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Advantage Canada - Building a Strong Economy for Canadians

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Chat Online with the Minister


- Questions and Answers -


Chat online with Finance Minister Jim Flaherty about the Advantage Canada Plan.


Got a question about the Plan for the Minister? Ask it here.

This chat page will start accepting questions at 4 pm Tuesday November 28 and end at 5 pm. Questions and their answers will be posted together.

If time runs out before your question is answered, the Minister will reply as soon as possible. 

Those of you who provided an email address will be notified when the Minister’s answer to your question is posted.

Questions will be accepted in either English or French, and will be answered in the same language as the question. Questions will not be translated. Answers may be translated later.

Want to know more about the Advantage Canada Plan before you ask your question? This way to the Minister's invitation message.



Questions and Answers

Question    28
Ms.  Barbara Burrowes, Toronto:   Can you clarify how your new economic plan, Advantage Canada, will build on the infrastructure investments outlined in Budget 2006 and if new investments will be made in urban transportation infrastructure- specifically new TTC investments in the Spadina subway extension into York Region to link up with GO transit and York Region VIVA transit systems and which already has Provincial and Municipal (City of Toronto and York Region) funding support?
Thanks for your question / Merci de votre question, Barbara Burrowes Substantial public transit funding is included in Budget 2006 and various projects are being reviewed, including in the GTA.

Question    27
Mrs.  Beverly Reid, Calgary:   How will crippling the Income Trusts and their unit holders foster the infrastructure advantage and the right economic conditions to encourage investment?
Thanks for your question / Merci de votre question, Beverly Reid A fair and competitive tax system is essential.

Question    26
Mr.  Jeremy Bomhof, Winnipeg:   Mr. Flaherty, the plan to improve the Fiscal Advantage of Canada is to reduce Canada’s Net Debt to Nil by 2021. The term, ‘Net Debt’ is new to many Canadians, and I would suspect many are skeptical of what it means. Has the government established the principles upon which we measure the Net Debt? What is the value of the timber in BC, the oil in AB, or the Hydro Power in MB? Does our access to abundant water resources reduce our net debt? What about the growing liability to reduce greenhouses gas emissions, how does this impact our Net Debt? As a follow up, assuming the definition of net debt is established by well defined terms and criteria, will this number to subject to audit by the Auditor General?
Thanks for your question / Merci de votre question, Jeremy Bomhof Please see page 45 of the Economic and Fiscal Update regarding the definition of "net debt".

Question    25
Mr.  Edward Spence, Markham:   Minister, investment in public transit is greatly needed in Toronto. Will your plans, briefly mentioned in Advantage Canada, include investment in the Spadina Subway Extension to York Region? This infrastructure project would contribute to transportation, education, the economy and community-building in one of the nation’s fastest growing, yet most in need, neighbourhoods. This project also fits with your government’s recognition of the importance of quality of life issues, the role of transit and especially the need to address congestion as a means to ensure that transportation contributes to economic growth.
Thanks for your question / Merci de votre question, Edward Spence It is one of the projects under consideration, along with a series of other public transit options in the GTA.

Question    24
Mr.  Ken Henry, Roseau River:   How does Advantage Canada help the First Nations of Canada and Aboriginal peoples of Canada
Thanks for your question / Merci de votre question, Ken Henry In several ways, including increasing participation in the workforce and building on programs such as the Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnership Program.

Question    23
Mr.  Tyler Charlebois, Toronto:   In the Advantage Canada document under the Knowledge Advantage the Minister talks about providing stable and predictable funding to provinces and territories. My question is will that funding come by way of a dedicated transfer i.e. the Canada Education and Training Transfer?
Thanks for your question / Merci de votre question, Tyler Charlebois We've committed to work with provinces and territories to provide long-term predictable funding, and to work to enhance public accountability.

Question    22
Mr.  Edward Weston, Ottawa:   In the Plan, it says "To reduce the federal paperwork burden by no less than 20 per cent". How will you calculate this? By 20% fewer forms or 20% less time it takes to complete the current ones?
Thanks for your question / Merci de votre question, Edward Weston We'll work with the Canadian Federation of Independent Business to devise the best measurement.

Question    21
Ms.  Lisa , Sherwood Park:   In the spirit of reduced paperwork, have you considered joint income tax filing like our neighbours to the south as opposed to all the income splitting issues?
Thanks for your question / Merci de votre question, Lisa It is one option among several options to reduce the tax and paper burdens on Canadians.

Question    20
Mr.  David Home, Whitby:   In your budget update, you reference the Tax Fairness Plan which increased the age credit amount and introduced Pension Splitting. First of all, pensioners across Canada are in your debt for recognizing the injustice of the tax on single income versus dual income families. Many of us are anxious to see the detailed legislation on Pension Splitting. What will be the process and when do you anticipate introducing this? David Home
Thanks for your question / Merci de votre question, David Home The Ways and Means Motion has already passed. The effective date is January 1, 2007. A Bill is being drafted which will need to be passed. Good to hear from you in Whitby, David.

Question    19
Mr.  Robert Cosh, Calgary:   You have mentioned a provision for income splitting, when will this be effective and for what age groups?
Thanks for your question / Merci de votre question, Robert Cosh Income splitting of pensions starting January 1, 2007.

Question    18
 Alan , Ottawa:   There are plans for aiding couples by income splitting, as one example. Do you plan on any tax breaks for those that are single?
Thanks for your question / Merci de votre question, Alan We've confirmed plans for pension splitting only. In addition, we have reduced the GST and personal income taxes for all Canadians.

Question    17
Mr.  Frank Stokes, Munster:   The Advantage Canada Plan includes tax reduction, and myself and a great many people thank the Conservative government for the reduction of taxes (as well as the correction of an inequity in the tax system) by allowing pension splitting. My question is, can you please tell us exactly all the steps which are required in the process of that tax measure becoming official tax law.
Thanks for your question / Merci de votre question, Frank Stokes The Canada Revenue Agency will begin administering pension splitting effective January 1, 2007 pursuant to the Ways and Means Motion which was passed by the House of Commons. A Bill will be introduced in Parliament which will need to be passed.

Question    16
Mr.  Ken , North Vancouver:   Most reports indicate the budget surplus may have been as a result of income tax paid on trust distributions by Canadian investors. How do you think the budget surplus was generated?
Thanks for your question / Merci de votre question, Ken The surplus was generated by strong economic growth which has translated into higher revenues and diligent management of spending.

Question    15
Mr.  Mark , Calgary:   What is in place to secure success of these initiatives over time given the reality that administrations will change?
Thanks for your question / Merci de votre question, Mark We are setting clear goals, such as elimination of the net debt, which we believe will be supported by Canadians over time.

Question    14
 Richard Tremblay, Gatineau:   Mr. le Ministre, Comment allez-vous mesurer l'impact du plan Avantage Canada? Quels sont les facteurs clés de succès?
Thanks for your question / Merci de votre question, Richard Tremblay Nous éliminerons la dette nationale d'ici 2021. Nous réduirons les impôts chaque année. Nous allégerons de 20 % le fardeau de paperasserie des petites entreprises. Nous investirons davantage dans l'éducation postsecondaire, la recherche et l'infrastructure. Nous assurerons aux provinces un financement stable et prévisible pour rétablir l'équilibre fiscal.

Question    13
 John , Port Coquitlam:   You talk about giving Canadians a better financial future. Are you going to get rid of the capital gains tax on capital gains that are reinvested into the markets (or real estate)as long as the investment is made within a time frame of six months?
Thanks for your question / Merci de votre question, John We have been and are continuing to review options with regards to capital gains taxation.

Question    12
Mr.  Kevin Andrews, Ottawa:   What is the best case scenario as to when we could eliminate the national debt?
Thanks for your question / Merci de votre question, Kevin Andrews The plan is, by 2021, to eliminate the net debt. Earlier is possible.

Question    11
Mrs.  Marilyn Syrtash, Toronto:   When will a retired married couple be able to split the income from RRSP's. Also, will each person have to be over 65 years of age in order to split the income?
Thanks for your question / Merci de votre question, Marilyn Syrtash In most cases, retired married couples will be able to split income from RRSPs. Specific rules will be published soon.

Question    10
Mr.  George Hiotis, Laval:   Does the "Advantage Canada Plan" aim to modernize Canada's income tax system to allow low income Canadians (living below the poverty line) not to pay an income tax?
Thanks for your question / Merci de votre question, George Hiotis In Budget 2006, 655,000 low-income Canadians were removed from Federal tax rolls. Advantage Canada confirms the government's intention to introduce a working income tax benefit in Budget 2007 to make work pay for low-income Canadians.

Question    9
Mr.  Fred , Lethbridge:   In calculating the Net Debt, you used the Canada Pension Plan Surplus. Should your Plan for reducing Net Debt go negative, will that mean then that the Pension surplus will be used to make up the shortfall?
Thanks for your question / Merci de votre question, Fred Absolutely not.

Question    8
 Richard Johnson, Antigonish:   Hi: Thanks for doing this. Assuming no deaths in the family - Do both spouses have to be over 65 to split pension? Where can I get more detail on the pension splitting?
Thanks for your question / Merci de votre question, Richard Johnson The answer to your first question is no. You might want to see

Question    7
Mr.  Weston Edward, Ottawa:   Does Advantage Canada contain any specific help for small businesses?
Thanks for your question / Merci de votre question, Weston Edward Reduced taxes, 20 per cent less federal paperburden, simplifying regulation by extending the roll-out of BizPal.

Question    6
Mr.  Adam Smith, Regina:   As a recent graduate from a post secondary institution, I am curious what your plan is for focusing resources on education?
Thanks for your question / Merci de votre question, Adam Smith We will invest more in research. We will invest more in graduate scholarships. We'll provide the provinces with stable and predictable funding.

Question    5
Mr.  Miles Lauzon, Cambridge:   The Advantage Canada Plan proposes to return to taxpayers the savings in interest payments due to reductions in government debt. How will these savings be determined(today's interest rates, future rates) and what form will the tax reductions take (tax credits, tax bracket shifts,etc)?
Thanks for your question / Merci de votre question, Miles Lauzon The savings will be determined based on an estimate of the current effective interest rate on the public debt. There are a number of ways of reducing personal income tax.

Question    4
Mr.  marcel rivard, winnipeg:   We can split CPP pension at 60,why not make all pensions splitable at 60?
Thanks for your question / Merci de votre question, marcel rivard There are special rules for CPP pensions. You will be able to split pension income as long as this income qualifies for the pension income credit, this regardless of age.

Question    3
Mr.  Edward Weston, Ottawa:   In a nutshell, how would you describe the Advantage Canada Plan?
Thanks for your question / Merci de votre question, Edward Weston A bold plan to build a strong economy for Canadians, strengthening our Canadian advantages in tax reduction, debt reduction, our entrepreneurial advantage, investing in post-secondary education and research and development, and in infrastructure.

Question    2
Mr.  Bruce Hartman, Mississauga:   When will the real consultation process with all stakeholders begin?
Thanks for your question / Merci de votre question, Bruce Hartman consultations re implementation are in progress

Question    1
Mr.  Bruce Hartman, Mississauga:   Why was a four year period chosen for implementation of the proposed changes?
reasonable period of time comparable to elsewhere

Last Updated: 2006-11-23
