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Export Development Canada,

Info Source

Sources of Federal
Employee Information

Export Development Canada
Chapter 57

Table of Contents

Particular Personal Information Banks

Particular Personal Information Banks

Conflict of Interest
Description: This bank contains voluntary disclosures by employees concerning potential conflict of interest situations, as well as investigation reports and correspondence about potential and actual employee conflicts between the private interests or holdings of employees and their official duties.
Class of Individuals: Current and former employees who are involved in potential or actual conflicts of interest.
Purpose: To support the implementation of the Corporate Policy on Standards of Conduct.
Consistent Uses: To help determine whether a conflict of interest exists and, if so, to find a means of resolving the conflict of interest situation.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Two years after potential conflict of interest no longer exists or actual conflict of interest has been resolved, after which the records are destroyed.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: EDC 2000-C4, EDC 2080-A2
TBS Registration: 000160
Bank Number: EDC PPE 810

Employee Career File
Description: This bank contains information on personal characteristics including age, sex, social insurance number (if provided by the employee), employee number, home address, citizenship, education, employment history, career resumes and references, geographical and organizational location, appointments, transfers, salary, promotions and demotions, periods of employment including probationary periods, classification, performance appraisals, discipline, employee assistance, grievances, and may contain notations relating to staffing, training and development, official languages, occupational health and safety, which may also be retained in other banks. Personal information in this bank is also recorded in the computerized Human Resources Information System.
Class of Individuals: Current and former employees.
Purpose: To record information relevant to an employee's career including appointments, transfers, promotions, demotions, classification, performance, assistance, discipline, grievances and termination of employment.
Consistent Uses: To support decisions on staffing; pay and benefits; training and development; official languages; occupational health and safety.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Retained for duration of employment. Following termination, file is combined with Employee Personal File which is retained for one year and then transferred to the control of National Archives of Canada where it held until the individual has reached the age of 80, or until two years after death, provided two years have elapsed since the last administrative action. It may also be retained permanently by the National Archives of Canada if judged to be of historical value. For files of retired EDC employees, file is combined with Employee Personal File which is held in EDC until the individual has reached the age of 115, or until two years after death, provided two years have elapsed since the last administrative action. It may also be retained permanently by the National Archives of Canada if judged to be of historical value.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: EDC 510
TBS Registration: 004246
Bank Number: EDC PPE 801

Employee Personal File
Description: This bank contains information on personal characteristics including age, sex, social insurance number, provincial medicare number, employee number, marital status, disability, home address and telephone number, and correspondence related to recruitment and termination, pay and allowances, deductions and benefits, superannuation, attendance and leave, employment equity status if applicable, and physicians' certificates associated with sick leave. Other supporting documentation includes copies of birth certificates of employees, spouses and their children; marriage and death certificates; the name of persons to contact in case of an emergency; banking information for salary deposits; and designation of beneficiary cards. Personal information in this bank is also recorded in the computerized Human Resources Information System.
Class of Individuals: Current and former employees.
Purpose: To provide documentation and authorization of recruitment, termination and superannuation, as well as on employment equity, attendance and leave, disbursement of salary and allowances and retention of deductions. The social insurance number is used for purposes of identification and to ensure consistency in administration of pay and benefits.
Consistent Uses: To authenticate decisions on engagement and termination; attendance and leave; pay, allowances and benefits; superannuation; and to enable audit and reconciliation of payroll accounts. The social insurance number is collected under the authority of the Income Tax Act. It is used for payroll activities, the provision of T-4 records and pension purposes, and is provided along with other information to Canada Customs and Revenue Agency for income tax purposes, to Supply and Services Canada for pension purposes, and to group insurers for long-term disability claim purposes. Information is also disclosed to a financial institution to facilitate the issuing of salary cheques and to Employment and Immigration Canada, notably with regard to terminated employees in accordance with the Unemployment Insurance Act and Regulations.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for the duration of employment. Following termination, they are retained for one year and then transferred to the control of National Archives of Canada where they are held until the individual reaches the age of 80, or until two years after death provided two years have elapsed since the last administrative action. They may also be retained permanently by the National Archives of Canada if judged to be of historical value. For files of retired EDC employees, file is held in EDC until the individual has reached the age of 115, or until two years after death, provided two years have elapsed since the last administrative action. It may also be retained permanently by the National Archives of Canada if judged to be of historical value.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: EDC 540
TBS Registration: 004247
Bank Number: EDC PPE 802

Expertise Database
Description: Information in this bank includes the name, position title and team membership of employees choosing to participate in this program, as well as the employee's telephone numbers, languages of fluency, professional designation, and information related to their areas of expertise.
Class of Individuals: EDC's employees choosing to participate in this program.
Purpose: To create a tool which promotes the sharing of information and best practices amongst employees thereby enabling them to make better and quicker business decisions.
Consistent Uses: The information is used to identify the areas of expertise of participating employees.
Retention and Disposal Standards: The information is provided and updated by the participating employee and is deleted by the employee at the time of his/her termination or retirement, or by EDC with the consent of the employee.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: EDC 241
TBS Registration: 005343
Bank Number: EDC PPE 820

Identification and Building-Pass Cards
Description: This bank contains photographs, identification forms and correspondence related to the issuance of identification and building-pass cards.
Class of Individuals: Current and former employees.
Purpose: To issue identification and building-pass cards.
Consistent Uses: none
Retention and Disposal Standards: Two years after expiry of identification and building-pass cards, after which the records are destroyed.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: EDC 338
TBS Registration: 000161
Bank Number: EDC PPE 809

Occupational Health and Safety
Description: This bank contains accident and occupational injury or illness investigation reports and related correspondence as well as copies of the Supervisor's Accident Investigation Report, which is retained in the appropriate responsibility centre. The reports contain personal information about injured employees, including age, sex, marital status, social insurance number, home address, salary and employment as required by Human Resources Development Canada. First aid treatment records are retained in accordance with Treasury Board policy. Records including medical documents about individuals, claims for compensation, related correspondence and records of sums of money paid are held by Human Resources Development Canada.
Class of Individuals: Current and former employees.
Purpose: To record safety and health details and causes of accidents/injuries for accident prevention and health protection purposes and to enable the effective administration of the health and safety program.
Consistent Uses: To support decisions relating to worker's compensation and injury-on-duty leave; to act as a means of preventing injuries and illnesses and subsequent disabilities arising out of, or aggravated by, conditions of work; to establish that individuals subject to certain identified occupational risks are able to continue working without detriment to their health or safety or that of others; and to establish the conditions under which certain individuals with identified illnesses or disabilities are able to continue to work under controlled conditions. The social insurance number is collected under the authority of the Income Tax Act and is included in accident reports submitted to Human Resources Development Canada.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Five years for first aid treatment records; ten years for accident and occupational illness or injury investigation reports and related correspondence, as well as the supervisor's accident investigation report, after which the records are destroyed. Records held by Human Resources Development Canada are retained for the periods specified in the relevant bank description.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: EDC 281-3
TBS Registration: 000156
Bank Number: EDC PPE 806

Official Languages
Description: This bank contains course enrolment and attendance information; language training applications containing basic personal data such as first official language, date of birth and social insurance number for identification purposes; language knowledge examination scores; and correspondence about the official language qualifications of employees. Language examination and exemption records are attached to the Employee Career File. Personal information in this bank is also recorded in the computerized Human Resources Information System.
Class of Individuals: Current and former employees.
Purpose: To document and support decisions pertaining to official language training and language testing as well as to document the language training needs and accomplishments of employees.
Consistent Uses: To support and document decisions concerning individual employees on staffing, transfers, and promotions; and to aid in determining the linguistic status of employees and auditing of the administration of the official languages program. The social insurance number is collected under the authority of the Income Tax Act. It is used as an identifier in connection with the language training of employees and is provided to the Public Service Commission and Treasury Board Secretariat as required.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Two years following the date of last documentation, after which the records are destroyed.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: EDC 582 and EDC 510
TBS Registration: 000155
Bank Number: EDC PPE 805

Description: This bank contains permit applications and correspondence about parking of motor vehicles on Corporation-leased property. Records for deductions for payment of parking fees are also included in the pay and benefits records retained on the Employee Personal File. Personal information contained in this bank is also recorded in the computerized Human Resources Information and Administration Information Systems.
Class of Individuals: Current and former employees who have applied for parking permits.
Purpose: To support the administration of parking privileges.
Consistent Uses: To control the issuing and revocation of parking permits and to facilitate the deduction of parking fees from salaries.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Two years after the permit expires, after which the records are destroyed.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: EDC 338 and EDC 540
TBS Registration: 000159
Bank Number: EDC PPE 808

Pension Plan for Employees of Export Development Canada and Supplementary Retirement Plan for Certain Employees of Export Development
Description: This bank contains pension election forms, pension beneficiary forms, proofs of prior services and correspondence concerning pensions. In particular, it contains the name of the employee, his/her employee number, social insurance number, date of birth, gender, language, address, marital status, dates of cohabitation in case of marriage breakdown, date of hire, date of termination/retirement, contributions and interest, pensionable salary, pensionable service, prior service, elective service, accrued pension. It may also contain the name, date of birth and gender of beneficiaries. Records are accessible by providing employee number and full name. Information in this bank is also recorded in EDC's information system.
Class of Individuals: Permanent employees, designated beneficiaries and pensioners.
Purpose: To determine the EDC pension benefits for its participating employees. This information may be used for statistical research purposes, for actuarial valuation of liabilities and cost to EDC, and for planning, implementing and evaluating EDC policies relating to pensions and benefits.
Consistent Uses: To authenticate decisions on pension entitlements. The social insurance number is collected under the authority of the Income Tax Act for purposes of tax deductibility of employee contributions and for benefits taxation. Information is provided, in summarized or detailed format, to: (i) the federal Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada and Canada Customs and Revenue Agency pursuant to the requirements of the Pension Benefits Standards Act and the Income Tax Act; (ii) federal government departments or agencies, other employers or their trustees and financial institutions of employees in cases of employee transfers; and, (iii) the trustees and the pension plan services providers with whom EDC has trust agreements or service agreements.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for the duration of employment. Following termination, files of employees who have elected to take the actual value of their pension are retained for two years and then transferred to the control of National Archives of Canada where they are held until the individual reaches the age of 80, or until two years after death provided two years have elapsed since the last administrative use. These files may also be retained permanently by the National Archives of Canada if judged to be of historical value. Files of former employees who have elected to receive a deferred annuity and files of retired employees are held in EDC until the individual has reached the age of 115, or until two years after death, provided two years have elapsed since the last administrative use. These files are then transferred to the control of National Archives of Canada and may be retained permanently by the National Archives of Canada if judged to be of historical value.
RDA Number: 98/001
Related PR#: EDC 465 and EDC 540
TBS Registration: 005344
Bank Number: EDC PPE 825

Security Clearances
Description: This bank contains personal histories; summaries of Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) investigations; fingerprint cards; criminal histories; security briefings and correspondence related to the security clearances of employees. (Details of CSIS investigations are maintained in the CSIS Security Assessment bank SIS PPU 005).
Class of Individuals: Current and former employees.
Purpose: To determine the level of security clearance and to provide information for the administration of government security measures. In making decisions on levels of clearance, institutions may refer to the information contained in this bank only and not to investigative information contained in the CSIS's Security Clearance Records Bank.
Consistent Uses: To support decisions on staffing, transfers, promotions, discipline and termination of employment.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Two years after an employee leaves the institution for which the clearance was done, after which the records are destroyed.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: EDC 286
TBS Registration: 000157
Bank Number: EDC PPE 807

Description: This bank contains staffing requests; position descriptions; salary ranges; selection profiles; candidates' applications; evaluation notes from staffing boards; examination papers and test results; offers of employment; notices to candidates and correspondence concerning staffing by various processes, including human resources inventory searches. Records in the bank contain a variety of personal information such as education levels and professional qualifications, and may contain the age, sex and social insurance number, if provided by the candidate.
Class of Individuals: Employee applicants.
Purpose: To select candidates and staff positions.
Consistent Uses: none
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are retained for two years after staffing action has been completed or two years have elapsed after any other administrative action, after which the records are destroyed. Records pertaining to successful applicants are retained on the Employee Personal File and Employee Career File.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: EDC 512
TBS Registration: 000153
Bank Number: EDC PPE 803

Training and Development
Description: This bank contains personal data including course applications and evaluations; examination results and certificates; records of fee payments; and correspondence related to participation of employees in training and development activities sponsored by the government and operated by non-government organizations, which may require the use of the social insurance number. Participation and achievement records are attached to the Employee Career File and information on an employee's needs for individual development related to performance may be contained in the Performance Appraisal Form retained on the Employee Career File. Personal information in this bank is also recorded in the computerized Human Resources Information System.
Class of Individuals: Current and former employees.
Purpose: To approve and record the participation of employees in training and development activities.
Consistent Uses: To support decisions on pay and benefits, attendance and leave, transfers, promotions and performance appraisals. The social insurance number is collected under the authority of the Income Tax Act. It may be used as an identifier when required in connection with the training and development of employees.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Two years after completion of the particular training and development undertaken by an employee, after which the records are destroyed.
RDA Number: 98/005
Related PR#: EDC 492, EDC 510, EDC 590
TBS Registration: 000154
Bank Number: EDC PPE 804

Government of Canada
Last updated: 2006-02-13
Date reviewed: 2006-02-13