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RPP 2006-2007
Citizenship and Immigration Canada

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Section I: Overview

Minister’s Message

I am pleased to present to Parliament, and to the people of Canada, the 2006-2007 Report on Plans and Priorities for Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).

As Minister, I am privileged to lead a department that plays a central role in our nation’s history as well as its future. Canadians have a timehonoured tradition of welcoming newcomers from around the world – people who contribute greatly to our economic growth and diverse culture. Many of these people have come in search of freedom, others have sought refuge from war or famine, and millions of others have wanted to assume our unique citizenship values, firmly rooted in respect, compassion and justice.

I firmly believe that immigration is key to a bright future for Canada. Immigrants bring innovative ideas, skills and the benefits of global experience to help build Canada’s economy. Many of them arrive here with the skills and education that Canadian businesses need to compete in the knowledge economy. Whether they have crossed just one border or travelled from afar, these nation builders have long been a valued part of the Canadian success story.

The success of our programs requires a balance between welcoming newcomers and protecting the health, safety and security of Canadians. Applicants are carefully screened and access to Canada is controlled, to ensure that Canada receives the many benefits of immigration while denying entry to persons deemed inadmissible for security, criminality or health reasons.

Throughout the coming year, the Department will increase its efforts to ensure that Canada will benefit fully from the talents and life skills of newcomers. In this spirit, it is especially important that newcomers receive information and assistance with adapting to Canadian community life – both before they leave their native country and during the first critical years after their arrival. One of my goals is to ensure that foreign credential recognition is more efficient so that it will allow immigrants to contribute to the economy with the skills they have honed elsewhere – a contribution from which all Canadians would benefit.

Together with Prime Minister Harper, we have delivered on significant commitments to newcomers and Canadians. The Government of Canada reduced the Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF) in half to ease the financial burden of newcomers, effective May 2, 2006; introduced legislation to extend citizenship to foreign-born children adopted by Canadians; invested $18 million for foreign credential recognition to help immigrants succeed, as well as $307 million for additional settlement funding for newcomers to help immigrants better integrate. The Government of Canada has also launched off-campus work permits for international students to help attract and retain skilled, young newcomers to Canada; announced measures to protect victims of human trafficking; worked with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHRC) to welcome to Canada 810 Karen refugees who fled Burma (Myanmar); and announced the creation of temporary foreign worker units in Calgary and Vancouver to facilitate the entry of temporary foreign workers into Canada where they are needed by working with the companies and sectors most affected.

Since becoming Minister, I have also been very active in consulting with stakeholders including my provincial and territorial counterparts, businesses, settlement service providers, community organizations, academics, immigration lawyers and advisors, foreign diplomats, and many newcomers to Canada. I have come to appreciate the challenges and significant potential that immigration holds for our future.

There is still much work to be done. An important component of a welcoming and well-managed immigration system will be an effort to address the immigration applications inventory. In this regard, the Department will work to improve client service and explore options to make the immigration program more responsive to labour market needs.

The effectiveness of Canada’s immigration and refugee program depends to a large extent on the strength of our partnerships and associated supports. CIC also hopes to strengthen collaborative ties with provincial and territorial governments to identify immigrants and temporary workers who meet their social, economic and cultural needs, thereby sharing the benefits of immigration across Canada.

Together, these initiatives will help us build an immigration and refugee program that meets the needs and expectations of all Canadians in every region – one that enhances Canada’s reputation as a destination of choice for the newcomers our businesses and communities need, and one that upholds and strengthens the bonds, values and traditions that make this country great.

I invite you to learn more about CIC’s work by visiting

The Honourable Monte Solberg
Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Canada

A. Canadian Immigration: Building Canada’s Future

Global migration is a large and irrepressible phenomenon of modern times. Virtually every country in the world is one of migration, sending and receiving migrants whether or not they have immigration programs that manage these flows. According to recent estimates, approximately 175 million people in the world are living outside their home countries on a permanent or temporary basis, and represent roughly 3% of the world’s population. A number of factors have influenced migration in recent decades: population growth; market globalization; advances in communication technology; ease of transportation; political, economic and social conditions; and natural disasters.

Immigration has largely defined what Canada is today and has been a sustaining feature of Canada’s history. Waves of immigration have built and transformed the population while making significant contributions to the development of our economy, our society and our culture. Today, Canada has one of the highest per capita permanent immigration rates in the world – roughly 0.7% in recent years – and has welcomed 3.5 million immigrants over the last 15 years alone. In fact, it is estimated that 18% of the Canadian population is foreign-born and another 30% is descended from earlier generations of non-British, non-French immigrants.

Canada is one of few countries to have a managed immigration program with the objective that newcomers will ultimately become full citizens. Obtaining citizenship is a significant step in the integration process for newcomers because it signifies full participation in Canadian life. Permanent residents have a qualified right to apply for citizenship once they have lived in Canada for three years. According to 2001 Census data, 84% of all eligible permanent residents (after three years) had acquired Canadian citizenship. In 2004-2005, almost 180,000 permanent residents became Canadian citizens.

Changing demographic and labour market context

Moving forward, immigration will continue to play a key role in building the Canada of tomorrow and in supporting our economic growth by helping to address future labour market and community needs. Like many other industrialized countries, Canada is facing significant demographic changes. According to Statistics Canada, sometime between 2025 and 2030, the number of births to Canadian parents will equal the number of deaths. If Canada’s population is to continue to grow, immigration will be the source of this growth in the absence of a change in fertility and/or mortality rates.

These demographic factors are also slowing Canada’s labour force growth. Given that labour force growth and productivity gains are the key components to ensuring a rising standard of living, any slowdown in labour force growth would have to be offset by stronger productivity gains in the future if the recent growth in our standard of living is to be sustained. Immigration currently accounts for more than 70% of net growth in the labour force, and it is projected that all net labour force growth will come from immigration sometime between 2011 and 2016 as the number of Canadians who are leaving school and entering the labour force will only be sufficient to offset the number of retirements. However, at current immigration levels, domestic sources of labour force growth will still be dominant, producing an estimated 610,000 new entrants per year versus 120,000 entrants from immigration in 2016.

As a complement to domestic labour and in response to shortages of workers in particular occupations, industries and regions across the country, immigration will be needed to ensure an adequate supply of skilled labour. There are no generalized labour market shortages predicted for the Canadian economy over the next few decades.

However, shortages of skilled workers in certain sectors and regions are already occurring (e.g., shortages in Western Canada related to major construction projects) and are expected to continue. Immigration, as a complement to the availability of domestic skilled workers, will continue to be an important mechanism for responding to such shortages of workers in particular occupations, industries and regions, especially in the short-term.

Changing international context

The international environment will increasingly challenge Canada’s ability to meet its future economic, social and cultural needs through immigration. Though unprecedented numbers of people are on the move as a result of local and world events, the global environment is also one in which competition for talent will intensify with the declining population growth in the world’s developed regions and the emergence of developing countries as economic powers. Canada has an overall record of success in attracting and integrating immigrants, but its challenge will be to remain globally competitive. Canada needs to prepare itself to compete in this changing and more challenging international environment and it needs to move now to start putting the conditions in place that will ensure more successful immigration to Canada.

Moving forward

Success will be predicated on maintaining a balance between the facilitation objectives of Canada’s immigration program while protecting the health, safety and security of Canadians. Moving forward, the first step will be to advance Citizenship and Immigration’s three key priorities, including the implementation of an integrated policy framework.

B. Departmental Priorities

CIC has established three priorities to guide the Department’s work in 2006-2007. These priorities, along with the strategies to support them, are as follows:

Departmental Priorities Departmental Strategies
Implementing an integrated policy framework
  • Efficient and competitive immigration program
  • Integrated citizenship policy
  • Refocused refugee protection
Improving client service
  • Complete implementation of Global Case Management System (GCMS)
  • Improve application management and client service
  • Enhance access and responsiveness of CIC service delivery network in Canada and abroad
Building the workforce of the future
  • Public Service Modernization Act / Public Service Employment Act
  • Recruitment and retention
  • Learning and development

Priority 1 – Implementing an Integrated Policy Framework

While Canada’s immigration system provides a strong foundation upon which to build, CIC needs to take action to ensure that the program is well-positioned to meet new and emerging challenges. Canada’s immigration system is currently facing challenges in terms of changing demographic, labour market and international contexts. There are also significant challenges inherent in the system that must be addressed to protect program integrity and public confidence, and to position the program to better support Canada’s economic growth and social prosperity in the future. These include challenges across the immigration, refugee and citizenship programs.


The immigration program is under pressure because of the demand to come to Canada in all categories has exceeded the immigration levels established by the Government of Canada. As a result, an inventory of about 800,000 applications has accumulated, causing long delays before clients have their applications processed. These delays frustrate both applicants and the public and create the impression of an unresponsive immigration system. They may also lessen the appeal of applying to Canada for immigration, potentially resulting in the loss of strong candidates to other jurisdictions. These long processing times and large inventories of applications must be addressed. At the same time, it will be important to implement new measures to better manage the intake of applications and balance that flow with Canada’s ability to integrate newcomers.

One of those measures is a new immigration planning process. CIC’s current approach to planning annual immigration level targets is effectively limited to a one- to two-year time horizon. CIC will explore taking a longer-term approach to levels planning that would provide more time to plan and build operational capacity, as well as enough flexibility to respond to changing priorities and conditions. A longer-term approach would also, for example, allow for broader and deeper collaboration with partners during the levels planning process and provide an opportunity to gain key stakeholder perspectives on the appropriate levels of immigration that would meet the economic and social needs of communities.

There is also evidence that recent immigrants are not succeeding as well as immigrants in the past. This is evidenced by their deteriorating economic performance and higher percentages of them living in poverty. Unlike the experience prior to 1990, since the early 1990s new immigrant skilled workers have consistently had lower initial earnings relative to native-born Canadians. CIC will work with Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC), provinces, territories, and professional associations to support the creation of a Canadian Agency for Assessment and Recognition of Credentials that will provide pre-assessment of international credentials and experience. As well, to further assist newcomers, other innovative approaches could be developed to facilitate their integration and to promote a sense of active citizenship among them. At the same time, innovative selection strategies could be introduced to attract and retain newcomers who are well-equipped to integrate quickly into the Canadian labour market and society.

The current approach to selecting skilled workers was designed to select immigrants with sufficient human capital to be adaptable in the face of changing labour market needs. However, there is a growing demand to complement this approach with immigrants who have a greater capacity to fill specific labour market and employer needs. CIC, in consultation with partners and stakeholders, will launch public consultations on improving the responsiveness of the system, considering new proactive recruitment (both temporary workers and permanent residents), prioritized selection and new approaches to processing that would help ensure that Canada can welcome immigrants more quickly.

At the same time, current settlement patterns result in an unequal distribution of the benefits of immigration across the country. More than 90% of newcomers settle in metropolitan areas, compared to less than 65% of the Canadian population. In fact, three-quarters of newcomers settle in Canada’s three largest urban areas – Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. As a result, rural and smaller urban areas are experiencing difficulties attracting and retaining immigrants who would help address their labour market and population requirements. Provinces, territories, cities and communities agree on the need to spread the benefits of immigration across the country. Moving forward, it will be important to work in closer partnership with provinces and territories to find ways that the immigration system can be more responsive to community needs across the country. One way to achieve this is through Provincial Nominee Programs, and other bilateral initiatives.

In terms of the refugee program, disproportionate attention and resources are currently devoted to the asylum system compared to efforts to support or resettle refugees from overseas. Within the context of this framework, the domestic and international components of CIC’s refugee protection programs could be re-examined in order to ensure that Canada’s approach to refugee protection is targeted at those most in need of protection. Consideration could also be given to efforts that would enhance Canada’s contribution to international solutions for refugees in protracted situations abroad.

Risk management is essential to sustaining CIC’s programs and ensuring public confidence in the immigration system. As such, it is necessary to maintain the appropriate balance between the facilitation and screening of applicants so as to ensure continued program integrity and the benefits of immigration.

Canadian citizenship is often considered the ultimate measure of newcomer integration, and, in fact, the large majority of immigrants to Canada (84%) eventually become citizens. However, the notion of Canadian citizenship is evolving beyond the current legal construct to a broader notion of active citizenship that speaks to a shared national identity, sense of belonging, loyalty and attachment to Canada, and shared values, rights and obligations. Efforts are needed to ensure that Canada’s model of citizenship is well-positioned to foster stronger communities and to respond to changing domestic and global environments (e.g., growing diversity, urbanization trends and threats to security).

Developing an integrated policy framework

The integrated policy framework will aim to address the challenges faced by CIC clients across all of our lines of business – in terms of immigration, refugees and citizenship including integration and settlement. The framework should:

  • Provide a strategic roadmap to ensure all CIC programs and policies are working together to serve Canada’s interests and fulfil our policy objectives to contribute to generating wealth and building Canada’s economy, sustaining strong communities and supporting Canada’s role in protecting those most in need;
  • Facilitate better coordination among partners and other stakeholders;
  • Build on existing capacities and mechanisms that reflect the shared jurisdictional responsibility for immigration;
  • Provide ongoing mechanisms to share relevant information and to better direct that information into the policy and program development process;
  • Position Canada to more effectively respond to future challenges and take advantage of global economic and social conditions that affect migration and domestic conditions which affect the integration and settlement of newcomers;
  • Modernize our client service model and address the challenges in the current delivery system; and
  • Lay out a path to provide the sustainable investments needed.

To date, efforts have largely focused on articulating the challenges facing the immigration program and the appropriate responses to these challenges. Additional work is needed to elaborate on these challenges and to confirm potential policy and program directions. The challenges facing the refugee and citizenship programs also need to be examined and appropriate policy responses developed.

The successful development of an integrated framework will require working in close partnership with other Government of Canada departments, provinces/territories and other key players such as communities, employers, and non-governmental organizations. NGO consultations have already begun with a range of stakeholders to discuss challenges in the immigration system and to elicit support for future directions. However, broad engagement will continue over the next year to advance the framework and to develop integrated measures that will support its overall directions.

Priority 2 – Improving Client Service

Immigrating to Canada or applying for citizenship is an important life decision. Clients and CIC are both better served when a decision is made on the basis of realistic, authoritative and timely information about the opportunities, challenges and difficulties involved in immigrating, working and living in Canada, as well as the privileges and responsibilities of Canadian citizenship. At the same time, the clients and the Department are also better served when immigration and citizenship application processing is simpler, more predictable and more transparent.

While Canada’s immigration system provides a strong foundation upon which to build, there is a need to examine application management and client service challenges. This will enhance service to clients while maintaining the integrity of the system, improving public perceptions regarding the system, and ensuring that Canada continues to be an attractive destination for talented immigrants. Increasing numbers of applications attest to the continued popularity of Canada as a destination of choice. However, resulting inventories and wait times before final decision create significant pressures on the delivery of the program. Clients clearly want to experience tangible improvements in CIC’s service delivery.

Recently, investments have been made in the call centre. Additionally, processing times have been shortened in some application categories and steps are being taken to streamline and standardize processes and procedures in all aspects of application processing and service to clients. While improvements have been made, they are not sufficient. In that context, a client service improvement plan will be developed to support the new policy framework and desired outcomes by bringing together service delivery in a way that more effectively and coherently responds to the evolving needs and expectations of clients.

A client service improvement plan would include:

  • Assessing options to better center CIC’s service delivery network around the needs of clients;
  • Leveraging the technology investments already being made in the Global Case Management System (GCMS) [note 1] and the Internet (Going to Canada Immigration Portal and CIC Web site) to offer modern service solutions that maximize automated services and provide greater choice and convenience to clients. For example, increasing client self-serve options through an integrated electronic suite of information and services including on-line information and interactive self-assessment tools, on-line application and tracking of application status, and electronic payment will result in more time for client service officers to resolve more complex situations;
  • Streamlining, simplifying and standardizing information and interventions in all aspects of application processing and client service;
  • Harmonizing service standards, management approaches and operations;
  • Exploring innovative partnering strategies to ensure clients have access to more integrated and seamless services; and,
  • Utilizing client survey and focus group testing methodologies to establish proof of concept, client segmentation (i.e. the needs of the user), service requirements and standards, as well as to measure progress and correct course as required.

Service improvements must be introduced progressively. This will allow for the building of the capacity and competencies needed to evolve with the service changes to improve application management, processing times and client service, while still ensuring efficient transition and continuity of service delivery.

Priority 3 – Building the Workforce of the Future

Building the workforce that will allow CIC to achieve its strategic objectives will be key to the success of its departmental priorities. CIC recognizes an assessment of its existing capacity is required with a view to matching its workforce to the policy and service improvement agenda it has set out. To achieve this, CIC is building the workforce needed to deliver an integrated policy framework and to significantly improve client service.

The Department began a process of employee engagement during the last year and will build on this process as it moves forward on its current strategic priorities. Clear linkages exist between the three priorities and none can be carried out in isolation.

A review of the Department’s management agenda and competencies has provided guidance to senior officials in charting the course for developing its future workforce, building on the skills and competencies of CIC’s existing employees and the addition of new employees who bring needed abilities and energy.

Through solid human resources planning, CIC will design ongoing, sustainable strategies to ensure a diverse work force that remains responsive to Canadians’ expectations and evolving departmental direction. CIC’s management team will develop engagement, recruitment, retention, learning and development, diversity and succession planning strategies. These strategies will respond to demographic shifts in its workforce, while fostering a learning culture that will position CIC as an attractive employer for those who have the competencies needed for the future. It will achieve these goals, in part, through the new delegations accorded to management and the enhanced flexibility provided in the Public Service Modernization Act.

In order to achieve its strategic objectives, CIC is investing resources in building the workforce needed to deliver an integrated policy framework and to significantly improve client service. It has set up a Workforce Renewal Office (WRO) to renew its existing workforce through training, succession planning and through recruitment of new employees with needed competencies and skill sets. The WRO is a temporary organization led by an Executive Director who reports to the Deputy Minister.

The WRO has been mandated to:

  • discover precise demographic challenges facing CIC;
  • scope out and implement strategies for facing these challenges, and
  • position CIC as an attractive employer today and in the future.

The Department will use this opportunity to increase its representation of the four designated groups [note 2] and promote and support diversity in the workplace. CIC needs to recruit employees with the competencies required to implement new policy and program directions and to serve clients in the future. It needs to retain existing employees and help them develop the competencies that will be needed in the future. CIC must ensure all its employees are equipped to continuously learn and develop in order to respond to the evolving environment and priorities. This is significant because CIC employees are instrumental in building Canadian society; their diversity is a key strength for Canada.

C. Summary Information

Vision, Mission and Mandate

CIC [note 3] is responsible for selecting immigrants and temporary residents and assisting with immigrant settlement and integration – including the granting of citizenship – while offering Canada’s protection to refugees and those in refugee-like situations. CIC is also responsible for developing Canada’s admissibility policy, setting the conditions to enter and remain in Canada, and conducting screening of immigrants and temporary residents to protect the health, safety and security of Canadians.

CIC has over 4000 employees in Canada and abroad, with 43 in-Canada points of service and 91 points of service in 77 countries.

CIC’s Vision

An approach to immigration that:

  • Responds to the needs of communities in all parts of the country by creating opportunities for individuals to come to Canada to make an economic, social, cultural and civic contribution while also realizing their full potential, with a view to becoming citizens;
  • Supports global humanitarian efforts to assist those in need of protection.

CIC’s Mission

CIC, with its partners, will build a stronger Canada by:

  • Developing and implementing policies, programs and services that:
    • Facilitate the arrival of persons and their integration to Canada in a way that maximizes their contribution to the country while protecting the health, safety and security of Canadians;
    • Maintain Canada’s humanitarian tradition by protecting refugees and persons in need of protection; and
    • Enhance the values and promote the rights and responsibilities of Canadian citizenship.
  • Advancing global migration policies in a way that supports Canada’s immigration and humanitarian objectives.

The Department was created through legislation in 1994 to link immigration services with citizenship registration to promote the unique ideals all Canadians share and to help build a stronger Canada. CIC derives its mandate from the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), which is the result of major legislative reform in 2002, and from the Citizenship Act of 1977. Immigration is an area of shared jurisdiction with provinces and territories under the Constitution Act, 1867.

As a result of the government reorganizations that saw a number of CIC’s key functions transferred to the new Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), [note 4] responsibility for administering IRPA is now shared between CIC and the CBSA. Both organizations are required to work collaboratively to achieve and balance the facilitation and enforcement objectives of the immigration program.

CIC’s Strategic Outcomes

CIC has identified three strategic outcomes that describe the long-term results which the Department’s programs are designed to achieve. The Department’s Program Activity Architecture (PAA) [note 5] is a framework that provides an inventory of the Department’s programs and activities and describes their linkages to the strategic outcomes. The PAA also provides an enduring foundation for financial and performance reporting to Parliament. CIC’s three strategic outcomes are:

  • Maximum contribution to Canada’s economic, social and cultural development from migration.
  • Reflection of Canadian values and interests in the management of international migration, including refugee protection.
  • Successful integration of newcomers and promotion of Canadian citizenship.

Alignment of Strategic Outcomes with Government of Canada Outcomes

CIC’s strategic outcomes contribute to the achievement of the following Government of Canada outcomes. [note 6]

CIC Strategic Outcome Relevant Government of Canada Outcome Government of Canada Policy Area

Maximum contribution to Canada’s economic, social and cultural development from migration

Strong economic growth


Reflection of Canadian values and interests in the management of international migration, including refugee protection

A safe and secure world through multilateral cooperation


Successful integration of newcomers and promotion of Canadian citizenship

Diverse society that promotes linguistic duality and social inclusion



Financial and Human Resources:

Financial Resources
2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009


Full-time Equivalents (FTEs)
2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009

Explanation of change:Planned spending decreases by $22M in 2007-2008, primarily due to the ending of short term pressure funding partially offset by increased settlement resources. This change is also reflected in declining FTE's.

2008-2009 planned spending increases by $128M over the previous year due to additional funding for the Canada-Ontario Immigration Agreement, new settlement funding and the escalation of the Canada-Quebec Accord.

Although there is an increase in funding over the planning period, it is related to grants and contributions, not salary costs, and therefore results in no increase in FTEs.

Critical Partnerships

The successful management of Canada’s immigration program depends on ongoing collaboration with a wide range of partners. CIC works actively with many partners on both international and domestic immigration issues. However, more and broader engagement is needed to build toward Canada’s future.

Domestically, CIC’s partners include other federal departments and agencies, provincial and territorial governments, NGO’s, cities and communities, voluntary organizations, community-based service provider organizations, businesses and employers, researchers and other stakeholders.

While citizenship matters fall under exclusive federal jurisdiction, responsibility for immigration is shared with the provinces. There are currently 11 bilateral frameworks [note 7] or Provincial Nominee Agreements for federal/provincial/territorial (FPT) cooperation including, for the first time, a Canada-Ontario Immigration Agreement that was signed on November 21, 2005. In addition to the bilateral agreements, multilateral FPT discussions are increasingly used as a mechanism for working with the provinces and territories.

As a result, the frequency of meetings of FPT ministers responsible for immigration has increased since the first was held in 2002. The meeting held on November 4, 2005, culminated with the adoption of a common Strategic Direction on Immigration which laid out a broad strategy on how to work together and included the identification of five key priorities for the coming year – to be pursued either collaboratively through joint projects or independently. These are improved selection; improved outcomes; increased regionalization; improved client service; and facilitating the transition from temporary to permanent resident status for individuals with Canadian work and study experience. Ministers also agreed to work collaboratively to consult with stakeholders on issues related to immigration.

Building on this work, the June 30, 2006, meeting of the FPT ministers, chaired by Minister Solberg, provided an opportunity for Ministers to consider the challenges and opportunities in three areas: immigration as a means of meeting labour market needs; immigration levels planning; and allocation of additional settlement funding approved in Budget 2006. At this meeting, there was general agreement to hold regular FPT meetings.

CIC works closely with the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) [note 8] on issues relating to the overall management of the refugee and immigration portfolio. The IRB is an independent administrative tribunal that adjudicates immigration inadmissibility, detention, appeals and refugee protection claims made within Canada. While the independence of the IRB and its decision makers is always maintained, there is close collaboration with CIC on policy and program issues.

Since the creation of the CBSA on December 12, 2003, CIC shares responsibility for administering the IRPA with the CBSA. CIC is committed to building upon its relationship with the CBSA in order to promote the objectives of the Act and to support the delivery of the immigration program in the best interests of Canada.

CIC is responsible for screening immigrants and temporary residents and assisting with immigrant settlement and integration, while offering Canada’s protection to refugees and those in refugee-like situations. CIC also retains responsibility for screening and admissibility policies with the exception of policies related to security, war crimes and organized crime. The CBSA is responsible for the management and operation of our ports of entry, providing intelligence and other support to prevent inadmissible persons from reaching Canada, and detecting those who are in Canada but who are in contravention of IRPA. CIC has negotiated a Memorandum of Understanding MOU with the CBSA, signed on March 27, 2006, which defines how we work together to deliver all these aspects of the immigration and refugee protection program. As we implement the MOU, CIC will continue to work closely with the CBSA on removals of inadmissible persons, and to investigate the use of biometrics and other technologies to further strengthen client identification as well as document and program integrity.

In Canada and overseas, CIC’s programs are delivered in collaboration with Foreign Affairs Canada, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada, and key agencies involved in managing access to Canada and protecting Canadian society. In this respect, Public safety agencies include the CBSA, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. CIC also works with Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada on migrant health issues. The Temporary Foreign Worker Program is an integrated government program that involves both CIC and HRSDC. CIC and Canadian Heritage share citizenship promotion activities. CIC also plays a role in Canada’s Action Plan Against Racism led by Canadian Heritage.

On the international front, the Global Commission on International Migration (GCIM) tabled its report on a proposed response to major migration issues in October 2005. Canada and other interested states are discussing the possible follow-up to the GCIM report. CIC is also involved in helping to set the international migration agenda through regular sessions of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ (UNHCR) Working Group on Resettlement and through input into Canadian positions for the 2006 UN High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development (HLD). In addition, CIC examines crosscutting issues on the international migration agenda through the G8, Inter-Governmental Consultations (IGC) on Asylum, Refugees and Migration Policies, the Four Country Conference (FCC), and the Regional Conference on Migration (Puebla Process). CIC also maintains strategic alliances with key countries around the world on a wide range of issues. For example, CIC works to facilitate the movement of workers under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and negotiates with Mexico and several Caribbean countries regarding seasonal agricultural workers.

One of Canada’s key partners is the United States (U.S.). Given the common border interests, Canada is committed to various shared border initiatives with the U.S. under the Smart Border Action Plan and, more recently, under the Security and Prosperity Partnership. In an effort to improve the coordination of the distinct policies, Canada regularly consults with the U.S. on issues which may impact on document and admission requirements. Through a shared information agreement, Canada also collaborates with the U.S. and shares information of mutual interest.

CIC participates in numerous research activities, such as those of the Metropolis Project with federal partners, and has forged strategic alliances with policy makers and researchers both in Canada and abroad.

Additionally, CIC consults broadly on policy and program development with a wide variety of NGOs representing different sectors of Canadian society that have an interest in immigration, refugee and citizenship issues.

CIC has identified the need to develop a more strategic approach to consultations with external stakeholders in order to obtain balanced input on strategic policy and future directions and to strengthen the cross-linkages with individual programs and policies. In August 2005, the Deputy Minister met with key national-level stakeholders to discuss issues relating to immigration levels and multi-year levels planning. Building on the success of these deliberations, in 2006-2007, CIC will develop its first-ever, department-wide consultation strategy, which will incorporate the work in this area to be undertaken with provincial, territorial, municipal and community partners.

Moving forward, CIC will expand this network of partnerships and work more effectively with other states, international organizations, government departments, other levels of government, NGOs, employers, unions and others to ensure that the immigration program supports Canada’s future growth and prosperity and allows newcomers to integrate easily into the labour market and our communities.

CIC’s Management Agenda

CIC remains committed to continuous improvement through the pursuit of excellence in management practices. CIC is recognized as a leading department in these areas, and over the next years will continue to identify and strengthen key management practices.

The Management Accountability Framework (MAF) [note 9] establishes the standards for management in the Government of Canada and is the basis for management accountability between departments/agencies and the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS). The 10 elements of the MAF collectively define management and establish the expectations for sound management of a department or agency. CIC has been a forerunner in its pursuit to further operationalize the use of the MAF and has taken steps to promote its use as the instrument of choice for the organization’s integrated management framework.

Efforts include a three-year plan to identify fundamental controls within each of the MAF elements. This exercise will enable CIC to use the MAF to assess the strength of management practices on a routine basis and take action to further enhance these practices in the future. This approach will further embed the MAF throughout CIC, making it an integral part of management practices within the Department.

CIC has begun by identifying the required fundamental controls, and anticipates establishing outcomes and identifying accountabilities over the course of the next three years. By creating a MAF office in the Department, CIC is aiming to provide the Department with a single source for guidance and assurance with respect to the MAF, founded on the fundamental principles of values and ethics. In the coming year, efforts will also focus on raising awareness of the MAF and its use among managers in the Department.

Next year, CIC will continue to consolidate the integration of the business, human resources and financial planning processes in the Department. The human resources planning capacity needs to be strengthened to ensure the right people with the necessary skills are in place so that CIC achieves its business goals. As a result of the provisions in the new Public Service Employment Act, CIC needs to increase its capacity for monitoring and reporting. The Department also remains committed to furthering a culture of risk management throughout the organization. Moreover, the Corporate Risk Profile will continue to be developed as CIC places greater emphasis on the management of risks and corresponding mitigation strategies.

Public Service values and ethics [note 10] are the foundation for all management and decision-making processes, and in the spirit of continuous improvement, CIC plans to establish a communications strategy between senior management and staff to regularly reinforce appropriate understanding and behaviour.

One further important component of the management improvement agenda is related to reorganizing and bolstering the internal audit function. CIC has reviewed the model proposed by the new Treasury Board internal audit policy, [note 11] and already meets many of the expectations of this policy. The Internal Audit and Governance Branch, in collaboration with all CIC managers, will seek to further integrate risk, control and governance issues into their management practices.


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