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Métis National Council will be an Active Participant in National Summit on Aboriginal Health

Ottawa, ON (November 23, 2006) – Métis National Council (“MNC”) Vice President and MNC Minister of Health, David Chartrand will play a key role in the upcoming National Summit on Aboriginal Health. President Chartrand will join the federal government, premiers and ministers of provinces and territories, and other National Aboriginal leaders to discuss solid plans to address the growing health care crisis in our Aboriginal communities. 

Tuesday, Nov. 28th, 2006 at Simon Fraser University – Harbour Centre Vancouver BC

Media are invited to contact the Métis National Council if you are interested in more specific details or to arrange an interview. more

First Ministers Meeting

Welcome to our one-stop location devoted to information on the Roundtable, Policy Retreat, and First Minister's Meeting (FMM)
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Harvester's Guide

The purpose of this Guide is to provide Métis citizens with helpful and timely information relating to harvesting in their region of the Métis Nation.
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Métis Constitution

This section has been created to provide Métis citizens, from throughout the Homeland, an opportunity to be aware of, updated on, and participate in the Métis Nation's constitutional development process.
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News & Events

Olympic Opportunities Abound

Check out how you can play a key role in the 2010 Olympic/Paralympic Winter Games in Vancouver. All details can be found at www.vancouver2010.com under “Participation”. Be sure to also visit the Aboriginal Participation pages under “Sustainability”. New jobs are posted on a regular basis so monitor the website regularly for the most recent opportunities. Applicants of Aboriginal ancestry are encouraged to self-identify in their application (via cover letter and in the online application process when answering the ‘Employment Equity Questionnaire’). more


MNC President Clément Chartier at a Riel Day service November 16th in Winnipeg

Métis National Council President Clément Chartier represented the Métis Nation at a Riel Day service November 16th in Winnipeg. It was a grey day with an obvious chill in the air but spirits were bright. President Chartier took these photographs of the service held at Riel House in St. Vital, the residents where Riel’s body was kept before a procession of Métis carried him to the gravesite in St. Boniface. The walk takes about two hours and is recreated each year. President Chartier joined in the walk this year and brought greetings on behalf of the Métis National Council. Manitoba Metis Federation President David Chartrand also addressed the crowd to highlight the significance of the occasion.  view photos


Métis Nation proudly participates in Remembrance Day Services in Ottawa

Métis National Council President Clément Chartier joined Assembly of First Nations National Chief Phil Fontaine and Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami President Mary Simon to honour veterans in the Nations Capital.  more


NACOSAR Delegates Examines “Our Heritage, Our Responsibility”

The National Aboriginal Committee on Species at Risk held its second annual Species at Risk workshop recently in Winnipeg.  The theme of “Our Heritage, Our Responsibility” focused on examining the success stories, best practices and experiences. Currently, there are more than 465 species at risk in Canada including plants and animals such as Sage, Mountain Caribou and Sturgeon. more


Guidebook for Tracing Aboriginal Ancestors

The Saskatchewan Genealogical Society, with support from the Métis National Council, has published an important resource tool for those interested in their family history.  The publication,edited by Laura M. Hanowski, is entitled Tracing Your Aboriginal Ancestors in the Prairie Provinces: a guide to the records and how to use them. more


Métis Law Summary 2006

Check out the 2006 version of Métis Law by Jean Telliet. New sections include Harvesting Rights Case Law for Willison and Goodon. Also are new updates on the Provincial Harvesting Agreements. more


Métis spend a summer Retracing their Historic Roots

The Métis National Council has just released a 1/2 video focused on a group of young voyageurs and Wagon trekkers. The video highlights the 2300 km trek followed by 7 determined youth along a 52 day journey of re-discovery. And then, a group of Wagon exposed themselves to the elements, the trials and tribulations faced by their forefathers in an exciting 34 day adventure across the Canadian Prairies.   (Click here to watch this exciting video)

Press Releases

NEW Métis National Council chips away at Federal Government’s “Wooden Heart and Wooden Smile” over Kelowna Accord

Métis National Council Reacts to 2nd Reading on Kelowna Accord

Métis National Council urges MPs to salvage Kelowna Accord

AFN, ITK and MNC join Indigenous Peoples to urge an early adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples by the General Assembly

Rising Aboriginal Incarceration Rates Prompt a Time for Action

Premiers and Aboriginal Leaders Affirm Support for Closing the Gap Between Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Canadians

Métis National Council Encouraged By Announcement Of A Process To Arrive At A New Election For The Métis Nation – Saskatchewan (MNS)

Métis National Council President Calls on Premiers for Inclusion of Aboriginal Peoples in Fiscal Imbalance Discussions

Métis Forgotten in Residential School Deal

Behind and beyond Kelowna : Phil Fontaine, Clement Chartier and Jose Kusugak
Read The National Post article from May 29 2006 here

Fifth Session Of The United Nations Permanent Forum On Indigenous Issues

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