Western Economic Diversification Canada | Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada

Home :Minister

The Honourable Carol Skelton, PC, MP

The Honourable Carol Skelton, Minister National Revenue and Minister of Western Economic DiversificationMinister of National Revenue and Minister of Western Economic Diversification

Riding: Saskatoon-Rosetown-Biggar (Saskatchewan)



Welcome to the WD website.

This is a time of great opportunity for the West.  We are poised to contribute to the national agenda in ways that will benefit all Canadians.

Regional development policies and programs are an important part of a comprehensive strategy to ensure that Canada’s regions benefit from the opportunities of the new global economy. Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) will continue to work closely with western Canadian communities to help them compete and prosper in the global marketplace.  The natural resources, ideas and entrepreneurial spirit that have always defined Western Canada will ensure its success in the 21st century economy. 

WD relies upon its strong relationships with provincial governments, municipalities, universities, and local business and community organizations to advance its three strategic priorities—sustainable communities, innovation and entrepreneurship.  Working in common purpose, we bring together the knowledge, experience, ideas and capacity of our partners to accomplish far more than each of us could achieve alone.  It is this kind of collaboration that is helping to strengthen trade links with Asia Pacific countries through Canada’s Pacific Gateway Strategy.

The strength of our partnerships is also in our Western Canada Business Service Network, which provides over 100 points of service to assist new and existing entrepreneurs in cities and rural communities to create and grow their businesses.  It can also be seen in the infrastructure agreements in place with each of the western provinces that will contribute to a high quality of life by meeting the road and infrastructure needs of western communities. 

The best of Canada can be found in our people and in our communities.  I invite you to explore our website and take a closer look at how WD is building a stronger West and a stronger Canada.


The Honourable Carol Skelton
Minister of National Revenue and
Minister of Western Economic Diversification