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Public Service Demographics and Surveys
2002 Survey
Survey Champions
2002 Survey Follow-up
Questionnaires Received
1999 Survey
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The importance of administering a second employee survey.

Message to Deputy Minister & Heads of Agencies from the Secretary of the Treasury Board and Comptroller General of Canada, March 22, 2002

On May 22nd, 2002 we will proceed with our second Public Service-wide Employee Survey. This date ensures identical timing (three years out) from the first PS-wide Employee Survey. We are advised that by proceeding in this fashion, we facilitate maximum accuracy for comparison between the first and second Surveys. The closing date for responding to this second Employee Survey is June 21, 2002.

It is important to administer this second Survey because:

  • a commitment was made to follow-up on the 1999 Employee Survey with a second Survey;
  • it will provide us with a tool to obtain input of employees on organizational effectiveness, well-being and overall climate;
  • it will facilitate measurement: how have we done since the 1999 Survey?
  • it will engage employees across the Public Service in achieving our aim of being an exemplary employer;
  • it will confirm leadership commitment to transparency and action;
  • it will help foster the belief that together we can make change happen;
  • ultimately, and very importantly, it will improve service to Canadians.

All departments and agencies participating in the Second Survey are those where Treasury Board is the Employer. After the Survey is administered (May 22nd - June 21st), Statistics Canada will analyze the data and prepare a full report for PS-wide distribution by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. This report is slated for November 2002.

Separate Employers and Crown Agencies are welcome to use the instrument, thereby saving development costs. However, negotiation for this service on the part of Crowns or Separate Employers must be done directly with Statistics Canada (Mr. Eddy Ross: (613) 951-3240). Results would be reported to any such organisations separately by Statistics Canada.

Developing the second instrument

Since August 28th a relatively small but representative working group made up of a cross section of large, medium and small departments (including Statistics Canada), small agencies, central agencies, unions and outside advisors has been developing the second Survey questionnaire. It should be noted that the involvement of union representatives on the working group has led to their commitment to encourage their members to fill in the survey.


Themes explored in the 1999 Survey are continued in the second Survey such as: Harassment and Discrimination, Workload, Career Development, Communications, Leadership, Service to Clients, Staffing, etc. Over 50% of the questions from the 1999 Survey are repeated verbatim. Some others have been slightly revised and others not retained. For greater clarity and more meaningful data, questions were also added to expand on themes pursued in the 1999 Employee Survey.

New themes have also been introduced to explore other areas of workplace concerns such as: Official Languages, Health and Safety, Values and Ethics, Retention, Labour Management Relations, etc.

Survey Champions

All departments/agencies (TB as employer) have nominated Champions. They are the direct link between organizations and the TBS Survey Project Team from the development phase to post-survey initiatives. Champions will work with employees and their managers in their respective organisations to promote the Survey, help roll out the results and ensure follow-up action.

Consultation and testing

We have ensured that this second Employee Survey instrument has undergone wide consultation and testing. For example, in November 2001, the draft questionnaire underwent focus group testing across the country and revisions were made. In January 2002 we then shared the draft questionnaire with departments and agencies and received input through Survey Champions which led to additional improvements.

TBS support to departments and agencies

On March 14, 2002, we met with Survey Champions and Communication Advisors to distribute the TBS Communications Strategy and Action Plan, as well as a model Departmental/Agency Implementation Plan supported by Qs and As. Champions also received the fourth edition of HR Strategies in Times of Change. This is a compendium of initiatives undertaken by a number of departments and agencies in response to the findings of the first PS-wide Survey.

Updates on Survey activity are being sent to Champions regularly by the TBS Survey Project Team, and a dedicated e-mail service is provided for both Survey Champions and TBS.

Your TBS Contacts

TBS is committed to supporting departments and agencies in this initiative. For information or advice on the second Employee Survey your Champions may call the following persons.

  • Graham Howell: Project Manager (613) 952-5249
  • Sylvie Lance Roussel (613) 946-9310

One of our goals is to increase the employee response rate for the second Survey to over 60%. You will recall that 104,000 employees (54%) responded to the last Survey. We look to you, your Champion, your managers and Bargaining Agents to help make this happen.

Frank Claydon
Secretary of the Treasury Board and Comptroller General of Canada