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Travel and Hospitality Expenses Reports

The Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB) consists of not more than five members, including the Chairperson, who serve on a part-time basis.

The Chairperson is designated under the Patent Act as the Chief Executive Officer of the PMPRB with the authority and responsibility to supervise and direct its work.

  • Dr. Robert G. Elgie, Part-time Chairperson and CEO (ending March 7, 2005) 
  • Barbara Ouellet, Executive Director (effective January 31, 2005)
  • Réal Sureau, Vice-Chairperson (assumed responsibilities of the Chairperson from March 8, 2005, until the end of his term with the PMPRB October 3, 2005.)
  • Dr. Brien Benoit, Vice-Chairperson as of October 4, 2005 (assumed responsibilities of the Chairperson October 4, 2005, until a new Chair is appointed)

Last Updated: 2006-10-02 Arrow Important Notices