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Policy Watch provides links to full-text documents available on the Internet. It's a work in progress, easy to use, and international in scope with a range of perspectives, alternatives and options, which meet the needs of people researching a wide variety of health issues.

Policy Watch is an excellent starting place to find appropriate, good quality, full-text information for policy development and review, strategic initiatives, business and programme planning, legislation, standards development and projects, etc. Navigator links on the right hand side of your screen go to specific topics with collections of information arranged alphabetically by title, eg. acute care provides information on hospitals, emergency health, palliative care, etc.

Click on the Journals button on the left side of your screen to go to an alphabetical listing of electronic newsletters and journals which are available for free via the internet. Ids and passwords are necessary for the subscriptions, which are licensed for use from computers in the Joseph Howe Building. Click on Department of Health button

The Medline button takes you to the database of the US National Library of Medicine, which is searchable from your computer. Medline is not a full-text database. Document delivery services are available for staff in the Joseph Howe Building and for Continuing Care staff around the province.

The Passwords button on the left of the screen takes staff of the Nova Scotia Department of Health, and Nova Scotia Health Promotion and Protection to a listing of electronic journals and databases for staff use only.