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Bank of Canada

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A great place to work

At the Bank of Canada, your ideas are valued, your co-workers are keen and bright, and your work is fundamental to the economy of our country. From inflation control to the currency that Canadians use daily, Canada's central bank has a broad mandate. It is a workplace that matters, where your knowledge, experience, and vision can make a significant impact on your country.

The Bank also plays an integral role in planning and managing sophisticated financial-system computer networks. So we're always on the look-out for accomplished professionals to join one of our departments.

The Bank fosters an environment of opportunity. With our emphasis on research, continuous learning, and job rotation, employees can learn, grow, and achieve their full career potential.

Professional Development

We believe that the Bank and our staff both benefit from continuous learning. That's why we're committed to helping you broaden your skills. Opportunities for continuous learning include on-the-job training, assignments, mentoring, reading, project work, self-directed learning, seminars, evening courses, pursuit of academic degrees, and professional accreditation programs. We may even cover the costs of your education outside the Bank.

Work and Personal Life

The Bank knows its employees are busy people with busy lives. So whenever possible, it offers flexible working hours, compressed schedules, part-time work and telework to interested employees.
