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Main page on: Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act
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Act current to September 15, 2006

Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act


An Act respecting bankruptcy and insolvency


1. This Act may be cited as the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act.

R.S., 1985, c. B-3, s. 1; 1992, c. 27, s. 2.


2. In this Act,


« affidavit »

“affidavit” includes statutory declaration and solemn affirmation;

aircraft objects

« biens aéronautiques »

“aircraft objects” has the same meaning as in subsection 2(1) of the International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act;


Version anglaise seulement

“application”, with respect to a bankruptcy application filed in a court in the Province of Quebec, means a motion;


« cession »

“assignment” means an assignment filed with the official receiver;


« banque »

“bank” means

(a) every bank and every authorized foreign bank within the meaning of section 2 of the Bank Act,

(b) every other member of the Canadian Payments Association established by the Canadian Payments Act, and

(c) every local cooperative credit society, as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Act referred to in paragraph (b), that is a member of a central cooperative credit society, as defined in that subsection, that is a member of that Association;


« failli »

“bankrupt” means a person who has made an assignment or against whom a bankruptcy order has been made or the legal status of that person;


« faillite »

“bankruptcy” means the state of being bankrupt or the fact of becoming bankrupt;


“child”[Repealed, 2000, c. 12, s. 8]

claim provable in bankruptcy, provable claim or claim provable

« réclamation prouvable en matière de faillite » ou « réclamation prouvable »

“claim provable in bankruptcy”, “provable claim” or “claim provable” includes any claim or liability provable in proceedings under this Act by a creditor;

common-law partner

« conjoint de fait »

“common-law partner”, in relation to an individual, means a person who is cohabiting with the individual in a conjugal relationship, having so cohabited for a period of at least one year;

common-law partnership

« union de fait »

“common-law partnership” means the relationship between two persons who are common-law partners of each other;


« personne morale »

“corporation” includes any company or legal person incorporated by or under an Act of Parliament or of any province, and any incorporated company, wherever incorporated, that is authorized to carry on business in Canada or that has an office or property in Canada, but does not include banks, authorized foreign banks within the meaning of section 2 of the Bank Act, insurance companies, trust companies, loan companies or railway companies;


« tribunal »

“court”, except in paragraphs 178(1)(a) and (a.1) and sections 204.1 to 204.3 and subject to subsection 243(1), means the court having jurisdiction in bankruptcy or a judge thereof, and includes a registrar when exercising the powers of the court conferred on a registrar under this Act;


« créancier »

“creditor” means a person having a claim, unsecured, preferred by virtue of priority under section 136 or secured, provable as a claim under this Act;

date of the initial bankruptcy event

« ouverture de la faillite »

“date of the initial bankruptcy event”, in respect of a person, means the earliest of the date of filing of or making of

(a) an assignment by or in respect of the person,

(b) a proposal by or in respect of the person,

(c) a notice of intention by the person,

(d) the first application for a bankruptcy order against the person, in any case

(i) referred to in paragraph 50.4(8)(a) or 57(a) or subsection 61(2), or

(ii) in which a notice of intention to make a proposal has been filed under section 50.4 or a proposal has been filed under section 62 in respect of the person and the person files an assignment before the court has approved the proposal, or

(e) the application in respect of which a bankruptcy order is made, in the case of an application other than one referred to in paragraph (d);


« débiteur »

“debtor” includes an insolvent person and any person who, at the time an act of bankruptcy was committed by him, resided or carried on business in Canada and, where the context requires, includes a bankrupt;

executing officer

« huissier- exécutant »

“executing officer” includes a sheriff, a bailiff and any officer charged with the execution of a writ or other process under this Act or any other Act or proceeding with respect to any property of a debtor;

General Rules

« Règles générales »

“General Rules” means the General Rules referred to in section 209;

insolvent person

« personne insolvable »

“insolvent person” means a person who is not bankrupt and who resides, carries on business or has property in Canada, whose liabilities to creditors provable as claims under this Act amount to one thousand dollars, and

(a) who is for any reason unable to meet his obligations as they generally become due,

(b) who has ceased paying his current obligations in the ordinary course of business as they generally become due, or

(c) the aggregate of whose property is not, at a fair valuation, sufficient, or, if disposed of at a fairly conducted sale under legal process, would not be sufficient to enable payment of all his obligations, due and accruing due;

legal counsel

« conseiller juridique »

“legal counsel” means any person qualified, in accordance with the laws of a province, to give legal advice;

locality of a debtor

« localité d’un débiteur »

“locality of a debtor” means the principal place

(a) where the debtor has carried on business during the year immediately preceding his bankruptcy,

(b) where the debtor has resided during the year immediately preceding his bankruptcy, or

(c) in cases not coming within paragraph (a) or (b), where the greater portion of the property of the debtor is situated;


« ministre »

“Minister” means the Minister of Industry;

official receiver

« séquestre officiel »

“official receiver” means an officer appointed under subsection 12(2);


« personne »

“person” includes a partnership, an unincorporated association, a corporation, a cooperative society or an organization, the successors of a partnership, association, corporation, society or organization, and the heirs, executors, liquidators of the succession, administrators or other legal representative of a person, according to the law of that part of Canada to which the context extends;


« prescrit »


(a) in the case of the form of a document that is by this Act to be prescribed and the information to be given therein, means prescribed by directive issued by the Superintendent under paragraph 5(4)(e), and

(b) in any other case, means prescribed by the General Rules;


« bien »

“property” means any type of property, whether situated in Canada or elsewhere, and includes money, goods, things in action, land and every description of property, whether real or person­al, legal or equitable, as well as obligations, easements and every description of estate, interest and profit, present or future, vested or contingent, in, arising out of or incident to property;


« proposition concordataire » ou « proposition »

“proposal” means

(a) in any provision of Division I of Part III, a proposal made under that Division, and

(b) in any other provision, a proposal made under Division I of Part III or a consumer proposal made under Division II of Part III

and includes a proposal or consumer proposal, as the case may be, for a composition, for an extension of time or for a scheme or arrangement;

public utility

« entreprise de service public »

“public utility” includes a person or body who supplies fuel, water or electricity, or supplies telecommunications, garbage collection, pollution control or postal services;

resolution or ordinary resolution

« résolution » ou « résolution ordinaire »

“resolution” or “ordinary resolution” means a resolution carried in the manner provided by section 115;

secured creditor

« créancier garanti »

“secured creditor” means a person holding a mortgage, hypothec, pledge, charge or lien on or against the property of the debtor or any part of that property as security for a debt due or accruing due to the person from the debtor, or a person whose claim is based on, or secured by, a negotiable instrument held as collateral security and on which the debtor is only indirectly or secondarily liable, and includes

(a) a person who has a right of retention or a prior claim constituting a real right, within the meaning of the Civil Code of Québec or any other statute of the Province of Quebec, on or against the property of the debtor or any part of that property, or

(b) any of

(i) the vendor of any property sold to the debtor under a conditional or instalment sale,

(ii) the purchaser of any property from the debtor subject to a right of redemption, or

(iii) the trustee of a trust constituted by the debtor to secure the performance of an obligation,

if the exercise of the person’s rights is subject to the provisions of Book Six of the Civil Code of Québec entitled Prior Claims and Hypothecs that deal with the exercise of hypothecary rights;


« disposition »

“settlement” includes a contract, covenant, transfer, gift and designation of beneficiary in an insurance contract, to the extent that the contract, covenant, transfer, gift or designation is gratuitous or made for merely nominal consideration;

“sheriff”[Repealed, 2004, c. 25, s. 7]

special resolution

« résolution spéciale »

“special resolution” means a resolution decided by a majority in number and three-fourths in value of the creditors with proven claims present, personally or by proxy, at a meeting of creditors and voting on the resolution;


« surintendant »

“Superintendent” means the Superintendent of Bankruptcy appointed under subsection 5(1);

Superintendent of Financial Institutions

« surintendant des institutions financières »

“Superintendent of Financial Institutions” means the Superintendent of Financial Institutions appointed under subsection 5(1) of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Act;

trustee or licensed trustee

« syndic » ou « syndic autorisé »

“trustee” or “licensed trustee” means a person who is licensed or appointed under this Act.

R.S., 1985, c. B-3, s. 2; R.S., 1985, c. 31 (1st Supp.), s. 69; 1992, c. 1, s. 145(F), c. 27, s. 3; 1995, c. 1, s. 62; 1997, c. 12, s. 1; 1999, c. 28, s. 146, c. 31, s. 17; 2000, c. 12, s. 8; 2001, c. 4, s. 25, c. 9, s. 572; 2004, c. 25, s. 7; 2005, c. 3, s. 11.

2.1 For the purposes of this Act, the bankruptcy or putting into bankruptcy of a person occurs at the time or date of

(a) the granting of a bankruptcy order against the person;

(b) the filing of an assignment by or in respect of the person; or

(c) the event that causes an assignment by the person to be deemed.

1997, c. 12, s. 2; 2004, c. 25, s. 8.

2.2 Any notification, document or other information that is required by this Act to be given, forwarded, mailed, sent or otherwise provided to the Superintendent, other than an application for a licence under subsection 13(1), shall be given, forwarded, mailed, sent or otherwise provided to the Superintendent at the Superintendent’s division office as specified in directives of the Superintendent.

1997, c. 12, s. 2.

3. (1) For the purposes of this Act, a person who has entered into a transaction with another person otherwise than at arm’s length shall be deemed to have entered into a reviewable transaction.

Question of fact

(2) It is a question of fact whether persons not related to one another within the meaning of section 4 were at a particular time dealing with each other at arm’s length.


(3) Persons related to each other within the meaning of section 4 shall be deemed not to deal with each other at arm’s length while so related.

R.S., 1985, c. B-3, s. 3; 1997, c. 12, s. 3(F).

4. (1) In this section,

related group

« groupe lié »

“related group” means a group of persons each member of which is related to every other member of the group;

unrelated group

« groupe non lié »

“unrelated group” means a group of persons that is not a related group.

Definition of "related persons"

(2) For the purposes of this Act, persons are related to each other and are “related persons” if they are

(a) individuals connected by blood relationship, marriage, common-law partnership or adoption;

(b) a corporation and

(i) a person who controls the corporation, if it is controlled by one person,

(ii) a person who is a member of a related group that controls the corporation, or

(iii) any person connected in the manner set out in paragraph (a) to a person described in subparagraph (i) or (ii); or

(c) two corporations

(i) controlled by the same person or group of persons,

(ii) each of which is controlled by one person and the person who controls one of the corporations is related to the person who controls the other corporation,

(iii) one of which is controlled by one person and that person is related to any member of a related group that controls the other corporation,

(iv) one of which is controlled by one person and that person is related to each member of an unrelated group that controls the other corporation,

(v) one of which is controlled by a related group a member of which is related to each member of an unrelated group that controls the other corporation, or

(vi) one of which is controlled by an unrelated group each member of which is related to at least one member of an unrelated group that controls the other corporation.


(3) For the purposes of this section,

(a) where two corporations are related to the same corporation within the meaning of subsection (2), they shall be deemed to be related to each other;

(b) where a related group is in a position to control a corporation, it shall be deemed to be a related group that controls the corporation whether or not it is part of a larger group by whom the corporation is in fact controlled;

(c) a person who has a right under a contract, in equity or otherwise, either immediately or in the future and either absolutely or contingently, to, or to acquire, shares in a corporation, or to control the voting rights of shares in a corporation, shall, except where the contract provides that the right is not exercisable until the death of an individual designated therein, be deemed to have the same position in relation to the control of the corporation as if he owned the shares;

(d) where a person owns shares in two or more corporations, he shall, as shareholder of one of the corporations, be deemed to be related to himself as shareholder of each of the other corporations;

(e) persons are connected by blood relationship if one is the child or other descendant of the other or one is the brother or sister of the other;

(f) persons are connected by marriage if one is married to the other or to a person who is connected by blood relationship or adoption to the other;

(f.1) persons are connected by common-law partnership if one is in a common-law partnership with the other or with a person who is connected by blood relationship or adoption to the other; and

(g) persons are connected by adoption if one has been adopted, either legally or in fact, as the child of the other or as the child of a person who is connected by blood relationship, otherwise than as a brother or sister, to the other.

R.S., 1985, c. B-3, s. 4; 2000, c. 12, s. 9; 2004, c. 25, s. 9(F).


4.1 This Act is binding on Her Majesty in right of Canada or a province.

1992, c. 27, s. 4.


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