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People Component of the Management Accountability Framework (PCMAF) - Questions and Answers

January 9, 2006


General Information

1.    What is the People Component of the Management Accountability Framework (PCMAF)?

A. The PCMAF is a key component of the Management Accountability Framework (MAF) that sets out expectations for good management practices. The PCMAF is a tool that provides a common structure for assessing the people component of the MAF that is, human resources management in departments and agencies. It is centered around accountability on human resources management practices based on seven specific key workforce and workplace outcomes, and the associated indicators to measure them.

2.    Why the PCMAF?

A. The PCMAF is important because it provides a comprehensive and consistent approach across the public service for measuring human resources management performance and accountability based on seven common workforce and workplace outcomes, and a core set of indicators to measure those outcomes.

There are three main reasons why the PCMAF is needed:

  • It is a solid foundation on which senior managers in departments and agencies can build their own accountability regime for good human resources management and to assess their organization's business and human resources outcomes.
  • It forms the basis for the People Component of the Management Accountability Framework (MAF) and as a result helps in the preparation for the bilateral MAF dialogue between the Treasury Board Secretariat portfolio heads and deputy heads in departments and agencies with respect to their human resources management.
  • It provides public service managers with an outcome-based model and sets expectations for good people management.
3.    What are the seven outcomes of the PCMAF?



  • a fair workplace;
  • an enabling workplace; and
  • a healthy and safe workplace
  • a productive workforce;
  • a principled workforce;
  • a sustainable workforce; and
  • an adaptable workforce
4.    What are the indicators for the PCMAF?

A. Approximately sixty indicators support the seven outcomes of the PCMAF. The indicators are based on readily available administrative data and information from the Public Service Employee Survey (PSES).

5.    Can departments and agencies use other indicators than those suggested in the PCMAF?

A. In addition to the suggested indicators, departments and agencies can use their own information sources. The present indicators are evergreen and will likely evolve over time as lessons learned and best practices within individual departments and agencies, and across government become available.

6.    How was human resources management assessed before the PCMAF?

A. Prior to the development of the PCMAF, certain aspects of human resources management were assessed across the public service such as Employment Equity and Official Languages, and others were done primarily at the departmental and agency level. The PCMAF provides for a more comprehensive assessment of human resources management and accountability both at the departmental and agency level, and across the public service as a whole.

7.    Who is the PCMAF targeted at?

A. The primary target of the PCMAF is managers of departments and agencies. The expectation is that they will ensure its use at all levels of management to raise the level of performance regarding human resources management and accountability in their organizations. The intent is for all public service managers to use the PCMAF to improve human resources management within their organizations.

8.    Who do I contact for more information or training on the PCMAF?

A. Orientation sessions can be provided on demand for managers. Please send an e-mail to for more information.

9.    How can I obtain a copy of the PCMAF Guide?

A. The PCMAF Guide is available on the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada Web site at

Implementation, reporting, and accountability

10.    When is the PCMAF and report on its outcomes to be implemented?

A. Departments and agencies are expected to begin implementation the PCMAF during fiscal year 2005-06. The Government needs to ensure that assessment tools and indicators associated with the Management Accountability Framework (MAF) meet the needs of deputy heads and line managers. The PCMAF is the tool that helps strengthen accountabilities for good human resources management in departments and agencies, and although not a legislated requirement, the departments are expected to implement MAF and PCMAF.

11.    Will central agencies use the PCMAF?

A. Central agencies are expected to use the same PCMAF accountabilities as departments and agencies with respect to their management practices and outcomes in their own organizations. In addition, central agencies have specific accountabilities with respect to the outcomes defined in the PCMAF for the whole of Government. As a result, they will also be assessed through an additional set of indicators that reflect their central agency roles and responsibilities.

12.    How are the accountabilities of managers in departments and agencies reflected in the PCMAF?

A. The PCMAF sets out human resources accountabilities for managers in departments and agencies in terms of the human resources outcomes that are expected of them in the course of their duties, and through their performance agreements. The PCMAF serves as a basis for collective accountability by all levels of management; deputy heads, managers, and human resources professionals both in departments and agencies, and central agencies.

13.    What impact will the PCMAF have on the reporting burden of departments and agencies?

A. The Public Service Human Resources Management Agency (PSHRMAC) is working to ensure that the PCMAF does not result in additional effort on the part of departments and agencies with respect to data collection and reporting by designing indicators that rely on existing automated data and the Public Service Employee Survey. PSHRMAC is working with the other key stakeholders namely, the Public Service Commission, Treasury Board Secretariat and the Canada School of Public Service to better streamline and harmonize data collection so that departments and agencies are not burdened with additional reporting requirements and data collection is simplified.

14.    How will the PCMAF be used?

A. The Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada and the Treasury Board will use the PCMAF in two ways. Firstly, it will serve as a backdrop to the President of Treasury Board's annual report to Parliament on the management of the employer's human resources. Secondly, it supports the annual bilateral dialogue between the Treasury Board Portfolio central agencies and deputy heads on the Management Accountability Framework (MAF) assessment with respect to human resources management.

15.    What is the relationship between the PCMAF and the Deputy Ministers bilaterals, Departmental Performance Report (DPR), and the Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP)?

A. These tools all support departments and agencies to achieve their goals and expectations. While some tools report on program activities, financial and non-financial performance, and program priorities of the departments and agencies, the PCMAF is a framework that provides a common core structure for assessing human resources management in departments and agencies, and the Public Service as a whole. As well, it serves as a basis for human resources assessment for the Management Accountability Framework bilaterals with deputy heads, and informs on human resources management for the RPPs and DPRs.