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Topics handled by WTO committees and agreements
Issues covered by the WTO’s committees and agreements

WTO trade topics

Information available on the WTO website, on issues handled by the WTO’s councils and committees and its trade agreements

See also: 

Ministerial conferences    > General Council

> For analysis, statistics, publications and other material, go to Resources
> For official documents, legal texts, go to Documents

Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayNegotiations, implementation and development: the Doha agenda

> Agriculture and agriculture negotiations  
> Anti-dumping and rules negotiations
Balance of payments
> Customs valuation
> GATT and the Goods Council
> Import licensing
> Information technology products
> Market access for goods and related negotiations
> Preshipment Inspection
> Rules of origin
> Safeguards (contingency trade barriers)
> Sanitary and phytosanitary measures (food safety, animal and plant health and safety)
> Schedules of concessions on goods
> State trading enterprises
> Subsidies and countervailing measures and rules negotiations
> Tariffs
> Technical barriers to trade
> Textiles
> Trade facilitation
The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), financial services, telecommunications, etc. Includes analyses of service trade liberalization and day-to-day work on trade in services in the WTO.
> Services gateway page
> Services negotiations



Intellectual property
The Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement) and related issues in the WTO.
Intellectual property gateway page
> TRIPS and public health and dedicated webpage for notifications
> Geographical indications
> Article 27.3(b), protection for plants and animals, traditional knowledge and biodiversity
> Non-violation complaints (Article 64.2)
> Technology transfer

Dispute settlement
> Dispute settlement gateway page


Other topics
> Accessions (goes to “The WTO” — institutional information — section of the website) 
> Civil aircraft
> Competition policy
> Development
> Technical cooperation and training  
> Trade capacity building database
> Electronic commerce
> Environment
> Government procurement
> Investment and trade
> Regional trade agreements  and negotiations on RTAs
> Trade policy reviews 



contact us : World Trade Organization, rue de Lausanne 154, CH-1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland