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Summer Courses

Summer courses are held at cadet summer training centres that we often call cadet camp. Summer courses support, enhance and build on skills and knowledge learned at the local unit. But because of space limitations, only about 30 per cent of cadets attend.

This section includes information on:

Please read this information in conjunction with the annual information packages called "joining instructions". They provide detailed information on preparing for and attending cadet camp, including transportation, uniform and clothing requirements, forbidden items, discipline, rations and quarters, dress, medical and dental care.

Also, many units hold information sessions in spring to brief parents.

Summer training dates and locations

For camp-specific information please, visit their website.



The selection of cadets for cadet camp is based on merit.

Each course has specific requirements depending on the level, and the element (i.e. Sea Cadets, Army Cadets or Air Cadets). A cadet may attend one course per summer.

Cadets who have participated in at least 75 per cent of unit training and who were enrolled in the program before January 31 of the applicable year can apply. The cadet unit staff uses training records to establish local merit lists.

Related Information:


Medical conditions

Since summer training involves intense physical activity, it is important that you inform us of any medical condition or ongoing medical care requirements your child may have.

You will be given a medical questionnaire for your child's pertinent medical information. The purpose is to ensure that, should your child have any medical conditions, he/she will be sent to a cadet camp that can provide the proper level of supportive medical care.

Related Information:


Other screening

Some advanced summer courses and exchanges may require further screening, such as written exams, physical fitness testing or a selection board. Again, requirements may differ, depending on the course.


If your child is chosen

Normally, we inform cadets of selections through their unit in early spring. We then provide them with travel orders detailing transportation arrangements, as well as the joining instructions specific to the cadet camp they will be attending.

Parents should ensure they have a specific contact name and number for questions relating to cadet camp.

If your child is selected but for some reason cannot attend, it is crucial to notify the cadet unit's commanding officer as early as possible to allow another cadet the opportunity to attend.


Expenses related to cadet training

Cadets are expected to cover the costs for their haircuts, toiletries, and shoe polish. Cadets may bring spending money to a cadet camp for little extras that the facility does not provide.

Cadets are also entitled to receive a summer bonus of $60.00 per week of training.


Getting to and from cadet camps

Parents will receive an information package identifying certain transportation details, such as itinerary, camp emergency contact and number, meal requirements. The cadet detachment will send exact travel details to the cadet unit, if they are not included in the information package sent to parents.

During the summer period, each cadet unit will have an officer identified as the contact person for the purposes of coordinating travel to and from cadet camp. Transportation officers are located across Canada to coordinate the movement of cadets to and from cadet camp.

Cadets must travel in uniform.

To be completed by parent/guardian when they will be unavailable to pick-up thier child at the designated pick-up point following cadet camp.