Transport Canada > Environment


Transport Canada works to protect the environment and to achieve a more sustainable transportation system. We also address important environmental issues such as climate change. Transport Canada also supports environmental initiatives through funding various programs (e.g. policy development).

Environmental management

Links to a variety of environmental protection and management issues including environmental management systems, environmental assessments and contaminated sites.

Environmental programs

Advanced technology vehicle

Advanced Technology Vehicles Program - Assesses vehicles with advanced and alternate technologies to measure their impact on safety, energy efficiency and the environment.

Person filling fuel tank

Fuel Consumption Program - in operation since 1975, promotes energy conservation in the transportation sector through the design, manufacture and sale of fuel efficient light-duty motor vehicles.


Urban Transportation Showcase Program (UTSP) - Five-year program created to demonstrate, evaluate and promote effective strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from urban transportation.

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Sustainable development


Moving on sustainable transportation (MOST) - Program to support projects that produce the kinds of education, awareness and analytical tools we need if we are to make sustainable transportation a reality.

Harbour Front

Sustainable Development Strategy - Transport Canada's vision of sustainable development and its action plan for promoting a more sustainable transportation system in Canada.

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Climate change

Advanced technology vehicle

Advanced Technology Vehicles Program - Assesses vehicles with advanced and alternate technologies to measure their impact on safety, energy efficiency and the environment.

Car on the road

Personal Vehicles Initiative - Resources related to fuel efficiency, including the Fuel Consumption Guide and a list of the most fuel-efficient vehicles, as offered by Natural Resources Canada's Office of Energy Efficiency.

Freight cars on railway tracks

Freight Efficiency and Technology Initiative - Strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from freight transportation.

Woman filling fuel tank

Fuel consumption - Information on testing of vehicles regarding their fuel efficiency and fuel consumption.


Urban Transportation Showcase Program (UTSP) - Five-year program created to demonstrate, evaluate and promote effective strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from urban transportation.

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