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- Fiscal Monitor 2000 -

The Fiscal Monitor

Highlights of financial results for May 2000

Budgetary surplus of $3.3 billion in May 2000

There was a budgetary surplus of $3.3 billion in May 2000, up $1.4 billion from the surplus of $1.9 billion reported in May 1999. Budgetary revenues were up $1.8 billion, or 13.6 per cent, while public debt charges declined $0.1 billion, or 3.6 per cent. Program spending increased $0.5 billion, or 6.7 per cent.

Higher personal income tax and goods and services tax (GST) revenues accounted for most of the year-over-year increase in budgetary revenues.

  • Personal income tax revenues were up $0.7 billion, or 10.8 per cent, on a year-over-year basis. This increase primarily reflected higher taxes paid on filing, with respect to the 1999 taxation year, which more than offset the year-over-year decline witnessed in tax on filing in April 2000.
  • GST revenues increased $0.8 billion, or 44.0 per cent, on a year-over-year basis. Most of the increase was attributable to a decline in refunds and rebates, reflecting timing factors. This should be reversed in future months, which would bring the results more in line with the growth in the underlying tax base.

All major components of program spending were higher on a year-over-year basis, while the decline in public debt charges reflected a decline in the average effective interest rate as the stock of interest-bearing debt was virtually unchanged.

Year-to-date: budgetary surplus of $6.1 billion

Over the first two months of fiscal year 2000-01, the budgetary surplus was estimated at $6.1 billion, up $2.6 billion from the surplus of $3.4 billion reported in the same period of 1999-2000.

However, the results to date do not include any impact of the tax reductions measures affecting the current fiscal year, as announced in the 2000 Budget as part of the Government's Five-Year Tax Reduction Plan. The restoration of full indexation of the personal income tax system, the reduction in the middle tax rate from 26 per cent to 24 per cent, increases in the amounts at which the personal income tax rates apply, among others, will restrain the growth in personal income tax revenues, beginning in July 2000. As indicated in The Budget Plan 2000, the net fiscal impact of all the tax reduction measures affecting 2000-01 amounts to $4.6 billion. As such, the budgetary results for the first few months of 2000-01 are not an appropriate indicator of developments over the year as a whole.

Table 1
Summary statement of transactions

April April to May
1999 2000 1999-00 2000-01

(millions of dollars)

Budgetary transactions    
Revenues 13,391 15,212 26,622 29,926
Program spending -7,962 -8,494 -16,253 -17,092
Operating surplus 5,429 6,718 10,369 12,834
Public debt charges -3,512 -3,387 -6,924 -6,754
Budgetary balance (deficit/surplus) 1,917 3,331 3,445 6,080
Non-budgetary transactions 4,368 2,602 808 -2,620
Financial requirements/surplus
(excluding foreign exchange transactions)
6,285 5,933 4,253 3,460
Foreign exchange transactions 1,135 827 503 1,956
Net financial balance 7,420 6,760 4,756 5,416
Net change in borrowings -2,430 149 -7,145 -5,640
Net change in cash balances 4,990 6,909 -2,389 -224

Note: Positive numbers indicate a net source of funds. Negative numbers indicate a net requirement for funds.

Financial source of $3.5 billion (excluding foreign exchange transactions) for April and May 2000

The budgetary balance is presented on a modified accrual basis of accounting, recording government liabilities when they are incurred, regardless of when the cash payment is made. In addition, the budgetary balance only includes those activities over which the government has legislative control.

In contrast, financial requirements/source measure the difference between cash coming in to the government and cash going out. Financial requirements/source differs from the budgetary balance, as the former includes transactions in loans, investments and advances, federal employees' pension accounts, other specified purpose accounts, and changes in other financial assets and liabilities. These activities are included as part of non-budgetary transactions. The conversion from accrual to cash is also reflected in non-budgetary transactions.

Non-budgetary transactions resulted in a net requirement of funds of $2.6 billion in the first two months of 2000-01, compared to a source of $0.8 billion in the same period last year. The net requirement to date primarily reflected the first instalment of the pay equity settlement payments. As a result, there was a financial source (excluding foreign exchange transactions) of $3.5 billion in the April/May 2000 period, compared to a financial source of $4.3 billion recorded in the same period last year.

Net financial source of $5.4 billion for April and May 2000

Foreign exchange transactions represent all transactions in international reserves held in the Exchange Fund Account. The purpose of the Exchange Fund Account is to promote order and stability in the foreign exchange market. It fulfills this function by buying foreign exchange (selling Canadian dollars) when there is upward pressure on the value of the Canadian dollar and selling foreign exchange (buying Canadian dollars) when there is downward pressure. The buying of Canadian dollars represents a source of funds from exchange fund transactions, while the selling of Canadian dollars represents a requirement. Changes in foreign currency liabilities, which are undertaken to change the level of Canada's foreign exchange reserves, also impact on foreign exchange transactions. Taking all of these factors into account, there was a net source of $2.0 billion in April/May 2000 period, compared to a net source of $0.5 billion in the same period last year.

With a budgetary surplus of $6.1 billion, a net requirement of $2.6 billion from non-budgetary transactions and a net source of funds of $2.0 billion from foreign exchange transactions, there was a net financial source of $5.4 billion in the April/May 2000 period compared to a net source of $4.8 billion in the same period last year.

Table 2
Budgetary revenues


April to May

1999 2000 Change 1999-00 2000-01 Change

(millions of dollars) (%) (millions of dollars) (%)
Income taxes
Personal income tax 6,569 7,279 10.8 13,127 14,628 11.4
Corporate income tax 1,930 2,076 7.6 3,012 4,039 34.1
Other income tax revenue 143 250 74.8 567 593 4.6
Total income tax 8,642 9,605 11.1 16,706 19,260 15.3
Employment insurance premium revenues 1,800 1,775 -1.4 3,587 3,559 -0.8
Excise taxes and duties
Goods and services tax 1,750 2,520 44.0 3,849 4,597 19.4
Customs import duties 156 130 -16.7 337 290 -13.9
Sales and excise taxes 719 681 -5.3 1,343 1,293 -3.7
Total excise taxes and duties 2,625 3,331 26.9 5,529 6,180 11.8
Total tax revenues 13,067 14,711 12.6 25,822 28,999 12.3
Non-tax revenues 324 501 54.6 800 927 15.9
Total budgetary revenues 13,391 15,212 13.6 26,622 29,926 12.4

Net borrowings down $5.6 billion for April and May 2000

With a net financial source of $5.4 billion in the April/May 2000 period and a reduction in cash balances of $0.2 billion, the government retired $5.6 billion of market debt in the April/May 2000 period. Cash balances at the end of May 2000 amounted to $12.7 billion.

Table 3
Budgetary expenditures

  May   April to May  
  1999 2000 Change 1999-00 2000-01 Change

  (millions of dollars) (%) (millions of dollars) (%)
Transfer payments to:            
  Elderly benefits 1,875 1,972 5.2 3,791 3,969 4.7
  Employment insurance benefits 943 906 -3.9 2,022 1,944 -3.9
  Total 2,818 2,878 2.1 5,813 5,913 1.7
Other levels of government             
  Canada Health and Social Transfer 1,042 1,125 8.0 2,083 2,250 8.0
  Fiscal transfers 991 1,064 7.4 1,735 1,895 9.2
  Alternative Payments for 
    Standing Programs
-198 -205 3.5 -375 -411 9.6
  Total 1,835 1,984 8.1 3,443 3,734 8.5
Direct program spending            
Subsidies and other transfers            
  Agriculture 46 14 -69.6 47 22 -53.2
  Foreign Affairs 138 89 -35.5 195 144 -26.2
  Health 61 125 104.9 116 188 62.1
  Human Resources Development 56 60 7.1 83 68 -18.1
  Indian and Northern Development 229 317 38.4 1,058 1,158 9.5
  Industry and Regional Development 64 124 93.8 155 152 -1.9
  Veterans Affairs 114 121 6.1 227 237 4.4
  Other 120 96 -20.0 296 340 14.9
  Total 828 946 14.3 2,177 2,309 6.1
Payments to Crown corporations            
  Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 57 42 -26.3 170 215 26.5
  Canada Mortgage and 
   Housing Corporation
155 150 -3.2 300 300 0.0
  Other 21 65 209.5 174 205 17.8
  Total 233 257 10.3 644 720 11.8
Operating and capital expenditures            
  Defence 696 667 -4.2 1,231 1,157 -6.0
  All other departmental expenditures 1,552 1,762 13.5 2,945 3,259 10.7
  Total 2,248 2,429 8.1 4,176 4,416 5.7
Total direct program spending 3,309 3,632 9.8 6,997 7,445 6.4
Total program expenditures 7,962 8,494 6.7 16,253 17,092 5.2
Public debt charges 3,512 3,387 -3.6 6,924 6,754 -2.5
Total budgetary expenditures 11,474 11,881 3.5 23,177 23,846 2.9
Memorandum item: Total transfers 5,481 5,808 6.0 11,433 11,956 4.6

Table 4
The budgetary balance and financial requirements/surplus

  May April to May
  1999 2000 1999-00 2000-01

  (millions of dollars)
Budgetary balance (deficit/surplus) 1,917 3,331 3,445 6,080
Loans, investments and advances
  Crown corporations -42 7 -106 7
  Other -25 -10 324 96
  Total -67 -3 218 103
Specified purpose accounts
  Canada Pension Plan Account 667 219 445 -175
  Superannuation accounts 318 209 682 525
  Other -27 -47 -6 -90
  Total 958 381 1,121 260
Other transactions 3,477 2,224 -531 -2,983
Total non-budgetary transactions 4,368 2,602 808 -2,620
Financial requirements/surplus
(excluding foreign exchange transactions)
6,285 5,933 4,253 3,460
Foreign exchange transactions 1,135 827 503 1,956
Net financial balance 7,420 6,760 4,756 5,416

Table 5
Net financial balance and net borrowings

May April to May
  1999 2000 1999-00 2000-01

  (millions of dollars)
Net financial balance 7,420 6,760 4,756 5,416
Net increase (+)/decrease 
(-) in borrowings
  Payable in Canadian dollars        
    Marketable bonds 4,300 3,362 4,300 5,262
    Canada Savings Bonds -91 -141 -122 -147
    Treasury bills -5,900 -1,700 -9,950 -8,950
    Other 227 200 826 200
    Subtotal -1,464 1,721 -4,946 -3,635
  Payable in foreign currencies        
    Marketable bonds -2,174 -2,174
    Notes and loans
    Canada bills -966 602 -2,199 169
    Canada notes
    Total -966 -1,572 -2,199 -2,005
Net change in borrowings -2,430 149 -7,145 -5,640
Change in cash balance 4,990 6,909 -2,389 -224

Table 6
Condensed statement of assets and liabilities1

  March 31, 2000 May 31, 2000 Change

  (millions of dollars)
  Accounts payable, accruals and allowances       
    Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 22,158 19,667 -2,491
    Interest and matured debt 8,678 11,724 3,046
    Allowances 13,516 11,938 -1,578
    Total accounts payable, accruals 
     and allowances
44,352 43,329 -1,023
  Interest-bearing debt
    Pension and other accounts
      Public sector pensions 127,485 128,010 525
      Canada Pension Plan (net of securities) 6,262 6,087 -175
      Other pension and other accounts 6,749 6,659 -90
    Total pension and other accounts 140,496 140,756 260
    Unmatured debt
      Payable in Canadian currencies
      Marketable bonds 293,927 299,189 5,262
      Treasury bills 99,850 90,900 -8,950
      Canada Savings Bonds 26,432 26,285 -147
      Other 3,552 3,752 200
      Subtotal 423,761 420,126 -3,635
    Payable in foreign currencies
      Marketable bonds 25,528 23,354 -2,174
      Canada bills 6,008 6,177 169
      Canada notes 1,053 1,053 0
      Subtotal 32,589 30,584 -2,005
    Total unmatured debt 456,350 450,710 -5,640
  Total interest-bearing debt 596,846 591,466 -5,380
Total liabilities 641,198 634,795 -6,403
  Cash and accounts receivable 10,614 12,144 1,530
  Foreign exchange accounts 43,911 41,955 -1,956
  Loans, investments and advances 
  (net of allowances)
12,849 12,952 103
  Total assets 67,374 67,051 -323
Accumulated deficit (net public debt)1 573,824 567,744 -6,080

1 Assumes fiscal balance of $3 billion for 1999-2000.

Last Updated: 2006-03-20


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