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Signature. Picture showing Ministère des Services gouvernementaux' workers.

Online government

Online Government is:

  • New ways of making public services more accessible, easier to use and more effective
  • New ways of reinforcing the exercise of democratic rights by citizens
  • Equal access for everyone, via a high-speed internet network covering the entire province of Québec

Several terms (electronic government, cyber government, electronic administration, etc.) refer, in a general way, to the use of information and communication technologies by public agencies to fulfill their mandates. However, the Government of Québec has chosen the term "online government" to indicate its intention to speed up the deployment of the information and services it provides by electronic means. This way, the government is emphasizing that the main goal of the energies expended, even in the revision of administrative procedures, is the improvement and simplification of the relationship between the government and its citizens.

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The intention of the government

From the outset, this government has made the development of online government one of its priorities. During the opening speech of the 37th legislature, on June 4, 2003, the Premier of Québec, Jean Charest, declared that this initiative was to provide citizens "all applicable services over the Internet more effectively and at less cost. This online government will also permit consultation with citizens, as much on public policies as on their level of satisfaction with government services."

On June 7, 2004, the deputy for Verdun and Parliamentary assistant to the Premier, Henri-François Gautrin, presented a report on E-Government to the National Assembly, prepared at the request of the Premier and entitled Connecting Québec to Its Citizens. This report explains how Online government will improve services to citizens and businesses and offers a precise description of its development within the Québec public service sector.

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Government Modernization

The modernization process being undertaken by the Government of Québec is intended first and foremost to totally revise procedures in order to improve the delivery of services to citizens, businesses and government clientele. And as the document Shine among the best, made public in March 2004, indicates: "The modernization of the ways in which the Government of Québec operates is inseparable from the emergence of a truly online government" Accordingly, Modernizing the state (360 Ko) is making the development of online government one of the spearheads of this modernization. Information technologies offer the opportunity to revise interactions between the government and citizens from the ground up in order to make them more efficient and to reduce the costs for society. Using these exceptional tools enables the government to improve the services offered and make them more accessible to citizens.

All in all, online government touches on many aspects of modernization, since it is intended to improve the delivery of services to citizens and businesses while reinforcing democratic life in Québec and paving the way for the emergence of a distinctly more effective public administration capable of responding to the numerous challenges to come.