Jakob Nielsen's Website

Permanent Content


Jakob's column on Web usability

Progressive Disclosure (Dec. 4)
Progressive disclosure defers advanced or rarely used features to a secondary screen, making applications easier to learn and less error-prone.

Digital Divide (Nov. 20)
100 Million Websites (Nov. 6)
Screen Size (Oct. 23)

All Alertbox columns from 1995 to 2006

Sign up for newsletter by email when a new Alertbox is published


Intranet usability
> Intranet design annual
> Enterprise portals
> Design guidelines for intranets
Email newsletters
E-commerce and B2B sites
Return on investment for usability (ROI)
Age groups: Children, Teens, Seniors
Corporate sites: "About Us", PR, IR

More reports and usability guidelines


Paper prototyping: how-to video (32 minute DVD)


Prioritizing Web Usability
Designing Web Usability: The Practice of Simplicity
Homepage Usability: 50 Websites Deconstructed

Full list of books by Jakob Nielsen
Recommended books by other authors

Consulting Services

Nielsen Norman Group offers usability reviews, training, user testing, and a conference

About Jakob Nielsen

Biography and photos
Papers and essays

About This Site

Why this site has almost no graphics
Copyright and reprint rules


Usability Week 2007 Conference

> Hong Kong, March 5-9
> Washington, D.C., April 22-27
> London, May 6-11
> San Francisco, June 18-23

3-day camp: usability in practice
3-day immersion: interaction design

Ten full-day tutorials, including two new days on application usability:
> Page-level building blocks
> Dialogue and workflow design

Specialized topics from intranet usability over email newsletter design to writing for the Web.

Dot-Net magazine cover December 2006 with feature about Jakob Nielsen .Net magazine features me for the cover story in the December issue.

Newsweek Moving Into a New Office

New York Times How to Make Your Web Site Sing for You

Fortune Small Business Play Big

New York Times Adding On to the House of Google

BusinessWeek MySpace For Baby Boomers

Computerworld GUI Gets a Makeover and GUI Gaffs

SitePoint Interview with Jakob Nielsen

Wall Street Journal For Web-Design Expert, Ease of Use And Clarity Are Essential for Firms

Washington Post If This Column Were a Web Site, This Would Be Its Home Page

BBC The evolving web

The Guardian Two words is a minute description of a human need

USA Today Survey offers a 'sneak peek' into Net surfers' brains

BusinessWeek The Unwieldy Web

CNN Tech will cause a real estate crash

WIRED What Websites Do to Turn On Teens

BBC A decade of good website design

eLearningPost Jakob Nielsen on e-learning

Sydney Morning Herald The key to email: a two-second grab

Seattle Times Timely, focused online newsletter a valuable relationship builder

Publish Jakob Nielsen, author & Web site usability guru

IT conversations Jakob Nielsen podcast Developer Spotlight: Jakob Nielsen

Digital Web Magazine An interview with Dr. Jakob Nielsen, usability expert

PixelSurgeon Jakob Nielsen Interview

IT-Director Jakob Nielsen on usability and intranets

WebReference Jakob Nielsen Interview

CIO A Discussion with Jakob Nielsen and Vincent Flanders

SitePiint Interview with Jakob Nielsen and Vincent Flanders

CIO Insight Time for a Redesign: Dr. Jakob Nielsen

Full list of interviews

Mail: Dr. Jakob Nielsen, Nielsen Norman Group, 48105 Warm Springs Blvd., Fremont, CA 94539, USA
Contact: Luice Hwang, tel. (415) 682-0688
PR agency: Darcy Provo, Antenna Group, tel. (415) 977-1920