BDC Is your baby keeping you awake at night? It should be. It's time to think about a transition program. BDC can help you. 
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Choose your industry sector

 The financing eligibility indicator is only applicable if you have completed at least 1 year of financial data.

BDC offers other tools customized for the start-up phase:
     A step-by-step guide to starting your business
     A template to create your business plan with full help menu and glossary
     An entrepreneurial self-assessment

If your business has at least 1 year of completed financial data:

This tool will help you measure the likelihood of obtaining financing from BDC.

It is important to note, however, that BDC takes into account many other factors when assessing a request for financing; such as your business' management strength, future prospects and track record.

 Choose your industry sector
To begin, please specify your industry sector using the menu below. If your company is involved in more than one sector, choose the one that accounts for the largest portion of your sales. For more information, see this explanation of the NAICS industry classification system.

 Step 1: Choose your industry sector
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