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RPP 2006-2007
Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada

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Section 1: Overview

Message from the Chairperson

Photo of Jean-Guy Fleury, Chairperson

I am pleased to present the 2006-2007 Report on Plans and Priorities for the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB).

Why Our Decisions Matter

The IRB is an administrative tribunal whose work reflects Canada's humanitarian values and respect for our international obligations.

As an independent organization, the IRB is entrusted with unique responsibilities within Canada's immigration and refugee protection system. IRB decision-makers hear cases and render decisions on some of the most complex and compelling issues in administrative law. In the course of their work, decision-makers will hear cases on family reunification, detention reviews, admissibility to Canada, appeals from removal orders, and claims for refugee determination. The importance of these issues, and the consequence of the decisions, confers an enormous responsibility on decision-makers, and all who work at the IRB. It is with this sense of responsibility to those who appear before us, and to all those who count on us to uphold the integrity and fairness of the decision-making process, that we at the IRB undertake the plans and priorities detailed in this report.

A Changing Environment

One of the key factors of the IRB's planning and operating environment is that it has no control over the number or the kind of cases it hears. Factors affecting the IRB's workload include immigration trends and global migration patterns. While the principal issues for adjudication remain constant, the volume and the kind of cases brought forward are in constant flux.

Photo of children

Achieving Excellence at the IRB

The IRB has been recognized in the international community for having achieved a level of excellence in refugee determination and immigration adjudication. For example, our refugee determination system has been praised by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) as a model of best practices.

To ensure the consistent delivery of high-quality administrative justice amidst a changing environment, the IRB has been engaged in a process of transformation to become more responsive and dynamic, as befitting its role as a tribunal. We continue to seek new and innovative ways of fulfilling our mandate and honouring our commitment to those who appear before us. The strategic priorities and program activities from across the organization converge around a single, essential point: the delivery of high-quality administrative justice in the most efficient way possible, without compromising fairness.

One example of this has been the changes brought forward to the process of refugee determination. In response to a spike in the number of refugee claims in 2002, we began a process of transformation which included streamlining the hearing process, the introduction of Chairperson's guidelines, improved case management, and better use of available technology.

Our success in lowering the backlog of refugee claimants is not about numbers. People awaiting a decision for long periods of time have to put their lives on hold. By rendering quality decisions in a timely fashion, the IRB is able to take people out of a state of uncertainty and allow them to get on with their lives.

Key Priorities for 2006-2007

To build on our success and to continue the process of organizational transformation, we are focused on the following four strategic priorities for 2006-2007:

  • Integrate common procedural, administrative and adjudicative activities in all IRB Divisions to further promote quality, consistency and efficiency measures
  • Continue to build an organizational culture that supports its people, and is flexible and innovative
  • Improve case management processes through the successful implementation of the Integrated Case Management System (ICMS)
  • Implement a horizontal and fully integrated management plan that reflects the IRB's reality

In line with these strategic priorities, the IRB will focus on a number of initiatives in the year ahead. These include:

  • Launching the implementation of the Immigration Appeal Division (IAD) Innovation Initiative that will transform how the IAD processes and adjudicates immigration appeals
  • Continuing the IRB's vision of making the system of justice at the IRB responsive and accessible. For example, the IRB will introduce a new guideline on vulnerable persons which will address the special circumstances of women, children, victims of torture, persons with mental illness and other vulnerable persons
  • Exploring further reforms in the Refugee Protection Division and the Immigration Division to advance the goal of efficient and fair decision-making
  • Continuing to reach out to stakeholders in Canada and our counterparts elsewhere in the world in order to promote high standards of fairness in refugee and immigration adjudication, both in Canada and internationally
  • Enhancing the significant measures already taken to ensure a merit-based appointment and reappointment process for IRB decision-makers

Looking Ahead

In the year ahead, we will continue to look for opportunities to transform the way we do business. In this regard, I would like to acknowledge the commitment and dedication of our highly qualified, experienced and proficient decision-makers and employees who are key to ensuring that we meet our objectives and commitments.

I invite you to read this report and to visit our website at for more information about the IRB, and its plans and priorities for the coming year.

Jean-Guy Fleury

Message from the Executive Director

Photo of Marilyn Stuart-Major, Executive Director

The IRB Report on Plans and Priorities for 2006-2007 outlines our mandate, identifies our strategic priorities, activities and results in alignment with the Government of Canada's modern management agenda. The IRB continues to improve its business practices by introducing innovative and rigorous management processes and initiatives to achieve benefits for Canadians and to support the high quality of the decisions rendered by the IRB's decision-makers.

A Dedicated and Committed Team

A key strength of the IRB is the ability of its people to respond to the challenges of a constantly changing environment. As an organization with the mandate to render decisions on immigration and refugee protection matters, this ability provides assurances to those who appear before us that the justice they expect will be delivered in a timely, fair, and efficient manner, in all types of cases.

The past year saw a decline in the number of refugee claims in the Refugee Protection Division (RPD), and an increase in the number of cases in the Immigration Appeal Division (IAD). Shifting immigration trends and global migration patterns are factors beyond the control of the IRB, but have a major impact on the workload of the Board. It is in this respect that we have embarked upon a process of transformation: to be more flexible as an organization and more particular in aligning resources to workload. Throughout this process, our people have continued to demonstrate their commitment and dedication to the IRB.

Photo of hands

There is a direct link between the work of IRB staff and the quality, fairness and efficiency of the decisions the IRB renders. Every facet of our organization works towards a shared mission, is guided by proven business and management practices, and is inspired by the same vision. It is this sense of shared purpose and accountability that allows us to respond effectively to the fluctuations in the kind of cases brought before the tribunal.

Building on Our Strength

In 2006-2007, the IRB will continue to adapt to external factors by focusing on innovation and change and moving towards the greater integration of our operations. In doing so we will ensure that our people have access to a full range of opportunities. For example, beginning in April 2006, the IRB will embark on a joint project with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) which will allow IRB employees to provide training and guidance to UNHCR staff overseas on issues related to refugee determination. This agreement between the IRB and the UNHCR is testimony to the professionalism and expertise of IRB employees and the high regard in which they, and the IRB as a whole, are held by the international community.

Delivering Results for Canadians

Our agenda for continuous improvement will ensure that the IRB has the flexibility it needs to deliver on its business commitments. In the coming year we will achieve excellence throughout the organization by building on our success, delivering solid results to Canadians, reporting key information to Parliament, and applying sound management practices. Success will result in the IRB being recognized as a leader in public sector management and a model for the world.

Marilyn Stuart-Major
Executive Director

Management Representation Statement

I submit for tabling in Parliament, the 2006-2007 Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP) for the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada.

This document has been prepared based on the reporting principles contained in the Guide for the Preparation of Part III of the 2006-2007 Estimates: Reports on Plans and Priorities and Departmental Performance Reports:

  • It adheres to the specific reporting requirements outlined in the TBS guidance
  • It is based on the department's approved Program Activity Architecture structure as reflected in its Management Resources and Results Structure (MRRS)
  • It presents consistent, comprehensive, balanced and accurate information
  • It provides a basis of accountability for the results achieved with the resources and authorities entrusted to it
  • It reports finances based on approved planned spending numbers from the Treasury Board Secretariat in the RPP

Marilyn Stuart-Major
Executive Director

Summary Information

Raison d'être

Who we are

The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) is an independent administrative tribunal that reports to the Parliament of Canada through the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). As Canada's largest federal tribunal, the IRB consists of three divisions, each of which has its own mandate under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA):

  • Refugee Protection Division (RPD)
  • Immigration Division (ID)
  • Immigration Appeal Division (IAD)

The IRB employs approximately 1050 people in its headquarters office and regional offices. Through each division, the IRB delivers a simpler and faster form of justice than that provided by the courts, but with no less attentiveness to the rigour of the law. The IRB is a human rights tribunal, and the men and women who work at the Board respect the human dignity of all those who come before it.

The IRB is fully committed to applying fairness to all aspects of its work, which in turn means being just, lawful, honest, open, and without bias. This includes recognizing that some individuals who appear before our Board have experienced very difficult circumstances, and respecting the diversity of cultures of individuals who appear before the IRB. Most importantly, it means recognizing that the determination of each case directly and profoundly affects the lives of people.

We are the organization we are meant to be

The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada is an independent tribunal established by the Parliament of Canada. Our mission, on behalf of Canadians, is to make well-reasoned decisions on immigration and refugee matters, efficiently, fairly, and in accordance with the law.
We will excel in everything we do and will deal simply, quickly and fairly with everyone. Through innovation and flexibility, we will be a leading-edge administrative tribunal and a creative partner in building the future of the Canadian immigration system.
  • Excellence in delivery
  • Valuing people
  • Open, honest, timely communication
  • Relevant, responsive and accountable management
  • Working together effectively

As an organization responsible for applying administrative justice, the IRB adheres to the principles of natural justice, and its decisions are rendered in accordance with the law, including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This mandate is reflected in our mission, vision and values, which help shape our corporate priorities and identify the qualities we strive to embody. It also guides our day-to-day decisions that ensure everyone and their work at the IRB is aligned with our mission and our vision for the future.

Benefits to Canadians

Immigrants and refugees have always made significant contributions to Canada's growth and development. In the delivery of its mandate, the IRB benefits Canadians in three important ways:

  • Its hearings on refugee claims ensure that Canada accepts those in need of protection in accordance with international obligations
  • Its hearings on admissibility and detention reviews help ensure the security of Canadians
  • Its independent mechanism for resolving sponsorship, removal order and permanent residence status appeals ensures fairness of process for appellants and their families

Through the decisions it makes, the IRB also contributes more broadly to the quality of life of Canada's communities by strengthening our country's social fabric, and by reflecting and reinforcing core values that are important to Canadians. These include respect for:

  • Human rights
  • Equality
  • Fairness
  • Peace
  • Rule of law

What we do

The work of the IRB is conducted through four program activities; the first three are responsible for the tribunal decisions made at the Board.

Refugee Protection Program Activity

  • Renders quality decisions in a timely manner on claims for refugee protection made by persons in Canada. In making these critical decisions, Canada fulfils its obligations as a signatory to a number of international human rights conventions. The IRB also makes decisions on lost applications, filed by CIC, regarding refugee protection status.

Admissibility Hearings and Detention Reviews Program Activity

  • Conducts admissibility hearings for foreign nationals or permanent residents who seek entry into Canada, or who are already in Canada and are considered to be inadmissible; and conducts detention reviews for foreign nationals or permanent residents who are detained for immigration reasons.

Immigration Appeal Program Activity

  • Hears appeals of sponsorship applications refused by CIC; appeals from certain removal orders made against permanent residents, Convention refugees and other protected persons, and holders of permanent resident visas; appeals by permanent residents against whom a CIC officer outside of Canada has decided that they have not fulfilled their residency obligation; and appeals by the Minister from decisions of the Immigration Division at admissibility hearings.

Corporate Management and Services Program Activity

  • Supports the three IRB decision-making program activities through a range of strategic planning, financial services and management activities. Provides the IRB with efficient management processes and administrative services while promoting organizational effectiveness and supporting the organization in adapting to its changing environment.

Results Chain

What we do, what we produce and the impact of these activities are captured in the following diagram. It represents a dynamic process in which information is shared throughout the IRB to ensure that everyone at the Board is focused on the appropriate activities and outputs in order to achieve the expected results for Canadians.

Results Chain diagram

(Click on image to enlarge)

Total Financial and Human Resources

The IRB's three-year forecast for its total financial and human resources is as follows:

Financial Resources ($ millions)
2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009
116.8 113.7 113.7
Human Resources (Full-time Equivalents)
2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009
1,050 1,025 1,025

In support of the three-year forecast of total Financial Resources table, the IRB's financial resources allocation by program activity is as follows:

Financial Resources Allocation by Program Activity
($ millions)
Program Activity 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009
Refugee Protection 86.4 85.3 85.3
Admissibility Hearings and Detention Reviews 15.2 15.5 15.5
Immigration Appeal 15.2 12.9 12.9
Corporate Management
and Services
Total 116.8 113.7 113.7
Human Resources (Full-time Equivalents) 1,050 1,025 1,025

Note: The total Corporate Management and Services planned spending for 2006-2007 is $23.4 M and includes $13.5 M for personnel, $2.6 M for the Employee Benefit Plan (EBP) and $7.3 M for other operating expenditures. The amount of $23.4 M is proportionally reallocated to the other activities: $17.3 M to Refugee Protection, $3.1 M to Admissibility Hearings and Detention Reviews and $3.0 M to Immigration Appeal. The reallocation is based on respective budget expenditures trends. For 2007-2008 and 2008-2009, the total planned spending for Corporate Management and Services is $23.5 M per year and is proportionally reallocated to the other activities: $17.6 M to Refugee Protection, $3.2 M to Admissibility Hearings and Detention Reviews and $2.7 M to Immigration Appeal.

Working Environment

The IRB carries out its mandate within a complex and ever-changing environment. Both international and domestic factors can influence the Board's working environment and context. For example, conflicts and country conditions abroad can result in refugee movements, which in turn affect the number of refugee protection claims made in Canada. The same is true of unanticipated shifts in international patterns of migration, which can affect the number of people seeking admission to Canada.

Declining global refugee populations

Although people are still moving around the world, the number of displaced people and refugee claimants has generally declined. The most recent UNHCR figures available (January to March 2005) suggest that the downward trend observed in 2004 – when the global number of refugees reached an estimated 9.2 million, a 4 percent decrease from 2003 – continued in 2005.

This sustained global decline is due to many factors, including lasting solutions available to refugees, such as voluntary repatriation, a reduction in interstate conflicts, increasing stability in some fragile states, improved human rights conditions in some states, and an increased global focus on border protection and security.

In addition to the above factors, specific factors contributed to this decline in Canada:

  • The implementation of visa requirements for selected countries
  • The Canada Border Services Agency's prevention of undocumented or improperly documented travellers from coming to Canada
  • The requirement, with some exceptions, under the Canada-United States Safe Third Country Agreement (December 2004) that refugee protection claimants travelling through the United States or Canada make their claim in the first country in which they arrive
Graph showing refugee claims filed for the years 2002 to 2005

Top source countries

Latin American and Asian countries, specifically China, Colombia and Mexico, remained among the top source countries for refugee protection claims in Canada for the last fiscal year. This is due to a number of factors including growing political polarization in parts of Latin America, political unrest in Asia, slow or stagnant economic growth in Latin America, and lack of progress in the protection of women and/or children.

Changing workloads and domestic factors

In light of the changing workloads due to declining numbers of refugee protection claims and increased numbers of immigration appeals, the IRB is increasing its emphasis on an integrated approach to the management and processing of all its cases. Cases are becoming more complex, driven by mixed migration, broader grounds for protection, security concerns and fraudulent documentation.

Although the IRB continues to receive fewer refugee protection claims than in previous years and continues to make solid progress in finalizing more refugee protection claims awaiting determination, it is still working at reducing the inventory of claims waiting for a decision.

Growing trend of family sponsorships

Immigration continues to be very important for Canada, as immigrants represent an increasing part of the population. Canada's population of immigrants is expected to reach between 7 and 9.3 million by 2017.

In this context and given the Government of Canada's priority of promoting family reunification, family-class sponsorship applications have increased at Canadian visa posts around the world. As a result, the IRB continues to experience a high volume of family sponsorship appeals.

Regulation of immigration consultants

New regulations governing counsel who may appear before the Board came into effect in April 2004. These regulations are aimed at enhancing the quality of representation in IRB proceedings by requiring that any person who, for a fee, represents, advises or consults with a person who is the subject of a proceeding before the IRB be an authorized representative. During the past year, the IRB began the process of adapting its existing procedures to reflect this new requirement.

Modernization and accountability

Public interest in the work of the IRB continues, along with a greater demand for accountability and transparency in government. The IRB continues to respond to this demand by adopting more modern management practices and operations, continuing strategic and operational planning, reviewing performance measurements, and continuing to improve the quality, consistency and efficiency of its decision-making.

Merit-based GIC member selection process

Canadians increasingly expect high levels of competency and ethical conduct from those who hold public office. A merit-based approach to the appointment of senior officials in government is a significant way for federal institutions to demonstrate credibility. In March 2004, the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) implemented a selection process based on merit for IRB Governor-in-Council appointees. The ultimate power of appointments and reappointments remains with the Governor in Council. However, as the Chief Executive Officer, the Chairperson of the IRB is fully accountable for the selection and the quality of IRB's decision-makers.

This reform represents another step in the evolution of the processes to ensure the quality and effectiveness of decisions made by the IRB and to respond to the increasingly complex environment of the Board. The independent, transparent and merit-based selection process ensures that only highly qualified candidates are considered for appointment. The qualifications of candidates are measured against a new strengthened standard of competence to ensure that skills, abilities and personal suitability are the basis for the appointment.

The IRB acknowledges that performance evaluation is a fundamental instrument to support decisions for reappointment. The IRB member performance evaluation has been revised to reflect a performance evaluation and competency appraisal consistent with the new merit-based criteria. All current members have been and will continue to be appraised against the new standards.

The IRB's continued success in rendering fair and quick decisions depends on, among other things, timely appointments and reappointments of members.

Government-wide initiatives

The Government of Canada has launched an initiative to improve public sector management in order to respond to the present and emerging challenges that Canada faces. This plan, which will be implemented over several years, focuses on making government more accountable, responsive and innovative.

In line with the objective of strengthening public sector management, the IRB will continue to modernize and strengthen its management practices in order to enhance the organization's overall performance. The IRB intends to fulfil its mission by building an effective organizational capacity to sustain a high volume of decisions – specifically, by ensuring that the necessary infrastructure is in place in the areas of management, human resources, information technology and communications.

Modernizing human resources management and reinforcing its commitment to being a learning organization are two of the Board's ongoing priorities. In the Fall 2005, the IRB adopted a People Management Strategy as a framework to support priorities and initiatives related to its personnel. A major component of this framework, the Learning and Development Strategy, was also approved.

Portfolio Management

The IRB, CBSA and CIC collaborate on operational and portfolio matters, while respecting each other's distinct mandates and the independence of the functions of the tribunal. Relationships within the portfolio reflect strengthened efforts on issues relating to the overall management of the portfolio and take into account evolving case management initiatives designed to meet ongoing and diverse challenges.

The IRB and CIC have had a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in place since December 1996. The agreement clearly defines the administrative relationship between the two organizations, while underlining the institutional independence of the IRB and its decision-makers. The agreement facilitates workload management and the effective use of resources.

With the creation of the CBSA and the transfer to that organization of many enforcement functions formerly carried out by CIC, the IRB and the CBSA have negotiated a new MOU to define their relationship and reflect today's operational environment and priorities. The agreement is expected to be signed in 2006-2007. Flowing from this new MOU, priorities will be established to define sub-agreements. Also in 2006-2007 the IRB and CIC plan to review and update their MOU and the related sub-agreements to reflect these changes in the immigration and refugee portfolio.

Diagram illustrating the interrelationships between the IRB, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

(Click on image to enlarge)

Partners and Agencies

The IRB also works closely with central agencies, for example, with the Privy Council Office on Governor-in-Council (GIC) appointments of IRB members and on regulatory initiatives, and with the Treasury Board Secretariat on program management and accountability. Furthermore, the IRB works with Public Works and Government Services Canada on procurement and accommodation issues, and with the Public Service Commission, Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada and the Canada School of Public Service on human resources management issues.

The IRB continues to contribute to the annual conferences of the Council of Canadian Administrative Tribunals (CCAT). These meetings provide an opportunity for all Canadian administrative tribunals to share best practices and new approaches to emerging issues.


The IRB's Consultative Committee on Practices and Procedures (CCPP) encourages systematic contact between the IRB and non-governmental stakeholders at the national level. The Committee is composed of representatives of the Canadian Council for Refugees (CCR), the Canadian Bar Association (CBA), the Refugee Lawyers Association (RLA), L'Association québécoise des avocats et des avocates en droit de l'immigration (AQAADI) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). The CCPP provides a forum for consultation, advice, information sharing and the resolution of issues of mutual concern regarding procedures and practices.

The IRB is building on efforts it has initiated over the past fiscal year to establish new and flexible mechanisms to enhance ongoing dialogue and to ensure that relationships continue to be responsive to evolving needs. This includes bilateral meetings with select organizations on specific issues.

Regional offices maintain relationships with their own regional stakeholders, including immigration consultants and bar associations, refugee and refugee law associations and NGOs.

International Context

The IRB actively participates in international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, which includes regular participation in three forums:

  • The International Association of Refugee Law Judges (IARLJ)
  • The Executive Committee of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (EXCOM)
  • The Intergovernmental Consultations on Asylum, Refugee and Migration Policies in Europe, North America and Australia (IGC)

The IRB has developed good relations with a number of refugee-receiving countries through the IGC network, and works with its counterparts in various states such as Australia, Mexico, New Zealand, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

The IRB also participates in the European Union Network for Asylum Practitioners (Eurasil), and in Metropolis, an international forum for comparative research and public policy development about population migration, cultural diversity and immigrant integration in cities in Canada and around the world.

Alignment with Government of Canada outcomes

Canada's federal organizations play an important role in the quality of life of Canadians. All government policies, outcomes, departmental mandates and programs are directed at fulfilling this role. The IRB makes important contributions to a number of Government of Canada outcomes, which are highlighted in the following diagram.

Chart showing how all Government of Canada policies, outcomes, departmental mandates and programs are directed at contributing to the quality of life of Canadians

IRB Strategic Outcome, Strategic Priorities and Program Activities

This section provides information at the organizational level on the Board's strategic outcome, strategic priorities and program activities.

IRB Strategic Outcome

Based on its legislated mandate, the IRB's single strategic outcome is as follows:

To provide Canadians with well-reasoned decisions on immigration and refugee matters rendered efficiently, fairly and in accordance with the law.

IRB Strategic Priorities

To achieve its strategic outcome, the IRB has developed four strategic priorities for fiscal year 2006-2007. These contribute to the achievement of the IRB's strategic outcome by ensuring that the Board's plans (activities) and expected results emphasize high-quality, consistent and efficient measures across the organization, an open environment that values its people and promotes flexibility, accountability and continuous improvement.

Strategic Priorities 2006-2007
The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada is an independent tribunal established by the Parliament of Canada. Our mission, on behalf of Canadians, is to make well-reasoned decisions on immigration and refugee matters, efficiently, fairly, and in accordance with the law.
Integrate common procedural, administrative and adjudicative activities in all divisions to further promote quality, consistency and efficiency measures.
Continue to build an organizational culture that supports its people, and is flexible and innovative.
Improve case management processes through the successful implementation of the Integrated Case Management System (ICMS).
Implement a horizontal and fully integrated management plan that reflects the IRB's reality.

IRB Program Activities

For fiscal year 2006-2007, the IRB has developed an Integrated Business Plan, which brings together the plans and expected results for the Board's four program activities. It outlines how each program activity will contribute to the achievement of the IRB's strategic priorities in the next fiscal year. These plans and expected results are presented in Section 2.

To further strengthen accountability and transparency within the organization, the IRB's Integrated Business Plan was developed in close alignment with the Government of Canada's commitment to modernization and continuous improvement, based on the themes of accountability, responsiveness and innovation. The implementation of these management initiatives is crucial to delivering results for Canadians and achieving our strategic outcome.

Estimated Financial Resources by Strategic Priority

The IRB's four main program activities (Refugee Protection, Admissibility Hearings and Detention Reviews, Immigration Appeal, and Corporate Management and Services) are carried out with the goal of achieving the IRB's strategic priorities and strategic outcome. The following table outlines the estimated financial resources for each strategic priority over next three fiscal years.

Estimated Financial Resources by Strategic Priority
Strategic Outcome: To provide Canadians with well-reasoned decisions on immigration and refugee matters rendered efficiently, fairly and in accordance with the law.
Planned Spending ($ millions)        
Strategic Priority 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009
1. Integrate common procedural, administrative and adjudicative activities in all Divisions to further promote quality, consistency and efficiency measures 87.7 90.5 90.5
Expected Results
  • Development of common policy instruments and procedures, performance measures and adjudicative culture
  • Provision of strategic communications advice and information that reflects changes to procedural, administrative and adjudicative activities
  • Further development, maintenance and promotion of tools that will support quality, consistency and efficiency in decision-making in the areas of ethics, communications, quality control and service delivery
Type: Previously committed
Program Activity: Refugee Protection, Admissibility Hearings and Detention Reviews, Immigration Appeal, Corporate Management and Services
2. Continue to build an organizational culture that supports its people, and is flexible and innovative 1.4 1.4 1.4
Expected Results
  • Continued implementation of a competency-based HR management strategy across the IRB, including development of competency profiles for functional groups and tools to support their use
  • Implementation of a policy on redeployment, enabling increased mobility between the Divisions
Type: Ongoing
Program Activity: Refugee Protection, Admissibility Hearings and Detention Reviews, Immigration Appeal, Corporate Management and Services
3. Improve case management processes through the successful implementation of the Integrated Case Management System (ICMS) 9.5 3.5 3.5
Expected Results
  • Successful implementation of a change management strategy with respect to the ICMS project that includes comprehensive communications and training plans
  • Continued development and implementation of ICMS
  • Maintenance of ICMS
Type: Ongoing
Program Activity: Refugee Protection, Corporate Management and Services
4. Implement a horizontal and fully integrated management plan that reflects the IRB's reality 18.2 18.3 18.3
Expected Results
  • Risk management continues to be part of planning and management activities, and appropriate legal risk management measures are developed
  • Implementation of identified priorities of the People Management Strategy, including the implementation of an integrated learning and professional development program for all IRB personnel
  • Implementation of a comprehensive security program that includes a Business Continuity Plan, and the implementation of the Management Information Technology action plan
  • IRB is well positioned to make significant progress in the area of Information Management
Type: Ongoing
Program Activity: Corporate Management and Services

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