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Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat - Government of Canada

Memorandum of Agreement in respect of the re-opening of the collective agreement - Effective April 26, 2006 ,


Effective April 26, 2006

The representatives of the Treasury Board and the Public Service Alliance of Canada, in accordance with Article 57 of the Education and Library Science Group (EB) Collective Agreement, agree to re-open the collective agreement to modify the ED-LAT Sub-group Pay Notes and the Article 21 Designated Paid Holiday.

ED-LAT Sub-group Pay Notes

The existing ED-LAT Sub-group Pay Notes have been amended to include new provisions and have been renumbered consequently. All changes reflected in the documents attached to this Memorandum of Agreement will be incorporated into the new collective agreement and apply only to employees who were hired on or after April 1, 2004 and are still on strength. The resulting salary adjustments are effective September 22, 2005. The provisions of this Memorandum of Agreement shall be implemented by the parties within a period of one hundred and fifty (150) days from the date of signing.

Article 21 Designated Paid Holiday

The Article 21 Designated Paid Holiday has been modified to include, in the Exclusion provision, the EU group working the school year as defined in paragraph 45.01(a) of the Education and Library Science collective agreement.

SIGNED AT OTTAWA, this 26th day of the month of April 2006.



Education and Library Science –
Table 5 EB (ED, LS, EU) 209, 215, 414


1. Any service rendered by an employee on duties classified in the Education group shall be used in determining the employee's increment step on the LAT pay grids.

2. An employee is entitled to be paid at the rate of pay on the pay grid set forth in Appendix "A2" as determined by his or her education and experience.

3. Changes in Rates of Pay

(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) below, in applying the new rates of pay an employee retains his or her step in the salary grid.

(b) An employee shall be entitled to be paid at a higher rate in the range of rates for the education level in which he or she is being paid on the first Monday following the date on which the employee attains the requisite experience.

(c) It is up to the employee to submit to the Employer the documents proving that he or she has higher educational qualifications than those of the education level in which he or she is being paid, within ninety (90) days following the date of issuance of the official transcript of such additional qualifications. The employee shall be granted retroactive pay, if he or she meets the requirements, either from the date of issuance of the official transcript of additional qualifications, if it is submitted within ninety (90) days, or from the date the official transcript was submitted to the Employer, in all other cases.

(d) It is the employee's responsibility to submit to the Employer within ninety (90) days following the date on which he or she enters the Public Service all documents, including certifications or equivalency certificates, that will establish his or her rate of pay. No retroactive changes shall be made to his or her rate of pay after the prescribed ninety (90)-day deadline.

(e) It is up to the employee who acquired his or her degrees or teaching experience outside of Canada to cover the expenses for all documents related to the certifications or equivalency certificates required to establish his or her rate of pay.

4. Education Levels

For foreign-acquired degrees, the employee's level of education must be certified by an organization recognized by the Employer.

Education Level 1 (B.A.)

This level requires a Bachelor's or equivalent degree recognized by a Canadian university.

Education Level 2 (B.A. + 1)

(a) This level requires an Honour's Bachelor's or equivalent degree recognized by a Canadian university.


(b) A Bachelor's or equivalent degree recognized by a Canadian university plus one (1) further year of teacher education as defined in Note 6.

Education Level 3 (B.A. + 2)

(a) This level requires an Honour's Bachelor's or equivalent degree recognized by a Canadian university, plus one (1) further year of teacher education as defined in Note 6.


(b) A Bachelor's or equivalent degree recognized by a Canadian university plus two (2) further years of teacher education as defined in Note 6.

Education Level 4 (B.A. + 3)

(a) This level requires an Honour's Bachelor's or equivalent degree, recognized by a Canadian university plus two (2) further years of teacher education as defined in Note 6.


(b) A Bachelor's or equivalent degree recognized by a Canadian university plus three (3) further years of teacher education as defined in Note 6.

5. Experience

(a) Within the pay range for each educational level, experience is recognized by the granting of one increment for each year of teaching experience prior to appointment. An employee with no experience will be appointed at the first (1st) rate in the range. For each year of experience after appointment, an employee will receive one additional increment provided that service has been satisfactory.

(b) A full year of experience prior to appointment will be allowed for any of the following:

(i) any full academic year at an establishment, recognized or accredited by a school board or provincial Department of Education, that is, eight (8) months (university or college teaching), ten (10) months (elementary and secondary school teaching) or eleven (11) to twelve (12) months (government teaching or a recognized business school);

(ii) any portion of an academic year of six (6) months or more;

(iii) any portion of an academic year, in whole months, at an establishment recognized or accredited by a school board or provincial Department of Education, which total a full academic year, as defined in (i) above;

(iv) second language teaching to adults or federal employees in the amount of four hundred (400) hours in a program approved by a federal language training agency, or at an establishment recognized or accredited by a school board or provincial Department of Education;

(v) for teaching experience acquired abroad, the employee must provide an equivalency certificate from an establishment recognized or accredited by a school board or provincial Department of Education as defined in (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv);

provided that, in all cases, no more than one (1) full year is credited during a twelve (12)-month calendar year.

6. Miscellaneous provisions

Teacher Education, for the purposes of this pay plan, means education certified by an employer-recognized organization and shall consist of any one or combination of the following:

(a) A year of study resulting in a recognized teaching certificate or diploma.

(b) A year of university study, completion of which is officially certified by an educational establishment, in any one of the following related fields: Andragogy, Anthropology, Computer Sciences, Social Communications, Education, History, Journalism, Linguistics (including courses in foreign languages and translation), Literature, Philosophy, Psychology, Political Science, Social Work, Sociology and Theology.

7. An employee appointed to a position in the Language-Teaching Sub-Group prior to November 22, 1988 will not have his or her Education Level lowered solely by the application of pay notes 4 and 6 to Annex "A2".

This provision will cease to apply to an employee when he or she leaves the Language Teaching Sub-Group.




Employees in the ED-EST sub-group of the Education Group and in the EU group who work the school year as defined in paragraph 45.01(a) are excluded from the provisions of this Article.

21.01 Subject to clause 21.02, the following days shall be designated paid holidays for employees:

(a) New Year's Day,

(b) Good Friday,

(c) Easter Monday,

(d) the day fixed by proclamation of the Governor in Council for celebration of the Sovereign's Birthday,

(e) Canada Day,

(f) Labour Day,

(g) the day fixed by proclamation of the Governor in Council as a general day of Thanksgiving,

(h) Remembrance Day,

(i) Christmas Day,

(j) Boxing Day,

(k) one additional day in each year that, in the opinion of the Employer, is recognized to be a provincial or civic holiday in the area in which the employee is employed or, in any area where, in the opinion of the Employer, no such additional day is recognized as a provincial or civic holiday, the first Monday in August,

(l) one additional day when proclaimed by an Act of Parliament as a national holiday.

Date Modified: 2006-05-10
Government of Canada