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Air Foodlift Subsidy Program - Dec. 6 2006
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Applications Being Accepted for New Low Income Drug Program - Dec. 6 2006
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Borrowing Program Brings Stability to Public Service Pension Plan - Dec. 6 2006
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Government Launches the YOU are in Control Highway Safety Campaign - Dec. 4 2006
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Environmental Assessment Process Initiated for Lower Churchill Project - Dec. 1 2006
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Placentia Area Receives Compensation and a New High School - Nov. 30 2006
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Growth in Tourism Industry Expected for 2006 - Nov. 29 2006
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Government Unveils Flea Markets Regulation Act - Nov. 28 2006
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Larger Municipalities Will Retain $1.4 Mllion in Municipal Operating Grants
Nov. 27 2006
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Order of Newfoundland and Labrador Recipients to be Invested on December 8
Nov. 24, 2006
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