Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada

People Component of the Management Accountability Framework - Fact Sheet,

The People Component of the Management Accountability Framework(PCMAF) is a key element of the Management Accountability Framework (MAF). The PCMAF sets out the expectations and accountability for good management practices. It is a tool that provides a common structure for assessing the people component of the MAF, that is, human resources management in departments and agencies. The PCMAF centres around human resources management practices based on seven specific outcomes and their associated measurable indicators: a workplace that is fair, enabling, and healthy and safe, and a workforce that is productive, principled, sustainable and adaptable.

Who is the PCMAF targeted at?

The PCMAF is intended to be used by deputy heads of departments and agencies, including central agencies, as well as managers and human resources professionals. The expectation is that deputy heads will ensure managers at all levels use the PCMAF to improve performance and accountability in their respective organizations. It is anticipated that the use of the PCMAF by all public service managers will result in improved human resources management across the public service.

Why is the PCMAF important?

The PCMAF is important because it provides a comprehensive and consistent approach for measuring human resources management performance and accountability across the public service.


When do departments and agencies have to use the PCMAF?

Departments and agencies are expected to start using the PCMAF during the 2005-2006 fiscal year.

For more information about the PCMAF, please visit the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada Web site or send an e-mail to

Government of Canada