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RPP 2006-2007
The Canadian Space Agency

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The priorities and plans outlined previously demonstrated how Program Activities contribute in various degrees to the attainment of the three Strategic Outcomes. The following detailed analysis outlines the chain of expected results, how key programs and services contribute to Program Activity priorities, and how the CSA will report on its performance over the coming years.

Strategic Outcomes

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Space Based Earth Observation

Program Activity Priority: Develop and operationalize the use of Space Based Earth Observation (EO) for the benefit of Canadians.

Through its Earth Observation Program Activity, the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) recognizes that space offers a unique vantage point for observing the Earth and its environment and improving the quality of life of Canadians. Canada's vast geography and low population density make Spaced Based EO a cost-effective means to ensure understanding, management and protection of our environment, resources and territory. Sustainable development requires considerable quantities of scientific information. Earth Observation Satellite data is crucial to helping scientists, policy and decision-makers to understand weather, climate, oceans, land, geology, natural resources, ecosystems and hazards better. It is also crucial to enhancing human safety and welfare, alleviating human suffering, and protecting the global environment.

In doing so, this priority contributes in many ways to all CSA Strategic Outcomes: Knowledge, Innovation and Economy, Sovereignty and Security, and Environment and Sustainable Development.



Expected Result #1

Performance Indicators

Delivery, directly or in partnership, of Space Based EO data, products and services in response to operational and scientific user requirements in the field of Environment, Resource and Land Use Management, and Security and Foreign Policy, supported by access capacity development.

1. Number of RADARSAT operational users and applications

2. Number of active missions supported directly and indirectly by Canada

3. Growth in the federal government departments' and agencies' budget allocated to the exploitation of Space Based EO data, derived information and services in the fields of the Environment, Resource and Land Use Management, and Security and Foreign Policy; and,

4. Number of annual hits on the Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure (CGDI) related to CSA-sponsored (directly and/or indirectly) scientific and operational missions.





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The programs under this Program Activity are divided into 3 clusters: Enabling Research, Space Mission Development and Space Mission Operations.


Four Earth Observation Enabling Research Programs with a combination of accomplishments demonstrate how the following Expected Results will be measured and attained.

1- EO Mission Concepts - Objective: Assume leadership and provide support in enabling research and development of new space mission concepts leading to the realization of CSA or international EO space missions.

Expected Result #1

Performance Indicators

Mission Feasibility and Concept studies by industry, government and academia, enabling CSA decisions on future EO space missions of interest to Canada.

1. Feasibility studies and mission and payload concept studies are initiated and completed (Target: 1); and,

2. New Missions developed (Phase 0/A) and successfully retained for implementation (Phase B, C, D) (Target: 1).





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2- European Space Agency (ESA) Programs in EO - Objective: Through key international partnerships enhance the Canadian industry's technological base and provide access to European market for value-added products and services in the field of EO.

Expected Result #1

Performance Indicator

Successful development and demonstration of advanced technologies, systems, components, or studies provided for in the contracts awarded by ESA to Canadian firms under EO programs.

1. Canadian industrial returns in ESA optional programs in EO. (Target: 0.80 or higher).





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3- Science Programs for EO - Objective: Co-ordinate the Canadian EO scientific community in order to pursue world-class research space missions to advance our knowledge of the Earth's atmosphere and of global climate-change phenomena.

Expected Result #1

Performance Indicators

Identified opportunities for Canadian scientists to advance SE understanding and scientific knowledge through CSA, national and international research missions.

1. Number of scientific publications/ reports/conference proceedings acknowledging CSA funding (Target: 200);

2. Number of Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) involved in the program (Target: 470);

3. Number of operating or approved space science research missions (Target: 20);

4. Number of scientific research projects supporting the development of future space science research missions (Target: 60);

5. Number of scientific presentations (Target: 400);

6. Number of research partnerships (nationally and internationally) (Target: 60); and,

7. Number of awards granted under the Space Science Grants and Contributions Program (Target: 11).





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4- EO Application Development Programs - Objective: Enhance Canada's ground receiving and data processing systems, develop and demonstrate EO data value-added applications for commercial use and for Canadian government operations.

Expected Result #1

Performance Indicators

Increasing the use of EO data in public and private sectors through the development and demonstration of applications.

1. Number of new EO applications operationally used (Target: 20); and,

2. Number of new field of applications using EO data (Target: 8).





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Highlights of Expected Accomplishments - Enabling Research (SE)

  • Finalize user and mission requirements and the initial system concept of a three-satellite synthetic aperture radar mission (SAR Constellation) as follow-on to RADARSAT-2, and improvement of the satellite revisit time.
  • Continue the Preparatory Program for the use of RADARSAT-2 Canadian government data allocation valued at $445 million. This program will generate several Requests for Proposals from industry, pilot and demonstration projects within the government, as well as opportunities targeting the university research community and international partners.
  • Continue satellite data application development and utilization, technology transfer and demonstration to support the growth of Canada's Earth Observation capabilities and value-added industry.
  • The CloudSat mission will for the first time, measure the global properties of clouds in order to improve climate-change forecasts. As part of our agreement with NASA relating to CloudSat, the CSA is collaborating with the Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC) to run a comprehensive validation campaign in the Great Lakes region during the winter season.
  • As part of the Earth Observation for Sustainable Development for Forest program, a Canada-wide forest map will be used to support the completion of the National Forest Inventory and as a baseline in the greenhouse gas international reporting activities. These five-year long initiatives were co-funded by the CSA, the Canadian Forest Service in collaboration with other government departments, the ten provinces and three territories, and several universities across Canada.
  • The implementation of a Coordinated Earth Observation Marine Surveillance project (CEOMS) that will provide an exhaustive understanding of EO needs and requirements for the Marine Surveillance and Security operational stakeholders among the Government of Canada.
  • Canada's support of the TIGER initiative will demonstrate the usefulness of Space Based Earth Observation for water management applications in Africa.
  • As part of the CSA-Mekong River Commission collaboration, a Canadian team will deliver a WEB portal consisting of customized applications focusing on wetland monitoring and image acquisition in the context of flood forecasting and management.
  • Ensure Canada's commitment, as an official member of the International Charter on Space and Major Disasters, to use EO satellites in response to disasters. The CSA regularly contributes RADARSAT data and strategic EO-derived information products upon charter activation.
  • Develop advanced space-borne instruments and user-oriented applications by Canadian companies through the participation of Canada in ESA Programs. For example:
    • Canadian scientific teams will contribute to an Electric Field Instrument (EFI) for the Swarm Earth Explorer mission and to the Calibration and Validation activities of the Earth Explorer Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission; and,
    • Canadian companies received contracts and will develop applications in the field of aquaculture, forestry and subsidence, global wetland and Polar monitoring.
  • The CSA will continue the technology development and explore partnership for a hyperspectral Earth Observation mission. Hyperspectral data would enable the identification of terrestrial features with greater accuracy than the current spaceborne sensors.


One Earth Observation Space Mission Development Program with a combination of accomplishments demonstrates how the following Expected Results will be measured and attained.

1- EO Projects - Objective: Ensure the development, delivery and commissioning of space-qualified systems for EO missions through effective project, quality and engineering management.

Expected Result #1

Performance Indicators

EO projects' deliverables meet mission objectives and user expectations.

1. Safety and Mission Assurance (S&MA) and Configuration Management (CM) requirements are identified and met for each project (Targets: Guidelines are completed and implemented on all projects phase A to E);In accordance with Treasury Board approved Project Approval and Management Framework (PAMF):

2. Mission objectives and user requirements are met at critical steps of the projects (Target: 90% satisfaction);

3. Project cost is maintained within authorized levels (Target: 75% of projects delivered on time and on budget); and,

4. Risks are identified and mitigated for each project (Target: Up to 75% of risk budget is used).





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Highlights of Expected Accomplishments - Space Mission Development (EO)

  • The assembly, integration and test of the RADARSAT-2 spacecraft at the David Florida Laboratory, along with the operations-preparations activities at CSA St-Hubert, Quebec, and launch campaign in Baikonur, Kazakhstan, will be completed in time for a launch on a Soyuz rocket in March 2007. The initial phase of the commissioning of RADARSAT-2 is expected to be completed by June 2007. Equipped with advanced technologies, RADARSAT-2 will be the first commercial radar satellite to offer multi-polarisation (an important aid in identifying a wide variety of surface features and targets), produce images with a resolution of down to 3 metres, and access an area of 800 kilometres to either side of the sub-satellite track.
  • The CSA will award a contract to a prime contractor for the preliminary and detailed design of the Chinook mission, which will use a small satellite bus and carry two experiments: SWIFT (Stratospheric Wind Interferometer for Transport studies), designed to help scientists better understand the global atmospheric circulation and thereby provide the means to validate complex climate and weather models, and ARGO (Atmosphere Research with GPS Occultation) to measure humidity levels in the lower troposphere, temperature in the stratosphere, and electron density perturbation in the ionosphere. The three-year mission is currently planned for 2010-2012.
  • The CSA will award a contract to a prime contractor for the preliminary, detailed design and manufacturing of the first satellite for the Canadian Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Constellation, the follow-on program to RADARSAT-2. It will further improve Canada's ability to manage its resources and environment and improve security by providing up to twice daily all weather, day and night coverage of Canadian territory. It will also provide up to twice daily coverage of most of the world. Increased efficiency in forestry, agriculture, water and fisheries management can save Canada millions of dollars and increase Canadian global competitiveness. Three small satellites will be flown in the configuration of a constellation for environment-monitoring, maritime surveillance and disaster management. The launch of the first satellite is planned for late 2011, followed by the other two satellites in 2012 and 2013 respectively.


One Earth Observation Space Mission Operations Program with a combination of accomplishments demonstrates how the following Expected Results will be measured and attained.

1- EO Mission Operations - Objective: Operate the space and ground segments for EO mission operations.

Expected Result #1

Performance Indicators

EO Space Mission Operations meet user/client needs as per mission requirements.

1. System performance, as per mission requirements and resources (Target: 90%); and,

2. Volume of data acquired or delivered as per mission requirements and resources (Targets: 350 Gbytes of SCISAT-1 and 20,000 SAR minutes of RADARSAT-1).





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Highlights of Expected Accomplishments - Space Mission Operations (EO)

  • RADARSAT-1 operations will continue with the same level of high performance for satellite reliability and image production, ensuring the supply of data until full commissioning of RADARSAT-2 in early 2007. A contingency plan is in place to prescribe the use of foreign sensors as backup to RADARSAT-1 in order to continue to meet the needs of operational users until RADARSAT-2 data becomes available. Ongoing operation of RADARSAT-1 provides useful information to both commercial and scientific users in such fields as disaster management, interferometry, agriculture, cartography, hydrology, forestry, oceanography, ice studies and coastal monitoring.
  • Canada's SCISAT-1 Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment, launched in August 2003 and operated by the CSA, is yielding an excellent data set and articles are being published in peer-review scientific journals. There are expectations of significant scientific results that will ultimately enhance Canada's understanding and recognized leadership in stratospheric ozone studies. The satellite, which measures numerous trace gases, thin clouds and aerosols in the stratosphere, will continue to operate for at least the next two years.
  • Two major Canadian science instruments are currently orbiting Earth and collecting new environmental data: MOPITT (Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere) and OSIRIS (Optical Spectrograph and Infra-Red Imaging System). MOPITT, which is aboard the NASA Terra satellite, contributes to our understanding of the sources and pathways of atmospheric pollutants. OSIRIS, which is on-board the Swedish Odin satellite, measures the concentration of various gases in the stratosphere, thereby allowing our scientists to make a significant contribution to the global understanding of stratospheric ozone depletion processes.
  • Many scientific teams will continue with projects exploiting the data generated from the Envisat satellite. For example, scientists from Meteorological Service of Canada are leading an international consortium for the development of coupled chemistry dynamic data assimilation models.

To learn more about Earth Observation, go to:

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Space Science and Exploration

Program Activity Priority: Understand the Solar System and the Universe, expand our knowledge on the constituent elements and origins of life, and strengthen a human presence in space.

Through this Program Activity, the Canadian Space Agency will sustain and increase Canada's contribution to scientific knowledge, as well as the exploration of our solar system and the Universe. The CSA will advance our fundamental and applied knowledge of chemistry, physics and life sciences by carrying out leading-edge experiments in the unique environment of space. The scientific community and industry will continue to achieve worldwide recognition for scientific excellence and unparalleled expertise and capabilities in specific research and development activities. Space Science and Exploration (SE) activities will encourage people at an early stage to pursue education and careers in science and engineering, an essential source of expertise and skills in the innovation-based economy.

To best achieve this priority, it is also important for the CSA to strategically deploy its Astronaut Corps and actively participate in activities that will leverage Canadian Astronauts' experience, knowledge and skills for flight opportunities. The CSA will develop and maintain a versatile, experienced and healthy Astronaut Corps to further enable science and exploration activities and be a source of inspiration and pride for those watching from Earth.

In doing so, this priority contributes in many ways to the following CSA Strategic Outcomes: Knowledge, Innovation and Economy, and Sovereignty and Security.



Expected Result #1

Performance Indicators

Increased participation in Canadian and international opportunities in order to expand the scientific knowledge base made available to Canadian academia and R&D communities in astronomy, space exploration and solar-terrestrial relation, as well as physical and life sciences.

1. Number of participations in Canadian and international space science missions.

2. Rate of successful missions (Total or partial successful Canadian missions/total missions with Canadian participation); and,

3. Number of peer-reviewed papers over the next three years published in world-class scientific journals as a result of the CSA's participation in Canadian and international missions (papers featuring Canadian academia and/or R&D community).





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The programs under this Program Activity are divided into 3 clusters: Enabling Research, Space Mission Development and Space Mission Operations.


Four Science and Exploration Enabling Research Programs with a combination of accomplishments demonstrate how the following Expected Results will be measured and attained.

1- SE Mission Concepts - Objective: Assume leadership and provide support in enabling research and development of new space mission concepts leading to the realization of CSA or international SE missions.

Expected Result #1

Performance Indicators

Mission Feasibility and Concept studies by industry, government and academia, enabling CSA decisions on future SE space missions of interest to Canada.

1. Feasibility studies and mission and payload concept studies are initiated and completed (Target: 1); and

2. New Missions developed (Phase 0/A) and successfully retained for implementation (Phase B, C, D) (Target: No new mission for 2006-2007).





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2- ESA Programs in SE - Objective: Through key international partnerships, allow the participation of Canadian academia and the demonstration of Canadian space technologies in European SE missions.

Expected Result #1

Performance Indicator

Successful development and demonstration of advanced technologies, systems, components, or studies provided for in the contracts awarded by ESA to Canadian firms under SE programs.

1. Canadian industrial returns in ESA optional programs in SE (Target: 0.80 or higher).





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3- SE Programs - Objective: Co-ordinate the Canadian SE community in order to pursue world-class research space missions to advance our knowledge of basic physical and chemical processes, the near-Earth space environment and Earth's electromagnetic field, our solar system, the universe and its evolution, as well as the adaptation of humans and other life forms in the weightless environment.

Expected Result #1

Performance Indicators

Identified opportunities for Canadian scientists to advance SE understanding and scientific knowledge through CSA, national and international research missions.

1. Number of scientific publications/ reports/conference proceedings acknowledging CSA funding (Target: 200);

2. Number of Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) involved in the program (Target: 470);

3. Number of operating or approved space science research missions (Target: 20);

4. Number of scientific research projects supporting the development of future space science research missions (Target: 60);

5. Number of scientific presentations (Target: 400);6. Number of research partnerships (nationally and internationally) (Target: 60); and,

7. Number of awards granted under the Space Science Grants and Contributions Program (Target: 11).





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4- Human Space Flight Expertise - Objective: Maintain a trained, experienced and versatile Astronaut Corps to meet the needs of the Canadian space science and human exploration community and while doing so increase the opportunities of access to space for Canadian scientists.

Expected Result #1

Performance Indicators

Continue to develop and maintain human space flight expertise to meet the requirements of the CSA's space science and human exploration programs.

1. Canadian astronauts are qualified on all flight vehicles such as Shuttle, Soyuz and ISS (Targets: 4 on Shuttle, 2 on Soyuz and 1 on ISS);

2. Canadian Astronauts are recruited according to recruitment plan (Target: no activities for 2006-2007); and,

3. Number of space flights and missions in which Canadian Astronauts participate (Target: 1).





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Highlights of Expected Accomplishments - Enabling Research (SE)

  • Conduct a series of national and international workshops to encourage scientific and technical teams to explore future national and international opportunities relating to space science.
  • Release a series of Announcements of Opportunity to the various space science research communities for Concept and Advanced Studies in order to develop the next generation of scientific and instrumentation ideas for inclusion in future Canadian and/or international space science missions.
  • Continue the program of international analog opportunities in planetary exploration utilizing Canada's unique northern environment (e.g., Haughton crater on Devon Island, Nunavut, as a site analogous to the Moon and Mars). Scientific research will be carried out to help us better understand the history of our own planet while preparing us for robotic and human exploration of the Solar System.
  • Establish a partnership with the European Space Agency (ESA) relating to their planetary exploration program (Aurora). The CSA's participation in this program will position our scientific and industrial partners in future scientific and technological developments relating to this new initiative.
  • Establish a partnership with the ESA relating to their European Life and Physical Sciences Program (ELIPS-2). The participation in this program will increase opportunities for scientists and industrial partners to explore life and physical phenomena in the space environment.
  • Engage Canadian scientists in "low mass, low volume" research on-board ISS and other free-fall platforms. The idea is to develop a repertoire of science on the shelf to take advantage of all available flight opportunities. An announcement of opportunity is being prepared.
  • Review the Insect Habitat facility project's scope as part of its development as an ISS facility. When operational, this facility will provide researchers with the opportunity to study insects as model organisms in space.
  • Develop the Canadian Biotechnology Facility to enable protein crystals to replace those grown on the ISS is expected to begin in 2006. The original experiment was lost with Space Shuttle Columbia. A precise knowledge of protein structure is important in the design of more efficient medication for better treatments with fewer side effects.
  • Evaluate how best to adapt the development strategies of the Microgravity Isolation Mount Base Unit (MIMBU), to meet its objectives within the new ISS context. A Space Science study is currently underway. A similar study is planned for the ISS Furnace (ATEN).
  • Maintain a trained and versatile Astronaut Corps to develop and maintain human space flight expertise to meet the requirements of the CSA's space sciences and human exploration programs. One Canadian Astronaut is currently training in preparation for assignment to a long-duration space flight on the ISS. When not actively training for a space flight, Canadian Astronauts perform additional duties for NASA and with the International Space Station Program.
  • The CSA will continue to prepare for an eventual Astronaut Recruitment Campaign, but such recruitment will not take place until new flight opportunities, over and above those currently existing, materialize.
  • The Canadian Astronaut Office will continue the use of space-analog facilities (e.g. Aquarius underwater habitat/Haughton-Mars) to further scientific knowledge, develop scientific and medical technologies, develop mission operation concepts and train crew and support personnel.
  • As part of the Shuttle based ISS Assembly and Maintenance mission STS-115/12A Canadian Astronaut Steve MacLean will perform at least 2 space walks (extra vehicular activities) to install solar panels thus increasing the capability of the ISS to generate power to support science and operational activities.
  • Efforts are underway to include a study of cardiovascular adaptation to the space environment in the STS-118/13A mission with Canadian Astronaut Dave Williams. This mission will likely happen after July 2006.
  • Collaborate with Russia on two ISS studies; one to study astronaut/cosmonaut performance reliability and skill dynamics during long-term space flights, and the other to study astronaut radiation exposure. This collaboration is already underway.
  • Evaluate cross-cultural training requirements for the ISS environment. Canada has undertaken a study, in collaboration with international partners.
  • CSA is pursuing discussions with the German Space Agency for a joint mission that would demonstrate the robotic on-orbit servicing capability. Canada would provide the client satellite, advanced software for autonomous operation and potentially an active vision system.


One Science and Exploration Space Mission Development Program with a combination of accomplishments demonstrates how the following Expected Results will be measured and attained.

1- SE Projects - Objective: Ensure the development, delivery and commissioning of space-qualified systems for SE missions through effective project, quality and engineering management.

Expected Result #1

Performance Indicators

SE projects' deliverables meet mission objectives and user expectations.

1. Safety and Mission Assurance (S&MA) and Configuration Management (CM) requirements are identified and met for each project (Targets: Guidelines are completed and implemented on all projects phase A to E);

In accordance with Treasury Board approved Project Approval and Management Framework (PAMF):

2. Mission objectives and user requirements are met at critical steps of the projects (Target: 90% satisfaction);

3. Project cost is maintained within authorized levels (Target: 75% of projects delivered on time and on budget); and,

4. Risks are identified and mitigated for each project (Target: Up to 75% of risk budget is used).





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Highlights of Expected Accomplishments - Space Mission Development (SE)

  • The CSA will continue the design and production of a Canadian meteorological (MET) station for NASA's Phoenix Scout Program mission. To have this instrument launched on this mission will position Canada as a respected and reliable provider of planetary science instrumentation and will provide basic scientific knowledge of the Martian atmosphere. This program will also include benefits for Canada in science and industrial competitiveness. The CSA MET will be developed, delivered and flown on the Phoenix mission in 2007.
  • The Enhanced Polar Outflow Probe (e-POP) mission, now integrated with the CASSIOPE Mission Contribution Program, is scheduled for launch in early 2008. It will probe the upper atmosphere and ionosphere region where solar variability exerts influence on global change in various time scales. The scientific data collected by e-POP will help scientists understand particle exchange and energy coupling processes between the Earth's atmosphere and space environment.
  • The CSA has agreed to provide the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) with: the Flight Detector Subsystem, the Ground Test Subsystem, the Calibration Subsystem, and required flight spares for the UltraViolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) on-board the ISRO ASTROSAT satellite. The ASTROSAT mission is scheduled for launch no earlier than 2007. The CSA participation will guarantee 5% of the observing time for Canadian scientists and obtain ASTROSAT astronomic data.
  • The CSA is planning to initiate the design of the Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) for the Mars Science Laboratory. The Canadian contribution will help scientists to determine the chemical composition of various soil, dust and rock samples.
  • The CSA is upgrading the existing Enhanced OSTeoporosis Experiments in Orbit (eOSTEO) design to be flown on a Foton spacecraft in partnership with ESA. The science experiment will study and quantify bone-cell activity and evaluate anti-osteoporosis treatments. The launch is scheduled in 2007.
  • Canada is participating in the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), a major facility-class space observatory that will be launched in 2013. The JWST is a successor to the highly successful Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Canada is responsible for the design and construction of the Fine Guidance Sensor (FGS), a critical element of the mission, which ensures the very precise pointing of the telescope and the provision to the international astronomical community with simultaneous images. By virtue of the CSA's contribution valued at $55 million over ten years, Canadian astronomers will have guaranteed access to 5% of the observing time of this approximately $1.8 billion (USD) project.
  • The HIFI Local Oscillator Source Unit (LSU) project is Canada's contribution to the Herschel Space Observatory, a European Space Agency (ESA) satellite with an on-board telescope that will be launched no earlier than 2007. The Herschel satellite will carry an infrared telescope and three scientific instruments, one of which is a high-resolution spectrometer, the Heterodyne Instrument for the Far Infrared (HIFI). Herschel will allow scientists to address key science questions such as how galaxies were formed in the early universe and how stars have been forming throughout the history of the universe.
  • The NEOSSat mission, a joint CSA-DND mission, is a combination of the Near Earth Space Surveillance (NESS) and the High Earth Orbit Surveillance (HEOS) projects. It is expected that 50% of NEOSSat time will be used to observe the inner portion of the solar system to discover, track and study asteroids and comets. The other 50% of the operating time will be used to track satellites in high-Earth orbit to update the orbit parameters of known satellites flying over the Canadian territory. NEOSSat has received full approval to proceed with the design, building, and testing of the spacecraft, which is scheduled to launch at the end of 2008.


Three Science and Exploration Space Mission Operations Programs with a combination of accomplishments demonstrate how the following Expected Results will be measured and attained.

1- International Space Station (ISS) - Objective: Provide required CSA operations, training and engineering services to the ISS Program.

Expected Result #1

Performance Indicators

CSA robotics operations and engineering services meet ISS Program (ISSP) and Canadian Space Station Program (CSSP) stakeholders' expectations in accordance with the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) and the Memorandum of Understanding with NASA.

1. Percentage of active participation of the CSSP team in the various multi-lateral boards and panels managing the ISSP (Target: 95%);

2. Rate of availability of Ops Centre (Target: 99%);

3. Rate of training delivered vs. training requested (Target: 95%);

4. Percentage of MSS system(s) and operational support availability for planned and unplanned events (Target: 95%);

5. Percentage of software and flight products delivered as required/scheduled (Target: 95%); and,

6. Rate of payload operational support availability for planned and unplanned events (Target: 100%).





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2- SE Mission Operations - Objective: Operate the space and ground segment for SE mission operations.

Expected Result #1

Performance Indicator

SE Space Mission Operations meet mission objectives and user/client expectations.

1. Sponsoring organization's requirements for payload projects are met at critical steps of the operation (Target: 100%).





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3- Human Space Flight Missions Support - Objective: Manage human space flight missions assigned to the Canadian Astronaut Corps to optimize returns of scientific data and on-orbit operational knowledge.

Expected Result #1

Performance Indicator

Ensure and maintain Canadian Astronauts' health and safety for space flight missions.

1. Number of activities targeted at maintaining Astronauts' Health and Safety (Target: 2); and,

2. Percentage of participation in ISS medical boards, panels and working groups (Target: 100%).





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Highlights of Expected Accomplishments - Space Mission Operations (SE)

  • The implementation of a ground control capability for Canadarm2 will enable movement of the robotic arm by personnel on the ground without involvement of the on-orbit crew. This new capability will be progressively fielded for the Mobile Servicing System (MSS) to allow for more efficient utilization of the Dextre robot when it is launched.
  • The completion of the end-to-end testing of Dextre (Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator-SPDM), the third element of the MSS, for its launch is now expected at the end of 2007/early 2008. The CSA is also responsible for the training and qualification of all astronauts, cosmonauts and ground support personnel involved in the operations of the MSS including Dextre, for the mission controllers and planners, and for the dynamic analysis groups mandated to support robotics operations in orbit.
  • The completion of the MSS-4 and the initiation of MSS-5 software loads are required to integrate the Dextre robot into the MSS to support the planned testing of Dextre, its launch, commissioning and early on-orbit operations.
  • The responsibilities for MSS operations will be fulfilled: maintaining and providing technical support for MSS hardware and software; performing repair and overhaul work on the MSS hardware; operating MSS training facilities in Canada; planning and supporting operations of MSS missions; and conducting operations in conjunction with the NASA Houston flight control room from the Remote Multi-Purpose Support Room, a facility directly supporting robotics operations from St-Hubert, Quebec, with a reliable ground segment capability.
  • The CSA is planning the launch of Perceptual-Motor Deficits in Space/Test of Reaction and Adaptation Capabilities (PMDIS/TRAC), the first experiment to use the Canadian International Space Station (ISS) allocation rights, for Mission STS-116/12A.1, with a return planned for Mission STS 119/15A. The missions are scheduled for the 2006 to 2007 timeframe.
  • Operations for the Microvariability and Oscillations of STars (MOST) micro-satellite space telescope, launched in June 2003, will continue. Scientists operating the MOST space telescope have made a major astronomical discovery contradicting previous observations made from Earth-based telescopes on the formation and aging of the Sun and other stars.
  • Canadian scientists continue to obtain data from our participation in NASA's Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) mission (launched in 1999) and from the CANOPUS ground-based array of geophysical instruments that complement international solar-terrestrial space probes. Since the initiation of the CANOPUS array in the late 1980's, over 1000 peer-review scientific papers have been published utilizing data from the array.
  • The continuation of OSTeoporosis Experiments in Orbit (OSTEO) science will be accommodated with an enhanced system (eOSTEO). ESA has requested use of the eOSTEO hardware in return for providing a flight-mission opportunity on a Russian Foton scheduled for September 2007.
  • The continued support of the Microgravity Vibration Isolation System (MVIS) delivered to the European Space Agency (ESA) for integration into its Fluid Science Laboratory (FSL), which will be flown on their Columbus module. Final integration into Columbus will be completed by May 2006 to allow shipment of the module to the Kennedy Space Center, in preparation for a launch in early 2007, on Space Shuttle Mission STS-122/1E.
  • A Request for Proposal for a "Needs and Capacity Study" has been issued for the Advanced Astronaut Medical Support (ADAMS). Specifically, this study will identify: solutions to the delivery of health care on future long duration exploration-class missions, health care needs and solutions for space missions, overlaps with terrestrial remote medicine and capacity within Canada to meet those needs (industry, academic, government).
  • Canada will continue to actively participate at the International Space Station Program medical boards to include: The Multilateral Medical Policy Board (MMPB), the Multilateral Space Medicine Board (MSMB) and the Multilateral Medical Operations Panels and Working Groups (MMOP).

To learn more about Space Science and Exploration, go to: and,

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