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Sisters In Spirit

Sisters In Spirit

Welcome to the website of the Native Women's Association of Canada (NWAC)

A Message from President Beverley Jacobs

Sekon, Tansi, Kuei, Boohzoo, Oki, Aniin!

NWAC is proud to welcome you to our new and improved website. Our organization has struggled for three decades to improve the social, economic, cultural and political well-being of Aboriginal women in Canada. Many dedicated women have worked hard to achieve the vision of our organization-and this website is a testament to their dedication.

We hope you find the information and resources available on this site useful. The progress to achieve equality for Aboriginal women in Canada society has been a relatively slow process. This website is another tool to help advocate, educate and promote our goals and promote gender issues.


Beverley Jacobs,
NWAC President 2004-2006