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Debt Management Report 2000-2001: 2
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Annex 1
Federal Debt Management Framework

Legal Authorities

The Financial Administration Act (FAA) provides the statutory framework under which the Minister of Finance borrows money for the Government in financial markets. The FAA states that the Minister cannot borrow money without the authority of Parliament. Parliament authorizes the Minister to borrow new funds through borrowing authority acts. The Minister is authorized by the FAA to refinance maturing debt without further parliamentary authority. The Act provides the Minister with the authority to use modern financial and risk management tools and techniques such as interest rate and currency swaps, options, futures and forwards in the conduct of the Government’s financial operations and for risk management purposes. In addition, the Act provides the Minister of Finance with legislative authority to establish rules governing the sale of the Government’s debt.

In addition to the FAA, the Bank of Canada Act provides statutory authority for the Bank of Canada to act as the Government’s fiscal agent. The Currency Act establishes the Exchange Fund Account and provides statutory authority for the Minister of Finance to manage the Account.

Institutional Responsibilities

The Department of Finance, including Canada Investment and Savings (CI&S), the Government’s retail debt agency, manages federal market debt in conjunction with the Bank of Canada. The Financial Markets Division of the Department of Finance provides analysis and develops policies and recommendations for the federal government’s borrowing programs, for the investment of the Government’s cash and reserve assets, and for the management of financial risks.

The Division works with the Bank of Canada, the Government’s fiscal agent, on all aspects of debt management. As fiscal agent, the Bank of Canada is specifically responsible for the operational aspects of debt management, for example, conducting the auctions of government debt, issuing debt instruments, making interest payments and conducting foreign currency borrowing operations. The Bank also has responsibility for monitoring market activities and advising on debt management policy issues, as well as operating the Government’s Risk Management Unit.

CI&S is a special operating agency of the Department of Finance, and its primary responsibility is the day-to-day management of the Retail Debt Program. CI&S, working in consultation with the Bank of Canada and the Financial Markets Division, is responsible for developing the Retail Debt Program’s strategic direction and managing the front office aspects of the program.

Domestic Debt Operations

Domestic borrowings are done strategically, i.e. securities are issued on a regular, transparent basis to maximize investor interest and participation. Marketable bonds, real return bonds (RRBs) and Treasury bills are sold via auction, with the Bank of Canada operating as the Government’s fiscal agent, to Government of Canada securities distributors and end-investors. Tenders are submitted to the Bank of Canada via the electronic auction system CARS (Communications, Auctions and Reporting System).

Bonds are auctioned on a quarterly basis in the 2-, 5- and 10-year maturities, and on a semi-annual basis in the 30-year maturity. Bonds may be either new maturities or reopenings of previously auctioned bonds. New issues are generally reopened several times in order to increase the size of the issue to the target benchmark bond size.

The bond auction calendar, setting out details of the planned quarterly issuance of marketable bonds, is published by the Bank of Canada prior to the start of each quarter. Final details, including the amounts to be auctioned, the maturity date, and the amount outstanding in the case of bond reopenings, are released one week prior to the auction.

Bond sales take place via multiple-price auctions, with the exception of RRBs, which are sold via single-price auctions. Government securities distributors and investors may submit competitive tenders or non-competitive tenders. For multiple-price auctions, competitive bids are accepted in rising order of yield (declining order of price) until the full amount of the issue being auctioned is allotted, while non-competitive bids are allotted at the average of the accepted competitive bids. For single-price auctions of RRBs, bonds are allotted at the price equivalent of the highest real yield of accepted competitive tenders, plus accrued interest and inflation adjustment.

Regular buyback operations in the 2-, 5-, 10- and 30-year maturities are held shortly after periodic corresponding bond auctions. The Bank of Canada publishes with the bond auction calendar the target amount of bonds the Government intends to buy back during the quarter. Final details of individual operations, including the target amount to be bought back and the basket of eligible bonds, are released one week prior to the auction with the release of bond auction under announcement.

Cash management buyback operations target large bonds with less than 12 months before they mature. They are held on an irregular basis to suit government cash management needs. These operations are held on Tuesday mornings before Treasury bill auctions. Details of individual operations, including the target amount to be bought back and the basket of bond targets, are announced one week in advance with a release of the Treasury bill tender announcement.

Regular buyback and cash management buyback operations are settled on a cash basis and take place via multiple-price reverse auctions. Competitive offers are accepted in decreasing order of yield (increasing order of price) until the target amount to buy back is met. The target amounts may not be purchased if the offers do not meet the Government’s fair value criteria.

Treasury bills are sold via auction on a discount basis. Those with terms to maturity of approximately 3, 6 and 12 months are currently auctioned on a biweekly basis, generally on a Tuesday for delivery Thursday. Under the biweekly issuance pattern, new 3-month Treasury bills are issued at each biweekly auction; new 6- and 12-month Treasury bills are offered in the same week and then reopened once at the next regular auction two weeks later.

The terms for auctions for Government of Canada securities, the terms of participation at auctions, and the quarterly bond auction schedule and auction results are available on the Bank of Canada’s Web site at

Domestic Distribution System

The participation of distributors and end-investors at Government of Canada debt auctions is governed by a set of auction rules and terms of participation introduced in October 1998.

There are 23 government securities distributors that participate in the primary distribution of bonds and Treasury bills. All must be either members or affiliate members of the Investment Dealers Association of Canada (IDA) and have their core trading and sales operation for Government of Canada securities in Canada.

Under the auction rules and terms for participants, there are specific bidding limits that apply to government securities distributors and end-investors at Treasury bill and bond auctions. The limits vary by distributor based on the firms’ relative market activity in the primary and secondary market for the securities. Separate bidding limits apply for Treasury bill and bond auctions. All government securities distributors also have ongoing reporting responsibilities to provide the Bank of Canada with market information involving Government of Canada securities. In addition, all bidders at auction of Government of Canada securities, including customers, must abide by IDA Policy No. 5 governing standards for trading of debt securities in Canada.

Government securities distributors that maintain a certain threshold of activity in the primary and secondary market for Government of Canada securities become primary dealers, and form part of the core group of distributors of Government of Canada securities. The primary dealer classification can be attained in either Treasury bills or marketable bonds, or both. Primary dealers assume a number of responsibilities with respect to Government of Canada securities – they must comply with minimum bidding requirements for every auction so as to provide coverage at auctions as a group, and consistently make two-sided markets to a broad customer base.

Foreign Debt Operations

Foreign currency debt is made up of a short-term US-dollar commercial paper program (Canada Bills), two medium-term note programs (Canada Notes and Euro Medium-Term Notes) and large public bond issues. These securities are issued on an opportunistic basis when required and when market conditions are favourable. The Government also obtains foreign-denominated funding through purchases of US dollars in the spot foreign exchange market and through cross-currency swaps of domestic obligations.

Retail Debt Operations

The Government sells Canada Savings Bonds (CSBs) and Canada Premium Bonds (CPBs), referred to as non-marketable savings instruments, to individuals, or "retail" investors who are Canadian residents.

Two principal channels are used for sales of CSBs and CPBs: the Payroll Savings Program and financial institutions. The Payroll Savings Program allows employees of employers sponsoring the program to purchase CSBs during the sales campaign through payroll deductions.

During the six-month sales period (October-March) Canadians can also purchase CSBs and CPBs wherever they bank or invest, including banks and trust companies, investment dealers, savings and loan companies and credit unions. Additionally, Canadians, on a pilot basis, can purchase CSBs and CPBs directly from the Government by telephone.

Annex 2
Government of Canada Market Debt Instruments

Fixed-Coupon Marketable Bonds

Effective October 1995 Government of Canada marketable bonds are issued in global certificate form only whereby a global certificate for the full amount of the bonds is issued in fully registered form in the name of CDS & Co., a nominee of the Canadian Depository for Securities Limited (CDS). The bonds must be purchased, transferred or sold, directly or indirectly, through a participant of the Debt Clearing Service, which is operated by CDS, and only in integral multiples of $1,000 (face value). Prior to December 1993 Government of Canada bonds were issued in coupon-bearer and fully registered form, and were available in denominations ranging from $1,000 to $1,000,000. Between December 1993 and September 1995 Government of Canada bonds were issued only in fully registered form. All Canadian-dollar marketable bonds are non-callable and pay a fixed rate of interest semi-annually.

Treasury Bills

Effective November 1995 all new issues of Treasury bills are issued is global certificate form only whereby a global certificate for the full amount of the Treasury bill is issued in fully registered form in the name of CDS & Co., a nominee of the CDS. Treasury bills must be purchased, transferred or sold, directly or indirectly, through a participant of the Debt Clearing Service, which is operated by CDS, and only in integral multiples of $1,000 (face value). Prior to November 1995 Treasury bills were issued in bearer form and were available in denominations ranging from $1,000 to $1,000,000.

The Government of Canada also periodically issues cash management bills (CMBs). CMBs are Treasury bills with maturities of less than three months (they can be as short as one day) used as a source of short-term financing for the Government. CMB auctions can take place on any business day, typically for next-day delivery, but on some occasions for same-day delivery.

Government of Canada Real Return Bonds

Government of Canada real return bonds (RRBs) pay semi-annual interest based upon a real interest rate. Unlike standard fixed-coupon marketable bonds, interest payments on RRBs are adjusted for changes in the consumer price index (CPI). The CPI, for the purposes of RRBs, is the all-items CPI for Canada, not seasonally adjusted, published monthly by Statistics Canada. The semi-annual nominal coupon payments are calculated as follows:

coupon paymenti = real coupon rate/2 x (principal + inflation compensationi) where inflation compensationi = ((principal x reference CPIi/reference CPIbase) – principal).

Reference CPI for the first day of any calendar month is the CPI for the third preceding calendar month. The reference CPI for any other day in a month is calculated by linear interpolation between the reference CPI applicable to the first day of the month in which such day falls and the reference CPI applicable to the first day of the month immediately following. The reference CPIbase for a series of bonds is the reference CPIi applicable to the original issue date for the series.

At maturity bondholders will receive, in addition to a coupon interest payment, a final payment equal to the sum of the principal amount and the inflation compensation accrued from the original issue date, i.e. final payment = principal + ((principal x reference CPImaturity/reference CPIbase) – principal).

These bonds must be purchased, transferred or sold, directly or indirectly, through a participant of the Debt Clearing Service and only in integral multiples of $1,000 (face value).

Canada Savings Bonds

Canada Savings Bonds (CSBs) are offered for sale by most financial institutions in Canada. In addition, a significant number of organizations sponsor the Payroll Savings Program, thus allowing many Canadians to purchase CSBs through payroll deductions.

Except in certain specific circumstances, CSBs can be registered only in the name of residents of Canada. They are available in both regular interest and compound interest forms. For those CSBs which are certificated, denominations range from $100 ($300 for a regular interest bond) to $10,000. All CSBs are non-callable and, except in certain limited circumstances, non-transferable.

CSBs provide minimum guaranteed annual interest rates. The minimum guaranteed annual interest rate will be increased if market conditions warrant, but the bondholder will not earn less than the rate announced for that series for the posted period. CSBs are cashable at any time and, after the first three months, pay interest up to the end of the month prior to encashment. Principal and interest are fully backed by the Government of Canada.

Canada Premium Bonds

The Canada Premium Bond (CPB) was introduced by the Government of Canada in 1998. Like CSBs, CPBs are offered for sale at most financial institutions in Canada.

CPBs offer a higher rate of interest at the time of issue compared to the CSB on sale at the same time, and are redeemable once a year on the anniversary date of the issue and during the 30 days thereafter without penalty. Once an issue date has passed, the announced interest rates for the posted period will not be changed. CPBs are available in both regular interest and compound interest forms. The compound interest bond is available for as little as $100 while the regular interest bond is available starting from $300. Principal and interest are fully backed by the Government of Canada and this bond is non-callable.

Canada Bills

Canada Bills are promissory notes denominated in US dollars and issued only in book-entry form. They mature not more than 270 days from their date of issue, and are discount obligations with a minimum order size of US$1,000,000 and a minimum denomination of US$1,000. Delivery and payment for Canada Bills occur in same-day funds through Chase Manhattan Bank in New York City.

Primary distribution of Canada Bills occurs through five dealers: CIBC Wood Gundy Inc., Credit Suisse First Boston Corporation, Goldman, Sachs & Co., Lehman Brothers Inc. and RBC Dominion Securities Inc. Rates on Canada Bills are posted daily for terms of one to six months.

Canada Bills are issued for foreign exchange reserve funding purposes only.

Canada Notes

Canada Notes are promissory notes usually denominated in US dollars and available in book-entry form. They are issued in denominations of US$1,000 and integral multiples thereof. At present the aggregate principal amount outstanding issued under the program is limited to US$10.0 billion. Notes can be issued for terms of nine months or longer, and can be issued at a fixed or a floating rate.

The interest rate or interest rate formula, issue price, stated maturity, redemption or repayment provisions, and any other terms are established by the Government of Canada at the time of issuance of the notes and will be indicated in the Pricing Supplement. Delivery and payment for Canada Notes occur through the Bank of New York.

The notes are offered on a continual basis by the Government through five dealers: Credit Suisse First Boston Corporation, Goldman, Sachs & Co., Lehman Brothers Inc., Nesbitt Burns Securities Inc. and Scotia Capital Markets (USA) Inc. The Government may also sell notes to other dealers or directly to investors.

Canada Notes are issued for foreign exchange reserve funding purposes only.

Euro Medium-Term Notes

Euro Medium-Term Notes (EMTNs) are medium-term notes issued outside the United States and Canada. Government of Canada EMTNs are sold either by dealers in the dealer group, or by dealers who are not in the dealer group but who are acting as the Government’s agent for the particular transaction (called reverse inquiry). EMTNs are sold on a bought-deal basis (i.e. the dealer purchasing EMTNs is responsible for the sale of the notes) and on an intermittent basis.

The Arranger for the EMTN program is Morgan Stanley Dean Witter. The London-based dealer group includes CIBC World Markets plc, Goldman Sachs International, J.P. Morgan Securities Ltd., Nomura International, TD Securities, Deutsche Bank, Merrill Lynch International, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, RBC Dominion Securities and Warburg Dillon Read.

The EMTN program further diversifies the sources of cost-effective funding for the foreign exchange reserves. Notes issued under this program can be denominated in a range of currencies and structured to meet investor demand.

EMTNs are issued for foreign exchange reserve funding purposes only.

Cross-Currency Swaps

A cross-currency swap is an agreement that exchanges one type of return for another (e.g. a fixed for a floating rate of interest) and the principal amount for the term of the swap. Cross-currency swaps of domestic obligations are a cost-effective alternative to foreign-currency-denominated bond issues as a means of meeting the Government’s targets for longer-term foreign currency funding.

Annex 3

benchmark bond: Specific issue outstanding within each class of maturities. It is considered by the market to be the standard against which all other bonds issued in that class are evaluated.

bid: Price a buyer is willing to pay.

bid-offer spread: The difference between bid and offer prices. It is typically measured in basis points (hundredths of a per cent).

budgetary surplus: Occurs when government annual revenues exceed annual budgetary expenditures. A deficit is the shortfall between government revenues and budgetary spending.

Exchange Fund Account: A fund maintained by the Government of Canada for the purpose of promoting order and stability of the Canadian dollar in the foreign exchange market. This function is fulfilled by purchasing foreign exchange (selling Canadian dollars) when there is upward pressure on the value of the Canadian dollar and selling foreign exchange (buying Canadian dollars) when there is downward pressure on the currency.

financial requirements/source: Measures the difference between the cash coming in to the Government and the cash going out. In the case of a financial requirement, it is the amount of new borrowing required from outside lenders to meet the Government’s financing needs in any given year.

foreign exchange reserves: Stocks of foreign exchange assets (e.g. interest-earning bonds) held by sovereign states to support the value of the domestic currency. Canada’s foreign exchange reserves are held in a special account called the Exchange Fund Account.

gross public debt: Total amount the Government owes. It consists of both market debt in the form of outstanding securities, such as Treasury bills and Canada Savings Bonds, and internal debt owed mainly to the superannuation fund for government employees and other current liabilities.

interest-bearing debt: Consists of unmatured debt, or market debt, and the Government’s liabilities to internally held accounts such as federal employees’ pension plans.

market debt: For debt management purposes, market debt is defined as the portion of debt that is funded in the public markets, and consists of marketable bonds, Treasury bills, retail debt (e.g. Canada Savings Bonds), foreign-currency-denominated bonds and bills, as well as bonds issued to the Canada Pension Plan.

marketable debt: Market debt that is issued by the Government of Canada and sold via public tender or syndication. These issues can be traded between investors while outstanding.

net public debt: Consists of gross public debt net of financial assets.

non-market debt: Consists of the Government’s internal debt, which is, for the most part, federal public sector pension liabilities and the Government’s current liabilities (such as accounts payable, accrued liabilities, interest and payment of matured debt).

non-marketable debt: Market debt that is not tradable and that is issued to retail investors (Canada Savings Bonds and Canada Premium Bonds).

offer: Price at which a seller is willing to sell.

term structure of interest rates: The levels of interest rates from short- to long-term maturities.

turnover ratio: Volume of securities traded as a percentage of securities outstanding.

Reference Tables

Reference Table I
Gross Public Debt, Outstanding Market Debt and Debt Charges

Fiscal years ending March 31 Outstanding Gross public debt
Total debt charges Outstanding Outstanding market debt
Average interest rate
Fixed-rate portion1 Average fixed-rate portion2 Fixed-rate portion Total debt charges

  ($billions) (%) (%) ($billions) ($billions) (%) ($billions) (%)
1985-86 274.8 51.9 0 25.4 201.2 36.7 20.7 10.66
1986-87 308.9 50.9 0 26.7 228.6 36.9 21.5 9.34
1987-88 340.1 51.2 0 29.0 250.8 38.2 23.1 9.61
1988-89 371.5 49.6 0 33.2 276.3 37.2 26.5 10.82
1989-90 397.2 49.9 0 38.8 294.6 38.1 31.4 11.20
1990-91 433.3 50.4 0 42.6 323.9 38.5 34.3 10.72
1991-92 467.4 50.7 0 41.2 351.9 38.9 32.4 8.86
1992-93 503.9 50.4 0 38.8 382.7 39.0 29.4 7.88
1993-94 546.4 53.3 0 38.0 414.0 42.7 28.0 6.75
1994-95 584.8 55.1 0 42.0 441.0 44.4 31.4 7.97
1995-96 624.7 56.9 0 46.9 469.5 47.9 35.3 7.34
1996-97 640.7 61.7 0 45.0 476.9 53.8 33.0 6.66
1997-98 638.5 63.7 0 40.9 467.3 56.8 31.0 6.64
1998-99 640.3 64.5 66.6 41.4 460.4 58.5 30.8 6.70
1999-00 638.7 66.5 66.6 41.6 456.4 59.1 30.5 6.15
2000-01 632.9 67.8 67.6 42.1 446.4 60.5 30.7 6.11

Note: Variances in the maturity structure of the debt will cause the fixed ratio to vary modestly on a monthly basis.
1 As of March 31 and after adjusting for non-interest-bearing liabilities. Definition of fixed debt may vary slightly from year to year to accommodate changes in the debt structure.
2 Average over the year. Comparative figures for prior years are not available.
Sources: Public Accounts of Canada, Bank of Canada Review, Department of Finance estimates.

Reference Table II
Government of Canada Outstanding Market Debt

Payable in Canadian dollars
Payable in foreign currencies
Fiscal years ending March 31 Treasury bills Marketable bonds Retail debt CPP bonds Total Marketable bonds Canada Bills Canada Notes1 Standby drawings Term loans Total Total market debt

(C$ millions)
1977-78 11,295 21,645 18,036 84 51,060 181 0 0 850 0 1,031 51,664
1978-79 13,535 26,988 19,443 96 60,062 3,319 0 0 2,782 1,115 7,216 66,640
1979-80 16,325 33,387 18,182 113 68,007 3,312 0 0 359 1,030 4,701 72,021
1980-81 21,770 40,976 15,966 136 78,848 3,236 0 0 355 1,046 4,637 83,138
1981-82 19,375 43,605 25,108 154 88,242 3,867 0 0 0 550 4,417 93,167
1982-83 29,125 48,473 32,753 171 110,522 4,872 0 0 0 362 5,234 116,562
1983-84 41,700 56,976 38,403 189 137,268 4,306 0 0 510 398 5,214 142,901
1984-85 52,300 69,354 42,167 205 164,026 4,972 0 0 1,909 1,172 8,053 172,719
1985-86 61,950 81,163 44,607 445 188,165 9,331 0 0 2,233 2,247 13,811 201,229
1986-87 76,950 94,520 43,854 1,796 217,120 9,120 1,045 0 0 2,047 12,212 228,611
1987-88 81,050 103,899 52,558 2,492 239,999 8,438 1,045 0 0 2,257 11,740 250,809
1988-89 102,700 115,748 47,048 3,005 268,501 6,672 1,131 0 0 934 8,737 276,301
1989-90 118,550 127,681 40,207 3,072 289,510 4,364 1,446 0 0 0 5,810 294,562
1990-91 139,150 143,601 33,782 3,492 320,025 3,555 1,008 0 0 0 4,563 323,903
1991-92 152,300 158,059 35,031 3,501 348,891 3,535 0 0 0 0 3,535 351,885
1992-93 162,050 178,436 33,884 3,505 377,875 2,926 2,552 0 0 0 5,478 382,741
1993-94 166,000 203,373 30,866 3,497 403,736 5,019 5,649 0 0 0 10,668 413,975
1994-95 164,450 225,513 30,756 3,488 424,207 7,875 9,046 0 0 0 16,921 440,998
1995-96 166,100 252,411 30,801 3,478 452,790 9,514 6,986 310 0 0 16,810 469,547
1996-97 135,400 282,059 32,911 3,468 453,838 12,460 8,436 2,121 0 0 23,017 476,852
1997-98 112,300 293,987 30,302 3,456 440,045 14,590 9,356 3,176 0 0 27,122 467,291
1998-99 96,950 294,914 28,810 4,063 424,737 19,655 10,171 6,182 0 0 36,008 460,427
1999-00 99,850 293,250 27,115 3,427 423,642 21,464 6,008 5,168 0 0 32,640 456,406
2000-01 88,700 293,879 26,457 3,404 412,440 20,509 7,228 5,695 0 0 33,432 445,724

Note: Subcategorization of Government of Canada debt is in accordance with Bank of Canada reports, which may vary slightly from Public Accounts categories due to differences in classification methods. The total outstanding market debt may not equal the sum of the parts due to slight differences between the Bank of Canada’s and Department of Finance’s numbers.
1 Includes EMTNs.
Sources: Bank of Canada Review, Department of Finance.

Reference Table III
Average Weekly Domestic Market Trading in Government of Canada Securities, April 2000 to March 2001

  Treasury bills Marketable bonds
3 years and under 3 to 10 years Over 10 years Real return bonds Total marketable bonds Total

  ($ millions)
April 2000 24,040 20,818 28,414 10,469 133 59,834 83,874
May 2000 22,164 20,815 28,243 9,279 317 58,654 80,818
June 2000 22,283 26,054 34,561 8,010 164 68,789 91,072
July 2000 18,019 21,866 29,557 5,486 223 57,132 75,151
August 2000 18,091 22,424 29,932 6,042 106 58,504 76,595
September 2000 20,040 33,329 31,958 8,542 240 74,069 94,109
October 2000 17,699 23,674 27,865 9,589 721 61,849 79,548
November 2000 17,730 25,885 27,710 7,853 198 61,646 79,376
December 2000 20,066 21,515 26,933 9,976 214 58,638 78,704
January 2001 17,006 32,129 32,658 9,787 187 74,761 91,767
February 2001 20,381 33,250 32,399 8,250 257 74,156 94,537
March 2001 23,401 39,957 35,199 8,954 180 84,290 107,691

Source: Bank of Canada, Banking and Financial Statistics.

Reference Table IV
Distribution of Domestic Holdings of Government of Canada Securities

PART A – Treasury Bills, Canada Bills, Bonds,[1] Canada Savings Bonds and Canada Premium Bonds

Year end Persons and unincorporated businesses Non-financial corporations Bank of Canada Chartered banks Quasi- banks[2] Life insurance companies and pension funds Public and other financial institutions[3] All levels of government[4] Total[5]

  ($ millions)
1976 17,932 395 8,242 8,666 716 1,436 2,273 730 40,390
1977 20,277 321 10,268 9,601 1,048 2,271 3,114 1,014 47,914
1978 22,740 403 12,001 9,896 1,537 3,738 4,017 1,721 56,053
1979 23,143 374 13,656 10,156 1,684 6,716 4,103 2,878 62,710
1980 24,253 555 15,858 10,002 2,771 9,274 5,561 4,248 72,522
1981 33,125 520 17,100 10,003 2,452 10,569 5,342 4,194 83,305
1982 42,320 2,267 15,428 11,233 3,288 13,151 9,177 4,654 101,518
1983 50,306 5,502 16,859 15,107 5,551 17,816 9,984 5,321 126,446
1984 60,748 6,783 17,184 15,164 4,887 24,039 11,978 7,166 147,949
1985 74,332 7,387 15,668 15,198 5,706 31,068 15,086 10,106 174,551
1986 71,073 6,259 18,374 17,779 7,277 34,887 18,414 11,293 185,356
1987 83,711 8,591 20,201 16,012 6,400 38,870 19,547 13,918 207,250
1988 86,574 8,634 20,606 21,115 7,492 42,460 19,028 17,186 223,095
1989 81,549 11,402 21,133 20,804 9,854 48,037 23,950 17,840 234,569
1990 80,060 11,797 20,325 24,224 10,460 52,984 26,051 19,574 245,475
1991 72,880 11,580 22,370 35,792 12,091 57,846 33,054 21,015 266,628
1992 70,869 13,696 22,607 44,555 12,428 62,042 39,396 20,222 285,815
1993 61,163 10,359 23,498 60,242 11,229 69,917 45,321 18,397 300,126
1994 52,751 12,039 24,902 70,063 9,992 78,559 52,847 24,967 326,120
1995 48,733 12,048 23,590 76,560 10,947 87,484 59,044 26,324 344,730
1996 46,104 10,013 25,556 74,789 10,952 90,231 71,514 24,828 353,987
1997 39,872 10,470 27,198 67,715 7,054 95,102 79,445 25,429 352,285
1998 37,542 8,525 27,911 65,636 6,659 100,056 79,895 23,070 349,294
1999 33,464 9,290 29,075 57,880 6,884 108,084 81,318 28,351 354,346
2000 32,600 9,064 31,726 61,269 3,451 108,771 74,456 27,296 348,633

Reference Table IV (cont’d)
Distribution of Domestic Holdings of Government of Canada Securities

PART B – Treasury Bills, Canada Bills, Bonds,[1] Canada Savings Bonds and Canada Premium Bonds

Year end Persons and unincorporated businesses Non-financial corporations Bank of Canada Chartered banks Quasi- banks[2] Life insurance companies and pension funds Public and other financial institutions[3] All levels of government[4] Total[5]

1976 44.40 0.98 20.41 21.46 1.77 3.56 5.63 1.81 100.00
1977 42.32 0.67 21.43 20.04 2.19 4.74 6.50 2.12 100.00
1978 40.57 0.72 21.41 17.65 2.74 6.67 7.17 3.07 100.00
1979 36.90 0.60 21.78 16.20 2.69 10.71 6.54 4.59 100.00
1980 33.44 0.77 21.87 13.79 3.82 12.79 7.67 5.86 100.00
1981 39.76 0.62 20.53 12.01 2.94 12.69 6.41 5.03 100.00
1982 41.69 2.23 15.20 11.07 3.24 12.95 9.04 4.58 100.00
1983 39.78 4.35 13.33 11.95 4.39 14.09 7.90 4.21 100.00
1984 41.06 4.58 11.61 10.25 3.30 16.25 8.10 4.84 100.00
1985 42.58 4.23 8.98 8.71 3.27 17.80 8.64 5.79 100.00
1986 38.34 3.38 9.91 9.59 3.93 18.82 9.93 6.09 100.00
1987 40.39 4.15 9.75 7.73 3.09 18.76 9.43 6.72 100.00
1988 38.81 3.87 9.24 9.46 3.36 19.03 8.53 7.70 100.00
1989 34.77 4.86 9.01 8.87 4.20 20.48 10.21 7.61 100.00
1990 32.61 4.81 8.28 9.87 4.26 21.58 10.61 7.97 100.00
1991 27.33 4.34 8.39 13.42 4.53 21.70 12.40 7.88 100.00
1992 24.80 4.79 7.91 15.59 4.35 21.71 13.78 7.08 100.00
1993 20.38 3.45 7.83 20.07 3.74 23.30 15.10 6.13 100.00
1994 16.18 3.69 7.64 21.48 3.06 24.09 16.20 7.66 100.00
1995 14.14 3.49 6.84 22.21 3.18 25.38 17.13 7.64 100.00
1996 13.02 2.83 7.22 21.13 3.09 25.49 20.20 7.01 100.00
1997 11.32 2.97 7.72 19.22 2.00 27.00 22.55 7.22 100.00
1998 10.75 2.44 7.99 18.79 1.91 28.65 22.87 6.60 100.00
1999 9.44 2.62 8.21 16.33 1.94 30.50 22.95 8.00 100.00
2000 9.35 2.60 9.10 17.57 0.99 31.20 21.36 7.83 100.00

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Last Updated: 2004-05-13


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