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Canada Border Services Agency,

Info Source

Sources of Federal
Employee Information

Canada Border Services Agency
Chapter 9

Table of Contents

Particular Personal Information Banks

Standard Personal Information Banks

Particular Personal Information Banks

Activity Management and Costing Data Bank
Description: Data contained in this bank pertains to weekly activities performed by each employee and includes data (in terms of time and cost) by activity, organization/operating budget, and project/case, plus non-compliance and unreported time/production reports.
Class of Individuals: Individuals identified in this bank are all employees of Canada Border Services Agency, as well as staff members who have been engaged under personal service contracts.
Purpose: The purpose of this information bank is to maintain production utilization data, in terms of time and cost, on all continuing departmental employees as well as term/casual employees and staff members who have been engaged under personal service contracts. This bank is used to provide managers and management information systems with information regarding production time and cost of departmental employees and contract staff through a series of reports. An individual report containing one staff member's activities for the current fiscal year to date can be produced on request. Access will not be permitted without adequate proof of identification and/or authority.
Consistent Uses: None.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Input records in this bank are maintained for two years and then destroyed.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: CBSA PRN 921
TBS Registration: 003544
Bank Number: CBSA PPE 811

Customs Inspector Test
Description: This bank contains the results of ability tests taken by individuals who are considered in the selection of candidates to fill positions as Customs Inspectors with the CBSA.
Class of Individuals: All individuals seeking Customs Inspectors positions with the CBSA. Access will not be permitted without adequate proof of identification and/or authority.
Purpose: This bank is used to compile test results for use in the selection of candidates to fill positions as Customs Inspectors with the Agency.
Consistent Uses: Test results may have to be disclosed for recourse purposes. Data in this bank is used for statistical analysis and for research purposes. When used for these purposes, information in this bank is combined with that contained in standard bank CRA PSE 902.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained indefinitely since test results may be valid indefinitely.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: CBSA PRN 921
TBS Registration: 002195
Bank Number: CBSA PPU 017

Employment Equity Program
Description: This bank contains information from the self-identification questionnaire called the Work Force Profile that gives the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) a clear, factual count of the employees who make up its workforce. The information is collected on a voluntary basis, and respondents are asked to identify whether they are a person with a disability, an Aboriginal person, a member of a visible minority group, and whether they are male or female. For identification purposes, employees Personal Record Identifier and their first and last name are included in the questionnaire. The information is confidential and protected by the Privacy Act, and stored securely with the Employment Equity Section, and also in the Corporate Administration System (CAS) on a secure server. This information does not appear in the employee personnel file and will not be released without the employee's authorization. In accordance with the Employment Equity Act (EEA), only employees implementing Employment Equity and those responsible for maintaining and supporting CAS for Employment Equity have access to this information.
Class of Individuals: Employees of the CBSA.
Purpose: The CBSA is required to collect information and conduct an analysis of its workforce in order to determine the degree of under-representation of designated group members, (i.e. women, Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities and members of visible minority groups) in comparison with the labour market availability. This allows the CBSA to assess their progress on employment equity. The aggregated information will also appear in the CBSA's report to Parliament on employment equity. To get a complete picture of the CBSA's workforce and to determine the progress that has been made in employment equity, it is necessary to link information with occupational groups, salary ranges, hiring, promotions and, separations gathered from existing information systems.
Consistent Uses: The data is primarily collected for statistical purposes. The information is used for the CBSA's Employment Equity Program, to work toward achieving equality in the workplace so that no person shall be denied employment opportunities or benefits for reasons unrelated to ability and, in the fulfilment of that goal, to correct the conditions of disadvantage in employment experienced by the four designated groups.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for a minimum of two years after the employee has left the organization and then sent to Archives.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: CBSA PRN 918
TBS Registration: 005107
Bank Number: CBSA PPE 820

Employee Profiles
Description: Information in the bank contains personal information on CCRA employees, including name, address, record identifier experience & skills performance appraisals, competency assessment results, training and learning records, career development data.
Class of Individuals: Employees of CBSA.
Purpose: To maintain up to date information on current employees for matching with job competency profiles for purpose of staffing, for human resources planning, to assist in future career planning and for purposes of monitoring and managing employee performance.
Consistent Uses: External and internal third party reviewers; internal audit and evaluation staff; Human Resources officials for analysis and HR planning purposes; representatives of Resourcing and career Management Division, Ottawa.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Until an employee retires or for a minimum of two years following the date an employee leaves the CBSA and then sent to Archives.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: CBSA PRN 921
TBS Registration: 005105
Bank Number: CBSA PPE 830

Employee Use of Material Card
Description: This bank consists of written agreements and cards maintained to record the issuance of material, particularly equipment to agency employees for use of government premises.
Class of Individuals: Employees of the Canada Border Services Agency.
Purpose: To track and maintain the location of material when being utilized off government premises.
Consistent Uses: None
Retention and Disposal Standards: Files are retained for two years after return of equipment and then destroyed.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: CBSA PRN 921
TBS Registration: 001764
Bank Number: CBSA PPE 806

Internal Investigations
Description: This bank contains investigative reports and correspondence between officials of the Canada Border Services Agency with respect to whether an allegation against an employee of the Canada Border Services Agency is founded or not founded.
Class of Individuals: Current or former employees of the Canada Border Services Agency and members of the general public interviewed in the course of such investigations.
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to record all information concerning any alleged or suspected violation of Canada Border Services Agency legislation, or of other laws, which could adversely affect the interests of the Agency. The bank also contains notes of interviews with members of the general public interviewed in the course of such investigation. This information is used to determine an appropriate course of action, including recovery of moneys owed to the Crown, disciplinary action against individuals or prosecution against individuals and to comply with the Financial Administration Act, the Treasury Board Policy on Losses of Money and Offences and Other Illegal Acts Against the Crown, and the Canada Border Services Agency Policy on Terms and Conditions of Employment.
Consistent Uses: Information contained in this bank may be provided to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Enforcement or Investigation Agencies prescribed by other related laws and to the Department of Justice.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Files are maintained for 5 years after the case is closed and then destroyed.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: CBSA PRN 921
TBS Registration: 000004
Bank Number: CBSA PPE 813

Leave and Overtime Reporting System
Description: Data contained in this bank pertain to occurrences of leave, overtime, shift work and standby, by individual employee by fiscal year. Individuals identified in this bank are all employees of the CBSA Agency with the exception of terms under three months.
Class of Individuals: Employees of the Agency.
Purpose: The purpose of this information bank is to maintain detailed leave, overtime, and shift work data on all continuing Agency employees, as well as term employees over three months. The bank is used to provide line managers with information regarding employees, in respect to overtime worked, and leave balances. It is also used to accumulate data for tape transmission to Public Works and Government Services Canada to meet Treasury Board requirements. Individual reports, containing detailed information of leave and overtime activity, is available to employees on a scheduled basis. This report is also available on request. Access will not be permitted without adequate proof of identification and/or authority.
Consistent Uses: None
Retention and Disposal Standards: Current year plus two then destroyed.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: CBSA PRN 921
TBS Registration: 003543
Bank Number: CBSA PPE 804

Managerial and Confidential Exclusions
Description: Information in this bank includes the criteria on which the position is excluded, position number and title, organizational location, bargaining unit identification, effective date of the exclusion status of the position, the employee name, employee group and level.
Class of Individuals: Employees of the CBSA occupying or having occupied a managerial or confidential excluded position.
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to maintain a complete listing of all managerial or confidential excluded positions in the Agency.
Consistent Uses: None
Retention and Disposal Standards: Information is retained until the position is de-excluded and then destroyed.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: CBSA PRN 921
TBS Registration: 000003
Bank Number: CBSA PPE 812

Mediation Files Bank
Description: This bank contains information on mediations conducted between employees of the CBSA. All mediators, internal or external, complete a Mediator's Report immediately following a case, and forward the information in a private and confidential manner to the Office of Dispute Management. The information is filed under lock and key and in a sealed envelope and may contain the following documents: the Agreement to Mediate, mediator notes and the Mediation Resolution Agreement.
Class of individuals: Employees of the CBSA who participated in a Mediation Session.
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to ensure consistency and confidentiality in the filing of Mediation documents.
Consistent Uses: The Mediator Reports will be used by the ODM for statistical and quality assurance purposes. Records of mediation would be viewed by the ODM in the following circumstances: need to contact the parties regarding case-related or unrelated follow-up activities, and monitoring of the nature of resolution agreements.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records of mediation are retained for two years after the mediation completion date, and then destroyed.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: CBSA PRN 926
TBS Registration: 005106
Bank Number: CBSA PPE 825

Operations and Staff Matters Bank
Description: This information bank relates to the investigation of Canada Border Services Agency employees emanating from allegations of fraud, defalcation, bribe, breaches of trust, misuse of the Agency's electronic networks, or misconduct. Access will not be permitted without adequate proof of identification and/or the necessary authorization.
Class of Individuals: Employees of the Canada Border Services Agency who are, or have been under investigation for fraud, defalcation, bribe breaches of trust, misuse of the Agency's electronic networks or misconduct, and members of the general public interviewed in the course of such investigations.
Purpose: The information is compiled to carry out investigations of such employees.
Consistent Uses: None.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records in this bank are retained for five years after the case is closed and then destroyed.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: CBSA PRN 921
TBS Registration: 002026
Bank Number: CBSA PPE 803

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Internal Identification
Description: As per the CBSA Certificate Authority Internal Certificate Policy (CBSA CA CP - Internal), the identify of individuals employed by the CBSA must be verified prior to issuance of PKI certificates enabling secure online transactions. The information may be collected in paper or electronic format and may include protected information such as employee name, PRI or date of birth. Information collected for identification and authentication purposes includes the employee's name and SMTP mail address which are published to the X.500 directory.
Class of Individuals: Employees, contractors, organisational roles, and applications within CBSA.
Purpose: PKI certificates will be used to enable telecommuting capabilities and secure email for all CBSA employees.
Consistent Uses: The information gathered prior to the issuance of PKI certificates is for identification and authentication purposes only.
Retention and Disposal Standards: All records containing sensitive plaintext information are stored in accordance with the Government Security Policy (GSP). CBSA correspondence (Subscribers' Agreements and any identification and authentication information) and reports are archived for a minimum of six (6) years. All records are considered Protected B and destroyed as per guidelines.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: CBSA PRN 921
TBS Registration: 004487
Bank Number: CBSA PPE 818

Recognition Program
Description: The bank includes information about CBSA's Recognition Program. The information may include the name of the employee; a synopsis of the achievements; the employee's group, level and work location; and the type of award.
Note: This bank was formerly entitled Innovation and Excellence.
Class of Individuals: Agency employees who have been nominated for a local regional or branch award, a Long Service Award, a Suggestion Award or an External Award.
Purpose: To assist in the administration of the Recognition Program.
Consistent Uses: Some local offices use the bank for local record keeping. Some records are maintained on file nationally.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Local files should be kept for a period of 5 years then closed and destroyed; any file of a precedent setting nature must be transferred to Information Management Section; financial records should be kept for 5 years then destroyed.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: CBSA PRN 921
TBS Registration: 003212
Bank Number: CBSA PPE 810

Students' records of the Customs Inspector Recruit Training Program (C.I.R.T.P.)
Description: The data bank includes biographical information prepared by the students, exams completed by the students and the results. The file may occasionally include manuscript notes pertaining to performance or behaviour of the students while at the College. Course titles and dates of the particular training are to be quoted for access to information.
Class of Individuals: Employees of the Canada Border Services Agency who are current or former students on the Customs Inspector Recruit Training Program.
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to maintain up-to-date the evolution of the students on this pass\fail training program. Also, this bank is to maintain records for reference purposes to evaluate performance and to assist in career planning and future work assignments.
Consistent Uses: None
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for two (2) years after completion of the particular training and then destroyed.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: CBSA OPS 003
TBS Registration: 000002
Bank Number: CBSA PPE 801

Word Processing Equipment Training Reports
Description: This bank relates to the training of Agency employees on word processing software and contains comments by the trainer, and a copy of the letter to the trainee's supervisor regarding the results of the training. Access will not be permitted without adequate proof of identification and/or the necessary authorization.
Class of Individuals: Employees of Canada Border Services Agency.
Purpose: This bank is used to provide a history of employees' training on word processing software.
Consistent Uses: None
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records in the bank are retained for five years and then destroyed.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: CBSA PRN 927
TBS Registration: 002027
Bank Number: CBSA PPE 805

Standard Personal Information Banks

Please see the INTRODUCTION to this publication for the definition of Standard Banks and a description of their contents.

Attendance and Leave


Employee Assistance

Employee Personnel Record

Employment Equity Program



Identification and Building-Pass Cards

Occupational Safety and Health

Official Languages

Pay and Benefits

Performance Reviews and Employee Appraisals

Personnel Security Screening (Reliability Screening/Security Clearance)


Values and Ethics Code for the Public Service

Government of Canada
Last updated: 2006-02-13
Date reviewed: 2006-02-13