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Our Publications
> Corporate Plan Summaries
> Annual Reports
> Executive Expenses
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Our Corporate Publications

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Our Corporate Publications

Corporate Plan Summaries

Not only do Nature's Corporate Plan Summaries detail our vision and tactics for its realization, it also matches real results against specific goals and objectives. What have we been so busy doing? What do we hope for the future?

 Annual Reports

Nature's Annual Report tells more about our activities than how much they cost; it reveals a human side of the story. Learn about the people to whom we are so grateful for assistance or sponsorship. Get into the minds of our scientists through their diverse publications listed in this annual bibliography.

Travel and Hospitality Expenses

Information about travel and hospitality expenses incurred by the President and Chief Executive Officer, and the Vice-President (Corporate Services) and Chief Operating Officer of the Canadian Museum of Nature is available below.

Travel expenditures are governed by Nature's Conference Attendance and Foreign Travel Policy. This policy ensures that the expenses are reasonable, legitimate and clearly contribute to the realization of Nature's vision, strategic plan and programme objectives.

Hospitality expenditures are governed by Nature's Hospitality Policy. This policy ensures that expenses are economical, consistent and appropriately incurred for the facilitation of museum business or as a matter of courtesy.

Joanne DiCosimo - President and Chief Executive Officer

Travel Expenses

Hospitality Expenses

Maureen Dougan - Vice-President (Corporate Services) and Chief Operating Officer

Travel Expenses

Hospitality Expenses

Terms and Conditions


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