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RPP 2006-2007
The Canadian Space Agency

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Maxime Bernier, Minister of Industry

As Minister of Industry, I am proud to present this report on the Canadian Space Agency anticipated achievements and results over the next three years. Through the efforts of the Canadian Space Agency and its Portfolio partners, we are working to ensure that Canada has the necessary business and innovation environment to foster a culture of discovery and creativity to fuel economic success and support our enviable quality of life.

Today, we operate in a globalized economy where electronic commerce drives complex and interconnected supply chains from around the world and anyone can be our competitor. To thrive, we need a dynamic and adaptable economy - one with a highly trained work force and nimble businesses striving for competitive growth and development.


Looking ahead, we see the need to enhance Canada's business environment, including improving the critical ground rules that ensure stability, equitable conduct and competition for consumers, investors and businesses. Used strategically, these efforts can encourage investment in innovation, afford easier access to capital, support risk-taking and entrepreneurship, and ensure the efficient and productive allocation of resources.

We are working to reduce barriers to and within our markets and to encourage more domestic and foreign investment. We are supporting and defending our industries. We are working to improve business and consumer confidence. And we are supporting science, technology, research and development to encourage our industries, our businesses and our workforce to keep pace with technological change and drive innovation throughout our economy. And the demand for innovation across the Canadian economy - including in the areas of health care, climate change, productivity and the competitiveness of Canadian firms - continues to rise.

The Industry Portfolio consists of:

  • Business Development Bank of Canada [1]
  • Canadian Space Agency
  • Canadian Tourism Commission [1]
  • Competition Tribunal
  • Copyright Board Canada
  • Industry Canada
  • National Research Council Canada
  • Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
  • Standards Council of Canada [1]
  • Statistics Canada

[1] Federal Crown corporations do not prepare Reports on Plans and Priorities.

Maxime Bernier
Minister of Industry

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I submit, for tabling in Parliament, the 2006-2007 Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP) for the Canadian Space Agency.

This document has been prepared based on the reporting principles contained in the Guide to the Preparation of Part III of the 2006-2007 Estimates - Reports on Plans and Priorities.

  • It adheres to the specific reporting requirements outlined in the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) guidance;
  • It is based on the department's approved Program Activity Architecture (PAA) structure as reflected in its Management Resources and Results Structure (MRRS);
  • It presents consistent, comprehensive, balanced and reliable information;
  • It provides a basis of accountability for the results achieved with the resources and authorities entrusted to it; and,
  • It reports finances based on approved planned spending numbers from the TBS in the RPP.

Carole Lacombe
Acting President

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The mandate of the Agency is "to promote the peaceful use and development of space, to advance the knowledge of space through science and to ensure that space science and technology provide social and economic benefits for Canadians."

The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) is achieving this mandate by implementing the Canadian Space Program (CSP) in co-operation with other government departments/agencies, industries, and universities, as well as international partners. In addition to delivering its own programs, the CSA is responsible for co-ordinating all federal civil space-related policies and programs pertaining to science and technology research, industrial development, and international co-operation.

To learn more about the mandate of the CSA, go to:

RESOURCES 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009

FINANCIAL (in millions)









The CSA contributes to the three following Strategic Outcomes in line with the Government of Canada's top priorities:

Environment and Sustainable Development: A Space Program that helps Canada understand and protect the environment, and develop its resources in a sustainable manner.

Knowledge, Innovation and Economy: A Space Program that generates knowledge and pushes innovation, while leading (where appropriate) to increased productivity and economic growth through commercialization.

Sovereignty and Security: A Space Program that supports recognition of Canada's sovereignty and the security of its communities.


Economy Social International
  1. Strong economic growth
  2. An innovative and knowledge-based economy
  3. Income security and employment for Canadians
  4. A clean and healthy environment
  1. Healthy Canadians with access to quality health care
  2. A vibrant Canadian culture and heritage
  3. Safe and secure communities
  1. A strong and mutually beneficial North American partnership
  2. A prosperous Canada through global commerce
  3. A safe and secure world through international co-operation

CSA Strategic Outcomes
Environment and Sutainable Development Knowledge, Innovation and Economy Sovereignty and Security
A Space Program that helps Canada understand and protect the environment, and develop its resources in a sustainable manner. A Space Program that generates knowledge and pushes innovation, while leading (where apporpriate) to increased productivity and economic growth through commercialisation. A Space Program that supports recognition of Canada's sovereignty and the security of its communities.

CSA Contributions to Canada Economic Outcomes

The CSA's three strategic outcomes contribute to the development of Canada's economy as measured against the following outcomes outlined in Canada's Performance report:

  • strong economic growth;
  • an innovative and knowledge-based economy;
  • income security and employment for Canadians; and,
  • a clean and healthy environment.

The space industry contributes to Canada's economic well being and helps achieve a higher standard of living and quality of life for all Canadians.

Through its R&D investments and the resulting transfers of applications to the private and public sectors, the CSA's programs and activities attract highly skilled labour that contributes to Canada's knowledge-based economy; helps enhance the Canadian space industry's competitiveness by encouraging dynamic trade relationships with other nations; and increases Canada's ability to compete in the global marketplace.

Earth Observation missions drive some of the changes that are improving our quality of life by helping our government deliver on priorities such as protection of the environment, sustainable development, management of natural resources, understanding climate change, and providing support for disaster management.

Satellite communications missions are a key element in linking all Canadians in a communication network including the remote and northern communities.

CSA Contributions to Canada Social Outcomes

The CSA three strategic outcomes contribute to Canada's social foundations as measured against the following outcomes outlined in Canada's Performance report:

  • healthy Canadians with access to quality health care;
  • a vibrant Canadian culture and heritage; and,
  • safe and secure communities.

As part of the Connecting Canadians priority, space infrastructure allows access and dissemination of timely health, cultural, security and safety related information to all Canadians no matter where they live in Canada.

Earth Observation, communication and navigation satellites drive some of the changes that are improving our quality of life by helping our government deliver on environment, safety and security priorities, by allowing timely monitoring and maintenance of a healthy physical environment over the Canadian territory, and by providing support for disaster management in such situations as floods, forest fires and earthquakes. They also allow the essential communication tools to support law and order enforcement interventions and enhance search and rescue capabilities.

Fundamental research in physical and life sciences, space exploration, and technology attracts the bright minds of a nation in participating in visionary endeavours. It encourages science and technology literacy, particularly among our youth, inspired by the role model of Canadian astronauts inviting them to reach for their highest aspirations. Satellite communication is a powerful channel that plays a significant role towards sharing Canadian culture and heritage.

Satellite communication is essential to provide all Canadians, no matter where they live in Canada, with timely access to expert knowledge and expertise related to health and education through a range of non-commercial services including: e-government, e-learning, tele-justice, tele-education, as well as tele-medicine disciplines such as tele-psychiatry, tele-radiology, tele-surgery, and tele-consultations.

CSA Contributions to Canada International Outcomes

The CSA's three strategic outcomes contribute to establishing Canada's international presence as measured against the following outcomes outlined in Canada's Performance report:

  • a strong and mutually beneficial North American partnership;
  • a prosperous Canada through global commerce; and,
  • a safe and secure world through international co-operation.

Space is now recognized by industrialized nations as an essential and strategic tool to meet social, economic and foreign policy objectives. Canada must therefore possess a space infrastructure, not only to meet its specific national needs, but also to play a tangible and visible role in responding to the issues that interest the international community.

With its space exploration, science and technology endeavours, which often involve international partners, the CSA plays an influential role in building bridges between an increasing number of space-faring countries. In striving to become one of the most advanced, connected and innovative nations in the world, Canada offers and shares tremendous opportunities for the development and safety of the global community through the peaceful use of space.

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1.4 Departmental Plans and Priorities

The CSA manages the Canadian Space Program according to the Canadian Space Strategy (CSS) approved by the Government of Canada in February 2005. The CSS greatly influenced decision-making at the CSA as it streamlined its Strategic Outcomes and set the long-term priorities for all activities under the revised Program Activity Architecture (PAA). The PAA is divided into six Program Activities that contribute to the CSA's three Strategic Outcomes. The first four are in line with the CSS thrusts: Space Based Earth Observation, Space Science and Exploration, Satellite Communications, and Space Awareness and Learning. The fifth Program Activity, Generic Space Activities, supports the three scientific and technology thrusts. All Program Activities are supported by the services provided under the Corporate Services and Infrastructure Program Activity.

Program Activities

To learn more about Canadian Space Strategy, go to:




Program Activities


Program Activities


Space Based Earth Observation (EO)


Space Based Earth Observation (EO)


Space Science and Exploration (SE)


Space Science and Exploration (SE)


Satellite Communications (SC)


Satellite Communications (SC)


Space Awareness and Learning (AL)


Space Awareness and Learning (AL)




Generic Space Activities in support of EO, SE, and SC (GSA)


Corporate Services, Strategic Development and Infrastructure


Corporate Services and Infrastructure






The Main Estimates for the Canadian Space Agency amounts to $374.1 million, a net increase of $32.5 million over 2005-2006. The major changes are due to an increase of $21.0 million to meet the cash flow requirements for the new Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Constellation Program; a net reprofiling of $13.4 million affecting the budgets of major projects such as RADARSAT-2, Chinook and CASSIOPE in order to adjust expenditure profiles with development work progress; and, an additional decrease of $2.0 million to contribute to the government-wide reallocation exercise.

In 2006-2007 a Program Activity called Generic Space Activities in support of Earth Observation, Space Science and Exploration, and Satellite Communications is being added in order to better reflect the generic technology research and space qualification operations that support scientific and engineering programs. The budget allocated to this Program Activity in the 2006-2007 Main Estimates amounts to $44.3 million, which is drawn from the Program Activities Earth Observation, Space Science and Exploration, and Satellite Communications.

The CSA has developed a Departmental Priority for each Program Activity.




($ in millions)




Space Based Earth Observation (EO)
Develop and operationalize the use of Space Based Earth Observation for the benefits of Canadians.


Delivery, directly or in partnership, of Space Based EO data, products and services in response to operational and scientific user requirements in the field of Environment, Resource and Land Use Management, and Security and Foreign Policy, supported by access capacity development.




Space Science and Exploration (SE)
Understand the Solar System and the Universe, expand our knowledge on the constituent elements and origins of life, and strengthen a human presence in space.


1) Increased participation in Canadian and international opportunities in order to expand the scientific knowledge base made available to Canadian academia and R&D communities, in astronomy, space exploration and solar-terrestrial relation as well as physical and life sciences.




Satellite Communications (SC)
Provide all Canadians with the means to participate in and fully benefit from the global information age.


1) Increased access for Canadians to state-of-the-art space communications systems and services to meet their social and economic needs.

2) Better use of space communications, search and rescue, and global navigation satellite systems and applications to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of other government departments and organizations in delivering services to Canadians.




Space Awareness and Learning (AL)
Further public understanding and engagement with regards to space-related issues, ultimately leading to improving the scientific literacy of Canadians.


Increased public awareness of Canada's activities in space and space benefits positively affecting the quality of life of Canadians.




Generic Space Activities in support of EO, SE, and SC (GSA)
Provide leadership, co-ordination and support to EO, SE, and SC through space activities that are generic.


Innovative space technologies, techniques, and design and test methodologies in response to advanced developments required for future space missions and activities.




Corporate Services and Infrastructure
Implement the government's commitment to modern public service in accordance with the Management Accountability Framework's (MAF) expectations.


1) Corporate Services provide an added value to CSA managers in the performance of their duties.

2) Key corporate risks are addressed and mitigated.




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Strategic Context of the Canadian Space Agency

International Environment

In the global context, space is recognized by industrialized nations as an essential and strategic tool to meet their social, economic and foreign policy objectives. Accordingly, many governments around the world, traditional and newly emerging space-faring nations, are increasing their investments in space activities, looking for increased consolidation and advancement of their space capabilities. Canada must therefore possess a space infrastructure not only to meet its specific national needs, but also to play a tangible and visible role in responding to the issues that interest the international community.

International co-operation is critical to the implementation of the Canadian Space Program. Canada can leverage its resources and maximize its return on investment by working in partnership with other space-faring nations. Such partnerships allow for sharing of technical expertise, knowledge and infrastructure, and allow access to areas where Canada has chosen not to invest due to its limited resources. In addition, increasing concerns over issues such as space debris and climate change that transcends national borders favour increasing cooperation between nations with common goals. Canada co-operates with a number of international partners and has ties to various space agencies. Although the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the European Space Agency (ESA) remain Canada's longstanding international partners, we are increasingly developing relationships with other foreign space organizations in Japan, India, Sweden, Norway, Germany, and Russia.

To learn more about Canada's international partners, go to:

Canada is regarded as a reliable partner possessing unique technical and scientific capabilities, and as a nation that can meaningfully contribute to the initiatives of foreign space agencies. In particular, emerging space-faring countries in Asia and South America may offer great potential for future co-operation. Consequently, Canada maintains its efforts to establish a foothold in these emerging markets. It is of paramount importance that the CSA continue to work with its stakeholders to ensure that our research community and industry remain active and competitive vis-à-vis world standards and markets.

The perception of Canada's space industry as being internationally competitive is confirmed by the results of the 2004 Annual Survey of the Canadian Space Sector. With annual revenues of $2.4 billion of which exports represent 49% ($1.2 billion)1; of the industry's total revenues, Canada has a higher percentage of exports than any other major space-faring nation. It is interesting to note that the destination of Canadian space exports is balanced, with 46% generally destined to the US, 36% to Europe, and 8% to Asia2;.

1 State of the Canadian Space Sector 2004; Overall Revenues, Domestic v. Export Revenues
2 State of the Canadian Space Sector 2004; Export Revenues

National Environment

The Canadian Space Agency recognizes that the best means of turning scientific and technological advancements into innovative products and services is through partnerships with Canadian universities and industry. The CSA firmly believes that industry is the best vehicle for providing a broad range of services to diverse groups of users - from individuals to public and private organizations. With its highly skilled workforce, the space industry in Canada not only generates wealth in our economy, but also provides Canadians with competitive products and services that would otherwise have to be obtained from foreign sources.

In 2004, Canada's space industry generated $2.4 billion in revenues3. Satellite Communications continued to generate the lion's share of the Canadian space sector's revenues with a total of $1.83 billion. A breakdown of the revenues by sectors of activity is as follows: Satellite Communications: 74.8% ($1.83 billion); Earth Observation: 8.6% ($211 million); Navigation: 8.7% ($212 million); Robotics: 5.0% ($122 million); Space Science: 2.5% ($61 million); and all space-related activities in areas other than those mentioned above: 0.4% ($9 million)4;. While small in number of firms, the Canadian space sector is knowledge-intensive and at the forefront of research and innovation. Building on the strengths of 7,445 highly skilled workers5;, Canadian firms have acquired world-leading capabilities in niche areas such as earth observation, space robotics, satellite communications and navigation.

Given that the national market is relatively small, it is critical that the Canadian industry be able to leverage foreign investments and generate export sales. Capitalizing on export revenue depends on the industry's ability to commercialize highly competitive products and services, and establish local partnerships. The Government of Canada plays a key role in helping to establish such partnerships, facilitate trade relations and export opportunities, and secure a strategic role for Canadian industry and academia on important international space initiatives.

The CSA works very closely with the Canadian space industry and scientists in over 20 Canadian universities on the planning and implementation of the Canadian Space Program.

To learn more about Canadian space-related organizations, go to:

3 State of the Canadian Space Sector 2004; Overall Revenues
4 State of the Canadian Space Sector 2004; Revenues by Sectors of Activity
5 State of the Canadian Space Sector 2004; Space Sector Workforce, Workforce Groups

Government Environment

The Canadian Space Strategy (CSS) is the framework that guides the CSA in leading Canada's national Space Program.

The CSS is a concise overview that serves as a tool for planning purposes, and provides our stakeholders and partners with insight on Canada's strategic directions regarding space. In keeping with its objective to be an open and transparent organization, the CSA's strategic planning was done in full consultation with Government of Canada organizations and with its Canadian stakeholders, particularly through the use of the CSA Advisory Council and several program advisory groups. The CSS will be reviewed regularly, and will evolve with the environment that characterises and influences Canada's space activities.

Over the coming year, the CSA will participate to the development of a science and technology strategy, initiated by the Minister of Industry in collaboration with the Minister of Finance, that will encompass the broad range of government support for research, including knowledge infrastructure. The CSA also carries out ongoing consultations with Government of Canada organizations to identify where and how space technologies could be used to enhance the delivery of their mandates and provide new or more efficient services to Canadians. More specifically, the CSA is constantly seeking ways to contribute significantly to the effective and efficient delivery of government programs and services in the fields of: communications, environment and sustainable development, security, intelligence, emergency preparedness, industry development and space science.

The list of partnerships between the CSA and other federal organizations includes: Natural Resources Canada (in particular the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS)), which operates satellite data ground receiving stations, and the Communications Research Centre (CRC) of Industry Canada, which manages satellite communications programs on behalf of the Agency. The CSA also has close co-operation links with Industry Canada, Environment Canada, National Defence, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada, Foreign Affairs Canada, International Trade Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, the National Research Council Canada, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and others.

Priorities of the CSA under the Canadian Space Strategy

The strategic context outlined above lends some perspective to the priorities of the Canadian Space Agency. The CSA manages the Canadian Space Program according to the Canadian Space Strategy (CSS). The CSS is instrumental in decision-making at the CSA as it streamlines its Strategic Outcomes and sets the long-term priorities for all activities under the revised Program Activity Architecture (PAA). A priority was set for each of the four CSS thrusts related Program Activities and two supporting Program Activities that collectively contribute to the success of the Canadian Space Program.

Priority for the Program Activity - Space Based Earth Observation (EO)

The priority for the Program Activity Space Based Earth Observation, is to achieve a long-term overarching objective stated in the CSS thrust strategy as: "to develop and operationalize the use of space for the benefits of Canadians by tapping into the unique vantage point it offers for observing the Earth and its environment".

Given Canada's geo-political situation, our immense territory, our rich natural resources, the changes now occurring in our climate, and our international stature as champions of democracy, innovative Earth observation technologies will become increasingly important for our country.

Space Based EO enables environmental understanding, monitoring and prediction with unparalleled coverage and scope. Space Based EO enables sustainable management and development of natural resources, land use, fisheries and agriculture. Productivity and efficiency gains create jobs, maintain the competitiveness of the resource sector and generate wealth for Canadians. Space Based EO also offers cost-effective wide-area surveillance of land, ice and sea. This is especially true in areas difficult to access like the northern sea passage. Satellites are critical to Canada's security and foreign policy. In doing so, this priority contributes in many ways to all CSA's Strategic Outcomes: Knowledge, Innovation and Economy, Sovereignty and Security, and Environment and Sustainable Development.

At the forefront of EO data use since the early 1970s, Canada has became a world leader in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data collection, operations and services with the launch of RADARSAT-1 in 1995 and is about to demonstrate its continued leadership with RADARSAT-2, to be launched in March 2007. Canada's RADARSAT-2 will provide substantially enhanced data products and services, as well as contribute to C-band SAR data continuity. Canadian government users are expected to be Environment Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Canadian Ice Services, Natural Resources Canada, the Department of National Defence, and the provinces and territories.

For the coming years, RADARSAT-2 and the design of a constellation of next generation radar satellites will be the CSA's main focuses in EO. The CSA will also continue its involvement in the ESA's Envisat Environmental Satellite mission and pursue its mission development effort related to stratospheric wind transport studies through the Chinook project.

Priority for the Program Activity - Space Science and Exploration (SE)

The priority for the Program Activity Space Science and Exploration, is to achieve a long-term overarching objective stated in the CSS thrust strategy as: "to better understand the Solar System and the Universe, expand our knowledge on the constituent elements and origins of life, and strengthen a human presence in space".

This priority consists of using research and space exploration activities to answer a series of fundamental questions posed by the international scientific community. The Canadian scientific community relies on the CSA to contribute the means to answer these fundamental questions and ensure a dynamic environment for scientific research in Canada. This fundamental research attracts the bright minds of a nation and challenges them to surpass themselves with visionary science and technology endeavours. This priority directly contributes to the following CSA Strategic Outcomes: Knowledge, Innovation and Economy, and Sovereignty and Security.

The Space Science and Exploration activities have been regrouped under two pillars: Space Astronomy and the Solar System, and Physical Sciences and Life Sciences.

Over the next three years, Space Astronomy missions, such as the space-borne telescopes Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE), Balloon-borne Large Aperture Sub-millimetre Telescope (BLAST) and Microvariability and Oscillations of STars (MOST), will continue to contribute to a better understanding of the early Universe and the internal structure of Sun-like stars. In parallel, the CSA is developing a key element of the James Webb Space Telescope planned for launch in 2013, as well as contributions to two European Space Agency space astronomy missions - Herschel and Planck. The CSA will also be providing the ultraviolet detectors for the UltraViolet Instrument Telescope (UVIT) to the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) for the ASTROSAT mission.

As for planetary exploration, participating in a robotic mission to Mars within the next decade remains the focus. The Canadian space science and exploration community will continue working on the development of a meteorological station for the NASA's Phoenix Scout Program and the Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer (APXS), two key opportunities in the international collaborative missions to explore Mars and the Moon. The CSA, in partnership with Defense Research and Development Canada (DRDC), has initiated the Near Earth Orbit Surveillance Satellite (NEOSSat) project for a micro-satellite to survey and track the population of near-earth asteroids, comets and satellites. An important goal of this micro-satellite project is to provide a multi-mission micro-satellite bus to enable more frequent and affordable Canadian science and technology missions in the future.

Life and Physical Sciences have maintained research activity despite the challenges of maintaining access to the International Space Station (ISS). Over the next three years, Canadian scientists will use Canada's allocation on the ISS to carry out microgravity experiments in fluid physics, human physiology, materials processing in a combination of basic and applied research in this unique laboratory, as well as in other vehicles as the opportunities arise. For example, the CSA will participate in a Foton mission with the Enhanced OSTeoporosis Experiments in Orbit (eOSTEO) to study and quantify bone cell activity and evaluate potential anti-osteoporosis.

With a trained and versatile Astronaut Corps, the CSA will continue to develop and maintain human space flight expertise to meet the requirements of the space sciences and human exploration programs. Canadian Astronauts will also perform science experiments on behalf of the Canadian and international research communities and continue to participate in the assembly and maintenance of the International Space Station through three upcoming missions STS-115/12A, STS-118/13A.1 and mission 1J/A that will launch Dextre, the Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator.

To secure access to the unique science laboratory that the ISS provides, CSA will fulfill its responsibilities for the ISS Mobile Servicing System (MSS) operations: maintaining and supporting MSS hardware and software; performing necessary repair and overhaul work on MSS assemblies; operating MSS training facilities in Canada; planning and supporting MSS missions; and conducting robotics. The initial implementation of a ground control capability for Canadarm2, which enables movement of the robotic arm by ground operators without the involvement of the on-orbit crew, will continue to evolve over the next three years. This new and highly anticipated MSS capability for the ISS will eventually allow for more efficient utilization of the Dextre robot when it is launched in late 2007 or early 2008.

Priority for the Program Activity - Satellite Communications (SC)

The priority for the Program Activity Satellite Communications, is to achieve a long-term overarching objective stated in the CSS thrust strategy as: "to provide all Canadians with the means to participate in and fully benefit from the global information age".

Satellite technology has dramatically changed the world of communications. By offering instantaneous global access and global broadcasting, SC technologies have begun to erase the notion of distance, bringing remote regions into a global village and enabling new business models based on broadband services, enhanced personal communications, global navigation, and positioning and localization services.

For this priority, the CSA intends more specifically to increase the connectivity of Canadian communities, support federal government departments in the delivery of programs and services and support Canadian sovereignty and foreign policy objectives. In doing so, this priority contributes to the following CSA Strategic Outcomes: Knowledge, Innovation and Economy, and Sovereignty and Security.

With the launch of Anik F2 in 2004, the rural and remote areas of Canada are closer than ever to benefiting from tele-services using broadband (Ka-band) capabilities. A range of non-commercial services will be supported including: e-government, e-learning, tele-justice, tele-education, and tele-medicine disciplines such as tele-psychiatry, tele-radiology, tele-surgery, and tele-consultations. This satellite technology will permit specialists located in main centres to use high definition real-time links, thereby reducing the cost of travel and improving the access and quality of care for every Canadian.

Over the next three years, the operation and use of the Ka-band payload will be one of the main focuses for this priority. Another focus will be the development of a high-speed, high-capacity space messaging experimental payload called Cascade of interest to resource exploration firms, industrial clients, and remote research communities.

Among other activities contributing to this priority will be the continued efforts deployed through Canada's participation in Europe's navigation satellite program, GalileoSat, a major undertaking by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Union, and to support Canadian industry's participation in the ESA ARTES program to advance and demonstrate new telecommunications products and services.

Finally, the CSA will enhance its Satellite Communication Ground Segment Technologies and Applications Development program to develop, in co-operation with Canadian industry and other government departments, a selection of products and services that will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of satellite communication systems and the delivery of satellite communications related services.

Priority for the Program Activity - Space Awareness and Learning (AL)

The priority for the Program Activity Space Awareness and Learning, is to achieve a long-term overarching objective stated in the CSS thrust strategy as: "to further public understanding and engagement with regards to space-related issues, ultimately leading to improving the scientific literacy of Canadians".

The Government of Canada is committed to building a 21st century economy through a new focus on science and technology. If Canada is to meet the challenge posed by a truly global economy, Canadians must be encouraged to pursue careers in science and technology, as a skilled pool of human capital is at the heart of an innovative economy. We must encourage science and technology literacy today, particularly among our youth. Canadians' interest in science and technology must also be engaged by sharing our discoveries and breakthroughs in meaningful ways that relate to their daily lives. Space has always inspired individuals, communities and entire nations to reach for their highest aspirations and challenge the best of their abilities.

Under this priority, the CSA intends to enhance public understanding and engagement, especially among youth and their families, through its national Learning Program and a range of awareness initiatives. In doing so, this priority contributes to the Strategic Outcome: Knowledge, Innovation and Economy.

The Learning Program is reaching out to a greater number of partners and has forged solid relationships with other government departments, science centres and museums, youth and science associations, the private sector, and the education community across Canada. To ensure Canada's capacity to conduct breakthrough science and maintain its leadership in technological innovation, we must be able to attract, develop and retain highly qualified personnel in science and engineering, including those fields related to space.

Other activities supporting this fourth priority include media relations and information services, exhibitions and creative services, and awareness and learning events with astronauts, scientists and engineers.

Plans of the Canadian Space Agency

The CSA will achieve its priorities by focusing on the following five elements:

  1. a strong science capacity;
  2. a proficient technology base;
  3. qualified test and infrastructures;
  4. dynamic space industry and expanded markets; and,
  5. national and international partnerships.

Strong Science Capacity

Canada must possess the critical mass of intellectual capital to create and use knowledge. The increasing importance of space in our day-to-day lives makes it imperative for our country to have a strong space-science community capable of generating knowledge within our own borders, and be able to share and exchange knowledge with our international partners.

In terms of concrete action, the plan for the CSA to contribute to a strong science capacity, in co-operation with national granting councils and other funding partners, consists of:

  • encouraging the entry and emergence of new space science researchers in Canada, particularly through small, short-term projects;
  • continuing to support researchers with the proven potential to become world leaders in their field; and,
  • stabilizing long-term support to a critical mass of the best research teams, particularly those in fields identified as Canadian priorities.

Proficient Technology Base

Canada must have its own core technology base to meet our unique requirements, as well as the skills and capabilities that will make us an appealing partner for other countries. Hence, Canada must remain discerning in the technologies we decide to pursue. Our technology base must take into consideration the niche sectors where Canada has established and intends to retain world leadership, but must also be dynamic and innovative to evolve with the changing nature of our national needs and objectives in space, as influenced by national and international environments.

The CSA is developing a Technology Plan that will guide the development of new technologies. As part of this plan, a series of consultations are taking place to define the key technology areas where Canada should invest. The plan for the CSA is to promote and stimulate co-operation and complementary research among academic institutions, industry and government organizations, particularly when it supports government policy decisions or the development of new technologies and products in Canadian industry. The CSA Technology Plan will maintain a leading edge and proficient technology in the following areas:

  • sensor systems;
  • communication technologies;
  • intelligent system and control;
  • platform technologies;
  • mechanisms;
  • system engineering and technologies; and,
  • data analysis and application.

Qualified Test Infrastructures

David Florida Laboratory (DFL) provides world-class and cost-effective environmental space qualification services for the assembly, integration and testing of spacecraft systems and sub-systems to all of the CSA's programs. In order to maintain an appropriate level of space infrastructure, the CSA will encourage private-public partnerships to maximize the efficient utilization of the DFL facilities and equipment based in Canada, as well as increase their access to our international partners (provided Canadian interests and requirements are protected).

Dynamic Space Industry and Expanded Markets

The CSA recognizes that Canada's space industry must be sufficiently large and diverse to meet our needs and goals in space. Canada's space industry must also maintain the high calibre of products and services it has demonstrated to date. However, given that the Canadian market is relatively small, it is critical that industry be able to leverage foreign investments and generate export sales in order to remain sustainable. Capitalizing on export revenue depends on industry's ability to commercialize highly competitive products and services, as well as the Government of Canada's ability to preserve open trade relations with its closest international partners. In order to help industry meet and succeed in these challenges, the CSA will align its programs and actions to build synergies that will bolster Canadian industry's competitiveness and market development efforts. The CSA will continue to support technology and application R&D and innovation in industry through Space Technology Development and Commercialization Programs.

National and International Partnerships

Co-operation between scientists in government and academia; co-ordination between industry and the CSA to establish the most relevant technology base; and the alignment between R&D, hardware manufacturers and service providers, are among the many partnerships that must exist in Canada to ensure that we continue to have a dynamic national space program. Given the potential of space science to provide applications directly related to the public good, one of the CSA's most important objectives is to accelerate the pace and depth at which Government of Canada departments and agencies use space science, technology and applications to help fulfill their mandates.

To this end, the CSA's plan consists of:

  • seeking new and existing government department requirements in which space science can make a positive contribution;
  • developing the means to satisfy these needs in co-operation with Canadian industry; and,
  • harmonizing its investments and activities with those of client departments as part of an integrated and user-oriented approach.

International co-operation channels are also important to complement our domestic capabilities and strengthen relationships between Canada and foreign governments, scientists and private sector organizations. The CSA plans to continue making a concerted effort to strengthen strategic international partnerships of interest to Canada, while ensuring that our national expertise, products and services make Canada a partner of choice for other nations and private entities.

Management Priorities

The CSA will continue to improve its management practices by implementing the revised Program Activity Architecture, by carrying on with a comprehensive approach to program management, and by putting forward modern corporate management initiatives.

A new Program Activity

Generic technology research and space qualification operations that support scientific and engineering programs were regrouped under a single Program Activity called Generic Space Activities (GSA) in support of Earth Observation (EO), Space Science and Exploration (SE), and Satellite Communications (SC). The priority is to provide leadership, co-ordination and support to EO, SE and SC Program Activities through space activities that are generic in their nature, since they contribute to all three program activities.

The support for Enabling Research is provided by the development of high-risk technologies by industry academia and not for profit organizations, and through the maintenance of in-house technical capabilities by conducting advanced R&D projects that meet the criteria of excellence and relevance to the implementation of the Canadian Space Program.

The support for Space Mission Development is provided by the David Florida Laboratory which carries out world-class and cost-effective environmental space qualification services for the assembly, integration and testing of spacecraft systems and sub-systems to all of the CSA's programs.

Comprehensive Approach to Program Management

The CSA manages its Program Activities by organizing its scientific and engineering programs into three large clusters: Enabling Research, Space Mission Development, and Space Mission Operations. Each cluster carries out a specific objective in line with the CSA's priorities and stakeholder expectations:

  • Through Enabling Research, the CSA provides leadership, co-ordination and support to basic and applied research and experimental development in order to increase the knowledge base, devise new applications through space missions, and allow the transfer of intellectual property and proven technologies to Canadian industry, academia, and government organizations.
  • Through Space Mission Development, the CSA provides co-ordination and support to the development of space missions through the definition, critical design, manufacturing, integration, testing and delivery phases leading to launch and early operations of space systems.
  • Through Space Mission Operations, the CSA operates manned and unmanned space missions through crew and ground support personnel training, mission analysis and planning, on-orbit ground control operations, system monitoring, maintenance and logistic support, as well as data-handling and delivery.

The CSA co-ordinates its activities from initial research phases to the final operational phases with this comprehensive end-to-end approach. The synergy between the clusters is meant to optimize the effectiveness and expertise of employees coming from different core functions and promote an integrated team and multi-functional approach to projects and services.

Modern Management Initiatives

During the planning horizon of this Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP), the Canadian Space Agency will manage the Canadian Space Program under its revised Program Activity Architecture (PAA) and the Management Accountability Framework (MAF).

The priority is to implement the government's commitment to modern public service in accordance with the MAF expectations.

Based on the MAF self-assessment of spring 2005, the CSA has completed the following:

  • approving a strategic plan for each of the four thrusts of the Canadian Space Strategy with a budget horizon of ten years;
  • developing a Program Activity Architecture linking the Strategic Outcomes to program activities;
  • setting-up management planning and reporting structures supported by systems that integrate financial and performance information on a three-year horizon;
  • developing a learning program for managers leading to the acquisition of modern management competencies;
  • implementing targeted staffing initiatives under the Human Resources Action Plan;
  • approving a corporate risk profile; and,
  • implementing an organizational structure that includes a Chief Information Officer (CIO) that integrates Information Technology with Information Management functions; and includes a Policy, Planning and Relations Director General that encompasses the Strategic Development, External Relations and Government Liaison functions.

For 2006-2007 the CSA will focus on Governance and Strategic Direction, and Results and Performance expectations by:

  • developing an Integrated Long-Term Investment Plan;
  • establishing socio-economic indicators for each thrust of the Canadian Space Strategy; and,
  • improving specific management practices in order to mitigate the four risks of highest priority identified in the corporate risk profile: Stakeholder Support, Values and Ethics, Workforce Competencies, and Function/Process Integration.

CSA will also focus on implementing the Public Service Modernization Act (PSMA). This includes:

  • training for all managers and employees;
  • putting in place new policies and practices for work relations, classification and staffing in accordance with the Staffing Management Accountability Framework (SMAF); and,
  • initiating the development of a new Strategic Human Resources Plan.

The specific activities and the expected results for 2006-2007 are detailed in the Section entitled Corporate Services and Infrastructure.

To learn more about the CSA self-assessment of April 2005, go to:

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