My project: Sell a business

Both family-run and public businesses need a solid succession plan to ensure long-term success. Count on BDC's invaluable expertise in this complex matter.

Articles of interest

BDC Perspective: Finance a business transition painlessly

BDC Perspective: Make the right exit choices

Creating a business succession plan

Implement a succession plan

Make it work for your family

What’s your business worth?

A common exit strategy - MBO

Transition planning: what you need to know

Business transition: what a lawyer can do for you

Success story: Family succession know-how

Success story: Customizing the right succession plan

BDC offers - Consulting
A BDC consulting solution can help you make a smoother transition and solidify your company's future.

Transition planning
Tax credit: Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED;)
Human resources management
Strategic planning
Business coaching

BDC offers - Financing

Advance preparation is key to good transition planning. BDC can help finance the sale of your business to family members, employees or outside buyers.

Financing solutions
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Looking to sell your business?
  Reap the benefits of the 2007 federal budget
Business Tools
  Business plan template
  Ratio calculators
  E-Business diagnostic
Useful Links
 Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB)
 Insights into succession planning
 Avoid CEO succession pitfalls
 Canadian association of family enterprise
Planning to buy a business?
  Assess your entrepreneurial potential.
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