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Health Health Budget 2000
Tax Relief for Canadians

"Today we are setting out a five-year tax plan so that individuals, families, small businesses and others will know for certain that their taxes will fall this year, next year and in the years to come.."

Finance Minister Paul Martin
2000 budget speech

Five-Year Tax Reduction Plan

The 2000 budget proposes a five-year tax reduction plan that includes the most important structural changes to the federal tax system in more than a decade. The Plan will:

  • immediately restore full indexation of the personal income tax system to protect taxpayers against automatic tax increases caused by inflation – this will benefit every Canadian; and

  • reduce the middle income tax rate to 23 per cent from 26 per cent, starting with a 2-point reduction to 24 per cent in July 2000 – this will cut taxes for 9 million Canadians.