Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami      


A Message From Mary Simon, President of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami

Latest Press Release Employment Opportunities Nuclear Fuel Waste Management Water Inuktitut Magazine Mary Simon, Photo courtesy of Cpl. Issa Paré

Welcome to our web site. Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK) is the national Inuit organization in Canada, representing four Inuit regions – Nunatsiavut (Labrador), Nunavik (northern Quebec), Nunavut, and the Inuvialuit Settlement Region in the Northwest Territories. We live in the Canadian Arctic, the largest geographic part of Canada. This site reflects our ancient and modern history. It allows us to communicate to the global community instantly, making the notion of a “Global Village” more real.

Climate Change and Global Warming affect the Arctic regions in a very tangible way. This affects our health, as you will learn in the “ITK Health Department” area of our site, and our environment, as is clear in that part of the site. Politically, Inuit are united, which is reflected in our name – Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami – which means “Inuit are united in Canada”. Our logo also reflects this as it features four Inuit, representing our four regions, around a maple leaf in snow white. I hope you enjoy your visit to our site, and if you can, visit our land.

qujannamiik (thank you)
Mary Simon
President, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami

News:  November 27, 2006     [ Off Site Links ]

Legislature no place for serious offenders: women's group: The Nunavut women's council is calling on the legislature to prevent people from seeking election if they have been convicted of a serious offence, such as sexual assault. (full article)

Campbell: Declare natives a nation: B.C. Premier wants 'third solitude' given same status as Québécois within Canada British Columbia Premier Gordon Campbell is calling on Ottawa to extend the same acknowledgment of Quebeckers as a nation within Canada to the country's aboriginal peoples, opening another front in the fractious debate. (full article)

NWT, Nunavut ChamberAboriginal children are poorest in country: A national network of advocacy groups released a report on Friday that paints a bleak picture of poverty facing First Nations children in Canada. (full article)

Climate change doubts? There’s none in Nunavut: Scientists are peering into the clouds near the top of the world, trying to solve a mystery and learn something new about global warming. (full article)

Bursaries and Scholarships in Health

Are you studying at the post secondary level in the health sciences? The National Aboriginal Achievement Awards has a additional opportunity for students like you. You can apply for a bursary if you need additional funding to make ends meet during school. . You can apply for a $1000 scholarships if your marks are 80% or more. Please download the attached application form. More information can be found at . You can also contact Gwen Wiebe at ITK for more information or for help with the application process at 1-866-262-8181 or Take advantage of this excellent opportunity to receive more funds for your education!

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