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Questions and Answers

Public Service Employee Survey 2005

Just Tell Us

Questions and Answers

The following Questions and Answers (Qs&As) were adapted from the information and technical sessions held by PSHRMAC. This document is an evergreen document that will be modified regularly.

The questions have been grouped into four categories:

  • General Information
  • Departmental survey coordinators
  • Departmental survey champions


Why survey employees?

Large successful companies conduct regular employee satisfaction/engagement surveys to ensure that the employees' perceptions and perspectives are taken into account when making business/human resources decisions.

Polling employees is considered part of good human resources management within the Public Service of Canada.

What is the difference between the Public Service Employee Survey 2005 (PSES 2005) and other departmental surveys?

The scope and purpose of the surveys are different. Departmental surveys focus on issues related to employees' own workplace and department. Departmental surveys may ask different questions than the PSES 2005 or use the PSES for their own usage. The Public Service Employee Survey focuses on issues related to the entire federal Public Service. The PSES will provide the foundation for a deeper understanding of the federal Public Service as a whole.

PSHRMAC is implementing the necessary system changes to support the new data collection and reporting requirements resulting from the PSMA. The PSES will provide the baseline data needed to take the pulse of employees at regular intervals.

Why a third survey?

  • It will provide a standardized tool throughout the federal Public Service to obtain employee input on organizational effectiveness, well-being and overall climate within individual workplaces.
  • It will enable the measurement of progress since the 2002 employee survey.
  • It will confirm senior management's commitment to transparency and action. As far as we know, we are the only federal jurisdiction (globally) that carries out a survey of this nature.

What was done as a result of past surveys?

Here are a few examples:

  • A national conference on Workplace Well-being and Recognition was held in October 2003 with departmental HR advisors and champions.
  • TBS & PSHRMAC have conducted a pilot project to identify drivers of workplace well-being/employee engagement in these two organizations.
  • Some departments have adopted mandatory training for managers and employees. Others have committed to creating harassment-free workplaces.
  • PSHRMAC has designed learning and communication tools and distributed them to departments, including an on-line interactive course on harassment prevention and resolution with a focus on communication and conflict resolution.
  • A committee of deputy ministers is reviewing the requirements of language training second language evaluation including considerations off employment equity groups.

Are the questions different from the last Public Service Employee Survey held in 2002?

No. The questions are the same as the questions in 2002.

Who will conduct the survey?

As in the past, Statistics Canada will conduct the survey on behalf of PSHRMAC.

Is the survey confidential?

Yes, in conformity with the Statistics Act, Statistics Canada guarantees the confidentiality of the survey. To ensure that the respondents' answers and identities are protected, Statistics Canada has taken the following precautions:

  • The survey is ANONYMOUS. The respondent's name is not required, nor should it be used.
  • The data will be used only to produce tables and graphs.
  • All tables will be verified to ensure that they do not reveal anyone's identity. If there are not at least 5 people with exactly the same characteristics for a table, the table will not be produced. The respondent, as an individual will not be identified in any way.

Will the survey be available in alternate formats?

Yes, the survey will be available in paper, large print, Braille, tape or other alternative media as needed. Contact your departmental survey coordinator to communicate your specific needs.

When will the survey take place?

The survey will take place from November 2, 2005 to December 2, 2005. Completed questionnaires must be sent to Statistics Canada by December 2, 2005.

Who should fill out the survey?

The survey will be distributed to all employees of departments and agencies for whom Treasury Board is the employer (see list at the end of this document). If employees have been recently given an assignment elsewhere, their responses must reflect their work environment at the time, i.e. in November 2005.

I am on an assignment in another department. Should I go back to my department to fill out the survey?

No, you should fill out the survey in the department where you are on assignment. Your answers will be included with the data for that department.

How long will it take to fill out the survey?

Approximately 40 minutes are needed to answer the 116 questions.

How many employees participated in the previous surveys?

Over 104,000 employees participated in the first survey in 1999, representing a response rate of 54%. Approximately 95,000 employees, representing 57.8% of the workforce, responded to the second survey in 2002.

When and how will the results be released?

In the spring of 2006, the results will be made available on the PSHRMAC survey Web site. An analysis of the results will be published later during the summer of 2006.

Who do I contact for more information on the survey?

As of mid-October 2005, you may call number 1 866 558-2947, TTY 1-800-465-7735 that will be set up for the duration of the survey or consult the PSHRMAC Web site at .


What are the roles and responsibilities of the survey coordinators?

Survey coordinators will take appropriate steps to ensure:

  • proper planning and preparation for the conduct of the survey;
  • assessment of departmental results;
  • communication with employees; and
  • appropriate follow-up action.

Will Statistics Canada aggregate the data at the lowest managerial level?

No, not necessarily. Statistics Canada suggests that departments identify units of at least 50 to 100 people to ensure confidentiality of data. However, departments must decide what level of grouping is useful for them. Results may be aggregated at a lower or at a higher level, such as the branch or the departmental level. However, Statistics Canada may group the result of small units in order to protect the confidentiality of the respondent.

How will the statistics be reported for small agencies? In past surveys results for small agencies were all grouped together and the results were not very useful to us.

PSHRMAC will set up an advisory committee to resolve issues of that nature. A call for volunteers to sit on the committee will be issued.

How is PSHRMAC supporting coordinators?

PSHRMAC is providing coordinators and champions with information tools, tool kits and other support. Information sessions and technical sessions have been given and further sessions are being planned. Communication tools such as posters, camera-ready pictures, questions and answers, a sample of a presentation deck, a 1-800 line and a Web site will assist coordinators every step of the way and help them make this survey launch smooth and easy.

PSHRMAC will also communicate regularly with departmental survey coordinators and post all survey-related documents, tools and communications to the PSHRMAC survey Web Site.

How will we find out about departmental participation rates?

Statistics Canada will send departmental participation rates to PSHRMAC on a daily basis during the survey period. These will be posted on the PSHRMAC survey Web site.

As a departmental survey champion or coordinator, whom should I contact for further information?

List of contacts for the PSHRMAC PSES 2005 Survey

Claudette Barré (director)

Public Service Survey Secretariat

(613) 952-2848
Enrico Bonomo (champions)

Public Service Survey Secretariat

(613) 957-9302
Sylvie Cavanagh (coordinators and bargaining agents)

Public Service Survey Secretariat

(613) 952-2914
Céline Delorme (general information)

Public Service Survey Secretariat

(613) 946-6254
Éliane Habib (communication tools)

Public Service Survey Secretariat

(613) 952-4248
James Kierstead (data analysis)

Research and Analysis PSHRMAC

(613) 992-9531
Eddy Ross (survey operations and technical matters)

Statistics Canada

(613) 951-3240
Ghysline Forget (survey operations and technical matters)

Statistics Canada

(613) 951-9791


The survey will be distributed to all employees of departments and agencies for whom Treasury Board is the employer.

Department or Agency Name
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Canada Border Services Agency
Canada Industrial Relations Board
Canada School of Public Service
Canadian Artists and Producers Professional Relations Tribunal
Canadian Dairy Commission
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
Canadian Firearms Centre
Canadian Forces Grievance Board
Canadian Grain Commission
Canadian Human Rights Commission
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal
Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat
Canadian International Development Agency
anadian International Trade Tribunal
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
Canadian Space Agency
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board
Canadian Transportation Agency
Copyright Board
Correctional Service of Canada
Courts Administration Service
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food
Department of Canadian Heritage
Department of Citizenship and Immigration
Department of Finance
Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Department of Foreign Affairs
Department of Health
Department of Human Resources and Skills Development
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development
Department of Industry
Department of International Trade
Department of Justice
Department of National Defence
Department of Natural Resources
Department of Public Works and Government Services
Department of the Environment
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada
Department of Transport
Department of Veterans Affairs
Department of Western Economic Diversification
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
Energy Supplies Allocation Board
Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission
Immigration and Refugee Board
International Joint Commission
Law Commission of Canada
Library and Archives of Canada
Military Police Complaints Commission
NAFTA Secretariat - Canadian Section
National Farm Products Council
National Parole Board
National Search and Rescue Secretariat
Office of Indian Residential Schools Resolution of Canada
Office of Infrastructure of Canada
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
Office of the Co-ordinator of Status of Women Canada
Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages
Office of the Director of Veterans' Land Act
Office of the Governor General's Secretary
Office of the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada
Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy
Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners
Organizing Committee for International Summits
Passport Canada
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board
Privy Council Office
Public Health Agency of Canada
Public Service Commission
Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada
Public Service Staffing Tribunal
Registry of the Competition Tribunal
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (Civilian Staff)
Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Public Complaints Commission
Service Canada
Social Development Canada
Statistics Canada
Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada
Treasury Board (Secretariat)
Veterans Review and Appeal Board