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Accounting Requirements for All FIS Departments for Fiscal year 2001-02 - Annex C

Accounting Policy Reporting Requirement Expected
From All F.I.S. Departments
Departments Converting to F.I.S. on April 1, 2001 for Fiscal year 2001-02 Departments already on F.I.S. at March 31, 2001
Mandatory / Optional or Not to be Reported Action Required Location(s) and Content of Data Now Origin of data in Current System (CAS) Other Pertinent Information Changes possibly required and other information for fiscal year 2001-02
Operating Expenses by major category Mandatory Breakdown of operating expenses by major category (FRA (FRA) 513XX) and appropriate Authority Code (AC)

Expenses under FIS should be on accrual basis all year

Included in central accounts for each appropriation, as well as in departmental DFMS Departments through input codes and data

Expenditures in central accounts include amounts related to PAYE at year-end only




Transfer Payment Expenses by major type Mandatory Breakdown of transfer payment expenses by major category (FRA 511XX) Included in central accounts for each appropriation, as well as in departmental DFMS Departments through input codes and data    
Other Expenses by type

e.g. for Crown

corporations, Consolidated

SPA's, but excluding the provision for Valuation

Mandatory All statutory amounts must be included under the relevant FRA, as well as the relevant AC (AC)

Breakdown of all other expenses by FRA (51XXX)

Included in central accounts for statutory appropriations only, as well as in departmental DFMS Departments through input codes and data    
Other Expenses by type

- for provision for Valuation

These expenses are not to be recorded by departments, until further notice, with the exception of allowances for vacation pay and time off in lieu (compensatory time) None at this time. As the information requirements are still required, they will be collected off-line from departments at year-end

Some amounts relating to the revolving fund component of departments must be eliminated before data is input to CFMRS

All these expenses are included in special central accounts at the centre only Data is calculated and input by Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) through use of special central accounts at year-end. Expenses are based on information collected off-line from departments    
Non-tax revenue by major type of revenue on accrual basis Mandatory

All revenue is to be recorded on an accrual basis

Reporting of all non-tax revenues on an accrual basis by FRA (42XXX) and AC (DXXX or EXXX)

Revenue credited to the vote must be recorded on a cash basis in the ACs (B13X), when the cash is received except at year-end for OGD-RAYE (FRA 11242)

Year-end closed off on an accrual basis with no special year-end reporting requirements

Included in central accounts by major type

on a cash basis, as well as in departmental DFMS

Central adjustment is made at year-end to record accrued revenues on government-wide basis only

Departments through input codes and data on a cash basis

Central accounts for revenue recorded by departments are now on a cash basis only even at year-end

Year-end adjustment is based on data obtained from departments through Public Accounts plates






Opening balances for capital assets, including accumulated amortization (excluding software and leasehold improvements Mandatory Departments must prepare opening balance data, including accumulated amortization, for all capital assets. Amounts will have to be compiled off-line from expenditure information in central accounts from prior years, capital asset sub-systems, and Capital vote information in the Estimates Not available Not available   For departments that went FIS in 1999-2000 or 2000-01, these opening balances can no longer be excluded at the option of departments

Opening balances in 2001-02 must be the same as the closing balances in 2000-01, unless a department is changing its accounting policy on the capitalization of assets in 2001-02.

Capital Asset Acquisitions (except for software, leasehold improvement and intangibles)

N.B. Acquisitions of software and leasehold improvements are covered separately below.

Mandatory to include all purchased and developed acquisitions as assets.

All departments must record assets acquired in 2001-02 from the start of the year.

Breakdown of capital asset acquisitions by major asset category (FRA 161XX and 163XX)

Capital acquisitions are to be charged (debited) in the ACs to a capital (B14X), operating (B12X) or program (B11X) vote . If permitted by legislation, certain departments may debit these transactions to specified purpose accounts (N/PXXX) or revolving funds (A5XX)

Included in central accounts for each appropriation as expenditures, as well as in departmental DFMS Departments through input codes and data For spending of proceeds from disposal of surplus Crown assets, AC A131 should be used There is no longer an option for departments, to include these transactions as capital expenditures in the FRAs. FRA 51324 should no longer be used to record capital expenditures for FIS departments

For spending of proceeds from disposal of surplus Crown assets, AC A131 should be used

Amortisation of Capital Assets (except for intangibles) Mandatory to include the amortisation for all capital assets.


Calculation of amortisation of capital assets on a monthly basis using FRA 162XX for Acc'd Amort'n and 514XX for expense.

Amounts are charged (debited) to AC (AC) F111, and credited to AC- F311

Not available Not available Amortisation of these amounts must be calculated in accordance with the guidelines in TB Accounting Standard 3.1 This can no longer be excluded at the option of departments in 2001-02. Departments that did not previously fully implement capitalization of assets will need to include new (or amended) balances for accumulated amortization
Gain/Loss on Disposal of capital Assets Mandatory for disposal of any capital assets Entries for disposal will need to include
  • Reporting of gain or loss in FRA 42411 or 51511 respectively
  • Recording of credit to fixed assets and debit to accumulated amortisation, if applicable

The same AC will be used to record the capital disposal, write-off of accumulated amortisation, and the gain or loss from the disposal of the asset. AC – D321 should be used if these pertain to Proceeds from Disposal of Crown assets

Proceeds received recorded in central accounts as non-tax revenue, as well as in departmental DFMS Departments through input codes and data on a cash basis when proceeds are received    



Software acquisitions Starting in 2001-02, it is mandatory to record acquired and in-house developed software on a prospective basis Include acquisitions after March 31, 2001 in FRA 16123 and AC B14X or B11X, and accumulated amortisation in FRA 16223 and AC F311 Not available Not available See TB Information Bulletin of October 25, 2000 See TB Information Bulletin of October 25, 2000
Leasehold Improvements Starting in 2001-02, it is mandatory to record leasehold improvements on a prospective basis Include acquisitions after March 31, 2001 in FRA 16641 and AC B14X or B11X, and accumulated amortisation in FRA 16741 and AC F311 Not available Not available See TB Information Bulletin of October 25, 2000 See TB Information Bulletin of October 25, 2000
Intangibles (Patents, copyrights and trademarks) Not to be capitalized in 2001-02 No changes required from present accounting Not available Not available See TB Information Bulletin of October 25, 2000 See TB Information Bulletin of October 25, 2000
Opening balances for inventories Opening balances can be included at April 1, 2001 at option of departments

Mandatory to record opening balances at April 1, 2002

Amounts will have to be compiled from expenditure information in the central accounts and from material management reports Not available Not available Departments will need to advise Receiver General if they are recording inventories

Opening balance will be required in the first trial balance for April, 2002

Opening balance in 2001-02 may not be the same as the closing balance in 2000-01, as a department may need to change its accounting policy on inventories in 2001-02

Opening balances are mandatory for 2002-03 Opening balance will be required in the first trial balance for April, 2002

Inventory acquisitions and usage Can be included at option of departments in 2001-02

Mandatory in 2002-03.

See TB Information Bulletin of October 25, 2000

If recorded in 2001-02,

- Inventory acquisitions are to be recorded as additions to inventory (FRA 151XX);

- In the ACs, inventory acquisitions are to be charged (debited) to an operating or program appropriation

- Usage or consumption of inventory is to be recorded as a reductions in inventory with a credit to AC F312, and a debit to AC - F112

Acquisitions included in central accounts as expenditures in a program or operating appropriation as well as in departmental DFMS;

No entries are made for inventory usage, except for revolving funds

Departments record these acquisitions as expenditures through input codes and data Opening balances for inventories need to be established by departments before inventory accounts can be used in 2002-03 or 2001-02



Inventories can no longer be excluded at the option of departments in 2002-03

If a department changes its accounting policy in 2001-02, it must advise TBS and the RG

Opening balances for prepaid expenses and deferred charges Mandatory Departments to set up material amounts in their DFMS Not available Not available Deferred charges recorded on central basis at year-end include Milit-air and Confederation Bridge Opening balance in 2001-02 may not be the same as the closing balance in 2000-01, as a department may need to change its accounting policy on prepaid expenses and /or deferred charges in 2001-02
Prepaid Expenses and Deferred charges Mandatory, subject to the cash management policies of TBS (relating to procurement, grants and contributions, etc.) Departments to record material amounts for prepaid expenses or deferred charges (FRA 141XX or 142XX)

In the ACs, prepaid expenses and deferred charges are to be charged (debited) to an operating appropriation when set up; when assets are used and charged to expenses, these amounts are charged to AC F119, and credited to F313

Included in central accounts in operating appropriations as well as in departmental DFMS

Some prepaid expenses or deferred charges are recorded as assets at year-end on a central basis by TBS

Departments record these amounts as expenditures through input codes and data

Discussions on the amounts to be recorded at year-end are held with the Office of the Auditor General

Deferred charges now recorded on central basis at year-end by TBS include Milit-air and Confederation Bridge These assets can no longer be excluded at the option of departments




Loans, Investments and Advances (including opening balances) Mandatory all loans, investments and advances All transactions, including opening balances, for each loan, investment and advance are to be recorded by departments in their DFMS Included in central accounts for each loan, investment and advance as well as in departmental DFMS Departments record these opening balances in the central accounts through input codes and data Receiver General will monitor that the opening balances recorded by departments are the same as the closing balances at the end of 2000-01. Opening balance in 2001-02 must be the same as the closing balance in 2000-01.
Loans, Investments and Advances (including opening balances)

- standing advances

Mandatory for standing advances All opening balances and transactions for standing advances are to be recorded by departments in FRA 13315 and AC H181 Standing advances are included in central accounts for each department, as well as in departmental DFMS Departments record these transactions in the Central Accounts through input codes and data Receiver General will monitor that the opening balances recorded by departments are the same as the closing balances at the end of 2000-01 Opening balance in 2001-02 must be the same as the closing balance in 2000-01.
Loans, Investments and Advances (including opening balances)

- accountable advances

Mandatory for accountable advances Amounts to be set up by departments in their DFMS

Any further increases to these amounts are to be treated as advances, and not be charged to expenses until the relevant claim is filed or repayment is made

At year-end, FIS departments must debit any outstanding balances to AC – H182, and credit them to the old year program or operating appropriation (B11X or B12X)

Included in operating appropriations in central accounts during the year as well as in departmental DFMS

These are transferred to a special central account maintained by the Receiver General at year-end, and then reversed at the start of the following year

Departments record these transactions in the Central Accounts through input codes and data

Departments process special journal vouchers at year-end to transfer these amounts to the Receiver General. Amounts are also recorded by departments in their DFMS.

At the start of 2001-02, new FIS departments will charge (debit) the opening balance for these amounts to an advance (FRA 13314)

Departments must contact the Receiver General to determine the proper method to set up these opening balances.

Opening balance in 2001-02 must be the same as closing balance in 2000-01. These amounts must then be debited to the new year program or operating appropriation (B11X or B12X), and credited to AC – H182
Loans, Investments and Advances (including opening balances)

- unconditional repayable contributions

Mandatory for unconditional repayable contributions including allowance for doubtful loans, in accordance with TBAS 3.2 All opening balances and transactions for unconditional repayable contributions incl. any discounts and allowances for doubtful loans are to be recorded in FRA 1338X (and AC- F322 for Discounts) In central accounts, contributions are recorded as transfer payments, and repayments as non-tax revenue; no amounts are recorded as assets Departments record these transactions in the Central Accounts through input codes and data Authority codes are recorded in same way as central accounts now, except for any discounts No change in accounting in Authority codes, except for any discounts
Loans, Investments and Advances

- allowances for valuation

Not to be recorded by departments until advised by TBS Allowances for valuation are not to be recorded by departments until advised by TBS. Until then, they are to be maintained centrally by TBS

All departments will continue to submit certain data on their assets to TBS at each year-end, in accordance with instructions from TBS

Not available on a departmental basis in central accounts

Year-end adjustments are made on a government-wide basis in specific central accounts by TBS.

Year-end adjustments are made by TBS and Receiver General. Adjustments required are based on analysis done in TBS with input provided from departments as required    
Accounts Receivable (incl. Allowance for doubtful accounts)

- opening balance at start of year

Mandatory to input accounts receivable at start of year

Allowance for doubtful accounts must be recorded separately

FIS departments must separately include both Accounts Receivable (FRA 11221) and (separately) Allowance for doubtful accounts (FRA 11229). The gross amounts should be the same as those that were submitted on the Public Accounts plate I-5 for Accounts Receivable at March 31, 2001. Amounts should agree to departmental memorandum records, including RAYE - OGD Not available in central accounts on a departmental basis; departments may record it in departmental DFMS

At year-end amounts included in central accounts are revised on government-wide basis only (on a net basis)

Not recorded in central system by departments at this time

Recorded in one central account by Receiver General at year-end only based on amount submitted by departments through Public Accounts plates

The Receiver General will monitor that the opening balances recorded by FIS departments are the same as the amounts submitted on the Public Accounts plates as at March 31, 2001

Accounts should include amounts for accrued interest

Opening balance(s) in 2001-02 must be the same as the closing balance(s) in 2000-01.
Accounts Receivable (incl. Allowance for doubtful accounts)
  • closing balance (each month and at year-end)

Allowance for doubtful accounts must be recorded separately

FIS departments must provide data for gross amounts for both Accounts Receivable (in FRA 11221) and Allowance for doubtful accounts (in FRA 11229) on a monthly basis

Departments will need to assess the collectibility of their accounts receivable at least annually. ACs F122 should be used to record the expense, and F412 to credit the Allowance

Not available in central accounts on a departmental basis; departments may record it in departmental DFMS

At year-end, amounts included in central accounts are revised on government-wide basis only (on a net basis)

Not recorded by departments at this time

Recorded in one central account by Receiver General at year-end only based on annual input submitted by depts through Public Accounts plates

The Receiver General will obtain the closing balances from departments through the trial balances for the March 31, 2002 year-end

Additional data that is not included in the trial balances will continue to be obtained through Public Accounts plates.

Additional data that is not included in the trial balances will continue to be obtained through Public Accounts plates.
Salary Accruals
  • opening balances at start of year
Mandatory to input salaries accrued at start of year Departments must input salary accrual data (in FRA 21112) based on pay data received from the pay system

These amounts should be reversed (debited) from salaries accruals, and be credited to the new year expense (FRA 51311) and the relevant program or operating appropriation (AC – B11X or B12X)

Included in central accounts on government-wide basis only, i.e. not available by department; departments may record it separately in departmental DFMS Amounts input by Receiver General on government-wide basis only Receiver General will monitor that the opening balances recorded by departments are the same as the closing balances at the end of 2000-01 Opening balance in 2001-02 must be the same as the closing balance in 2000-01.
Salary Accruals
  • closing balance (each month and at year- end)
Mandatory to calculate salary accrual, and to reverse accrual of previous month Departments must input salary accrual data (in FRA 21112) based on pay data received from the pay system

Salary accrual data should be based on the cut-off for each month by the pay system

These amounts should be reversed in the following month, and a new salary accrual set up at the end of that month


At year-end, salary accrual data should be calculated on the same basis as at month-end

Not available in central accounts; amounts recorded separately in monthly statement on government-wide basis in 2000-01;

Departments may record it in departmental DFMS based on data provided by the pay system

At year-end, included in departmental or program central accounts from input by the pay system

Amounts not accrued in central accounts on a monthly basis

Pay system provides accrual data to the DRS on a memo account basis





Accounts Payable – PAYE
  • opening balance at start of year
Mandatory to input PAYE amounts at start of year as accounts payable

Depts will need to ensure that GST is accounted for appropriately when PAYE amounts are settled

Departments must input their PAYE amounts as accounts payable (in FRA 21111)

Amounts included as accounts payable must equal the amounts recorded as PAYE at March 31, 2001

PAYE balances included in the central accounts for each appropriation, as well as in departmental DFMS.

PAYE balances are separate from the PODD balances in the central accounts

Departments input PAYE amounts at year-end only using special input codes and data The Receiver General will monitor that the opening balances recorded by FIS departments are the same as the balances recorded in PAYE at the end of 2000-01. Opening balance in 2001-02 must be the same as closing balance in 2000-01
Accounts Payable – PODD
  • opening balance at start of year
PODD amounts at Mar. 31, 2001 will remain in the Central Accounting System and will be monitored by the Receiver General No action is required by departments for PODD amounts outstanding at March 31, 2001.

For departments going FIS, the PODD balances will be reduced by PWGSC between April and June 2001 as the payments are made during the first 3 months from the central PODD accounts.

PODD balances are included in the central accounts and may be included as accounts payable in departmental DFMS.

Details of PODD amounts are recorded separately by departments within the CAS

Departments input PODD amounts in the Central Accounting System through input codes and data. Any PODD balances left at June 30, 2001 should be reviewed between the Receiver General and the FIS department  
Accounts Payable
  • closing balance (each month and at year-end)
Mandatory to report closing balances at each month-end Departments must input their accounts payable (in FRA 21111). GST should be included as part of all accounts payable

GST on purchases should be included in the GST Refundable Advance account (FRA 13392, AC- G111 ), when the accounts payable is set up

PAYE balances are unchanged in the central accounts, except for payments or adjustments made in the new year

Details of PODD amounts in the central accounts are the Receiver General's responsibility. They may also be included as accounts payable in departmental DFMS

Additions to, payments or adjustments of PAYE balances are based on input codes and data from departments    
Deferred revenue Mandatory Deferred revenues are to be recorded in FRA 21510 Amounts are recorded as non-tax revenue in the central accounts Departments through input data and codes Deferred portion is calculated annually by departments and submitted on Public Accounts form "I" Deferred portion of revenue is calculated annually by departments and submitted on Public Accounts form "I"
Allowance for (unused) vacation pay Mandatory in 2001-02

Departments should calculate these amounts from their personnel systems

Amounts are to be included by all departments in 2001-02 in FRA 21411

Adjustments to the allowance must be charged (debited) to AC F121, and credited to F411

This allowance is recorded in central accounts as part of the central allowance

Allowance not included in central accounts by department, but may be included as allowance in departmental DFMS.

Amount recorded as part of central allowance is adjusted by TBS at year-end. Adjustments required to allowance are based on input provided annually from departments   Allowance can no longer be excluded at the option of departments.

Opening balance in 2001-02 may not be the same as closing balance in 2000-01, when a department has to change its accounting policy on allowance for vacation pay in 2001-02

Allowance for termination benefits (severance pay) Accruals for Allowance for termination benefits are to be maintained by TBS. This information is not to be recorded by departments until further notice

At year-end, TBS must adjust the government-wide allowance for these amounts.

None at this time. These information requirements for FIS departments are the same as for non-FIS departments

Amounts relating to the revolving fund component of departments must be eliminated before data is input to CFMRS

Allowance is recorded in central accounts as part of the central allowance. It is not included in central accounts by department, but may be included as allowance in departmental DFMS. Amount recorded as part of central allowance is adjusted by TBS at year-end.   Amounts relating to the revolving fund component of departments must be eliminated before data is input to CFMRS


Allowance for time off in lieu (compensatory time) Mandatory in 2001-02.

Departments should calculate these amounts from their personnel systems


Amounts must be included by all departments in 2001-02 in FRA 21414

Adjustments to the Allowance must be charged (debited) to AC F12X, and credited to F41X for the accrual.

This allowance is recorded in central accounts as part of the central allowance

Allowance not included in central accounts by department, but may be included as allowance in departmental DFMS.

    Allowance can no longer be excluded at the option of departments.

Opening balance in 2001-02 may not be the same as closing balance in 2000-01, if a department has to change its accounting policy on this allowance in 2001-02

Other accruals for liabilities Accruals for all other liabilities are to be maintained centrally by TBS until further notice. None at this time. This information is not to be recorded by departments until further notice. These information requirements are the same as now All these accruals are recorded in special central accounts by TBS through the Allowance for Valuation process. This data is calculated and input by TBS, based on information collected off-line from departments    
Capital leases and obligations



Leases meeting definition of a capital lease would be capitalized, and an offsetting liability would be recorded

Departments should refer to lease agreements to assess whether a lease is a capital or operating lease.

Departments must prepare information for opening and closing balance data for all capital leases and obligations (in FRA 166XX and 242XX). Capital lease obligations are recorded in AC F114

Amortisation of these amounts must be calculated in accordance with the guidelines in TB Accounting Standard 3.1

Not available Not available Some information on capital leases is now in Public Accounts, Vol. 1, Sec. 10, and is input through Public Accounts plate I-2. These amounts can no longer be excluded at the option of departments

Some information on capital leases is now in Public Accounts, Vol. 1, Sec. 10, and is input through Public Accounts plate I-2.

Specified Purpose Accounts (SPA) – other

- opening balances

N.B. This includes all SPA's that are not consolidated

Mandatory to input balances for all specified purpose accounts at start of year Breakdown of Specified Purpose Accounts required by FRA (22XXX or 23XXX).

In most cases the FRAs are a summary of several Specified Purpose Accounts

Included in central accounts for each Specified Purpose Account, as well as in the departmental DFMS Departments input data for each Specified Purpose Account through input codes and data The Receiver General will monitor that the opening balances recorded by FIS departments are the same as the balances in these same accounts at the end of 2000-01 Opening balance in 2001-02 must be the same as the closing balance in 2000-01
Specified Purpose Accounts (SPA) – other

- closing balances

Mandatory to input balances for all Specified Purpose Accounts


Breakdown of Specified Purpose Accounts required by FRA (22XXX or 23XXX).

Accounting for Specified Purpose Accounts should be de-centralised as much as possible to each department or agency.

Included in central accounts for each Specified Purpose Account, as well as in the departmental DFMS Departments input data for each Specified Purpose Account through input codes and data    
Consolidated Specified Purpose Accounts

- opening balances

Mandatory to input opening balances for Consolidated Specified Purpose Accounts


Opening balances for each Consolidated Specified Purpose Account are to be recorded by departments Included as opening balances in specific central accounts for each Consolidated Specified Purpose Account, as well as in the departmental DFMS Departments input opening balances for each Consolidated Specified Purpose Account through input codes and data The Receiver General will monitor that the opening balances recorded by FIS departments are the same as the closing balances at the end of 2000-01 Opening balance in 2001-02 must be the same as the closing balance in 2000-01
Consolidated Specified Purpose Accounts

- closing balances

Mandatory to input all amounts for Consolidated Specified Purpose Accounts


Breakdown of revenues, expenses and other amounts for each Consolidated Specified Purpose Accounts required by FRA (426XX or 516XX).

In the ACs, all of these amounts will be charged (debited) to the relevant Consolidated Specified Purpose Account (LXXXor MXXX)

Included in specific central accounts for each Consolidated Specified Purpose Account, as well as in the departmental DFMS

Subsequently the Receiver General adjusts the transactions in these accounts into their revenue, expenditure and other components in the central accounts

Departments input data for each Consolidated Specified Purpose Account through input codes and data

As a separate function, the Receiver General adjusts the transactions for all Consolidated Specified Purpose Accounts into their revenue, expenditure and other components in the central accounts

Under FIS, the splitting of all transactions into revenue, expenditure and other components for all the Consolidated Specified Purpose Accounts will be done by FIS departments.

The Receiver General will no longer need to split up the components of the Consolidated Specified Purpose Accounts



Accounting by Revolving funds and Departmental Corporations (including agencies) Revolving funds and departmental corporations may continue to follow their own accounting policies which are different from those for departments and the Government of Canada Trial balances submitted to CFMRS for transactions and opening balances for these entities must be adjusted by the department to be consistent with the policies to be followed by departments, per this protocol Central accounting requirements are included in central accounts and departmental DFMS. Separate reporting requirements are included in DFMS only Departments through input codes and data Differences between 2 sets of accounting policies include

- software

- leaseholds

- severance pay

- inventories

- services provided

without charge

Differences between the 2 sets of accounting policies include

- software

- leaseholds

- severance pay

- inventories

- services provided

without charge

All other departmental data now in the Central Accounts Mandatory Provide breakdown of any other data required by FRA

AC R300 is to be used for many assets and liabilities, where no specific code is required

Included in central accounts, as well as in the departmental DFMS Departments through input codes and data    
Interdepartmental transactions


Elimination of internal revenue and expenses


Mandatory to identify the sales of goods and services to internal parties, and the purchases of goods and services from those parties

Although this data may not be required in departmental systems; it is required at the centre so consolidated statements can be prepared


Breakdown of sales of goods and services to and purchases from internal parties by FRA

As part of IS processing requirements, departments are required to

  • report all IS transactions
    as I (internal), and
  • exclude any intradepartmental transactions

Some transactions settled by IS are external, as they do not involve sales of goods and services between depts. For now, this will be sorted out between TBS and the Receiver General

Identified in object data using standard objects 15 and 16 Departments through input codes and data This data is required, so it can be eliminated from both revenues and expenses for consolidation purposes  


Intradepart-mental transactions Mandatory for some transactions that involve separate authorities Data is to be input by departments, as required

Revolving funds each have a separate authority code

Included in central accounts, as well as in the departmental DFMS Departments through input codes and data