resources Development Canada – Labour Program and the Commissioner of Official Languages.
Class of Individuals: Employees who have used the internal appeal system or an external complaint process.
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to provide information gathered in the course of an internal appeal hearing, the investigation of an external complaint and to maintain a precedent file.
Consistent Uses: To support decisions of employee transfer and discipline. To support decisions on changes to policies, processes, and practices and to report on these decision.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for three years from the date of the decision.
RDA Number: 96/027
Related PR#: CMH HRS 926
TBS Registration: 001938
Bank Number: CMH PPE 804

Investigation Files
Description: This bank records reports of complaints and irregularities in relation to criminal or security matters. It contains records of investigations, interview notes, reports and any subsequent redress action.
Class of Individuals: Employees and the general public.
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to investigate and determine the veracity of alleged criminal or statutory offences against the Corporation or by an employee.
Consistent Uses: In the case of a criminal investigation, records are made available to the RCMP or other recognized Police Force.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for three years after the last administrative activity in relation to an individual case.
RDA Number: 96/027
Related PR#: CMH CSS 903
TBS Registration: 001939
Bank Number: CMH PPE 806

Official Languages
Description: This bank might contain course enrolment and attendance information; language training applications containing first official language; language knowledge examination levels; training certificates and correspondence about the official languages qualifications of employees. Language examination, exemption and training records may be attached to the Employee Personnel Record.
Class of Individuals: CMHC employees.
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to provide documentation for administration of official languages policies as they pertain to employees of CMHC, to document and support decisions pertaining to official languages qualifications and language testing, and to document the language training needs and accomplishments of employees.
Consistent Uses: To support and document decisions concerning individual employees on staffing, transfers and promotions; and to aid in determining the linguistic status of employees and auditing of the administration of official language programs.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For language test results and for language training attendance records, the retention period is five years, with a one-year dormant period; for language designation of positions, a three-year retention and a five-year dormant period.
RDA Number: 96/027
Related PR#: CMH HRS 923
TBS Registration: 002993
Bank Number: CMH PPE 825

Pay and Benefits
Description: This bank contains certificates for pay, allowances and deductions, which set out pay and benefit information for each employee, and include the social insurance number as well as correspondence related to the administration of pay and benefits. The bank may also include orders for garnishment, attachment, and diversion of funds. (N.B. Earning and CMHC Pension Plan records are also attached to the Employee Personnel Record).
Class of Individuals: Employees and pensioners of CMHC.
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to provide documentation for the administration of pay and benefits within government institutions and to approve disbursement of salaries and allowances and retention of deductions. The social insurance number is used for purposes of identification and to ensure consistency in administration of pay and benefits. Provision of the SIN is mandatory for this bank, subject to exemption of some individuals under special circumstances.
Consistent Uses: To enable audit and reconciliation of payroll accounts (e.g. employee remuneration and entitlements), to support the recovery of overpayments and debts owed to the Crown and, where applicable, to enable execution of orders of garnishment, attachment, or diversion of funds in accordance with the Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are sent to an off-site commercial storage facility two years after expiry of fiscal year, for general pay and deduction documentation and for correspondence, except in instances where there is a need to settle overpayments, to collect debts owed to the Crown or to enforce orders of garnishment, attachment or diversion of funds, in which case records are retained until the overpayment is settled, the debt collected or the garnishment, attachment or diversion order is no longer in force.
RDA Number: 96/027
Related PR#: CMH HRS 918
TBS Registration: 003133
Bank Number: CMH PPE 840

Staffing-Competition Files
Description: The bank contains staffing requests; position descriptions; salary ranges; selection profiles; competition posters; interviewed candidates' applications; lists of candidates; rating board assessments, including evaluation notes from selection committees; examination papers and test results; offers of employment; and correspondence concerning staffing by various processes, including competitions and human resources inventory searches. (N.B. Notations of staffing decisions may also appear in the Employee Personnel Record).
Class of Individuals: Internal and external applicants.
Purpose: The bank provides a record of the information used in staffing positions.
Consistent Uses: To select candidates and staff positions. Voluntary self-identification information relating to employment equity programs and services may be linked with data contained in other banks where the securing of this information is consistent with the uses for which the personal information was collected. On request, information may be provided to a participant in a selection action. Access procedures: Competition number, where applicable, should be quoted.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for two years or two years after any other administrative action, at which time the records are destroyed.
RDA Number: 96/027
Related PR#: CMH HRS 920
TBS Registration: 002995
Bank Number: CMH PPE 835

Insured/Non-insured Claims
Description: This bank contains reports on accidents; claims of damages; legal decisions; settlement transactions and correspondence concerning accidents involving government-owned and leased vehicles, as well as privately-owned and leased vehicles, used on official business on reported accidents, as well as liability, employee fraud, property damage and mortgage impairment claims.
Class of Individuals: CMHC Employees and the general public.
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to maintain information regarding accidents and claims involving CMHC employees and the general public.
Consistent Uses: To determine liability for such accidents and claims, to approve damage settlements and provide statistics to meet insurance company's reporting requirements.
Retention and Disposal Standards: The records are retained active for five years and dormant indefinitely.
RDA Number: 96/027
Related PR#: CMH CSS 901
TBS Registration: 003295
Bank Number: CMH PPE 855

Standard Personal Information Banks

Please see the INTRODUCTION to this publication for the definition of Standard Banks and a description of their contents.



Personnel Security Screening (Reliability Screening/Security Clearance)

Training and Development

Government of Canada
Last updated: 2006-02-13
Date reviewed: 2006-02-13