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Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation,

Info Source

Sources of Federal
Government Information

Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation
Chapter 65

Table of Contents

General Information


Information Holdings

Program Records
Standard Program Records
Particular Personal Information Banks
Standard Personal Information Banks

Additional Information

Additional Information
Reading Room

General Information


The Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation (FFMC) was established in 1969 under the authority of the Freshwater Fish Marketing Act. The Act gives the FFMC the exclusive right to interprovincial and export trade in designated products of the freshwater fisheries supplied from the three Prairie Provinces, the Northwest Territories, and part of northern Ontario. The FFMC is a federal crown corporation listed under Schedule III, Part I of the Financial Administration Act.


The objectives of the Corporation are: to market fish in an orderly manner; to increase returns to fishermen; and to promote markets and export trade in fish.

The Act requires the FFMC to purchase all legally caught fish offered for sale by licensed fishermen, subject to price and terms and conditions of purchase (including quality provisions). It must conduct its operations on a self-sustaining financial basis without appropriations by Parliament.


  • Freshwater Fish Marketing Act (1969)


The FFMC is managed by an eleven member board of directors composed of a Chairman, a President, one director for each participating province/Territories and four other directors. The Chairman and the President are appointed by the Governor-in-Council. The remaining directors are appointed by the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans with the approval of the Governor-in-Council. Directors from a participating province are appointed on the recommendation of the Lieutenant Governor in Council of the participating province. The board of directors is supported and advised by an Advisory Committee composed of fifteen members appointed by the Governor-in-Council.

Information Holdings

Program Records

Fishing Statistics
History case files maintained on 13 fish species. Files include information on species and fish grade, i.e. quality of fish caught; catch weight, etc., all of which is used to determine prices paid to fisherman for their catches. Also incudes information about the various fishing locations and types of fish caught in these bodies of water
Topics: Fish values, fish stocks, payments to fishermen, lake and river data, etc.
Program Record Number: FWF FIS 005

Standard Program Records

Please see the INTRODUCTION to this publication for the definition of Standard Program Records and a description of their contents.

Access to Information and Privacy Requests

Accounts and Accounting

Acts and Legislation


Administration and Management Services




Buildings and Properties

Classification of Positions

Co-operation and Liaison

Employment and Staffing

Equipment and Supplies


Furniture and Furnishings


Human Resources


Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare

Office Appliances

Official Languages

Pensions and Insurance


Proactive Disclosure



Salaries and Wages

Staff Relations

Training and Development




Particular Personal Information Banks

Fishermen's Records
This bank contains data on purchases of fish made by the Corporation from fishermen in the areas it serves. The data include the quantity and monetary values of fish purchased from each fisherman.
Class of Individuals: Fishermen from whom the Corporation has purchased fish.
Purpose: This information is maintained in a database and is used for administrative and statistical purposes and as a basis for distribution of additional payments to fishermen as part of the Corporation's responsibilities. This information is used to determine who fished, what the fisher delivered by species and quantity, and what they were paid in order to determine any final payment.
Consistent Uses: This information may be used to contact fishers regarding any program changes or issues.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Information is retained for seven years and is then destroyed.
RDA Number: TBD
Related PR#: FWF FWF 005
TBS Registration: 002566
Bank Number: FWF PPU 005

Standard Personal Information Banks

Please see the INTRODUCTION to this publication for the definition of Standard Personal Information Banks and a description of their contents.

Access to Information and Privacy Requests




Additional Information

Any cheques should be made payable to the "Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation".

Please see the INTRODUCTION to this publication for information on access procedures under the provisions of the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.

Requests for further information about the Corporation may be directed to:

Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation
1199 Plessis Road
Winnipeg, Manitoba  R2C 3L4

Tel.: (204) 983-6600

Reading Room

In accordance with the Access to Information Act, an area on the premises of this institution has been designated as a public reading room. The address is:

1199 Plessis Road
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Government of Canada
Last updated: 2006-06-08
Date reviewed: 2006-06-08