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Heads of IT

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Heads of IT of Small Departments and Agencies (HoIT)

Heads of Information Technology (HoIT)

The Heads of IT Committee is a sub-group of the Community of Small Organizations - commonly defined as organizations with less than 600 employees.

  1. Mandate and Role
    The Heads of IT (HoIT) Committee is an interdepartmental forum for broad information exchange and discussion of IM/IT community issues and concerns. Members share information, best practices, and advice on government-wide IM/IT issues, plans and initiatives. The HoIT Committee is a vehicle for leveraging the concerns of small departments and agencies (SDAs) to the Treasury Board Secretariat and the Chief Information Officer of the Government of Canada on:
    • The requirements and priorities for the development of new policies and other initiatives.
    • The impact and the implementation of policies on SDAs.
    • The adequacy of existing policies and central agency initiatives and the need for review.
    • Management and operational considerations in SDAs.
    • The need for and compliance with information and technology standards.
    • The general improvement of government-wide coordination for efficient and effective program delivery.

    The HoIT Committee also fosters networking and resource pooling among SDAs. It attempts to obtain economies of scale by amalgamating efforts in areas such as IM/IT procurement and human resources management information systems.

  2. Membership
    All senior technical managers, heads of IT, or chief information officers of small government departments and agencies listed in Schedules I, II and III of the Financial Administration Act are invited to join the HoIT Committee. Membership in HoIT is voluntary. Members currently register by contacting the CFA secretariat 994-7283.

  3. Chairpersons
    The committee is co-chaired by Hugo Daigle of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency and presently the seccond co-chair seat is vacant. The HoIT co-chairs are also ex-officio members of the Chief Information Officers Council (formerly the Advisory Committee on Information Management).

  4. HoIT Executive
    The HoIT Executive consists of the voluntary participation of members of the HoIT Committee. The role of the executive is to provide support to the committee in the following areas:

    • Program
    • Liaison
    • Budget
    • Forward Planning


Hugo Daigle (613)957-0356
Web Site coordinator
Fernand Cormier (819)997-6214

  1. Operation of the Committee
    HoIT Committee meeting notices and agenda are circulated through the Heads of IT by an e-mail list maintained by the CFA Secretariat and posted on the HoIT segment of the CFA web site ( Meetings are currently held on the first Wednesday of every month from September to June.

Last Modified: 2006-10-18
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