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Main page on: Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act
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Act current to September 15, 2006




Meetings of Creditors

102. (1) Subject to subsection (1.1), it is the duty of the trustee to inquire as to the names and addresses of the creditors of a bankrupt and, within five days after the date of the trustee’s appointment, to send in the prescribed manner to the bankrupt, to every known creditor and to the Superintendent a notice in the prescribed form of the bankruptcy and of the first meeting of creditors, to be held within the twenty-one day period following the day of the trustee’s appointment, at the office of the official receiver in the locality of the bankrupt, but the official receiver may, when the official receiver deems it expedient, authorize the meeting to be held at the office of any other official receiver or at such other place as the official receiver may fix.

Extension of days

(1.1) The official receiver in the locality of the bankrupt may extend the period during which the first meeting of creditors must be held

(a) by ten days, or

(b) where the official receiver is satisfied that special circumstances exist, by up to thirty days,

where the official receiver is satisfied that the extension will not be detrimental to the creditors and is in the general interests of the administration of the estate.

Documents to accompany notice

(2) The trustee shall include with the notice referred to in subsection (1) a list of the creditors with claims amounting to twenty-five dollars or more and the amounts of their claims together with a proof of claim and proxy in the prescribed form but no name shall be inserted in the proxy before it is so sent.

Information and notice

(3) In the case of the bankruptcy of an individual, the trustee shall

(a) set out in the notice, in the prescribed form, information concerning the financial situation of the bankrupt and the obligation of the bankrupt to make payments required under section 68 to the estate of the bankrupt; and

(b) forthwith advise the official receiver, and any creditors who have requested such information, of

(i) any material change relating to the financial situation of the bankrupt, and

(ii) any amendment made under subsection 68(4) to the amount that the bankrupt is required to pay to the estate of the bankrupt.

Publication in local paper by trustee

(4) A notice in the prescribed form shall, as soon as possible after the bankruptcy and not later than five days before the first meeting of creditors, be published in a local newspaper by the trustee.

Purpose of meeting

(5) The purpose of the first meeting of creditors shall be to consider the affairs of the bankrupt, to affirm the appointment of the trustee or substitute another in place thereof, to appoint inspectors and to give such directions to the trustee as the creditors may see fit with reference to the administration of the estate.

R.S., 1985, c. B-3, s. 102; 1992, c. 1, s. 20, c. 27, s. 43; 1997, c. 12, s. 84.

103. (1) The trustee may at any time call a meeting of creditors and he shall do so when directed by the court and whenever requested in writing by a majority of the inspectors or by twenty-five per cent in number of the creditors holding twenty-five per cent in value of the proved claims.

Meetings convened by inspectors

(2) A meeting of the creditors may be convened by a majority of the inspectors at any time when a trustee is not available to call a meeting or has neglected or failed to do so when so directed by the inspectors.

R.S., c. B-3, s. 81.

104. (1) Meetings of creditors other than the first shall be called by sending a notice of the time and place thereof not less than five days before the time of each meeting to each creditor at the address given in the creditor’s proof of claim.

Notice to creditors with proved claims

(2) After the first meeting of creditors, notice of any meeting or of any proceeding need not be given to any creditors other than those who have proved their claims.

R.S., 1985, c. B-3, s. 104; 1997, c. 12, s. 85.

Procedure at Meetings

105. (1) The official receiver or his nominee shall be the chairman at the first meeting of creditors and shall decide any questions or disputes arising at the meeting and from any such decision any creditor may appeal to the court.

Chairman of subsequent meetings

(2) At all meetings of creditors other than the first, the trustee shall be the chairman unless by resolution at the meeting some other person is appointed.

Casting vote

(3) The chairman of any meeting of creditors shall, in the case of a tie, have a second or casting vote.

Minutes of meeting

(4) The chairman of any meeting of creditors shall cause minutes of the proceedings at the meeting to be drawn up and entered in a book kept for that purpose, and the minutes shall be signed by him or by the chairman of the next ensuing meeting.

Non-receipt of notice by creditor

(5) Where a meeting of creditors is called, the proceedings had and resolutions passed at the meeting, unless the court otherwise orders, are valid, notwithstanding that some creditors had not received notice.

R.S., c. B-3, s. 83.

106. (1) One creditor entitled to vote, or the representative of such a creditor, constitutes a quorum for a meeting of creditors.

Where no quorum

(2) Where there is no quorum at the first meeting of creditors,

(a) the appointment of the trustee shall be deemed to be confirmed; and

(b) the chairman shall adjourn the meeting

(i) to such time and place as the chairman fixes, or

(ii) without fixing a time or place for a future meeting.


(2.1) Where there is no quorum at any meeting of creditors other than the first meeting, the chairman shall adjourn the meeting to such time and place as the chairman fixes.

Adjournment with consent of meeting

(3) The chairman of any meeting of creditors may with the consent of the meeting adjourn the meeting from time to time.

R.S., 1985, c. B-3, s. 106; 1992, c. 27, s. 44.

107. Every class of creditors may express its views and wishes separately from every other class and the effect to be given to those views and wishes shall, in case of any dispute and subject to this Act, be in the discretion of the court.

R.S., c. B-3, s. 85.

108. (1) The chairman of any meeting of creditors has power to admit or reject a proof of claim for the purpose of voting but his decision is subject to appeal to the court.

Accept as proof

(2) Notwithstanding anything in this Act, the chairman may, for the purpose of voting, accept any letter or printed matter transmitted by any form or mode of telecommunication as proof of the claim of a creditor.

In case of doubt

(3) Where the chairman is in doubt as to whether a proof of claim should be admitted or rejected, he shall mark the proof as objected to and allow the creditor to vote subject to the vote being declared invalid in the event of the objection being sustained.

R.S., 1985, c. B-3, s. 108; 1992, c. 27, s. 45.

109. (1) A person is not entitled to vote as a creditor at any meeting of creditors unless he has duly proved a claim provable in bankruptcy and the proof of claim has been duly lodged with the trustee before the time appointed for the meeting.

Voting by proxy

(2) A creditor may vote either in person or by proxy.

Form of proxy

(3) A proxy is not invalid merely because it is in the form of a letter or printed matter transmitted by any form or mode of telecommunication.

Debtor may not be proxyholder

(4) A debtor may not be appointed a proxyholder to vote at any meeting of the debtor’s creditors.


(5) A corporation may vote by an authorized proxyholder at meetings of creditors.

Creditor not dealing at arm’s length

(6) Except as otherwise provided by this Act, a creditor is not entitled to vote at any meeting of creditors if the creditor did not, at all times within the period beginning on the day that is one year before the date of the initial bankruptcy event in respect of the debtor and ending on the date of the bankruptcy, both dates included, deal with the debtor at arm’s length.


(7) A creditor who is not entitled to vote at a meeting of creditors by virtue of subsection (6) may with leave of the court vote at the meeting of creditors when all the creditors who have dealt with the debtor at arm’s length do not together represent at least twenty per cent in value of the claims against the debtor.

R.S., 1985, c. B-3, s. 109; 1992, c. 27, s. 46; 1997, c. 12, s. 86; 1999, c. 31, s. 24(F); 2004, c. 25, s. 63.

110. (1) No person is entitled to vote on a claim acquired after the bankruptcy of a debtor unless the entire claim is acquired.


(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to persons acquiring notes, bills or other securities on which they are liable.

R.S., c. B-3, s. 88.

111. A creditor shall not vote in respect of any claim on or secured by a current bill of exchange or promissory note held by him, unless he is willing to treat the liability to him thereon of every person who is liable thereon antecedently to the debtor, and who is not a bankrupt, as a security in his hands and to estimate the value thereof and for the purposes of voting, but not for the purposes of dividend, to deduct it from his claim.

R.S., c. B-3, s. 89.

112. For the purpose of voting, a secured creditor shall, unless he surrenders his security, state in his proof the particulars of his security, the date when it was given and the value at which he assesses it, and he is entitled to vote only in respect of the balance, if any, due to him, after deducting the value of his security.

R.S., c. B-3, s. 90.

113. (1) Where the trustee is a creditor or a proxy for a creditor, he may vote as a creditor at any meeting of creditors.

Trustee may not vote on remuneration

(2) The vote of the trustee or of their partner, clerk, legal counsel or legal counsel’s clerk, either as creditor or as proxy for a creditor, shall not be reckoned in the majority required for passing any resolution affecting the remuneration or conduct of the trustee.

Persons not entitled to vote

(3) The following persons are not entitled to vote on the appointment of a trustee or inspectors:

(a) the father, mother, child, sister, brother, uncle or aunt, by blood, adoption, marriage or common-law partnership, or the spouse or common-law partner, of the bankrupt;

(b) where the bankrupt is a corporation, any officer, director or employee thereof; and

(c) where the bankrupt is a corporation, any wholly owned subsidiary corporation or any officer, director or employee thereof.

R.S., 1985, c. B-3, s. 113; R.S., 1985, c. 31 (1st Supp.), s. 73; 2000, c. 12, s. 13; 2004, c. 25, s. 64.

114. (1) A minute of proceedings at a meeting of creditors under this Act signed at the same or the next ensuing meeting by a person describing himself as or appearing to be chairman of the meeting at which the minute is signed shall be admitted in evidence without further proof.

Evidence of regularity

(2) Until the contrary is proved, every meeting of creditors in respect of the proceedings whereof a minute has been signed by the chairman shall be deemed to have been duly convened and held and all resolutions passed or proceedings thereat to have been duly convened and held and to have been duly passed or had.

R.S., c. B-3, s. 92.

115. Subject to this Act, all questions at meetings of creditors shall be decided by resolution carried by the majority of votes, and for that purpose the votes of a creditor shall be calculated by counting one vote for each dollar of every claim of the creditor that is not disallowed.

R.S., 1985, c. B-3, s. 115; 1992, c. 27, s. 47.


116. (1) At the first or a subsequent meeting of creditors, the creditors shall appoint one or more, but not exceeding five, inspectors of the estate of the bankrupt.

Persons not eligible

(2) No person is eligible to be appointed or to act as an inspector who is a party to any contested action or proceedings by or against the estate of the bankrupt.


(3) The powers of the inspectors may be exercised by a majority of them.

Filling vacancy

(4) The creditors or inspectors at any meeting may fill any vacancy on the board of inspectors.

Revocation and replacement

(5) The creditors may at any meeting and the court may on the application of the trustee or any creditor revoke the appointment of any inspector and appoint another in his stead.

R.S., c. B-3, s. 94.

117. (1) The trustee may call a meeting of inspectors when he deems it advisable and he shall do so when requested in writing by a majority of the inspectors.

Participation by telephone, etc.

(1.1) An inspector may, if all the other inspectors consent, participate in a meeting of inspectors by means of such telephone or other communication facilities as permit all persons participating in the meeting to communicate with each other, and an inspector participating in such a meeting by such means is deemed for the purpose of this Act to be present at that meeting.

Trustee votes in case of tie

(2) In the event of an equal division of opinion at a meeting of inspectors, the opinion of any absent inspector shall be sought in order to resolve the difference, and in the case of a difference that cannot be so resolved, it shall be resolved by the trustee, unless it concerns his personal conduct or interest in which case it shall be resolved by the creditors or the court.

R.S., 1985, c. B-3, s. 117; 1992, c. 27, s. 48.

118. Where there are no inspectors of the estate of the bankrupt or where the inspectors fail to exercise the powers conferred on them, the trustee shall call a meeting of the creditors for the purpose of appointing inspectors or substituting other inspectors, taking such action or giving such directions as may be necessary.

R.S., c. B-3, s. 94.

119. (1) Subject to this Act, the trustee shall in the administration of the property of the bankrupt and in the distribution thereof among his creditors have regard to any directions that may be given by resolution of the creditors at any general meeting or by the inspectors, and any directions so given by the creditors shall in case of conflict be deemed to override any directions given by the inspectors.

Decisions of inspectors subject to review by court

(2) The decisions and actions of the inspectors are subject to review by the court at the instance of the trustee or any interested person and the court may revoke or vary any act or decision of the inspectors and it may give such directions, permission or authority as it deems proper in substitution thereof or may refer any matter back to the inspectors for reconsideration.

R.S., c. B-3, s. 94.

120. (1) No inspector is, directly or indirectly, capable of purchasing or acquiring for himself or for another any of the property of the estate for which he is an inspector, except with the prior approval of the court.

Formal defects

(2) No defect or irregularity in the appointment of an inspector vitiates any act done by him in good faith.

Duty of inspectors

(3) The inspectors shall from time to time verify the bank balance of the estate, examine the trustee’s accounts and inquire into the adequacy of the security filed by the trustee and, subject to subsection (4), shall approve the trustee’s final statement of receipts and disbursements, dividend sheet and disposition of unrealized property.

Approval of trustee’s final statement by inspectors

(4) Before approving the final statement of receipts and disbursements of the trustee, the inspectors shall satisfy themselves that all the property has been accounted for and that the administration of the estate has been completed as far as can reasonably be done and shall determine whether or not the disbursements and expenses incurred are proper and have been duly authorized, and the fees and remuneration just and reasonable in the circumstances.

Inspectors' expenses and fees

(5) Each inspector

(a) may be repaid actual and necessary travel expenses incurred in relation to the performance of the inspector’s duties; and

(b) may be paid such fees per meeting as are prescribed.

Special services

(6) An inspector duly authorized by the creditors or by the other inspectors to perform special services for the estate may be allowed a special fee for those services, subject to approval of the court, which may vary that fee as it deems proper having regard to the nature of the services rendered in relation to the obligations of the inspector to the estate to act in good faith for the general interests of the administration of the estate.

R.S., 1985, c. B-3, s. 120; 1992, c. 27, s. 49; 2001, c. 4, s. 30; 2004, c. 25, s. 65(F).

Claims Provable

121. (1) All debts and liabilities, present or future, to which the bankrupt is subject on the day on which the bankrupt becomes bankrupt or to which the bankrupt may become subject before the bankrupt’s discharge by reason of any obligation incurred before the day on which the bankrupt becomes bankrupt shall be deemed to be claims provable in proceedings under this Act.

Contingent and unliquidated claims

(2) The determination whether a contingent or unliquidated claim is a provable claim and the valuation of such a claim shall be made in accordance with section 135.

Debts payable at a future time

(3) A creditor may prove a debt not payable at the date of the bankruptcy and may receive dividends equally with the other creditors, deducting only thereout a rebate of interest at the rate of five per cent per annum computed from the declaration of a dividend to the time when the debt would have become payable according to the terms on which it was contracted.

Family support claims

(4) A claim in respect of a debt or liability referred to in paragraph 178(1)(b) or (c) payable under an order or agreement made before the date of the initial bankruptcy event in respect of the bankrupt and at a time when the spouse, former spouse, former common-law partner or child was living apart from the bankrupt, whether the order or agreement provides for periodic amounts or lump sum amounts, is a claim provable under this Act.

R.S., 1985, c. B-3, s. 121; 1992, c. 27, s. 50; 1997, c. 12, s. 87; 2000, c. 12, s. 14.

122. (1) The claims of creditors under a proposal are, in the event of the debtor subsequently becoming bankrupt, provable in the bankruptcy for the full amount of the claims less any dividends paid thereon pursuant to the proposal.


(2) If interest on any debt or sum certain is provable under this Act but the rate of interest has not been agreed on, the creditor may prove interest at a rate not exceeding five per cent per annum to the date of the bankruptcy from the time the debt or sum was payable, if evidenced by a written document, or, if not so evidenced, from the time notice has been given the debtor of the interest claimed.

R.S., 1985, c. B-3, s. 122; 2004, c. 25, s. 66(E).

123. Where a bankrupt was, at the date of the bankruptcy, liable in respect of distinct contracts as a member of two or more distinct firms, or as a sole contractor and also as member of a firm, the circumstance that the firms are in whole or in part composed of the same individuals, or that the sole contractor is also one of the joint contractors, shall not prevent proof, in respect of the contracts, against the properties respectively liable on the contracts.

R.S., c. B-3, s. 96.

Proof of Claims

124. (1) Every creditor shall prove his claim, and a creditor who does not prove his claim is not entitled to share in any distribution that may be made.

Proof by delivery

(2) A claim shall be proved by delivering to the trustee a proof of claim in the prescribed form.

Who may make proof of claims

(3) The proof of claim may be made by the creditor himself or by a person authorized by him on behalf of the creditor, and, if made by a person so authorized, it shall state his authority and means of knowledge.

Shall refer to account

(4) The proof of claim shall contain or refer to a statement of account showing the particulars of the claim and any counter-claim that the bankrupt may have to the knowledge of the creditor and shall specify the vouchers or other evidence, if any, by which it can be substantiated.

Whether secured or preferred

(5) The proof of claim shall state whether the creditor is or is not a secured or preferred creditor.

R.S., c. B-3, s. 97.

125. Where a creditor or other person in any proceedings under this Act files with the trustee a proof of claim containing any wilfully false statement or wilful misrepresentation, the court may, in addition to any other penalty provided in this Act, disallow the claim in whole or in part as the court in its discretion may see fit.

R.S., c. B-3, s. 97.

126. (1) Every creditor who has lodged a proof of claim is entitled to see and examine the proofs of other creditors.

Worker’s wage claims

(2) Proofs of claims for wages of workers and others employed by the bankrupt may be made in one proof by the bankrupt or someone on behalf of the bankrupt or by a representative of a federal or provincial ministry responsible for labour matters or a representative of a union representing workers and others employed by the bankrupt, by attaching thereto a schedule setting out the names and addresses of the workers and others and the amounts severally due to them, but that proof does not disentitle any worker or other wage-earner to file a separate proof on their own behalf.

R.S., 1985, c. B-3, s. 126; 1997, c. 12, s. 88.

Proof by Secured Creditors

127. (1) Where a secured creditor realizes his security, he may prove the balance due to him after deducting the net amount realized.

May prove whole claim on surrender

(2) Where a secured creditor surrenders his security to the trustee for the general benefit of the creditors, he may prove his whole claim.

R.S., 1985, c. B-3, s. 127; 2004, c. 25, s. 67(F).

128. (1) Where the trustee has knowledge of property that may be subject to a security, the trustee may, by serving notice in the prescribed form and manner, require any person to file, in the prescribed form and manner, a proof of the security that gives full particulars of the security, including the date on which the security was given and the value at which that person assesses it.

Where reply not received

(1.1) Where the trustee serves a notice pursuant to subsection (1), and the person on whom the notice is served does not file a proof of security within thirty days after the day of service of the notice, the trustee may thereupon, with leave of the court, sell or dispose of any property that was subject to the security, free of that security.

Dividend on balance

(2) A creditor is entitled to receive a dividend in respect only of the balance due to him after deducting the assessed value of his security.

Trustee may redeem security

(3) The trustee may redeem a security on payment to the secured creditor of the debt or the value of the security as assessed, in the proof of security, by the secured creditor.

R.S., 1985, c. B-3, s. 128; 1992, c. 27, s. 51; 1999, c. 31, s. 25; 2004, c. 25, s. 68(F).

129. (1) Where the trustee is dissatisfied with the value at which a security is assessed, the trustee may require that the property the security comprises be offered for sale at such time and on such terms and conditions as may be agreed on between the creditor and the trustee or, in default of such an agreement, as the court may direct.

Sale by public auction

(2) Where a sale under subsection (1) is by public auction the creditor or the trustee on behalf of the estate may bid or purchase.

(3) [Repealed, 1992, c. 27, s. 52]

Costs of sale

(4) The costs and expenses of a sale made under this section are in the discretion of the court.

R.S., 1985, c. B-3, s. 129; 1992, c. 27, s. 52; 2004, c. 25, s. 69(F).

130. Notwithstanding subsection 128(3) and section 129, the creditor may, by notice in writing, require the trustee to elect whether he will exercise the power of redeeming the security or requiring it to be realized, and if the trustee does not, within one month after receiving the notice or such further time or times as the court may allow, signify in writing to the creditor his election to exercise the power, he is not entitled to exercise it, and the equity of redemption or any other interest in the property comprised in the security that is vested in the trustee shall vest in the creditor, and the amount of his claim shall be reduced by the amount at which the security has been valued.

R.S., c. B-3, s. 101.

131. Where a creditor after having valued his security subsequently realizes it, or it is realized under section 129, the net amount realized shall be substituted for the amount of any valuation previously made by the creditor and shall be treated in all respects as an amended valuation made by the creditor.

R.S., c. B-3, s. 102.

132. (1) Where the trustee has not elected to acquire the security as provided in this Act, a creditor may at any time amend the valuation and proof on showing to the satisfaction of the trustee or the court that the valuation and proof were made in good faith on a mistaken estimate or that the security has diminished or increased in value since its previous valuation.

Amendment at cost of creditor

(2) An amendment pursuant to subsection (1) shall be made at the cost of the creditor and on such terms as the court orders, unless the trustee allows the amendment without application to the court.

Rights and liabilities of creditor where valuation amended

(3) Where a valuation has been amended pursuant to this section, the creditor

(a) shall forthwith repay any surplus dividend that he may have received in excess of that to which he would have been entitled on the amended valuation; or

(b) is entitled to be paid out of any money for the time being available for dividend any dividend or share of dividend that he may have failed to receive by reason of the amount of the original valuation before that money is made applicable to the payment of any future dividend, but he is not entitled to disturb the distribution of any dividend declared before the amendment is filed with the trustee.

R.S., c. B-3, s. 103.

133. Where a secured creditor does not comply with sections 127 to 132, he shall be excluded from any dividend.

R.S., c. B-3, s. 104.

134. Subject to section 130, a creditor shall in no case receive more than one hundred cents on the dollar and interest as provided by this Act.

R.S., c. B-3, s. 105.

Admission and Disallowance of Proofs of Claim and Proofs of Security

135. (1) The trustee shall examine every proof of claim or proof of security and the grounds therefor and may require further evidence in support of the claim or security.

Determination of provable claims

(1.1) The trustee shall determine whether any contingent claim or unliquidated claim is a provable claim, and, if a provable claim, the trustee shall value it, and the claim is thereafter, subject to this section, deemed a proved claim to the amount of its valuation.

Disallowance by trustee

(2) The trustee may disallow, in whole or in part,

(a) any claim;

(b) any right to a priority under the applicable order of priority set out in this Act; or

(c) any security.

Notice of determination or disallowance

(3) Where the trustee makes a determination under subsection (1.1) or, pursuant to subsection (2), disallows, in whole or in part, any claim, any right to a priority or any security, the trustee shall forthwith provide, in the prescribed manner, to the person whose claim was subject to a determination under subsection (1.1) or whose claim, right to a priority or security was disallowed under subsection (2), a notice in the prescribed form setting out the reasons for the determination or disallowance.

Determination or disallowance final and conclusive

(4) A determination under subsection (1.1) or a disallowance referred to in subsection (2) is final and conclusive unless, within a thirty day period after the service of the notice referred to in subsection (3) or such further time as the court may on application made within that period allow, the person to whom the notice was provided appeals from the trustee’s decision to the court in accordance with the General Rules.

Expunge or reduce a proof

(5) The court may expunge or reduce a proof of claim or a proof of security on the application of a creditor or of the debtor if the trustee declines to interfere in the matter.

R.S., 1985, c. B-3, s. 135; 1992, c. 1, s. 20, c. 27, s. 53; 1997, c. 12, s. 89.

Scheme of Distribution

136. (1) Subject to the rights of secured creditors, the proceeds realized from the property of a bankrupt shall be applied in priority of payment as follows:

(a) in the case of a deceased bankrupt, the reasonable funeral and testamentary expenses incurred by the legal representative or, in the Province of Quebec, the successors or heirs of the deceased bankrupt;

(b) the costs of administration, in the following order,

(i) the expenses and fees of any person acting under a direction made under paragraph 14.03(1)(a),

(ii) the expenses and fees of the trustee, and

(iii) legal costs;

(c) the levy payable under section 147;

(d) wages, salaries, commissions or compensation of any clerk, servant, travelling salesman, labourer or workman for services rendered during the six months immediately preceding the bankruptcy to the extent of two thousand dollars in each case, together with, in the case of a travelling salesman, disbursements properly incurred by that salesman in and about the bankrupt’s business, to the extent of an additional one thousand dollars in each case, during the same period, and for the purposes of this paragraph commissions payable when goods are shipped, delivered or paid for, if shipped, delivered or paid for within the six month period, shall be deemed to have been earned therein;

(d.1) claims in respect of debts or liabilities referred to in paragraph 178(1)(b) or (c), if provable by virtue of subsection 121(4), for periodic amounts accrued in the year before the date of the bankruptcy that are payable, plus any lump sum amount that is payable;

(e) municipal taxes assessed or levied against the bankrupt, within the two years immediately preceding the bankruptcy, that do not constitute a secured claim against the real property or immovables of the bankrupt, but not exceeding the value of the interest or, in the Province of Quebec, the value of the right of the bankrupt in the property in respect of which the taxes were imposed as declared by the trustee;

(f) the lessor for arrears of rent for a period of three months immediately preceding the bankruptcy and accelerated rent for a period not exceeding three months following the bankruptcy if entitled to accelerated rent under the lease, but the total amount so payable shall not exceed the realization from the property on the premises under lease, and any payment made on account of accelerated rent shall be credited against the amount payable by the trustee for occupation rent;

(g) the fees and costs referred to in subsection 70(2) but only to the extent of the realization from the property exigible thereunder;

(h) in the case of a bankrupt who became bankrupt before the prescribed date, all indebtedness of the bankrupt under any Act respecting workers' compensation, under any Act respecting unemployment insurance or under any provision of the Income Tax Act creating an obligation to pay to Her Majesty amounts that have been deducted or withheld, rateably;

(i) claims resulting from injuries to employees of the bankrupt in respect of which the provisions of any Act respecting workers' compensation do not apply, but only to the extent of moneys received from persons guaranteeing the bankrupt against damages resulting from those injuries; and

(j) in the case of a bankrupt who became bankrupt before the prescribed date, claims of the Crown not mentioned in paragraphs (a) to (i), in right of Canada or any province, rateably notwithstanding any statutory preference to the contrary.

Payment as funds available

(2) Subject to the retention of such sums as may be necessary for the costs of administration or otherwise, payment in accordance with subsection (1) shall be made as soon as funds are available for the purpose.

Balance of claim

(3) A creditor whose rights are restricted by this section is entitled to rank as an unsecured creditor for any balance of claim due him.

R.S., 1985, c. B-3, s. 136; 1992, c. 1, s. 143(E), c. 27, s. 54; 1997, c. 12, s. 90; 2001, c. 4, s. 31; 2004, c. 25, s. 70.

137. (1) A creditor who entered into a reviewable transaction with a debtor at any time prior to the bankruptcy of the debtor is not entitled to claim a dividend in respect of a claim arising out of that transaction until all claims of the other creditors have been satisfied unless the transaction was in the opinion of the trustee or of the court a proper transaction.

Claim of present or former spouse or common-law partner

(2) A spouse or common-law partner, or former spouse or common-law partner, of a bankrupt is not entitled to claim a dividend in respect of wages, salary, commission or compensation for work done or services rendered in connection with the trade or business of the bankrupt until all claims of the other creditors have been satisfied.

R.S., 1985, c. B-3, s. 137; 2000, c. 12, s. 15.

138. A father, mother, child, brother, sister, uncle or aunt, by blood, adoption, marriage or common-law partnership, of a bankrupt is not entitled to have a claim preferred as provided by section 136, in respect of wages, salary, commission or compensation for work done or services rendered to the bankrupt.

R.S., 1985, c. B-3, s. 138; R.S., 1985, c. 31 (1st Supp.), s. 74; 2000, c. 12, s. 16.

139. Where a lender advances money to a borrower engaged or about to engage in trade or business under a contract with the borrower that the lender shall receive a rate of interest varying with the profits or shall receive a share of the profits arising from carrying on the trade or business, and the borrower subsequently becomes bankrupt, the lender of the money is not entitled to recover anything in respect of the loan until the claims of all other creditors of the borrower have been satisfied.

R.S., c. B-3, s. 110.

140. Where a corporation becomes bankrupt, no officer or director thereof is entitled to have his claim preferred as provided by section 136 in respect of wages, salary, commission or compensation for work done or services rendered to the corporation in any capacity.

R.S., c. B-3, s. 111.

141. Subject to this Act, all claims proved in a bankruptcy shall be paid rateably.

R.S., c. B-3, s. 112.

142. (1) Where partners become bankrupt, their joint property shall be applicable in the first instance in payment of their joint debts, and the separate property of each partner shall be applicable in the first instance in payment of his separate debts.

Surplus of separate properties

(2) Where there is a surplus of the separate properties of the partners, it shall be dealt with as part of the joint property.

Surplus of joint properties

(3) Where there is a surplus of the joint property of the partners, it shall be dealt with as part of the respective separate properties in proportion to the right and interest of each partner in the joint property.

Different properties

(4) Where a bankrupt owes or owed debts both individually and as a member of one or more partnerships, the claims shall rank first on the property of the individual or partnership by which the debts they represent were contracted and shall only rank on the other estate or estates after all the creditors of the other estate or estates have been paid in full.

Costs out of joint and separate properties

(5) Where the joint property of any bankrupt partnership is insufficient to defray any costs properly incurred, the trustee may pay such costs as cannot be paid out of the joint property out of the separate property of the bankrupts or one or more of them in such proportion as he may determine, with the consent of the inspectors of the estates out of which the payment is intended to be made, or, if the inspectors withhold or refuse their consent, with the approval of the court.

R.S., c. B-3, s. 113.

143. Where there is a surplus after payment of the claims as provided in sections 136 to 142, it shall be applied in payment of interest from the date of the bankruptcy at the rate of five per cent per annum on all claims proved in the bankruptcy and according to their priority.

R.S., c. B-3, s. 114.

144. The bankrupt, or the legal personal representative or heirs of a deceased bankrupt, is entitled to any surplus remaining after payment in full of the bankrupt’s creditors with interest as provided by this Act and of the costs, charges and expenses of the bankruptcy proceedings.

R.S., 1985, c. B-3, s. 144; 2004, c. 25, s. 71.

145. Nothing in this Act affects the right afforded by provincial statute of any person who has a claim against the bankrupt for damages on account of injury to or death of any person, or injury to property, occasioned by a motor vehicle, or on account of injury to property being carried in or on a motor vehicle, to have the proceeds of any liability insurance policy applied in or toward the satisfaction of the claim.

R.S., c. B-3, s. 116.

146. Subject to priority of ranking as provided by section 136 and subject to subsection 73(4), the rights of lessors shall be determined according to the laws of the province in which the leased premises are situated.

R.S., 1985, c. B-3, s. 146; 2004, c. 25, s. 72(E).

147. (1) For the purpose of defraying the expenses of the supervision by the Superintendent, there shall be payable to the Superintendent for deposit with the Receiver General a levy on all payments, except the costs referred to in subsection 70(2), made by the trustee by way of dividend or otherwise on account of the claims of creditors, whether unsecured, preferred or secured creditors, and including Her Majesty in right of Canada or a province claiming in respect of taxes or otherwise.

Rate of levy

(2) The levy referred to in subsection (1) shall be at a rate to be fixed by the Governor in Council and shall be charged proportionately against all payments and deducted therefrom by the trustee before payment is made.

R.S., c. B-3, s. 118.


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