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Sea Cadets »

Rank & Promotion

The Commanding Officer of the Cadet Corps is the only person authorized to promote an eligible cadet.

Promotion is not to be viewed as automatic. Even when a vacancy exists, Corps must be satisfied that the individual cadet is deserving of promotion. There will be instances when it is better to leave a position vacant than to promote an unsuitable individual. For statistical purposes, cadets promoted to the rank of QPO1 shall be counted with those of the rank of PO1. Unlike the latter rank however, there is no quota for the QPO1.

Merit Review Board

Prior to promoting a cadet to PO1, CPO2, or CPO1 a merit review board will be formed in order to assess the candidate's potential and prioritize them according to merit. Even though it can take place at any time, this review will normally be conducted at the start of the training year in September. This will allow for the Corps' Department Heads to identify the upcoming training year's leadership, instructor and support staff requirements. If any of the eligible cadets underwent training or were employed as staff cadet during the previous summer, it gives the corps CO the opportunity to review their course performance reports.