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Catalogue no.TitleOther media
26-206-X Coal Mining  
26-213-X Oil and Gas Extraction  
45-002-X Coal and Coke Statistics  
45-004-X The Supply and Disposition of Refined Petroleum Products in Canada  
53-500-X Findings of the Canadian Vehicle Fuel Pilot Survey  
55-002-X Natural Gas Transportation and Distribution  
57-001-X Electric Power Statistics  
57-003-X Report on Energy Supply-demand in Canada  
57-202-X Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution  
57-204-X Electric Power Capability and Load  
57-205-X Natural Gas Transportation and Distribution  
57-206-X Electric Power Generating Stations  
57-505-X Industrial Consumption of Energy Survey: The 1990 NAICS-based Estimates  
57-601-X Energy Statistics Handbook CD-ROM
57F0008X CO2 Emissions from Energy Consumption by the Iron and Steel Industry NAICS 33111  


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