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Bank of Canada

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About the Bank

Management and Administration

Special Adviser

The Bank of Canada created the position of Special Adviser in 1998 to bring additional perspectives to monetary policy discussions and to give university and private sector professionals in economics and finance first-hand knowledge of the institution.

Special Advisers are appointed for a period of one year. Below is a list of individuals who have been appointed since the position was created in 1998.

Year Visiting Special Adviser Professional Association at Time of Appointment
2006-07 Professor Steve Ambler Université du Québec à Montréal
2005-06 Bruce Little Journalist (Retired from the Globe and Mail)
2004-05 Professor Christopher Ragan McGill University
2003-04 Professor John Helliwell University of British Columbia
2002-03 Andrew Spence Global Head, Currency Markets and Credit Markets Research, TD Securities
2001-02 Professor John Chant Simon Fraser University
2000-01 Professor Angela Redish University of British Columbia
1999-2000 Professor Daniel Racette École des Hautes Études Commerciales
1998-99 Professor David Laidler University of Western Ontario