The New Wildlife Resources Card

Deadline for free Wildlife Resources Card extended until December 31, 2006.

(only required by residents of Nova Scotia )

The new Wildlife Resources Card
Effective April 13th, 2005 the Department of Natural Resources stopped accepting requests for replacement of the N.S. Firearm Hunting Certificate (orange card). On June 1, 2005 the Department introduced and began issuing the new Wildlife Resources Card.

The new Wildlife Resources Card will eliminate a number of problems associated with the old N.S. Firearm Hunting Certificate (orange card). Problems with the old card were:

  • confusion with the Federal Firearms card,
  • master number not unique to client,
  • clients with more than one card,
  • no way to identify active clients,
  • no expiry date.

Due to the lack of an expiry date on the old card, there are over 1/4 million people registered in the database, while in reality it was estimated that there are only 60,000 to 80,000 active hunters in Nova Scotia. The Department has no way to determine how many of these clients continue to be active and interested in hunting and/or furharvesting activities. The new card and data base developed during the process of issuing the new card, will eliminate this problem. The unique numeric identifier on the new Wildlife Resources Card (as opposed to the old alfa-numeric master number) will enable more efficient utilization of the information provided by wildlife user clients. It will also provide greater opportunity for automated phone or on-line licence sales and client reporting.

It is essential that our clients have a Wildlife Resources Card as proof of their certification and training to participate in hunting and trapping activities. The new Wildlife Resources Card will also allow the Department to more effectively interact and correspond with our broader client base which includes guides, fur buyers, taxidermists, deer hide buyers, pheasant preserve operators and nuisance wildlife operators. It will better accommodate maintaining accurate records of harvest and related use of Nova Scotia's wildlife resources, which in turn will support sound wildlife management and decision making.

How to apply for the new Card?

Residents of Nova Scotia can apply by phone by calling 1-888-729-2917.
Line is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
People wishing to snare rabbits also require this new card.

Be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Master Number from your NS Firearm Hunting Certificate (Orange Card)
  • Note: If you are a Furharvester, you will be asked to provide your T-code (trapper/furharvester number)
  • Full Name
  • Birth Date
  • Height
  • Eye Colour
  • Mailing and Civic Addresses (including separate postal codes where appropriate)
  • Telephone Number, and if available
  • Your email address.

New residents to Nova Scotia and those needing a replacement card, the cost of the card is $6.25 (plus HST). This amount will appear on the phone bill of the telephone used to make the call. PLEASE NOTE: you can not call a 1-900 number from a cell phone and if you are having difficulties getting through to the above number, it is probably because there is a 1-900 block on the telephone you are using (please contact your service provider to correct this).

New hunters wishing to obtain a card must attend both the Firearms Safety Course and the Hunter Education Program.

Hunters moving into the province must call 1-900-565-7418 and provide their personal information to the operator. Their application will be put in the unresolved file and the customer must forward proof of having successfully completed a recognized Hunter/Trapper/Bow Education Course in another province, state or country. to Dept. of Natural Resouces, P.O. Box 698, Halifax, N.S. B3J 2T9 Attn: Judy Clattenburg (FAX: 424-8116) in order to obtain the Wildlife Resources Card.

Customer Service
1. As the new card will no longer display the "tombstone information” (i.e. address) it will be unnecessary for clients to replace their new Wildlife Resources Card just because of an address change however, we still require that you advise us of your new address. Customer service issues (i.e. name spelled incorrectly, wrong eye color or change of address) can be resolved by calling toll free 1-888-896-1207 . If there was an error in information displayed on the new card when it is issued, the card will be replaced at no cost to the client.

Senior citizens (65 yrs. of age or older) can also call 1-888-896-1207 in order to receive a free Wildlife Resources Card.

Should you need to replace a lost or destroyed Wildlife Resources Card, call 1-900-565-7418 and a replacement card will be issued at a fee of ($6.25 plus HST).

Benefits of the New Card

  • convenient size, fits into wallet,
  • durable plastic,
  • unique identification number,
  • no need to replace it just because of an address change,
  • it has a sequence number on it so if it is lost or stolen, it can be deactivated so it is of no use to anyone else,
  • the card and supporting data files will allow the Department to better communicate with it’s clients,
  • better accommodate online reporting and eventually licence sales, and
  • assist in maintaining accurate records of harvest and related use of our wildlife resources, which in turn will support sound wildlife management and decision making.

If you have additional questions regarding the new Wildlife Resources Card, please contact your local Department of Natural Resources office.


Q. Who needs a new card?
A. Only residents(see below) of Nova Scotia who were holders of a NS Firearm Hunting Certificate, furharvesters, guides, fur buyers, taxidermists, deer hide buyers, pheasant preserve operators and nuisance wildlife operators.

Resident at any time, means a person permanently or ordinarily resident in the Province for the two months immediately preceding that time, and includes:

  1. an officer of the diplomatic or consular service of a foreign country stationed within the Province,
  2. a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police or the Canadian Armed Forces stationed or born in the Province,
  3. a person born in the Province and the owner of real property in the Province.

Q. Why it was decided not to continue using the old N.S. Firearm Hunting Certificate (orange card) and simply remove names that have been inactive during the past 5 years?
A. The new card and supporting data will give the ability to eliminate those who are no longer a "resident" of Nova Scotia and or are no longer interested/able to participate. The new card (with an expiry date) and data management system will keep an updated list of current clients.

Because of address changes, deaths, name changes and perhaps leaving the province (for more than 5 years, but returning) it has not been possible to maintain current information on, or to contact/notify a large number of persons in the original data set. A qualified/trained hunter who chooses not to participate for a number of years may want to take up the sport at some point and they should not have to be re-trained. Deleting them because of ‘inactivity’ would caues problems. For a person to remain ‘active’ in the data file would require them to buy a licence of some type just to retain their ‘active’ status and remain in the system. With the new card system, information on an inactive client will be retained but the person will not be issued a Wildlife Resources Card until they apply for one and confirm all pertinent information is correct.

Q. When will the new Wildlife Resources Card be required for all client transactions and the old orange N.S. Firearms Hunting Certificate no longer be accepted?

A. No hunting licenses for the 2006/07 hunting season would be issued unless the person has the Wildlife Resources Card which has the appropriate certification for the license requested.
During the application period for the 2006 moose and antlerless deer draws, the new card will not be required to apply. However, an applicant who does not have the new card will be advised that they must acquire one before the actual draw dates or their application will not be considered "eligible" to be entered in the draw(s).

Q. Why is the Department asking for a client’s phone number and e-mail address?
A. DNR would like to interact with its clients more frequently. Should there be need to contact a specific client relative to a matter that involves them (error on a licence issued, hunter report, etc.) A short phone call may be the easiest way to address the issue. Considering most people now have an e-mail address, the Department can contact a large percentage of clients by e-mail at virtually no cost and ask for input on a matter or advise them of pending changes.

Q. Why is an applicant for the new card asked for their eye colour, height and weight?
A. Photo identification was considered but found to be prohibitively expensive. This information will appear on the face of the card and serve as one check to ensure the person holding the card is actually the person to whom it was issued.

Q. Do individuals require re-training (i.e Canadian Firearms Safety Course and/or NS Hunter Education Course) in 5 years when the card expires?
A. No.

Q. Upon successful completion of the NS Hunter Education Course, are candidates provided a temporary card?
A. Yes. Candidates will be provided with a temporary card but it will not have the unique i.d. number.

Q. What is the cost of the card ?
A. Cost of card after Dec. 31, 2006 will be ($6.25 plus HST)

Q. What if there is an error on my new card when I receive it?
A. It will be replaced at no charge to the customer.

Q. How long will vendors continue to accept the old orange card?
A. Either card will be accepted during fall 2005 but only the new Wildlife Resources Card will be accepted in the fall of 2006.

Q. Why do DNR clients need a new card?
A. The new card and supporting data file will give the ability to eliminate those who are no longer a "resident" of NS and or no longer interested/able to participate. The new card (with an expiry date) and data management system will maintain an updated list of current clients.

Q. Is this just a government money grab?
A. The card was issued free (until December 31, 2006 to the client. Renewal cards will be issued through a private contractor selected through a competitive process and the renewal cost will be based on cost recovery.

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Page last updated June 2006